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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Jul 1942, p. 8

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(A 3 * 3 y v Poa : RE a a Ea Ean ames NR al Sh rd STAC IHOD ERRAND ol TOTES SCE Wa Bi ot PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, a THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1942 BLACKSTOCK The A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Anglican] Church held its July meeting at the home of Mrs. John Forder. Arch- deacon Simpson took the devotional part of the meeting. Miss Eva Brown read an article "Give a Pint of Blood and Save a Soldier's Life." Miss F. McLaughlin gave a review of "Shake Hands with the Dragon" by Carl held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 14th. : Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and re- latives were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell of Whitby. Misses Queenie and Viola Pearson, of Oshawa, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. W. Brash. / Mrs, Jas: Lee and daughter, Green- bank, ,enjoyed a brief visit with the former's sister, Mrs. Fred Beadle, on 'cupied the pulpit on Sunday eveni near Renfrew. They will be away for ng the next four weeks. and preached from Psalm 23. At the close of the service the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. « "There will be no church service on the Sunday evenings of July 19th and July 26th, as Mr, Gervan will be on SCUGOG vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Curtis Hawkestone visited with their neph recently, / /|-with her mother in Toronto. and niece, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Eyers, Beverley Stewart spent last week Rev." and Mrs, F, G. Joblin a; visit in Bowmanville next Sun y of | Where their son Fred is pastor of one ew of the churches there, There will be no services here at any of the churches. Sunday Schools as Aid ithe Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. R and Mrs. Allan. Walker of 'Whitby, home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Harrison. uff. Grade "1--Roy Hope. ~ Thirty lodges registered and as[Amd Ms ATER HAE Ors, W A main target in the K. A. F. four-night bombing attack on Rostock was the huge Heinkel fac-| Mrs. George Williams and Miss D.| Beth Fralick, Aud many bands were in attendance at) NTL FCCC vislbors, with: Bie. Vm, Boe, Hits on the railivay and on the .drawing office alone will halt Prodietias ins long time. f Williams, have returned to thelr home, Margaret i ae A a : the le al , 'Germany admi i y i is,illustrate this R. A. F. reconnai-|in Toronto, after a holiday of two and Allan H i Beaverton on Saturday, the parade] CHT Laurence and many admitted serious results and production Serback | Aisin ho BS rt roofs 2. Fu. | weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Britton |at } Allan Hope passed their entrance was very fine and especially colorful. Thousands lined up to watch the parade, and the weather, including the lake breeze, was ideal for a day's outing. We noticed several from Port Perry. Betty, returned to their home in Peter- boro on Sunday after spending two weeks with Mrs. M. Spencer. re OP OP MARRIED RECENTLY i William M. Lyle, of Winnipeg, elder | sance picture showing: 1. Main assembly shop hit by a stick selages, aircraft parts and aircraft salvaged from the shop; 4, Machine shop-damaged by fire; 5. Large workshops damaged b fhlssl 7. Other buildings damaged by fire and high explosives. 3. Assembly shops damaged by blast; y blast; 6. Paintshops damaged by Myrtle Station passed it on to Reva;®who opened it. Cg smooth sailing, but He who orders our lives has seen that such is not best; and Ross. * . Rev. G. S. Gervan was in Ottawa on Thursday of last week, where he con- ducted the funeral service of his friend' Sgt. G. W. Russell. The late Mr. Rus-| sell was an outstanding Military marksman, having been on the Bisley | team a number of times. . Miss. Mathers, Teacher. Miss Edna Prentice and Frances Brown were visitors of Mrs, H. Long on Thursday. . ¥ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Heayn, Douglas and Barbara, of Port Perry, were at Mr, John Milner's on Sunday, Mari- os Clr GP ema niiel v Each wrapped gift was a useful art- ] "|lyn who had been there returned home son of Mr. Dan Lyle, Prince Edward jicle which the Sin couple will find|so we wish for you a long. life to- Mr. and Mrs, David Brache igi Th her: parents, 7 ASHBURN Island, and the late Mrs. Lyle, was Tl | Sdn f last week almost practical" when they take up|gether, filled with happiness and iy guests on Sunday of Mr. an Mr. Owen Reader and friends spent married to Helen Sabage, only wrsday evening of last week aly, gakeeping in a home of their own. | prosperity. Mrs. Roy Percy. Sunday in Peterborough, - Burn's Church service on Sunday, July 19th, at 7.30 p.m., with Sunday School at 10 a.m. Rev. J. A. Mac- Millan, pastor, in charge. Everyone welcome. } The Woman's Missionary Society daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sabage of Portage la Prairie. . The marriage took place at 4 p.m. June 27th, at Portage la Prairie. The young couple spent a short 'honeymoon trip to Kenora, Ont. The groom expects to enter the army immediately, as 1st Licutenant in {he Winnipeg Rifles. HiTLER chose "Guns instead of butter." So the Nazis have guns! We must catch up «+++ and beat them. They tortured people to make them save. . 'We must save willingly. So it's up to us, each one of us, to econo- fm mize of our own free will . . . to economize and buy War Savings Stamps so that we can outstrip our enemies with planes and BUTTER Week inBritain | number from Claremont and Brooklin gathered with the Myrtle friends in the Community Hall to honour Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Linton (nee Cooper) who" were married on June 30th. To the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, the bride and groom enter- ed the hall and took their places on the platform, under a gaily decorated umbrella. Mrs. Hervey Painter read an address after which two wee tots, Catharine Hamilton and Fay Painter, came on the platform pulling a small decorated wagon loaded with parcels. Lunch was served and dancing oc- cupied the remainder of the evening. The address was as follows: Dear Stan and Reva,-- The merry sound of wedding bells, on June 30th, told us of your marriage. This glad- some music is the most popular music in all the world and brings with it smiles, gifts, best wishes and congrat- ulations. So we have gathered here this evening to have a part ih this happy event in 'your life and to start you off in the sea of matrimony with a convoy of gifts, best wishes and -Reva, we have always known you, having lived here from your baby- hood and shared with us in the many joyous events of our community life. Stan, although your home is in a different centre, yet many of us have become acquainted with you and have learned to appreciate those qualities that brought Reva to you for your wife. As a token of our esteem we ask you to accept these gifts and hope that in the years to come they will re- mind you of this occasion and your Miss Helena Grant, Reg. N., of the staff of Oshawa Hospital, visited on' Sunday with her brother, John Grant and family. -- ) Little Miss Evelyn Ross of Utica, spent a few days of the past week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Dickson. Mr. Harold Stredwick is having a fine new building erected ni which he will house his Angora rabbits, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinton and fam- ily of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Theodore and Mrs.. Carey. on Tuesday for their summer cottage FIRST GRADE BRA DOMINO GOLD RIBBON FRUITS & VY GARDEN SIDE BUTTER: 38: CHIPS DESSERT PEA -~ FRESH EGETABLES CLASSIC GIANT 4-1B. BOX RS 3 MOUNTAIN VIEW 'TOMATOES 2+: 23 TASTY CREAM SODAS Fl 3 25¢ 15-02. tins 24:23 Ip WESTON'S TANGERINE SANDWICH BISCUITS | RALMOLIVE NE DOMINION QUALITY BREAD _|Joblin, A Mr. S. Clark of Toronto was a week- end guest at the parsonage, and Mrs. W. Moase and Miss Bird, of Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. B. Howlett and children of Zion, were visitors during the week at the parsonage. i Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, E, Gibson Saintfield. " Mr, and Mrs. Vyrtle Crosier, of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier, of Manchester, visited Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Samells on Sunday. Tuesday, July Tth was a real nice Stan received each parcel from. the | congratulations. We could wish that many friends. Rev. G. S. and Mrs. Gervan and, day for the arden party at the home 'children, untied "the fastenings and | your voyage through life might be all The pastor, Rev. G. S. Gervan, oc- granddaughter Beverley Stewart, left of Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter. The at- tendance was. good. - Supper was set on a long table with plenty of room to earry on in perfect order. Follow- ing the supper all gathered in the sang "Picking a Chicken" and an en- core, with her mother at the piano. Isabel Flewell and Lois Jeffrey sang a couple of numbers. Mr, Davidson of Toronto was introduced by Mr. Job- lin, who gave a very interesting talk on the Navy League of Canada, telling of the needs of this organization. Mr, Cecil Fralick was elected president, for a local branch of the Navy League. Mrs. C. L. Fralick, president of the W.A,, then took the opportunity to say a few words, and extended Birjluiay greetings to our pastor, Rev. G. 11 gave-a hearty-clap and sang "happy birthday". Mr. Joblin ing was enjoyed by all, = Proceed, the evening $32.31 2 ix Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee had plan- ned for a nice holiday, but on Monday received word to report for service. Birthday greetings to Kay Prentice, 24-0, ' July 14th; Bill Hope, July 16th; Nor- Losier Cc ma Fines, July 16th; Lois Jeffrey and oa ; 11-3 gn 23c Mrs, "Arthur Sweetman, July 21 Did dukeon, da oan, or. aie, - Messrs, Douglas and Cameron Al- ied are jpen ing a fou weeks with eir uncle an t A So A sure a Ms, Mr. William Cole, of "Toronto, is visiting wit Weck, couple of deer were seen on the Island by Mr. Russell Carter, They than foxes who are so destructive to Ww Min Dergthy Ries of Oshawa, is spending 8 week with X r. and Mrs. T. Fines. het arenia - Mr, Geo. Fines spent the week-end at his home here, and left on Monday for Galt where he is | . the RCAF, uaining o_o GREENBANK _ and Mr. Ralph Milner, Sec'y-Treas., responded happily. - Community sing- Mr. and Mrs, ,Roy Hendors, . slick is ad "A Friend" / On her|Hope- on the birth of a son (Ronald Olick. Miss Rabin zon 4 Fiaead | Wednesday, Shirley Beadle returning qreturn on Saturdgy, Mrs, Stewart ac- William), on July 11th, to) ald x The meeting closed with Auld Lang home with them for a short holiday. conipanied er and spent the week-end doing fine, Yee 3 WL 4 Syne. : 'sonage. ; 3 .Morri ir \V. Spinks, Hamilton and Mrs. Mr. Jas. Doble of 1andon, ia spend. : Master Jim Colby of Toronto, is her re hn Moral visited " Stins Winnipeg, visited friends | ing two weeks with his parents, Mr. enjoying a happy vacation, with Mr. Joel 'Aldred, last week. : © Sod velatives here last week "lund Mrs. Henry Doble. and ire. Cire Holiday. Sympathy is extended to Mews. a i Hind 26 Vice of Miss Evelyn Ross returned to her and hon, Ns leCerl, Sermon George, Olarence id Ora Hdod in the re a as held at St.|home in Utica on Saturday er, visitors with Mr. rei if Ply F. Haves, | Hood, aftes boon snc! Meas ) - ure gS | spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. son, 4 "| About 116 of the Carter and Hoo John's Anglican Church, on Sunday; Merle Bose, / ] Mrs. Nattress of Devalon, Ill, ar- familics gathered at the home of hy " July 12th. It was largely attended Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fielding of Five) al the home of her sister Mrs, and Mrs. Russell Carter on Sunday and' Archdeacon Simpson based his : : To alto i. Redman, on Monday. She will and spent a vers pleasnct tne. Thy sermon on "The Constitution of "the a fejatives ih il er three months $ille was set on the lawn and looked ania Order." ov Stins s- 3 . . 8 y ive g. ey 'were there Grins: Oder" Bev. B. Stinson > Weck-end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. Wickett of Little .from Toronto, Cry Ris White- sisted and special music was rendered Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds were Britain, were 'Sunday visitors with vale, Brougham, Seagrave and Port by St. John's choir i Mrs. Henry Lane ' Perr; "rhe Oran ge Lodges in Cartwright Sit. Pilot Reynolds and Mys. Reynolds Mrs. Cecil Walsh and Nancy are Glad to report Mr, and Mrs, John AZ decided this car, owing to war con. | 2nd the former's brother Kenneth of holidaying with relatives in Chicago, Joblin are feeling better, and were Sold ® yan ber situati (| Goderich. ' Master John Kirkham spent a few able to celebrate their wedding anni- ditions, gas and rub er situn Ty uo The next meeting of Chalk Lake ing Jasy wack with his grandparents versary by having their tea with Rev. BR wr aren Tota vey aizitte Coy Wilt be Sebi o2 3.2 I ile Mia Phyllis Duff is spending] Meport of J. 8. No. 3, Seugo range walks, but seve rel ne dna! ' * 0 by 1 } 1 oO. . tt il the walk at Beaverton, on Nelson Ashton's on Wednesday, July part of the vacation with I Grey 2 Gut Nob = ; GLGhe er - 22nd. All helpers are welcome. | friends. h Grade 3 to Grade dF ! Saturday, July 11th. Mr. Jas. Byers N leen Cherrie, Saturday, y Lith. Mr. pa Mr: and Mrs. A. E. Washburn and Mrs, Russell Lunney and children Merle Hope, Douglas Taylor, ' fis an Janek pag 2 Bn, con Bobbie of Toronto, spent Sunday ; ake holidaying at Kilworthy, on Lake Win is Grade 3--Allan Gondue, en in the parade for 6d years, § . " . : ' : de A ) ot ne. |ovith Mrs. M. Spencer and family. a Me aad Mrs, James Elliott; Wood-| Ghnke 1 o g ge during that time bs bout 4 west 2" Mrs, Arthuy "Holman of Tororo, BRITAIN'S BOMBERS SMASH HUGE GERMAN WARPLANE FACTORY pes SHE Jody PH ed rade 3--George Wood- we an ntereste er. - BUY , ; : THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY large living' room where Mr. Joblin ° "WAR SAVINGS SPECIAL PRICES FOR JULY 18th--19¢h--20th took charge of the program. Lisbel 4 STAMPS : Tetlow and Joon Dames 2g wih | AT is four Patsa | | ai are much nicer to see around the farm - - tanks and guns and ships . . . so that our yALENEIA " CLEANSER 3 rin 14 "A QUALITY BLEND COFFEE soldiers may be better equipped than the ORAN ES Ta 29¢ SHREDDED : SE here a hal elidaying enémy they have to conquer. OR G ; iy i oy ] g ii 92 6 wa Friday" ; Women must help by economizing in the i : WHEAT 2 ne 23. Tin C= Tin Cc Mrs hy diva Bune Ms Sit 6 kitchen, by patching. and darning, by pos 2 HaAGS 15¢ SWEET OR SOUR MIXED -- home of Mr. and Mrs, Jan. Watson, #vd | fe shopping carefully and cutting out waste. CEL AA PICNIC PICKLES Large 28: ie pain ett Detroit, called dn : 7 | 'Mike up your mind now to buy one, two, coop YE ; i) i Mal c of Me. and ea: T atkham, the. guest 3 five or more War Savings Stamps every ; RUIT LL] C RELIABLE madi GT SA oo _e od Mra, sm, deat weak, i" 5 RAPEF 5 3 Ibs. 73¢ visiting hér sister Mrs, Geell Phair J 13 week. You can. ¥You must! G i fal : JEWEL I L 19¢ Bnd nC y rT HOMEGROWN SHORTENING * piri Doudles and grandson, Glen, of il Buy War Savings Stam s from banks," FIVE ROSES : 21h. Baa } : ; "hg nts me Re re WE J 8 aud : post ofices, selsphone offices, eps it FLOUR ; 2i 9 24-1b. 81 I ; was Jed fo Clireh a Tueaday, & y: book stores and "other retail stores. : ' 5c : 'Bag : of Mrs Hoton art, Toronto, the ueat : | National War Finance Committee £ We reserve the right to limit purchases to normal weekly family requirements ateon, last week, - ing the SI Miss Joyes Beare in Toronto attend. aw Business College.

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