a Zo " La SA v= . Com Lr CRO UA PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942 Port. Perry. Pte. George White, of Camp Borden, was in town for a couple of days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White. Mr. Richard Baker and son, Dickie, of Toronto, visited last week with kis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burley, of To- ronto, were holidaying for a few days with Mr. and Mrs, D. Carnegie. We extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. R. Hansen and family in their recent bereavement. Mrs. S. Robertson was in Toronto last week attending the marriage of a relative. : Mrs. George McMillan, of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives in town. Mrs. George Davey was in Toronto last week visiting with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Fossey. Don't forget to save your magazines for the Navy League. By getting in touch with June Sonley or Dorothy Balfour, they will be collected. Mrs. Longstaff, of Toronto, will he guest soloist at the United Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Kathleen Taylor, of Toronto, are holidaying at their summer home here. Mr. and Mis. Harry McMillan and family, of New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan, Mrs. P. Figary and - daughters, Ethel, Florrie, and granddaughter, Marie, are holidaying in Port Perry, at Birdseye Center. - Rev. Mansell Irwin; of Whitby, and Mr. Roy Irwin, son of Mr. Wm. Ir- win, of the West, called on Mr. and Mrs. John McLaren on Sunday. Misses Pat and Kay Coyle, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs: J. J. Coyle. Mr. P. D. Densham was a visitor in town over the week-end, Misses Betty Cawker and Vivian Wallace, of Toronto, were at their re- spective homes over the week-end. Mr. George Manning, of North Bay, was a guest in town over the week- end. Pte. John Orde, of Hamilton, and Myr. Philip Orde, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. M. Orde. : Ptes. George Emmerson and Gor- don Carnegie, of the C. D. C. were at their respective homes over the week- end. -Mr.-Keith-- Allin, "of Toronto, spent the week-end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Woon, of Hamilton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon. Mrs Chas. Bowerman, who under- went a very serious operation at the General Hospital, Toronto, a ago, we are glad to say is now doing week as well as can be expected. Misses Bernice and Eileen Birkett spent an enjoyable holiday last week at Claremont. We are pleased to report that Mr. A. W. Allin, who fell a week ago and is now in the Hospital, is improving nicely. Mr. CV. Purdy, of Oshawa, was in town on Tuesday renewing acquaint- ances. L.A.C. Murray Holtby has been en- joying a furlough before moving to S.F.T.S. No. 6 at Dunnville. Miss Mary Stone has returned from her vacation and is spending several weeks in town, "Miss Annabelle Hillier was visiting in Toronto last week. Miss Ethel Baker and Mr. Frank Baker, of Toronto, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. ld OG J HONOUR MISS JEAN HOPKINS Miss Jean Hopkins, whose marriage took place last Saturday, was guest of honour at a party one evening last week, when Miss Ruth Carnegie en- tertained. Jean was the recipient of a. lovely chenille bedspread and: silex coffee maker. There were about 85 guests present and the evening was _ spent playing court whist; after which a delightful lunch was served. (FZ) Jof roses. FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA 101 A FANOUS PLAYERS THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Weird 'and Fearful Mystery with v Walter Walter | HUSTON BRENNAN 'SWAMP WATER' -------- Virginia Gilmore the companion hit "Dem Bums Are In The Movies" A tale of the Brooklyn Dodgers "IT HAPPENED IN FLATBUSH" Lloyd Nolan, Carole Landis MONDAY and TUESDAY Barbara STANWYCK Joel McCREA Brian DONLEVY "THE GREAT MAN'S LADY" -----there's a woman like her in every man's secret life-- _ === ADDED HIT HERE THEY ARE! 2 fugitives from a brain gang JUDY JERRY CANOVA COLONNA 'True To The Army' Allan Jones, Ann Miller Next Wednesday -------- Rita Hayworth, Victor Mature "MY GAL SAL" Technicolor Mr. and Mrs. Fredinburgh and Joyce of Oshawa, were in town on Sunday and enjoyed same sailing on the lake. Miss Irene McDonald spent a plea- sant holiday last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jackson and family have returned after spending a week with friends at Brantford and Grand Bend. - CARD OF THANKS Mrs. R. Hansen and Family wish to express their sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy and condolence, and for the beautiful floral remem- brances at the recent loss of her hus- band and their father. BORN PRENTICE--At Port Perry Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 11th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prentice (nee Doris- Mounteénay) a daughter. BLAIN--On Tuesday, August I'lth, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Blain, a son. Tom and Evelyn Harris (nee Somer- ville) announce the birth of a daughter (Miriam Evelyn) at the Port Perry Hospital on Thursday, August 13th, 1942, - MARRIED - Cawker-Walters On Monday, Aug. 10th, 1942, at 4 o'clock in St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Toronto, by the Rev. James Dawe, Nellie Kathleen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, George Walters, to Charles Thomas Cawker, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cawker, of Port Perry. ------ ANDERSON -- HOPKINS The marriage of Jean Maud Hop- kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hopkins, Port Perry, and Gunner Archibald Duncan Anderson, 7th Lt. Anti-Aireraft Battery, Petawawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson, Tory Hill, was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, on Satur- day, Aug. '16th, 1942, amid"a setting of gladioli, with Rev. Wm. Stocks of- ficiating. ore The bride, given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr, Burnsell Webster, wore 'a gown -of dusky pink chiffon and lace with corsage of roses. She was attended by Miss Ruth Carnegie, who wore beige frock, with a corsage Mr. Ralph Burley, of To- ronto, was best man. Mrs, Went- worth Watson, sister of the bride, played the wedding march, At the reception held at the bride's home for the immediate families, the bride's mother received, wearing a beige frock with corsage of roses. Mrs, sAnderson, mother of the groom, also received, wearing a navy frock, with a corsage of roses. For the wedding trip to northern points, the bride: chose -a two-plecs ensemble of blue' cFépa with navy ac- cessories, # "tthe late John Forder, Egypt. "las a man of upright and honest char- Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST sa oe E-- Taylor's The Eating House of Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Tobaccos Cigarettes - BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor OBITUARY William Cain There passed away at Pontypool, on Monday, August 3rd, William Cain, in his 67th year, after a prolonged ill- ness. The funeral service was taken by Mr. Harvey, supply minister au Pontypool, and interment was made at Pontypool Cemetery. Mr. Cain was the son of the late Jacob and Jean Allison Cain, and was born at Pontypool and lived his entire life in that communily, except for a short period when he worked at Cavan, and in Cartwright when he was in the employ of his brother-in-law He will be remembered by all who knew him acter and no matter in what work he was engaged, on his own farm or else- where, he performed his part in a whole-hearted manner and to the very best of his ability. "He is survived by four sisters: Mrs. Forder, Blackstock; Mrs. Thorne, Mrs. Burnham and Mrs. Coward, Peter- boro, and two brothers, James, of Winnipeg and Edward of Pontypool. OEP -- BETHESDA -- The regular-meeting of ~the "WA: was held at the home of Mrs, J. L. L. G. Brown in the chair, ing opened with hymn 399 followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. S. Mills read the minutes of the previous meet. ring, this was followed with the Roll Call and the Treasurer's Report given by Mrs. Turner Ashenhurst. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Chapman, Quaker Hill. The report of the Visiting Committee was given by Mrs. Fred Dobson, Mrs. W. Rusnell kindly offered to picce a quilt ready for quilting. After the business was completed, Mrs, W. Palmer read the Scripture lesson followed by hymn 445, reading, "Bible Thoughts colo Dobson, on August 13th, with Mrs, The meet- ! arrived, :: months to pay. Time for Re-Roofing and Painting / A carload of 'British Columbia cedar shingles just We can supply you with any kind of asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan--twelve Call at our office, or Phone 240 w. "Full stock of Jap-a-Lac Paints for your Spring Decorating. Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO. LIMITED? Phone 29w, Port Service, and Good Quality in MEATS BUELE EEE EEE EEE Perry, for Quick CAWKER BROS TOOT TY UTICA The United Church at Utica have set Sept. 13th as the date for their Sunday Anniversary services to- be followed by an entertainment in the hall on September 15th. The young people of Utica are busy practising for a three act play to be presented that_evening. Miss Connie Leighton was at her home here on Sunday. Master Clifford Trick of Oshawa, is holidaying at the home of Jas. E. Mitchell. Misses Reta and Helen Willard, of Port Perry, visiting Thelma Crosier, on Saturday afternoon, with , Family Butchers I TI 4 7 OD OT ED ama - PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. A. Harper and Miss K. Murphy were at Niagara Falls on Saturday. a "Mr. Geo. Mark, Toronto, visited his sister Mrs. W. Martyn, and also at Mr. Earl Martyn's home on Friday, My, and Mrs. C. Clark and family, of White River, are spending a month at their residence here. Miss M. Murphy, Weston, spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr. H. R., Murphy. ' Mr. E. Clements, of Toronto, is holidaying at the home of his sister Mrs. Wm. Brown. And still it is showery, though this time not the wet kind. On Friday night some eighty people gathered on \ a an nL BB RE BN NEEEREERRNER BE Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORK" English. Health 'Salts - "The same fine . B Quality product . 46 oz, size-- = --85090¢. OH Olympene. Liniment, 50c. & $1.00 Kruschen Salts, giant size, 'Carter's Liver Pilis, Chases Nerve Food, 60¢, $1.60 Bayer's Aspirin, 22, 89, 69, 98¢c Rumacaps, - T 69¢ 26¢., 69¢ ) 650c and $1.00 A. M. LAWRENCE : PHONE 49 720 Rexall, sere / ECE PORT PERRY a IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 : LN a the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. I. Bond, and showered Mr, and Mrs, A, Brown (nee Olive Bond) with gifts and good wishes. When the happy couple took their places, Mr. Charlie Clark in his #ood humor read the "riot act" and also expressed the good wishes of those present. After untying parcel after parcel in a wide variety of loye- ly and useful gifts, Art and Olive thanked the givers. Lunch was then served followed by Community sing- ing and the National Anthem, ' Rev. J. Miller, Toronto, through our village Saturday evening, renewing -old acquaintances. Mr. Miller likes to view the old school- house where he taught fifty years ago, but says it doesn't look much like the drove THe Port Perry schoolhouse of old. He also informed us he planted a number of trees there at that time. = ' Mr. E. Wagg has made considerable improvement to his house by having it turned and moved back. When completed it will be a nice looking home. This was the place formerly owned by the late Hiscox family, TTT te o>-- MEMORIAL SERVICE AT- COLUMBUS CEMETERY The annual Memorial Service and decoration of graves will be held on Sunday, August 23rd, at 3 p.m. in St. Paul's Cemetery, Columbus, Savings Specials for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AUGUST 20th to 22nd DOMINION FINE GREAD White, Brown, Cracked Wheat AYLMER CHOICE TOMAT SPIRIT OR BLENDED Rev. Mr. Eyre led in prayer. A Out of Doors" was given by Mrs, S. Ward. A by Miss Noréne Croxall was much enjoyed, after which she led in community singing with Mrs. Playter 24-01. Loaves 2 19 HARRY HORNE'S as accompanist at the pianp. the meeting closed with hymn 441 amounted to $7.20. afternoon. Lunch was served by Mrs Mrs, Corless Ashenhurst. op YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Center Park on Thursday night (to- night). - Come along members--an- other evéning of fun is in store for you. The charge is 26c. i pr DIED HANSEN--At Port Perry, Ont., on Thursday, August 13th, 1942, Rudolph E. Hansen, beloved husband of Per- mille Hansen, in his 49th year, -"SYMES--At Port Perry on Monday, August 17th, 1942, Marie Miller Symes, beloved wife of Willian Symes, in her 56th year. ' The National Anthem wai sung and ' There were 21 present and sollespion| _A quilt' for the Red Cross was-completed- during the | Turner Ashenhurst, Mrs, Brown and! The Young People's Union are holding a weiner roast at Birdseye 'Raspberry, Vanilla Bc ean INSTANT 2-01, Pkas, 8-01. TIN PUDDINGS + Caramel, Chocolate, Orange, POSTUM 4-01, TIN 49: ° 29: SHREDDED WHEAT OR ~~ MAPLE LEAF { PURE LARD NEWPORT HANDY KLEENEX &: THRIFTY 3 ANNE PATON CATSUP PRESERVING | SEALERS MED, LARGE SIZE SIZ DOZEN DOZEN . 149 FLY SPRAY FLYDED MRS. LUKE'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES FOR SURE RESULTS CERTO GA NAVY TISSUE 4 25¢c COMET « 250 ww 23c 2m 236 2u.27c w lfc wos 0c CALIFORNIA gy LARGE GREEN oR GOOD 5)z¢ CALIroR 1 GALLON JAR (GONTENTS ONLY) We reserve the right te limit purchases to normal WHite ERY NIA SUNKisy ES: 37. weekly family requirements EA 84h ¢ ol!