ERG Ag Hy £ » 3 : os A Fy Ld "sy WA 8 . » ILE ! ¥ - : LEN " 7 » & 3 3 : és i 3 - Side ah ------h apie i, TN --~ a RR ORAS RL S63 - TH u v; be oS ' } 3 : % PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942 ---- A hatte E---- ---- om - a > -- GREENBANK (Too late for lust week) The Fidelas Class met last Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W Somerville. Mrs. W. McDonald, Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. H. Stone for a few days De. N. L. and Mis. Phoenix, of lim perial, Sask. visiting relative Mi. Kenneth Lee left last wok fon has gone to tyam here. Brandon where he with the RCAF. Mis. CC. Ward holidaying with her daughter Lilhan im Toronto Mr. and Mrs, Co Davidion and fa mily, of Scott, visited My talfe on Sunday. N > Me. C Phoenix, Brandon, has bought the house owned by the late Mr. Embury. Henry Mills is holidaying in Toron to. Mrs. Farbrother, Niagara Falls, the guest of Mrs. Hook. Mr. W. Graham and Miss of Toronto, visited My. Sunday. Woudratf lo Jas. on ~- --- o> PROSPECT Miss Darothy Siegal, of Toronto, "was a recent visitor at the home of her parénts. Mi and Mrs, Flovd Oviatt, of Ingle- hart, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs, Frank Miotin, Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Holthy: Miss Dick- son, Mrs Brown, Mrs. Hutchison and Mr. Griffen, of Toronto; Miss Ada Moffatt, Manitoba; Mi-s Jean Holthy, Seagrave, and Mi Madeline Thorne, of Woodstock. Mr. Jimmie Fdumonds is spending his vacation at Huontsville, Mr. and Mrs, Scott Gillette, Mr, Cor- ry and daughter, of Portland, N.Y. and Mr. and Mis, EJ Chambers, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fo Vernon. Mr. and Mrs, Webster and little daughter, Ruth Emily, of Wes Miz Chas. ton, were week-end visitors with G. Webster and family Birthday greetings were extended to Mis. Frank Murtin on yAug. 9th. { Seventeen relatives were present for f the occasion. May Mrs. Martin have more birthdays, G. Smith and Mr. L. Smith visiting friends in Uxbridge on Sunday. : Miss Marian Smith, Mrs. E.-Cowpur and Mr. and Mrs. RR. Cowpur, of To- ronto, were recent visitoryd of Mrs, G. Sunith and family. Me. Herold Holliday; of Kingston, Mis. Go Moore, Enfield, Nv. aid Mrs: Rov Wilbur, of Bowmanville, Mr. Mil- ton: Holliday and Mis. John Holliday, of Toronto, were recent visitors at the Lome of Mrs. J. Holliday. Mr. and Mis. A. Blateh and daugh- of Oshawa, Mr. Chas. Armstrong, of Toronto, Mr. Robt. Armstrong and his assistant, of Pickering Plant, were recent visitors of Me. Win, Armstrong. | imany Mrs Wer ter, EPSOM The three Sunday Schools on this cipfuit, Bethesda, Utica, and Epsom will meet here on Sunday afternoon at 2.30, Praver meeting at Me. and Mrs, R. Clhok's on Wednesday evening. My. ind Mis. Al Christie spent the J week-end in Brampton. Sunday visitors at Mr. John Bailey's Mi, Mrs. M. Hudson and | faomily, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mis, Douglas McKinley, Toronto, Mis Jack Bushell and son Jimmie Were: and and Miss Barbara Wilgus, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs, Frank Millman's, ) Miss Blanche Luke, Toronto and Miss IY Luke at Mr. and Mrs, Luther Luke's, on Sunday. Pte. Ore Graham and family at Me. and Mrs. Wo Graham's. Mrs. I. Christie is spending a while with Mr. and Mrs, Al Christie. as Mr. Ross Clark at his home over Sunday. Pleased to report a slight improve- ment in Mr, George MacDonald's con- dition, Mr. Ivan togers home over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. J. Neeson spent the week-end at their home here. Miss Norene Geer and Miss Ruth Prentice "visiting with Misses Louise and Dorothy Howsam, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan at Mr. and Mis. Frank Millman's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howsam at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam's, Miss Hilda Dalton spent last week at her home. / / EE at ae -- ASHBURN Burns' Church Sunday School and Service were well attended last Sun- day, Aug. 9th , with inspiring ser- mons by the pastor, Rev, J. A, McMil- lan. Recalling previous texts "This [ will 1 do", "What will I do", the pas- tor continued this thought in his text for the evening, "Lord what wilt Thou have me to do". A good number re- mained for the communicant's class and members please note a meeting of the congregations is called for Mon- day evening, August 17th, for the pur- pose of choosing new elders for the 'A good attendance is hoped for at this important meeting. session, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster, of Port Perry, Mrs. Henry Leask and fa- mily, of Uxbridge, Miss Emma Fisher of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mit- chell, of Whitby, visited relatives in the village during the yfeck, Miss Dorothy McCulloch, of Har- wood, visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Sherwin, during the week Master Murray Beadle returned home on Friday after spending a couple of days with his grandmother, Mrs. H. Philp, of Seagrave. Miss Doreen Isaac enjoyed several days holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett and family, of Raglan, during the week. Mr. Alfred Fisher and his brother- in-law, Mr. Frank Mitchell, of Whitby, motored to Kirkfield last Monday on Arthur was appointed to look after personal cables to anyone from our district held in. enemy countries. Secretary Mrs,. A. Bailey, read bulle- tins on how Red Cross money is spent, namely: "Buying of Insulin and other drugs for allied nations such ag Rus- sia and China, . Plans for Red Cross Street Fair and Dance are in progress. Plans are / The United Church W.A, met at the home of Mrs. N. Mountjoy for its July meeting. The committee reported the afghan was finished for the Red Cross and two quilts ready for quilting, Roger Dorrell and Arnold Johnston were at Sunday School last Sunday in their R.C.A.F. uniforms,' St. John's A.Y.P.A. met at the home of Mrs. W. W. VanCamp. A speclal Mr. and Mis. Arthur Fielding, of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs, Lou Field- ing, 6f Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slute and family, of Raglan, accom- panied by Mrs. Harry Collett, of Galt, visited relatives in the village on Sun- day. i Mr. amd Mrs. George West and friends enjoyed a day at Lake Simcoe during the week. The W. M.S. of Burns' Church held a quilting on Tuesday afternoon. Do- nations of clothing for children will be gratefully received for the balé to be sent away shortly. ) Mrs, Norman Birkett and children, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Mann, of Raglan, visited with Mrs. Henry Doble on Wednesday last, Mr. Jim Doble, of London, spent the week-end with his parents. business, Mrs. Florence Crawford. shipped. jam overseas. vener, Jean Wright as assistants, IRE VO ---- or BLACKSTOCK The Red Cross Branch held its re- 'gular July meeting at the home of Work Con- vener, Mrs. Archer, reported on work It was agreed to accept the quota sent from headquarters, The Jam Convener, Mrs. Dorrell, reported that she had contacted organizations in the township with result that every one is contributing to the sending of Mrs. Herman Hooey was appointed Prisoner of War con- Mrs. Norman Mountjoy was named convener of War-time Nutri- tion, with Mrs. Albert Wright or Miss Dr, Me- auction salé. family. of for War-time Housing at Ajax. Rev. son, last week, Sunday. made to contact every resident, of the township for donations for booths and Sympathy is extended to Mrs, John Forder in the death of her brother Mr. William Cain, Pontypool; and to the the late Mrs. Thomas Wil- liams who died Saturday, July 8th, - Congratulations to Mr. Geo. Craw- ford, on being appointed as foreman Mr, Harold Barton, Caesarea, was winner of a $5.00 War Savings Cer- tificate at Port Perry Sports Day. R. J. Carruthers of St. Cle- ment's United Church, Toronto, and a former pastor here, and Mrs. Car- ruthers, visited with Rev, D. M. Stin- Rev. Mr. Carruthers had charge of the evening service on collection was taken to send treats to former .A.Y.P.A. members overse Regret was expressed at losing Ro Carter from the Branch. Roy is now in R.C.A.F. uniform. A weiner roast was held at the close of the meeting. Rev. Clarence Ferguson had charge of the service in the United Church on Sunday. Rev. Milton Sanderson will preach next Sunday and the Young People's Union will be responsible for the service on the Sunday after, The fourth Sunday of our minister's vaca./ tion has been declared a holiday for the congregation. --------e ee -- DATE CHANGED Zephyr Fair date has been changed Afrom Sept. 26 to Sept. 30th, BEST FAIRS PREPARATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR ONE OF THE AT PORT PERRY | WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 9th - YET A AW Ey iii LLP $5 FOR $4 2. © $10 FOR $8 be ats $25 FOR $20 - You can now buy War Savings: Certificates . . . an investment guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada all Post Offices, Banks, Trust Companies Employers and Post Offices © have been requested to dis- pldy in .a. prominent 'place the official Table of Tax Deductions. Forms TD-1 may be secured from your employer, Post Offices, or local Income Tax offices. HON. COLIN GIBSON, Minisky of National Revenue, Income Tax is Fair to All In the fourth year of war, Canada will need almost four billion ay dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 from every man, woman and child in the country. } Even with the highest income tax in history, § 29 only of the money Canada needs will be raised by taxation. The rest will have to be borrowed Bonds. Starting with the first pay period in September representing Sep tember earnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your by means of War Savings Stamps, Certificates and Victory income tax from your wages or salary, and 'send it promptly to the Government, Everybody will pay his share as he goes along. It's going to be tough . . . but not too tough! Here are some good features: 1. 'You will pay as you earn, so that you will not be faced with a large lump sum payment. next year, 2. The National Defence Tos already de- ducted during the first 8 mofiths of this year has been taken into account in the Table of Tax Deductions. zak ci A EE BE EY 3. Though the income tax rates show a sharp increase over last year, a large portion of this increase is actually savings, to be paid back to you with interest after the war. 4, The money you are paying for life insur- ance premiums, annuities, principal repay- ments on your home, or into a pension fund may be deducted (up to a certain maximum) from the savings portion of your income tax. Tn many cases this may be sufficient to make payment of the savings portion of the tax unnecessary. CHART SNOWING 1941 TAX LABILITY OF A RIED PERSON WITH TWO-DEPENDENTS AND COMPARISON WITH THE 194} 1941 TAX LABILITY ' rd Unless you are single, without dependents, and not making payments of the types mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should. file Form TD-1 with your employer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed the credits to which you are entitled. DO NOT DELAY. File Form TD-1 with your employer at once so that you may get the full allowances from the start, BE DOMINION OF CANADA -- DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE INCOME TAX DIVISION _, Commissioner of Income Tes. Ae | ed Ss th % gw