IX SA Fak FAA J SW AL fs J ~The SSRI AE _-- ' 3 a po TT ¥ ---- --_ UTICA Mrs. M. Ross and Mrs. Mervin Ross at Simcoe on Sundays visiting Pte. M. Ross. ) Miss Woods visited at har howe in Wick over the holiday. Mr. gnd Mrs, Doug. McKinley, of Lansing, and Mr. John Bailey ealling on Chester Geer's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Beare, of Han- over, and Mrs. Lorne Beare, of Tim- mins, calling on Mr. and Mrs. E. Kandall on Sunday. 4 , Mr, and Mrs. W. Brooks, of Man- chester, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall. Nr. and Mrs, Chester Geer and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer mo- tored to Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Kerry spent a few days recently with Mrs, Sam Fisher at Ashburn, Mr. Ralph Wilbur in Oshawa one day last week. " The Red Cross has arranged for a party in the near future. Look for bills. Mr. Jack Walker, of Toronto, cal- ling on friends in Utica on Monday. EPSOM The Thanksgiving service was well attended on Sunday evening. The topic chosen by Rev. Mr, Eyers was "On Going Forward" and appropriate music was supplied by the choir. Prayer meeting will be held this week at Mr. Alfred 'Clark's, Utica. Rev. Mr. Eyers has decided to explain the boeks of the Bible, his subject this week will be on*the hook of "Genesis". The Red Cross met in the base- ment of the Church on Tuesday, Oct, 13th. There will be choir practice at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Rogers on- Friday evening of this wedk. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blight and family were in Port Perry on Sunday. Mrs. Miller and son, of Toronto, spent the past week with her sister, Nrs. Drew McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Pogue were in Sandford, on Sunday. Mrs. W. Cook, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark on Sunday. Miss Corbett spent the week end at her home in Greenwood. Er Sr © ew ep ee wr a -- ' w - -- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and Philip spent the week end at their home here, Mrs. Luke is visiting her daughter Mrs. Everett Hooper. Mr, and Mrs. M. Hodgson and fam- ily, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKinley, of Toronto, with Mr, Jen Bailey, over the holiday. ~ We welcome Mrs. Malcolm Bailey to the village. rig Mrs, Drew McCulloch in Toronto over the week-end. Miss Marjorie Bailey at her home oyer the holiday. Sunday visitors with Mn and Mrs. Walter Rogers were Miss Laura Prentice, Miss Jean MacDonald, Miss Bertha Fudger, Mr, Ivan Rogers, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Kerry and Walter. Mr. John Sutherland with Mr. and Mrs. Al Christie on Suturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wagner and baby, Mr. Fred Wagner and lady friend, with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wagner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. R Reubel and daughter of Port Colborne, with Mr. and Mrs, Finley Munro.over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. Neeson and Mr, and Mrs. McVey, spent thie week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morrison and family of Toronto, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. MacDonald, on Sunday. The Red Cross concert held tn Mem- ory Hall, Utica, last week was a marked success. Proceeds $31.70, Mr. and Sirs. Cyril Elliott 'and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honey and family, Mrs. L. Sonley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller. Mrs. Drew and Buster and Mr. Higgs, visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Howsam on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Howsam and family also friends picnioking at Mus- koka Beach on Monday. ee PPP een PROSPECT Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Webster and daughter, of Weston, spent the week- end at the home of Mrs. G Webster. Mrs. E. Chambers of Toronto, and Mrs. C. Wales, of Oshawa, spent the holiday with their mother Mrs, Robt, Yernon, rrr wp seers Miss Jean McClintock, of Port Hope, ~ /ICTORY ' WEAR YOUR - COMMANDO DAGGER : It is a symbol indicating' that you bave bought the new Victory Bonds. LOAN DRIVE FOR $750,000, Wert Wh IR RRA i 000 ME and the grip of one clenche Empire, is won, NN (3 HOW TO BUY Give your order calls on the hands 0 any ban trust company, Or ings ' may nations of $50, $1 1000 and ocal Victory Victory Loan salesman who ou, Or place it in any branch of , or give it to A send it to your local Victory Loan Headquarters! Or you can authotize your employer to start a regular payroll-say- lin fot you. Bonds Be bousht in denomi- arger. Safésman, ank, trust company of Ll ad. Quarters will be glad to 81 e Jou every assist nce in mak. ng out your order form. challenge will be: .earn and save." Canada's Victor "my part"? to the buy Victo, Head: need the cash. ZZ OPENS MONDAY to lietory! WHEN FRANCE FELL, and Britain stood with her back to the wall, one trig jaw jutted out, fist shook the It was Churchill hurling Britain's decision across the channel. Quit?... Never!... Fight? «oo Yes, through the bell of adversity till victory Today Canadians face challenge after challenge with the same unconquerable spirit. Toda are asked to do without so that our fighting men will have everything they need--when they smash straight into the heart of enemy defences. we Canada's ringing answer to this latest i "Yes, we'll fight with the last ounce of our strength, and the last dollar we can Loan drive opens Monday, Canada's Victory Loan repre- sentative will ask for your answer soon. Will it be "No, I do not choose to do Or will it be "Yes! Yesll Yes!!! I will Bonds! I will lend all my support to help make victory sure." You will be laying up for yourself the best of all yon | " Vict ory BONDS are "backed by ~all the resources 00, $300 Dominion of Canada; they yield a fair rate. of interest; you can borrow against them; and "they are readily saleable when you of the A : % J NOTHING MATTERS NOW BUT vicrory .. Buy ywe new Yicrory Bonos - PL-32 NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTER aS Se a ---- - and Miss Mabel Niddery of Oshawa, 4 py spent the week-end with their parents, Miss Edith Lakey and Mrs. S. Hen- derson and Mrs, Lydia Alexander, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. C. Webster, of Uxbridge, Pte. K. Painter, and Miss Painter of Waubashene and Mrs, O. Graham and children, of Port Perry, and family. ¥ rs Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holliday and family, of Toronto, were week-en guests of Mrs, J, Holliday. The Prospect Thank Offering ser- 18th at 2.80 and 7.30 pm. Rev. R. McVey, of Greenwood, will be the speaker for the occasion: The Scugog muaio for the afternoon service, and the choir. services. Mr. and Mrs, R. Vernon, of Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs. H. Vernon, of Whitby, and Mr. Ronald Vernon, of Oshawa, were visitors at the home of their parents on Sunday. Miss Wilma Egerton of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents. SCUGOG Town Hall. Mrs. George Sweetman solo between the last two acts, and while they were getting prepared. Mr. Russell Hood, acted as chairman, --And here is-some good news. . The ground has been staked out for the basement of the new church, which is to be erected on the same grounds as the former church. It will be a united church for the Foot and the Centre. Mrs. C. Wannamaker has donated a piece of ground for parking space, which has also been staked out. All are pleased to hear that Rev. F. G. Joblin is improving in health. Mr. Gordon Hope and sons Kenneth, Merle and Roy visited his daughter Mrs. Frank Real, at Blackwater. Mrs, Hubert Long had some great citrons in her garden this year--some Marion Smith of Toronto, Mr. George spent the holiday/ with Mrs. G. Smith i vices will be held on Sunday, October |# Young People's Choir will supply the | F555! Mr. Oswald Croxall will be guest solo- [8 ist in the evening, accompanied by 8 " Come and enjoy these| A large crowd enjoyed the play, 5 "Johnnie and Jennie" presented by the |g Utica Ladies on Friday evening in the | § and Mrs, George Samells gave a piano |§ duet between the first and second acts | Pte. Maunsell Gerrow, gave a piano |$ BREAD ART. JEMISON 1382083288284 Phone 73w JEMISON'S | THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING | BUNS PRESH DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY * DELIVERY--PHONE 93w _ rn BAKERY PASTRY | PROPRIETOR | Half Frozen-- Buy Next Winter's Coal at Once : Have your coal bins filled this summer, so that you will have no worry about rationing later on. Buy coal on the Government CreditPlan, giving up to nine months to pay. Ask for information from your-- BLUE COAL DEALER 'REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERR -| weighing as much as 27 pounds, "The Navy League are having an- other dance in the hall on Friday evening. All are invited. Donations are also given for the purchase of articles for ditty bags. Mr. Stewart Sweetman and family are moving to Port Perry in the near future. The island folk are sorry to see so many families leaving the is- land. We will miss them, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gow, of Oshawa, spent the week-end and holiday with his mother, Mrs. R. Burnham, Mrs. F. Joblin, of Bowmanville, is Miss Alma Hope is spending a few weeks with Mrs. R. Reader, © We are glad to hear that little Miss Eva Pearce is doing nicely after an operation for appendicitis, at Port Perry Hospital, on Monday. - All wis for her a speedy recovery. - . Mr. Allan Hope is spending a few weeks with his sister Mrs, Frank Real at Blackwater. $v Mr. Vernon Graham is attending High School in Port Perry. HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER OF LATE? $ HOGS Canadian Farmers: you have done well! | WARTIME PRODUCTION IS STILL GROWING! CATTLE eso |[oe During the dast- doe Jonryears(Sept.1 to Aug. 31) -- \ = Ne : 18S. PORK iBS. PORK 185, PORK 18S. PORK 7 ss 551 759 838 | You produced® MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS of this amount... ; \- : 556 2 | 1 Exports to our Allies 170 300 485 % (mainly to Britain.) © MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS 2 Remsiniogfor 3 226 251 274 282 . Canada.** MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS I | mr ee ie pk ped fe *¢ Including army camps, ship stores, and general recil distribution. Senate The o of Britain- want 20% more In the next twelve months than they obtained the last, and at the same time Canadians want more. During the last _ fouryears(Sept.1 - LBS. BEEF LBS, BEEF LBS. BEEF LBS, BEEF : 502 482 534 610 You produced® 'MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS of this amount. , . -1 Exports to our Allies 102 72 86 128 J (mainly to the U.S.A.) MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS . MILLIONS . - || eee 400 410 448 482 Canada,** MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS MILLIONS Ly MR. FARMER: You have in DOMINION DEPA EE CB LE ® facluding army camps, ship stores, and general retail distribution. The United States will take your surplus cattle and . at the same time .Canadlan consumers want more, your uction by 119 gla in Shisyeot thn can be fed. can this year, A prices for hogs and cattle during the comin -than the a fot the past yess We kaow that Jou wi mdid war 1s appreciated by Canada and the United Nations, RTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable James @. Gardiner, Minister fi cent, You haye Ineranted 20 Y ons 1 the grai had last There i fi cent. You e grain you had last year. There is more by 20 pu There isa a ket for all thehogs and cattle that 0 year will be higher continue to produce all you can, Your zo