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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Dec 1942, p. 2

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lp bat i A = I, AE Sa SESSA SN Sr a Can You Answer 'These Questions? Tricky Ones by H. V. O- Brien In Chicago Dally News Think you're pretty smart, huh? Then give these a sbin on your cerebral cortex and see how you come out. 1 If three cats can kill three rats in three: minutes, how long will it take 100 cats to kill 100 rats? : 2.1 have two current U.S, coins fn my hand, Together they total 65 cents... One is not' a nickel. What are the coins? 3.*A rope ladder 10 feet long 18 hanging over the side of a ship. The rungs "are a foot apart, the bottom ring is resting on the sur- face of the ocean, The tide rises at the rate of six inches an hour, When will the first three rungs be covered with water? 4 Which is correct: 15, or 8 and 8 is 15? \ 6. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister? 6. There are 10 black stockings and 10 white stockings in a draw- er. If you reach into the drawer in the dark, what is the minimum number -of stockings you must take out before you are sure of having a pair of stockings that match? 7. Take two apples from three apples and what have you got? 8. A blind beggar had a young sister who died. On her deathbed this sister said she never had a brother. If she was truthful, who was the blind beggar? 9. A customer hands a cigar clerk a $5 bill for $2 worth of cigars." The latter has no change, but he gets some from a drug clerk next door, who gives him five $1 bills for the §5 bill. The customer leaves with the cigars and $3 in change. An hour later the drug clerk rushes in, saying the $5 bill was counterfeit. The cigar clerk gives him a good $5 bill. How much did the cigar clerk lose in money and cigd 10. An archaeolo: ed finding a marked 649 B.C. truth And here are the answers: 1. Three minytes.- It takes each cat three minutes to kill each rat. 2. A 50-cent piece and a nickel, The other is a nickel. 3. Never. The ladder and ship will rise with the tide. 4. Neither; 8 and § are still 16, 5. Only dead men have widows! 6. Three. You might have a pair after taking out two stockings. If not, the third one you take out must mateh either the black or the white stocking already removed, 7. Two apples, of course, 8. Her sister. 9. Five dollars, two in merchan- dise and three in cash. 10. How did anyone know Christ was coming In 649 years? Nation At War 8 and 8 are st has reports Babylonian coin Is he telling the Turns To Bible Demand For Scriptures In . United States Unparalled There's a boom in the Bible business -- quite convincing proot "that a_ nation at war Is seeking ---&olace In prayer. But the mégthers, wives and sweethearts of the men in the armed forces aren't the only buy- ers of the Bibles, says an author. ity on the distribution of the Testaments and Gospels. They're being sold to all classes of people, and sales this year, he sald, prob- ably would be 25 per cent. more than In 1941, Dr. Robert Taylor, executive ~~decretary of the Chicago Bible So- clety and representative of the American Bible Soclety, termed the condition "an amazing Bible revival," and sald that "America is discovering the Bible again, "It isn't Just a flareup caused by the war but fs the result of a real spiritual renaissance which has been coming on for some timq but has been quickened by the war." He sald that many of the large publishing firms were weeks bee hind in their orders and that the American Bible' Society, which nore ~ nally' distributes 10,000,000 . copies annually, is running several -days behind schedule. The tempo of orders, Dr, Taylor said, began to rise last spring and the increase "has constantly accels erated until it is hard to control." . As evidence of the upswing in business, he pointed to the distri bution of 1,600,000 Bibles in 12 cen- tral states last year as compared ~ tn-the 2,600,000 expected to be sent - out this year. ; : 3% Demand for tne -Seriptures for the armed forces, Dr. Taylor sald, "has been unparalleled." The American Bible Society has given away 800,000 Testaments through chaplains, and in addition it has sold 250,000 coples to churches to be given to the men In service, The soclety provides the service, men with molsture-proof Testa- ments botnd in the color of thelr uniforms, with the proper insignia. Dr. Taylor explained that Testa ments now carry supplements of psalms, hymns, that if no chaplain 1s présent, men of the ranks or officers may con. duct informal devotions, and prayers '80 | a wound POWERFUL PREACHMENT a "Loose talk" poster, by Charles Clement, drives home important message forcefully. It was one of more than 2000 entered in Nation. al War Poster contest held by Muscum of Modern Art, New York. WHAT. SCIENCE IS DOING COD LIVER OIL Fishernien have long recognized that cod liver oil sooths and heals wounds, frostbites and skin lesions, notes The New York Times. It was not until 1934, however, that cod liver oil began 'to be used extern- ally in modern medicine. In that year a German physician named Lohr published the results of his clinical experiments, In 1936 two Russian doctors reported that they had used a cod liver ofl olntment in 263 cases of various wounds and burns with dramatic recov- eries. Now comes Dr. R. H. Aldrich of the Harvard-Medical School with the results of an eight-year study of a 70 per cent cod liver oil ointment in treating wounds and burns. He finds cod liver oil, as dressing, safe and - as effective as the sulfa compounds. The experience of the British Air Force has shown that face burns present a, difficult problem. The skin of the 'face is extremely thin and contains more sweat glands and _ hair openings than other parts of the hody. Because of the nose and mouth, face wounds are liabe to become easily infected. Dr. Aldrich's results with cod liver oil were better than those obtain- - ed by scab-formers such as tannle _acid, which are uncomfortable and Ideal scaffolding for, provide an infection. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How should 1 dey a wet fur coat? A. When one has been caught in the rain and the fur coat is very _wet, never try to dry it near the heat. Instead, place the coat on a hanger and 'hang by an open window. When dry, brush' the coat thoroughly with a stff brush. Q. How large a lemon should be-used if a recipe caMs for the juice of one lemon? A, It is far safer to use three tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, The size of lemons and the amount of juice yielded vary so much, -that a measured amount is often J profitable. Q. How can I remove stains? A. An fodlne stain can he re- moved by rubbing the spot with baking soda. by Q. How can I avoid burning the fingers when removing a hot dish from the oven? A. Do not vse a damp or wet cloth or holder in removing a hot dish from the oven or stove. A dry one prevents the heat from penetrating and scorching the fin- gers. : Q. How can I keep the kitchen sink in good condition? A, If: the kitchen sink is rubbed occasionally with kerosene, it will be kept in good condition, Britain Trebles Bomber: Output ; J. J. Llewellin, former minister of aircraft production, announced that Britain trebled her heavy bomber output in 1942, and "for every 100 tons of aircraft pro. duced in September we produced 110 tons in October. These fig- urés are good," he said in an ad- dress, "but they must go on gets ting better." In the First Great War 98,050 New Zealanders served overseas, suffering casualties of 68,601, fodine , 'Nazis Set Booby Traps In Desert "Rommel's late position at El _ Alamein was found to be strewn with booby-traps, says the New York Times. The Germans ara as clever at malring them as they were in World War I; innocent- looking helmets, pocket knives, fountain pens, left lying around (or perhaps a broom behind the door of an abandoned and 'very filthy hut), attached by thread or wire to hidden grenades. Since Oct. 24 the Marshal's craftsmen haven't had much time to devote to these cunning works of art. .his pleasure out of life. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is it good manners to hold a bite of food suspended on the fork while talking? 2. Should a man light a girl's cigarette before lighting his own? 3. Is it necessary to thank a doorman when he opens the door for yout 4. What sliould one "do when a person' in a group makes a glar- ing conversational blunder? 5. When a young man Is golng to take a girl to a plenic, how "should he tell her that the girls are expected to bring the lunch? 6. When making reference to a servant- {n the household should one refer to her as "hired girl" or "help"? . ANSWERS 1. No; this 1s very bad form, 2. Yes. He should hold the match for a few moments until the sul- phur fumes are gone, then hold i for her. 3. No. This is merely a routine service that he performs hundreds of times a day, and he does not expect to be thanked each time. 4. The tactful person who notices such a blunder will jmmediately change the subject. 6. Merely say, "The girls are go- ing to bring a little lunch. Do you think you could bring a few sand- wlches, or whatever you Illke? 6. Neither, Refer to her as "the mald." Bells Kept Ready For War or Peace British Beliringers Ol Bear Ings and Clean Metal Work Bob is an old Youkshire bell- ringer. He lived for the science of campanology -- until the war came to silence the- belfry, I might say Bob has always wrung That is why he is sad now: He fears these idle years will cause the skill of the ringers to rust with their un- swinging bells. But I find the bellringers are keeping their hands in. I was told yesterday by a man who has been ringing over 60 years, and who talks of bellringing as though Wendell Willkie, number- "one civilian traveller in the United States, and Mrs, Willkie had their American Thanksgiving "on wheels" when returning to New York from Toronto on their special car with their host, R. C, Vaughan, chairman and president, C ailroad adian National Railways, with whom the Willkies are shown above. Mr. Willkie spoke in Toronto recently in launching Canada's dominione wide rau | to Russia Fund." Furs Are Wanted For Seamen's Vests Not only hunters, but all classes of citizens, have an opportunity to help along an endeavor which is now getting under way in Can- ada, for the benefit of some of our most gallant fighting men, says the Windsor Star, An ap- peal has gone out for furs that can be made into vests for mem- bers of the merchant marine. This is a movement that has been under way in the United States for some time. Its adoption here is a- splendid idea. People are being urged to turn in their old fur garments, and hunters are asked to contribute the pelts of all animals they kill, There should be an immense stock of furs avail. able for this purpose, and there should be an instant response to the request that they be contri buted, Skin from flounders 1s being used in Holland for shoe leather and to repalr automobile tires, WORRY OVER COAL SUPPLIES IS ve UNNECESSARY Owing to 80 many people order: 'Ing all and sometimes more than ttiey need for the season, coal de- "liveries are hard: to make on schedule. Don't make this situ. ation "worse, Be patient until the . present rush is over. Then sup plies can be distributed equally and no one will suffer, And when you do order coal, make sure {t's 'blue coal', more comfort and more economy ffi every ton, Your nearegt 'blue coal' dealer will gladly help you "to solve your coal problems, Phone him today, -- 'It gives more heat, . it were a mathematical problem, that they mansdge to put in a little rehearsing with hand bells, He mentioned that in some parts. of the country bellringers have tide the clappers so that they could pull the ropes as usual in their complicated peels, but without a sound above. These ghostly re- hearsals at least emable them to. avoid losing that "feel" of a bell which is so important. No, by the by, are the bells rusting, My Dbellringer friend points out that the bearings are regularly oiled and the metal' work cleaned, The bells are ready for parachutists or peace--and in either event I do not suppose his hearers will be critical if he pulls a quick one badly. Have You Heard? The professor had been dining out, and, as most of the guests were ardent fishermen, he had had to listen all the evening to stories of the size of their catches, He was extremely shori-ygited, and as he was crossing a field on his way home he came across a scarecrow with ac widespread. Memories, of the "tall" stories he had 'heard that night floated back to him, and le halted in front of the scarecrow, "My dear sir," he exclaimed, "I simply /refuse to believe" you; there never was a .trout that length." New Uncle (by marriage) --Well, Tommy, I've met all your brothers except the old. est, George. What side of the house does he look Like? Tommy--George? Oh, he's the one with the bay window. A member of a Ladies' Aid Society in a small town went to the bank to deposit, as she told the banker, "some aid money." Unfortunately the banker thought she said 'egg money," and replied: "remarkable, isn't it, how well the old hens are doing these days?" Then he couldn't understand why the woman gathered up her passbook and hurried from the bank! Little Boy: "Half a peck of potatoes with eyes, please." Grocer: "Why with eyes?" "Mother says they'll have to see us through the rest of the week." Witness: "I'm not guilty. My wife can prove a lullaby." Judge: "Alibi, you mean." Witness: "Begging your pardon, jt was a lullaby; at two o'clock on the morning in question I was walking the floor with the baby." A woman who fasted for" 62 days, To prove that the stunt .could be done; From hundreds of Scots- men had letters of praise, And proposals from seven- ty one. : "Ha! ha!" laughed the recruit. "You can't fool me. I know they've got potato-peeling ma- chines in this army." "Yes, smart chap," replied the sergeant, "and you're the latest model!" To Mass-Murder Half Polish Jews Only 40,000 Jews Now Re- main In Warsaw Ghette The Polish Government sald that Heinrich Himmler, Nazl Ges tapo chief, had ordered the ex termination of -one-halt of the Jewish population of Poland by the end of this year, and that 250,000 had' been killed through Septem- ber under that program, "According to information leak: fig from the German labor office only 40,000 Jews are to remaln in' the Warsaw Ghetto--only thor oughly skilled workers to bo em- ployed in the German- war indus- try," a government statement sald. The most convincing proof of the dwindling numbers in the Ghetto lies in the fact that for September, 1942, 130,000 ration cards were printed; for October, the number {issued was only 40, 000." The statement said that those marked for extermination at any time are "driven to a square where old people and cripples are segre- gated, shot." "The remainder," {t said, "are loaded Into freight cars, 150 to a car intended for 40. The floor on the car is sprinkled with a thick layer of lime or chlorine-sprinkled water. The doors of the cars are sealed. Sometimes the train starts immediately, Other times it walts on a slding for days. "The people are packed so tight. ly that those who dle of suftoca- tion remain in the crowd side by side with those stlll living. Half of the people arrive dead at the destination, Those surviving are sent to speclal camps. Once there they are mass-murdered." "A paratroop has to under- go very exhausting training," states an Army man, He cer tainly has to keep at it until he is fit to drop. SAFES Profect your DUUKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES, We have no size and type of Safe, or 'Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit us, or write for prices, ete. te Dept. W ~J.6¢). TAYLOR umiTen TorONTO SAFE WORKS 148 Front St. E. loronte Established 1835 taken to a cemetery and - The PERFECT Chewing Tohacco - Costly Diamond The largest diamond ever cut and polished in a South Africa factory has been valued at $1504 000--a 213% carat stone, measur- ing one inch by a half-inch recent. ly found in Rimpeny diggings. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. AUTOMUOBILES--USED "FOR SALE NEW EMBOSSED PIOTD ip CARS WITH GUUD TIRES, See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 - Mount Pleasant Sona, Jo. 10 ACRES GOOD GARDEN LAND, all kinds of small fruits, orchard, buildings, hydro. Immediate pos< session. Write or Phone 601W. Mr. "A. Beitz, 234 Willow Rd, Guelph, ronto. Telephone HY. BABY CHICKS MARTINDALE'S 1943 CHICKS ready Jan, 4th--DBarred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex, White Leghorns, and Hybrids. Canadian Approved and Blood- Tested. Folder free, Martindale's Farm Hatchery, Caledonia, Ont. TAKE A LOOK AT THE HOME front. Food is vital. All markets call for full froduetion, That means careful buyl A of basic stock. Our 1943 pricelist Is ready, snd we'd advise early ordering, Contest forms? Have ou our X Bray atchery, 130 John St. N,, nt. Hamilton, FOR SALE 200 ACRES FUR SALE 2% MILES from town In prosperous farmin community, good soil, roome house, furnace, good outbuildings, cement floors, running water, litter carrier, Bargain for cash. Further particulars write Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Renfrew, Oat. NEWEST THING! | embossed pictures, assorted sube jects, Including religious--amall, 00; medium, $1.25; large, $1.60, ostpald. A real gift. (Dealers writey. Ace Art Service, 8 Welle ington "E., Toronto. _._ --_--X PATENTS & TRADE MARKS EGERTUN R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, (anadian,- British Patent Attorney. Booklet grat Established over forty years. 8 Balsam Avenye, Toronto. RAZORS AND BLADES _ PATENTS FETHERSTUNHAUGH & CUMPANY Pant Bollcitors. KSstablizhea 1850; 14. King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest' ., CAMERAS WANTED WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES FOR modern, still, and movie cam- eras What have you? Write to- day. C. iillams, Optlclan, 5. Fichimond Street B., Toronto, CHICKPEAS, GEESE, ETO. ANTED CHICKENS, FOWL, GEESE, TUR- eys and Ducks. Bring your ed Poultry to us. Highest prices paid. Quality Meat Pack- ers, 203 First Avenue, Toronto. DOMESTIC HELP WANTED WANTED, A CAPABLE COUNTRY girl or' Woman Saperience not necessary, help {n modern country ors five miles west of Toronto. Apply Mrs. G. Silver- thorn, Islington, Ontario, FARM FOR SALE SPEAKERS DREAD LOSS OF VOICE Fight off hoarseness with use of Lymolds "Hoarseness is a speaker's vw we To Tonneeh jets IHG on whi me how easy it i Gm tela) J bo ln 11 LYMOIDS # righ a pe wy unobta coin, to LYMOIDS, 119 Pearl Soret, Toronte, C--O Ce] loos distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia Ri] Fjakham's Yegetabl ohl helps: relieve uN tion Ldistiisban It helps bul resistance inst distress of "dif- \cule days. 0 ade In Canada, y ONE HUNDRED ACRES ON BAY of Quinte, new house, modern convenlences, furnace, th plece bath, shower, electric running water In barn, good ten: ant house; silo; hen house: work, shop; double garage; all n goad repalr, Electric uA in Jag JPlenty of wood; good fishin boat- ing. Clarence Mallory, Heal Bs. tate Agent, Bloomfle d, Ont. _ FON SALE MEAT AND GROCERY SHOP IN Ontario village, Montreal 100 miles. Weekly turnover $400 to 500. Large house, barns, garden. alue $8,000. Consider revenue - bearin | operLy part 'payment. | . Box 209, 73 Adelalde W. Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHINU NEEDS dyeing: or cleaning? Wile to us tor information. are fa to answer yo r Questions, art. arketr's oJ orks Limite d, 191 Yonge Street, To- ro ; ENTERTAINMENT ENTERAINMENT ren ANY. ocC- asfon. Con ts, Lanqueta, Church Socials, © fares, Carnivals, ances, ote, Preference to patrl- otic socleties, The Kansas Farm. er, Brussels Ontario. = BS -- -- ISSUE 50--'42 FUOUT BALM BAUMEBKA FOUT BALM {lsstrora c offensive odor Instantly, bottle. Uttawa agent, Drug Store, Ottawa. GOLD EMBOSSING INK USE IT FOR CHRISTMAS CARDS, parcels, party cards. Your own andwriting i beautiful raised tivé articles. ceive Gold or Silver Ink, or just send name and address for free information. Taylor Specialty Co., Dept. B. Toronto. Denman -- VERY ACCEPTABLE GIFT FOR. the boys. -Until Christmas I will mall prepaid In Canada one safety razor, fourteen blades, 35c. Thres orders one dollar. Extra blades twenty cents dozen. Walter Ives, 598 Palmerston Ave. Toronto. PERSONAL MARRIED OR ENGAGED? THEN you - should read the unusual sensational books, "Facts ol © Bureau, Station F.87 Toronto, RHEUMATIC PAINS SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY - sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltis Should try Dixon's Rem- edy. nly Munro's' Drug Store, 3 Big n, OttdAwa. Poat- paid $1.00. TURKEYS : MACHINERY FOR SALR OR WANTED WE BUY, SELL, AND TRADE IN Mixers, etc. Stock of mills carried. Morley & Son, 71 Duke Street, Toronto, + OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay 'Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, © 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. MEDICAL Lia, PROVEN--EVERY SUFFER- d Munr & _Btore, 335 Bigin, Ottawa, Postpald $1.00. CONSULT ME REGARDING YOUR health problems,. (Consultation free). Write or call when the City, Chiropractic seleice ets sick people well. Philip's Sclen- tific General Health Service, 12 Queen Kast, Toronto, VALUABLE TONIC | MRS. H. OG. SALLINGER, FINCH, "Th are worth a good deal more "han what I fall for them. I hardly ever knew That a real night's, sleep now I surely enjoy my sleep ACY) I feel like an entire) new person" 100 Pills 75¢, Post. PY ORFORD B. MORISSEY : ruggist = 637 Main St, Ht. John, N.B, 3: TURKEY POULTS -- PURR jronze, Bourbon Red, White Holland stock from Government Banded Blood-tested flocks. looking orders for 1943. A. W, Edwards, Lansdowne, Ontarlo. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH" The Hent, Rain, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS . Dellvered by Mall Any & or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only Supreme Juahty and (ast service guaranteed MPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto en » SAFE WANTED SAFE WANTED. = STATE, AGRA, -condition, Inside size and price, Bo. ox D., 73 Adelaide 8t, W., To- ronto. - 28 FREE CHICKS SEND FORD OUR PRICE LIST OF- fering re chicks for oarly orders, and lace your order early. Goddar Chick Hatchery, Britannia Helghts, Ontario, TURKEYS BRONZE BREEDING TURKEY] jive splendid young Toms an ens ment banded stock, A. W. wards, Lansdown, .Ont,. re The German soldier. gets his to. matoes, cheese, jam and apple sauce in powdered form, BEAUTIFUL from bloodtested Joverne.

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