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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Jan 1943, p. 7

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v *sencountered in African Invasion «Is Photographed Movie Producer Takes Plc. tures With Tommy Gun In One Hand and Camera In. - Other Photographing the wir with"& "tommy gin in one hand and a camera crank In the other were all part. of the thrills and chills filming "the Afrl. can invasion, Col, Darryl F. Zan. uck, Signal Corps, reports in his log made public by the United States War Department, The former Hollywood producer 1s back to assemble and edit the movie record of the African oper- atlons as photographed by his unit. - J Zanuck was aboard a plane with Lt-Gen. Mark Clark, second fn command to Lt-Gen. Dwight Eisen. hower in Africa, and Lt.-Gen. Ken- neth A. Anderson, commanding the British 1st Army in the land. ing at Algiers. y . His log relates that as the plane approaches the ¢ity, "all appears calm and peaceful," but suddenly flames sweep by it and ack-ack fire flashes all around it. "It dawns on me that our ships (in the harbor) are being bombed from the air." Airport Seized The plane no sooner has landed, he continves, than "all hell has suddenly broken loose on every side" as dotfights fill the air, and anti-aircraft guns blaze all around. Bombs land 50 yards away, but "no one is hurt," | "A Nazi plane is diving on the field. I duck under the wing of our Fortress and flatten out along- side the huge rubber wheel, A rather silly gesture. What fools we are--watching an air attack from the very airport that is being attacked, "Planes now come at us from all directions. It is dificult to tell which is ours and which Is the enemy's. A Nazi trailing black smoke with one- mootr gone dives over our heads, a Spit (Spitfire) hot on its trail. We open fire on It. "It is suddenly getting The air is filled with tracer bullets. A Nazi plane crashes nearby. Ane. other explodes in the air and drifts 'downward. We finally have cnough sense fo run off the field and into a slit trench, and one by one the * Nazi planes "disappear. We have beaten them. We have seized and held the airport." 8eized Radio Station Next day Zanuck was directed to seize. and hold. the Algiers radio station. After carrying out the mission, he found that his greats.. est difficulty was in assuring its French staff it would continue to carry out fits routine functions and get ils regular meals, Describing the filming of a "gigantic battle royal right over our heads and not more than 3,000 or 4,000 feet up," Zanuck said: "We had four or five cameras In action all fhe time. [I stood by with a tommy gun expecting: a Nazi plane to unload its crew In our laps at any time." "One Stuka dived so close," he said, "you could see every detail of the craft," but the cameraman "was so near to it he could not hold the entire plane in the aper- ture." : . ~ All the time, Zanuck said, he was using his tommy gun. "1 fired three clips in all, and while I knew some of my load hit home, I probably did no damage-- yet there was always the chance that some lucky shot might hit a vital spot." - Describiug how he entered a "deserted" hotel one plight. he sald he discovered upon waking the next morning that the place had been evacuated and a couple of unexploded 500-pound bombs were there, Says Tanker Safest ~ Of Cargo Vessels S. Edward Roos, able seaman and veteran tanker man, has es- caped twice from: torpedoed ok ers, but declares that, even if he is torpedoed a third time, he will go back.to sea .in tankers, .. "I've been a sailor since 1 went to sea at the age of 14," says Roos, as his story is told by Fred- erick C, Painton in The American Magazine, <- ' "One thing, odd as it may seem, we tanker men agree on: In peace | "...or.war, a tanker is a safer vessel than any other cargo ship, Don't laugh. There are facts to prove it. . . . Though filled with the : deadliest cargo known to man -- high octane gasoline -- tankers have reached port after recelving _atorpedo hits, Yo This has been pos- 4 rie because of the division of he hull into tanks. A torpedo crashing. into a tanker' amidships may rupture one or two, or even three tanks. A hundred thousand gallons of gasoline" burst into flames. The fire spreads out over the ocean like a carpet .of "hell, 'But-- "When the octane gasoline has burned itself out, the fire is out, - And if the ship is drifting, pout- ing out most of the gasoline and drifting away from .it, the other tanks of gasoline 'do not catch fire." dark.' "a Brazilian consulate official, © her pony Pixie wherever she goes, Rn SIAL Sa Right out of Mother Goose is this little girl in London, who ridea She is Claire Cotton, daughter of Britain Replaces Aircraft Carriers Strength of, - Royal - Navy "Greater Than In 1939 = A.V, Alexander, first lord of the Admiralty, declared that "al- ~ though we have had heavy losses in aircraft carriers, we have more now than we had at the begin- ning of the war after replacing -our losses." 3 of five aircraft carriers, the Ark Royal, Courageous, Glorious, Hermes and Eagle. Since the start of the war she has completed the Indomitable, Formidable, Victorious, and Illus- trious -- and, from Alexander's statement, apparently also has added the new Indefatigable and Implacable to the fleet. Jane's Fighting Ships listed them as scheduled for completion in 1942. This would indicate a total of seven, the only pre-war carrier remaining unsunk being the Furi- ous. ) Alexander told a Sheffield audience last September 20 that the Royal Navy's capital ship, carrier and cruiser losses of the last two and a half years had been replaced. "We have had in the last three or four months very, heavy attacks by U-boats," Alexahder said "and we have taken a very heavy tol of the enemy: - Casualties In War Under 1914-18 Toll German Losses In Russia Perhaps 4,000,000 In All A despatch from London says Reuter's military correspondent has estimbted that "the United Nations--not including China -- enter 1943 with armies totalling approximately 15,000,000 - men." In addition, he said, "Allied air personnel is -approaching the 5, 000,000 mark." The German army; "probably 8,000,000 men at its peak, has suffered heavily in casualties in Russia, losing perhaps 4,000,000 in all," the correspondent declar- ed, Japan, he said, "is reported te have an effective army of from 5,000,000 ta. 6,000,000." ) Now, in case some of the younger people may have the idea that the last war was, by com- parison, a minor -affair, let us have some figures of that as well, In the War of 1914-18, the Al- lied and Associated Powers (in- cluding the- United States) mobi- lized a total of approximately 40,. 000,000 men, The Central Powers (Germany and her allies) mobilized 19,500, 000 men, or a grand total of jusl under 60,000,000 men, were thesds. . Dead, 7,781)806; Wounded, 18,. 681,257; Prisgners or Missing, 7,080,580, on total casualties' of fore than thirty-thrée millions. Some people are inclined to Eastern Front in this war, hold. ing them to be "fantastic." They are not necessarily inaccurate or « exaggerated when one remembers the casualties of the last war, Up to this hour our own : Canadian casualties have been comparative- ly slight on land, Britain -has-announced- the -loss--| Journal, Co GooGr The total casualties of the war «doubt figures of casualties on the . Huns Use Rockets To Start Bombers Take-Off With Blazing Rock- ets a Terrifying Sight A British aircraft authority said 'rockets are used at the take- off of the Germon Junkers 88 medium 'bombers to give quick acceleration, : Writing in the annual review issue of "Iron Age," steel trade in the British aviation field, said such rocket-propelled starts .have been used for two years. Grey quoted an escaped Neth. "etlands flyer as saying that "few things are more terrifying than to sce a heavily loaded bomber full of bombs and gasoline tak- ing off at night with a huge rocket blazing under each wing and knowing that if one engine cuts the whole thing will tura over and go up in one burst of flame." Fired Electrically The author also reported that rockets are being used in another way by the Russians. 'He said two or three rocket bombs for ground attack are carried under cach wing of the new Stormovik bomber-fighter. The bombs are carried on rails instead of normal bomb racks. They are fired eclec- trically and are given their direc- tion by sliding along the rails. This, he added, with their rocket propulsion, carries them . more nearly in a straight line with the course of the 'plane than if they were ordinary bombs, Catapulting Hurricanes Grey said that the big, four- engine -Focke - Wulf Kurriers, which have been harrying Atlantic convoys, start their trips from a big airdrome near Bordeaux, in the south of France. They fly out around Ireland, up to Ice- land and thence to Norway, where they have a runway some- thing over two miles long, from which they take off and fly on the reverse course. . To combat the Kurriers, Grey said, Britain has been catapulting Hurricanes from the decks of big merchant ships. It a Hurricane allghted on the water, however, it invariably turned over on its nose and killed or drowned the pllot, 80 the pilots took to bailing out with their parachutes after shoot. fng down or chasing off the enemy. In spite of the fact that each such engagement meant the loss of a Hurricane,' the method has stopped Kurrier depredations, Grey well Kiiown | twice in one day. Shocks For Britons Coming This Year et ® More Britons expect to get their marching orders soon. Net all will march to the front but -there will be more of them at war work on the home front. Forecasters predict 1943 will be full of shocks for the whole na- tion from 't i-agers to pension. ers, a The aim is to throw the war . effort into even higher gear 'and bring in enough new workers to release enough fighting-age men to replace expected casualties. The, government is reported: considering - registration of men up to 55 and women up to 50. for industrial work, ) :. The conscription age for girls may be lowered to include 19- "years-old or even those a year younger, Drastic concentration programs are under way for luxury and non essential ifdustries, SCOUTING ... Of special interest to Canada's Boy Scouts, who have become leaders in the field of war sal- vage, is the fact that Charles le- ferle, Canada's director of Sal. vage, is a former Boy Scout. Mr. Leferle belonged to a Troop on famed and much bombed Malta, and was one of the contingent of Scouts representing the island at the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary in 1911, . * * Toronto's newest Boy Scout Troop, the 201st, is about as cos- mopolitan as it would be possible to find a Troop. The Troop is sponsored by the Kiwanis Boys' Clubs and the Scoutmaster is P. I. Harris, This little league: of nations has a membership of 28 boys divided among the following races and nationalities: Finnish, . Jewish, French-Canadian, Polish, Negro, - Russian, Ukrainian and Anglo-Saxon. Thus Boy Scouts again illustrate the true meaning of world brotherhood. : LJ * . Boy Scouts of Granby, Que., have an enviable record in the field of enlistments in the armed 5 ¢s. The Troop was organ- ized November 1927, and since that date has enrolled 232 boys. Of this' number 53 are in the Troop today, while. 103 former members are in the armed forces. Incidentally Granby has one of the largest enrollments of Scouts in proportion to boy population in the Dominion of Canada. . . * The Mayor of Hendon, a bor- ough of London, had the rather odd experience of swearing an oath of allegiance to the King' On the day on which he assumed office as Mayor he took the oath, and later on the same day was enrvolled*as a Boy Scout and in the course of the ceremony repeated the oath. "in / VOICE PRESS 'NICKEL NICKNAME -+ Canada's - second issue --of the twelve-sided nickel is made, like its predecessor, of a combination of zine and copper. The change Jean .probably demands a new name for the coin, and any day now, someone is likely to pop up with the suggestion of "zop. per." : . : -- Windsor. Star - --0-- - SOME 'SLIDE! _ A young Russian aviator parted fromm his plane at 20,000 feet or thereabouts. His parachute failed to open, but in falling he hit and slid down the side of a snow-cov- ered hill or mountain and came to a stop, breathless but un- scathed, in a snow bank at the bottom of the hill, --Winnipeg Free Press 0 EDUCATION A well educated boy should know how to--scll things, make things, run machines, milk tows, drive horses, plow, keep books, repair anything, read between the lines, shake hands as if he meant it, keep smiling, be "from Mis- souri", earn money=---save it. --London Free Press. ---- ( A PLACE TO SAVE The U. S. War Production Board is urging everyone to con- serve matches, It is estimated that people in North America strike more than 500,000,000,000 match- es a year and thereby use up 70,- 000,000 Yoard feet of lumber and 50 tons of steel. --Stratford Beacon-Herald I. To SHAKESPEARE'S OUT The Germans have ordered all of Shakespeare's works to bo pulped. Before the war they ae- claimed him as a true Aryan dramatist, but now, as a humorist puts it, they've discovered he isn't really*Hitlerature. -- London Answers --0 BRIDE'S PROBLEM Life gets more and more com- plicated. Brides used to be told that all they had to do was feed ---f-- the brute, but" now they have to give him nutrition. --Toronto Suturday Night -- WHEN DIMES.WERE DIMES Sure your great-grandpappy could buy an unrationed sirloin steak for a dime--and every now and then he had a dime. "a YOUTH IS OLD HABIT With some women, staying young is an old habit, : --Kitehener Record The British Army has a special Iy-built incinerator for destroy- ing secret papers. Not cven the ashes remain. LIFE'E -LIKE THAT Yep Neve, 2-20 By Fred Neher 7 (Oopyrighy 1605, by i --Detroit News THE WAR . WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events TT Newsmen .cliogeh by Tot "were allowed to ride British planes bombing, Berlin on the night of Jn, 16 for the first time on an offensive flight "from Britain, James "MacDonald, New York Times -correspondent, represented the Unided States" newsmen and in the following dispatch tells of the extremely heavy attack on Hitler's Capital: p I was a passenger aboard one of the planes .comprising the large force that battered the German Capital. 1, saw a great numbor of © 3,000-pound high-explosive" bombs and thousands of incendiaries blasting buildings right and left, and starting widespread fires remi- niscent of some of the big German ralds we have gone through In London The* plane to which [ was as- slgued as a passenger was man- ned by a crew of seven, One by one, the glant bombers roared away into the thickening dusk. Minutes passed, Still more planes heavily loaded with high explosives and Incendiarles went away while we waited. To Go control room tf Signal Faintly from- the camo the voice of the WAAR Women's Auxiliary Air Force -- giving us our signal to go. Our four motors, which had been idling all this time, burst into a thunderous roar. Slowly we began to move, We had to take the full length of the runway be- fore we were airborne heeause we were carrying one £,000-pound bomb and a very big cargo of In cendiaries. In a matter of seconds, the air. fill had disappeared from view. Soon we were out over 'the sea and hud started a long climb to Bich altitude. As we neared 10,000 feet, "Skipper" sab to me over his intercommunication, "Would = You mind going forward into the homb abmer's compartment in the nose awd connecting up your ox- yeen sopply pipe?" Somehow 1 managed to get into the nose of the plane and sat on Ter connect my nose-mduth mask with the oxygen supply. There wasn't any monotony, at least for me, in that overwater of the fight. T was fascinated the "intercom™ conversation of the crew, Five Minutes from Coast Then in a pause in which there was confplete silence, I heard the voico of Warrant Officer Clayton saving impersonally, SWe're now five minutes away froin the co. line of enemy occupied territory I could feel the alertness of yone ahoard. Then soon after that, Clayton' Informed vs we were well over cnemy territory, By this time, vight had closed in but there was a bright moon in the sKy and vis. ibility was wood. My unpracticed eves couldn't spot anything un- even when I heard the forward annuer sing out, "Haemy night fizhter off to starboard." Lying on my stomach and peer Ine through the plane's nose, | finally saw a tiny black speck moving through Iv that big Lancaster flipped far over on its side and did a steep, abnost vertical dive for what seemed Tike a thousand feet, then tov ard laze of some cloud helow us to hide from our would-he-attacker Wien you're carrying a two-ton homb and lots of incendiaries, it is not wise to risk being hit by an enemy plane's incendiary bullets. Ninety. Miles From Target Presently 1 heard once again the impersonal voice of Clayton faving, "Youre now 90 miles from the target" Hardly were the his mouth than grouml gunners began sending shells up at us, splitting the sky with Jagged flashes of light as they exploded. Either their aim was poor or "Skippers". piloting was excel lent, They didn't come near eu ough for us to hear the explosions above the noise of om motors. "You are now nearing the tar get," said Clayton. Then 1 osaw a sizht 1 had heard about from many of my RAR words out of the floor and let the forward gun- the sky. Sudden. - leveled off. We had taken advan. - " Dummy Fires Over Berlin Fail To Foil R. A. F. Pilots publications: Dummy fires lt by Germans on bogus landing fields, imitation freight yards, and flimsy structures disguised as important buildings. These fires on thé out skirt of Berlin were intended to make the raiding alrmen think they were over the City and drop bombs. on them, only tp have them fall harmlessly in open fields, We ignored them: Found Target It was only a moment or two later when [saw the real thing, Waves of raiders that. had takem oft before use back in Britain had found the target and dropped thele loads and made way for us new arrivals, , y Below and slightly to the right of me wero several straight strings of lights going like street lamps. These, strings, which seems Crisscross one another at angles, were caused by ine ed to right © ¢cendiaries that had just burst, Looking down, | was fascinated 6s the white lghts of fresh in- cendiaries turned to yellow and then red, when suddenly there was a Winding flash, a great cone of Jight with {ts point on the ground, and its ever-widentng base reach ing to the sky. Some "kite" had released a 4,000.pound bomb, We were flying at too great a helght to hear what must have' been a colossal explosion, Immediately after the hig bomb, numerous small fires merged into one great seething caldron in which the skeletons of some hufld. ings were clearly distinguishable, The fires were so bright they pare tindly illominated the bomb aim. or's compartment, silhouetting our homwbh afwer ws he poised himself over his instruments ready. to aim. Presently it was our turn to bomb, Up to this moment, we had heen zivzaseing, diving, climbing and twisting our way through the enemy's frantic antiaiveraft fire. Now we leveled oft ih 'straight corpse directly across the target avens In the middle of it, the big Lancaster leaped upward like a surprise animal, We had released our twoton homh. We tore on across the eonflagration below awd none of us aw our bomb burst, but crews in the following planes did. Shelis Burst Close By Again we circled for position to ran across the target from ane ther direction and drop incend- fuvles. As we started this second "run" 0 heard: above the din of our motors three dull theds die- ectly underneath us, thuds like heavy weishits were being dropped on padded floors. Three antiair- craft shells. had come uncomfort- Cably clase, bursting in fragments some of which scratched the une derparis of onr plane, but did not do any appreciable damage or harm auvone Having completed the second "runt the Skipper sald over the futercom to the homb aimer: "Johnny, there's "one fire down there sthat seems to he dying down. Let's start it up again." Once tin we took aim and streaked veross that steadily grows ing blaze, - "Bombs gone" announced John ny when we had got across, "Okay," sald the Skipper. U-Boats Renaired At 'Floating Bases' The Berlin Radio says the Ger- mans ave using "tanker submar- ines," which are able to refuel and repair U-boats "everywhere in the operations area." - These "floating bases," the Radio said," can operate as effici- ently under water as on the sure- face, an can submerge along with the craft they are refueling or repairing if hostile forces ap- proach. "The German tanker submar- ines," it was added, "have been built in Germ shipyards in ever-inereasing numbers during 1942, and have been employe | in various operations arens in the meantime," : Ns Alcohal fs being obtained from hananas by uw new process in French me Roger , J = x Your TiN 'AT STicKIN' IN ME BACK BLUE 7 JusT WAITIN FOR You To EXPLODE": ~~ sald. . "Nothing in"the rule book says | can't!" friends and read about in some Guinea, Bluey and Curley of the Anzacs "A right Guess" By Gurney (Australia) ZEA bh For 3 : Ei ST Ta a TEETER aa XN \ A TN . oC oF RE 3 . di \| 15...15...18 TTHAT awe! | (0 fig \ HoT DA WAS 1 Jed = il - x (c

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