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Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Apr 1943, p. 5

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ity oh REC ar { . rAd 42. " athe 2ds do Ki eat rR Re aa A a SAE Spend t pid sind tbh pair i PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1943 i BROCK THEATRE DENTISTS =, THE CHURCHES : Phone 618, WHITov DR, J. B, LUNDY | ©" OUNS PRESBYTERIAN NUTR ITION DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister Healthfully Air Conditioned. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School X-RAY WORK 1 Bible C a Pili hi Saturday, "Queen st. Fore's. Office, 7 PSone Jo Clase Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, -16-17, een ort Perry ; 2 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Phones: "iOffice "68w; Residence 68J | PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | Nutritious Meats, Call i h Saturday Matinee at 1.30 3 a b-irtere We Go Again Rev. W. C. Smith, Minigter W. A. Sangster gu aii W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER DENTAL i Sanjay. ap 1 Accusation, | Oftice Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. , Evening--The King enters Jefusalem Phone 72w, PORT PERRY . Oftice Upstairs, over C. Sleeps |, | -- - . V Insurance Office. J CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ~ . : Spring Is Here "with Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy ; Fibber McGee and Molly. shasta vores EE Rector: HOLY WEEK-- ANGLICAN OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG Rev. William Stocks. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, i April 19-20-21 DENTIST Last complete show at 8.20 Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe; "Pil 18th--Palm Sunday \ Shop. | 2.30 p.m.--Lantern Slides, "The Passion of our Lord" IRENE DUNNE.in' . Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry . . 6" : » : I~ 7 pm.--FEvensong and Sermon 1 me to i reshe Lady m a Jam LEGAL The Rector. . h n Up with | with PATRIC KNOWLES and ni thy Tender | JAP.A-LA C + AINT & VARNISH |} RALPH BELLAMY ARTHUR Ww. 8. GREER Monday, 8 p.m.-- Congregational Mis- ' This Week's Special--Rock Spar Clear Varnish 1 Quart, reg. $2.05. Sale $1.30 Also an ADDED Attraction Henry Aldrich, Editor sionary meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--The Passion Play, Oberammergau (colored slides). In attealdlance at my Part Perry office on f Wednesday morning, and Priday afterncos of each week, or by appointment. with Hoot don 624 Rite Gites Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Good Friday, 12 noon to 2 p.m.-- 1 . . ) : (The Arm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) Bom Dh Bevo po /2 Pint, reg. 60c. Sale 40c. Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS devotions. The Rector. | ' ! April 22-23-24 24} Simcoe Siege Now, Oshawa. Easter Day, 9.15 a.m.--Holy Commu- ! . P. . | i", ne 814 ~nion. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO ] . . in attendance at my Po er: --Children's Service * The Major ani the Minor| mii a huriey series of sa aes Sxvits | Phone 240 LIMITED ! apers 12¢. & up A t ! Jaste sic. 0 HY GINGER ROGERS & RAY NLiAGD Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 Faster Music ' SEE THE NEW ------ : PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Fa CL Se ee eee eal ) BEAUTY PARLOR Pastor -- P. Taylor J if i SUITS os 439 PRESSED 10 a.m.--Bible Class. y IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY § y Rufcast Wallpaper 4 ents 11 a.m.--Divir ice. Wi : : PR ENTICE'S 7 Ts, in 4 RELIABLE Insura : ti | ' ' = oR SUITS CLEANED SALON --! Vara tou ~ Soerni Man: li nee ts essential . 3 WINDOW BLINDS, 15¢. & i - Dry Cleaned $1.00 ee oN Taton' Pures Fane ' WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE | i C.& up| i ; C. P. ROLPH with or without sppolstment. RAIS a Oates Talis. "Ji NEEDS MAY BE, Consult il Venetian Blinds, made to measure, | | Tipp Resid N : ' RI AH 3 pp Tesldence on North Sweet. | PERMANENT FOR SALE | HAROLD W. EMMERSON Me in any color, . "AY 3 h. p. gas ine, i 1 running |. P [| 7 r 7 1} Expert RADIO Service] =~ WAVES | inrfooieprgionil) Phone 410 © © 7 Poreery ff DRAPES IN STOCK i PHONE 234 on $1.95 and up R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone 199 r 31. 7 ' TL hd $4 95 Pair to $10 00 P s .) 3 Tuesdays, Thursdays Senin : HLA Tp FATTO teat SSLLLLTLLLLI ILL RELL LL sine tanntaaneeen sn staan tastnnaseaen 1 | . $-1U. alr bi a4 Salinas Sak, ox sc pert ng JEMISON'S BAKERY ' LINOLEUM RUGS in all sizes. | | Mclean Radio Service = EM SO v | 9ft.x6ft to 12 ft. x 1315 ft t 2x. ' "gy. oh tn Toons ca Phone 223, Port Perry apr 15 HE HOME O n * +10 ore LS /2 ' 3 3 on 'oronto; call on : | : id i J. W. DAVIS, D.C. ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. {| Something new for corn sufferers. G O O DD B A K || N G 4 Axminsler Rugs, b fl. Jin. X 9 ft.--$25.00 4 ~~ CHIROPRACTOR WANTED se Benzocaine, the new local anes- i ie i Palmer Graduate Housekeeper, or woman for general Ci gd we Wt : 4 it ; st 205, 7 Adelaide 81. West rd oy bo Frank Shep- Teens Tage i inl ain The Best F amily Balding Service i F . W. BROCK & SON |i gow oronto, ario er one ort Perry, 1 : & ! AUCTION SALES "WANTED RoR Saly wh Maintain 1 J TO 43 rt PORT PERRY f ' Cs ee ae DHRU eT LLOYD KENNEDY, one mile west! Woman to do laundry or I Ry hom, ih Roig ART. JEMISON ge PROPRIETOR > AS er Bl rn ig dg ted ig ii pers to C. D. bcc R.R. 3, Port rE ? WE Selle St IER a r---- igre RANSARRS RY 5 FRESH BAKING DAILY Chelsea Buns, Sugar Doughnuts, Pies and Tarts Saturday Special: "Hot Cross Burs" FURNITURE belonging to tha] Perry. Estate of the Late Mary Jane Thomp- , i | a he : son, at her premises, opposite the FOR SALE " wm " Hospital, Port Perry, Saturday, April Massey Harris 3-furrow adjustable FRIES Rd 17th, plow, nearly new, single furrow walk- = i : THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd. ing plow, truck wagon, and hay rake. E. A. WERRY, on the Williams'| Apply to Gordon Fisher, Phone 14 r 32 farm at Caesarea, five acres of stand- | Brooklin. . I ing timber; 400 rods of good rail] es -- | fence, 200 rods of barbed wire fence, FOR SALE ' thirty tons of hay, barn 108 x 36, in| A quantity of timothy seed, well good condition, metal roof, and a cleaned. Apply to Mrs. A. Steer, R.R. stable 86 x 40; hay fork car, ropes,|4 Port Perry, Phone 164 r 4. i pulleys, etc., in each barn; two driving | -- i sheds, and pump houses, and a full SCUGOG | i . i line of farm machinery. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer (Continued from Back Page Mrs. Joel Aldred visited friends in Toronto a few days recently. Birthday greetings to Ellen Plough- man and Allan Carnochan, for April 17, Cecile; Hope "and Doreen Reader, for the 18th, Mrs. W. Mullen and Elva 'Out of the FRYING PAN and into the FIRING LINE pr RE Phone 32. Gerrow Bros, Port Perry p< nnn ats AAAS BBANARCASRARRRRAARRRAR AAR SBIR £3 1%. 3 4 Lo + TR 1 FOR avoLPH Save ALL WASTE SG | fatsshones teesereeee $3838288888820832088212 Prompt Service And the BEST MEATS the Market Affords, at Lowest Market Prices. $1831 388888 EERE RETR TTR ] $338138 $3888t NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alice Alma Thompson Spinster, Deceased. All persons having claims against - --the-estate of the above named who EI 'May 1st, 1948, full particulars of their died in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario on the 18th day of March, 1043, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before claims. Immediately after May 1st, 1943, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled Williams for the 19th, Mrs. H. Skerrgy for the 20th, Terry Chandler for 21st. Mr. Bill Hope, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hope. - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark and sons John, Kenneth and Gerald, of Ashburn, visited his sister Mrs. Louis Pearce, on Sunday. Canada needs and must have every s of fat drippings, eveiy piece of scrap lat and every bone from every kitchen in Canada. Fats make glycerine and glycerine makes high ' Also glue for explosives. nes produce fat. war industry. Don't throw away a single drop of used fat-- bacon grease, meat drippings, frying fats-- every kind you use. They are urgently needed to win this war. nful CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers np Ba A A A RR RR ARAL eerie tsitc errr sittsstesiserrerssneresaras: pm ---- PS er sep oer pe pg > thereto, having regard only to claims| Mr, W. Samells, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, - Strain all drippin: Fuselh an odinary strainer § 3 of which the undersigned shall then | Samells, Jean and' Donna, visited the isto Joan osmouiticd can 8 oll typos of H ~ | ge have notice. former's brother Mr. Wm. Samells and a, v. cooked ov Ko 5 R I I 2 Dated at Port Perry, this 1st day of | Mrs. Samells at Nestleton, on Sunday. When you have collect. + ed or more of I April AD. 1948. Miss Frances Lackin visited at her ~~ _ ah fpping, iakeit fo Yous MEM dodles i ; i HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, home in Scarboro and reports her -~ }: Port Perzy, Ontario, Solicitors for the| grandfather improved in health. flag andhescnpls) Mot or Bobvage ot A Car of B. C. CEDAR SHIN GLES Ro Executof®. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow, of ommittee collection system IN EFFECT 3 Oshawa, visited her sister Mrs. C. AR your ComuRWRY. Hatt In yopt ow No. 1 XXXXX and No. 3 XXXXX ° \ " Wannamaker, on Sunday, kitchen. For instance, there is enough ex- \ < Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, George -plosive power hidden in ten pounds of fat to fire g and David, visited his parents, Mr, and 49 anti-aircraft shells. So --every day, this easy We also have on hand a good stock nd d Mrs. George Jackson, in Port Perry, way, keep Voriag for Victory for the duration | R : on Saturday. i of the war. / of Asphalt Shingles 3 : . ss M et Bratley spent the iy od Al ' et di i: Mi \ | If you are contemplating a New Roof ; Does the Trick! To han MRS. LOUBLLEN SONLBY Port Perry, Ont. week-end with her friend Miss Leila his pony on Sunday, and is in Lindsay | Hospital suffering from concussion. His Scugog friends wish him a speedy Reoavery, DEPARTIE! T OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION was? F. E. Reesor BLS Latatit, RRR F. G. Reesor SARA RAS Lh, in part Perry. a " ne) : ; ; § - this year, we would advise ordering R. Burnham accompanie r. & - i Wi a 3 aN Bray ny are rol money- and Mrs. Percy Jeffrey to visit her | J | : Bic, : : early, as future supplies will be Limited. 2 can gan prove | : brother Bobbie, who was_ thrown from a 41 Jb » A \ fr Ee % RATA TR ¢ ' 100% ive ENR : REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER

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