ry ", ona Sra Sw ra Set So 7 a SRE ERIE eA i he JIE Poets A I Needless Casualties # On The Highways If the highways of Britain's tight little island are more dan- "gerous indn the fighting fronts of the world for men in the Brit- ish armed services, as Mr. Hore- Belisha reported the other day, the same situation exists in the United States. In 1942 there were 147,544 casualties on' the highways of Great Britain, where- as casualties in the armed forces in the first two years of the war amounted to only 145,012. Last year the motor veheile deaths in the Unitéd States were 27,800 and the total casualties, as com- piled by . the National Safety Council, were above 1,000,000, Of the injured, some 80,000 suf- fered permanent disability, Be- cause of military censorship, the total casualty list since Pearl Harbor is not known, but it is certain to have been a very small fraction of the traffic toll. April Weather Set 53-Year Record The month of April produced the lowest temperature, the greatest amount of snow and rain and the Jdeast amount of bright sunshine nan average struck over a period of 53 years, the weather veport at the Central Experimental arm stated last week. ~ The lowest temperature was recorded on April 7 when the thermometer dropped to four de- grees compared to 28 degrees two days later the previous year. The average over a 53-year period was 14.¢ degrees. The greatest snowfall was recorded on April 1t when 5.5 inches fell, iy addi- tion to the fall of three inches on the 12th of ti¢"month. The total for the period was listed at 12.95 inches compared to 3.5 in April, 1942, and 3.35 for the -53- year period. How Can??? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I avoid ruining the wall paper with large ~plcture nails? to sy A. Because a picture Is large does not mean that a large nall The Hon. Hecry C. Nixon is shown here with his family, I Bruce Forbes, and Mrs. Nixon. ] The Nixons lost their eldest son, Lie is serving on the cast coast with the R.C.ALF. (W.D.). Her husb ONTARIO'S NEW FARMER PREMIER (Left to right) : Mr, Nixon, son, Bob; daughters Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. ut, John Corwin Nixon,-serving with the R.C.A.F, overseas. Mrs. Forbes and is overseas with the Canadian Army, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED FARM WANTED WIG "HAVE SUBSTANTIAL EARN. ing opportunity for housewives and other women who want. to carn but unable to devote time to office or 'tory work. Avon Products of Canada Limited, 1015 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. AUTOMOBILES--USED WANTED, SMALL FARM ON LAKE front, sultable for, summer camp, about thousand ~ dollars. Wm. Campbell, 119 Logan Ave, To- ronto. FARM FOR SALE FARM, 75 ACRES CLEARED, 23 bush, practically no stumps or USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. stones, solid brick house, wall Hee us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- barn, metal roof, drive shed, good tors Limited. Used Car Lot at well, trout stream, rural nail. 2010 Yonge Su Hend Office, To close estates Mr ah My- 632. Mount I' nt toad, To- nns, lixecutriy, Victoria Harbour, ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. Ontario. : Ph. = FARM FOR SALE -- 150 ACRES, AUTO rants bank barn, brick house with NIIW AND Us slate voof and furnace, good ) PARTS FOR ALL makes of ¢ Com- plete autor shop service, Gene ply, 12 Si Frederick St, Kitchener, Ontario. nay CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontarlo. land, nice bush, plenty of water-- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS i PRICES PAID Saxaphone, Clar- ete. Send particu- impet, Inrs or instruments in for valu- ntion. tional Musical Supply Co, Ltd, Regina, Sask. RABBITS PHDIGREED ANGORA RABBITS for s $5.00 and up." Land-0- Lakes abbitry, Ormsby, Ont. - NURSERY STOCK TREE AND BUSH FRUITS, LVER- Shade Trees, Shrubs, ennials, Rock Plants, r vogue and fruit list, Niagara Nurseries, St. Catharines, nt. ) $7500, $3,000 cash, balance 5% %. --Bert Baker, LR. Thorndale. I"ATENTS FOR san PETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Tre Cutent Solicitors. Istablishea TEAM OF PERCHERON GELD- 1890; 14 King West, Torouto. ings rising 4 ye . Broken, quiet; Booklet of Information on re- welght about 2600 lbs. W. Keyes, quest. ItR. No. 2 Orillia, 4 miles (rom Orillia on Coldwater Road. PATENTS AND THADE MARKS WE EXPECT AMPLIY SUPPLY OF FOR SALE--I187 ACRES FOR GEN- INVENTORS. FREELY ADVISED TEACHER WANTED ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROTES- tant teacher, male or female, for Grades 1 to Grades 8, qualified also to teach French. Salary $1250.00 per school year plus fur- nished private residence. Apply Allan \W. Perkins, Sec.-Treas,, scalis Protestant School Board, crron, Quebecs ; WHAT SCIENCE 'IS DOING SECRET FOWDER A new powder, so fine that the total surface of the grains of the few hundred pounds in use. would equal the entire area of the United States, is the catalyst making much of America's aviation gaso- line. The powder flows like water. It literally _boils at times.. Although a solid, it is officially named a fluid catalyst. _.The amount of powder is small, enough to keep three new gasoline Hate You Heard? A young housewife asked the grocer for a peck of seed potatoes. "sss An hour later she returned with a platter of them--all neatly 'slic "Yoii've made a mistake," she " complained. "I've cut all of these potatoes open and there's not a seed in aby of them." : --_--0-- © "How much are these col. lars?" "Two for 25 cents." "How much Is one?" "Fifteen cents." "Here's a dimé--gimme the other one." --0-- "A Mr. Harmon--or Marmon-- called and said you're to mest him tomorrow on the corner of Elm, [ think he sald, and West, or North Street, believe, about eight, or nine, I think It was, and that it you can't come you're to 'phone him, Sycamore 6-49 some- thing 3, as it's very important." --0-- My teacher's got memory In the Tommy: the. worst world. Father: So he forgets every- thing, does he? Tommy: No; everything. he remembers -- Caller--"1 wish to sce the man- ager, 1 am Mr, Charles Cresham of Chichester." Oftice Boy (who stutters badly) "Mr. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch:ch--haven't you a card, sir? It sounds as though I was playing t-tralns, sgt NO "No, Dick, | fear we could never be happy; you know | wlways want my own way In everything." "But, darling, you could go on wanting It after we are married." °° op "Sorry to put you to the trouble of (etching water specially for me," said an English tourist, who had ordered whiskq In a Highland inn. "Nae trouble at all," replied the host. "I always keep a drop on the premises in case of fire." --0-- 4 tm Husband: "As | contemplate the wonders of nature, | realize how insignificant is man." Wife: "Any woman knows Roll your owners! "go for Ogden's Cow-catchers cleared the way for folio stock in the old days © of tho West... Ogden's clears _ the tracks for rolling-your-own to complete satisfaction. It'salong- famous brand with along-famous name --a blend of choicer, riper tobaccos-- it's Ogdon'sl \ Ogden's quality for pipe smokers, 3 ily in Ogden's Cut Plug ' (ot (FB) FINE CUT R.A.F. 'Train-Buster' Warfare Effective Combined blows of the R.A.F,, R.C.A.F. and American "train- buster" air fleet against Hitler's rail transport are 'smashing his dwindling supply of locomotives at the rate. of 160 a month, ) At this rate, the Allies are de- stvoying 50 more locomotives in a month. than the Fives-Lille plant in northern France, largest in Kurcpe, can produce in a year -- and the Fives-Lille normal production of 100 a year is. believed to have been cut ap- preciably by persistent R.AF. bombings. i, March was a particularly dis- the - i of 4 or Ps . ra rpose farming --in gr a5 ea. " h ating. astrous. month for "German rail (Hi is needed to hold it. Thin strong Shicky for delivery wharly giles oral pha TR i how io Biotest dpventions, Eger plants in operation. But a lltile that without contempl g trenagert. = Fight planes. salons Sava nails can be purchased and the cockerels for delivery early June. possession. One mile south of Toronto. Established over (forty does a pewerful lot of boosting i Z knocked cut nearly <100 locomo- [3k 1a wall paper will not be ruined. Don't leave yourself short for Mt Hope on No. 6 Highway, John Jonrs. _ tf chemical reactions making the : i i BATE Q. Tiow can I make it caslor to fall. and winter markets. Let's Brooks, Glanford Station, ILIL 3. - 0 el cal reac 8 . tives, and railway targets were { : : ki ha have your order now. Bray Hatch- " PERSONAL E war fuel, M d E i doa vodlensd Nave You ender now Tray Halon FOR SALE. THRESHING OUTEIT, ---- hid The powder Is so light-weight oaern tiquette ht on 200 be 31 A835, vives "= A. Before attempting to clean a ity Smeg) tractor, 28-45 Fav. ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE ON that after it has performed Its ec shortage in -locomotiy IBLE. PEED CARADA. RAISE orite Mill with straw cutter, chaff "Spiritual Science. Knowledge Is ; By Roberta Lee- and railway material is making woolen garment, always brush it rl oe aan bower, clover attachment. Joo Power. - Particulars, H. C. John- chemical cracking job, it rises like itself "fel in the heart of G thoroughly. Much of the dust can Tweddle Chicks. By specializing» Slattery, RR. 6 Peterborough. son. Smith Building, Toronto. smoke in a column of gas vapor. Jtsetf fois a A 4) My t a : oHY' 3H fweddle Chicks v sive TRI TERI, n in Jast an be FOIA, thereby making the [ = on fweddle Chicks xou 'wive SEVERAL DRUMS OIF MOTOR O11, PHOTOGRAPHY In the rise the powder particles 1. 15.1 'eopraee 10 call on now ag) ons fp 2488 cleaning far easier. results with po grester invest- oy Seale Meus WE Lia carry on their backs the precious ighbor th sel. Ee . ' sav ; ment and with no more work a: Lo Bobvinson, 126 Shuler St, 4 GH 3 neighhors. Ay 3001 29 'ey are 20 R.C.A.F. fighter pilots - have. Moi il] save time 'when Bont oh Sip Jo nuts Sak Toronto. bony 1=uboe THROU gasolino base they have helped to tled in-their new. home? BEA ag s C ring ans' -- mill" stock Tweddle Chicka --aFe + 1 produce : - ; EP hte FOR SALE WATERTO0 THRESH- pELauces Z. Should one refuse a cigarette inst tran facili- A Remove the tops and strings, 1000 Sproqtadted rondo, Cove ing 'machine, 33 x 15. New feeder, HAVE YOUR SNAPS This base Is separated trom the | 5'Cocone offers one, but you pro. | Tonths against t BRL Be then take a dozen or more beans, CUMNEN Gls } cigher. chaff blower and A -- ed he latter is cleaned and ties in France and Holland. As healthy, sturdy birds. Poultry shredder last vear. in Delivered by. Mall powder, the latter is clea and_ fer your own brand? many as four locomotiv 'have hold them on a board, and cut ard eps will be Baten go class condition. Elvin Tal, Any 6 or 8 exposure. film perfectly then it flows, as easy as water, y Tao be - them across with a sharp knife. It is much quicker and easier than breaking each bean. Q. How can I keep a stepladder from slipping? A. Nail pieces of felt or rubber on all four ends of the stepladder. This will prevent its slipping and probably causing a serious fall. -Q. How can I soften butter with. out causing it to lose flavor? A. If the butter is too hard after removing from the refrigerator, let it stand for a few hours in the warm kitchen before spreading on" bread for sandwiches, The flavor will not be impaired as when melt- ed over a fire, and it will be casy A Liverpool, England, brewery reports the loss of 28,000 glasses from its retail "houses" in a year. JITTER MUGS Jittery over threat of Allied in- vasion, Adolf Hitler hurriedly conferred with Prof. Albert Speer, left, on strength of Nazi defenses along "Atlantic Wall." Fortifi- cation expert Speer is the suc- Jaseor to Gen. Fritz Todt, who uilt Siegfried Line. Nearly 1,000,000 loaded cars a week are being dispatched by British railways. BECOME _ A duce your share of this essential food--and send for the Tweddle catalogue and price li Order your June and July c 5 now. Tweddle Chick. -Hatcheries Limit- 1. Galt. RE WANTED WANTED FEW RELIABLE FARM- ed, Fergus, Ontario. ers who have good Pasture and Foie' nda tion \ to posture 2d > : - 1 3 iches of young cat- BLACKDERRIES tle bo) summer, sfor cash, paid ---- = 3 N monthly. Also for. keeping sl HIMALAYAN BVERBEARING the year 'round, on mereentnrmoy Biackheteies. Prolific and ards, of increase. Write fully: Post AL prepaid. A. Klein, Office Box 576 Toronto. DESIGNERS WANTED HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN DRAFTING, CANADIAN L An HAIR PeRING on n Industry needs designers for war on request regarding nan my postwar planning. ; yids Robertson's Halrdressing Aonds wuild of Mechanica esign, = Suan of hanieal: emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. DETECTIVE COURSE DETECTIVE. 16 wanted everywhere In Canada to learn .detectivy work. Practical easy course by -orres- pondence. Information free. C. M., Julien, Box 25, Station T, Mon- treal OV MEN HAIR GOODS Only firm fn Canada manufacturing exclusively, Write us for particu- lars, > \ WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 238 Yonge §t., Toronto, Ontario DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, . ELECTRIC MILK COOLERS' HOUSEKEEIER WANTED VISITING HOMEMAKERS' iation, 511 Huron ocial Welfare orgs ASSOC- Toronto, zation needs Applicants should be exper- fenced in housekeeping and care of children, but cannot have their own children with them. Apply in person or by letter, including ' references, ELECTRIC MILK COOLIIRS, NEW and-used, wholesale or" retail R. Adams, 215 Kennedy Road, To- Tonto 13, INSTRUMENTS WANTED BAND & ORCHESTRA INSTRU- ments not in use may be turned into cash. Send full particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. FEATH IRS WANTED WILL, PAY THE FOLLOWING res for Goose and Duck feath- ers: Goose feathers, 68c 1bh.; Duck feathers, 48c 1b. Canada Comfort- er (lo. Limited, 736 Dundas 8t, Fast, Toronto. Ont. FOOT BALM _BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instanuy, c bottle.- Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, FENCE POSTS WANTED WANTED -- 100,000 NORTHERN white cedar fence posts. Write quoting. prices, I. , Johnson and Son, Cedar Springs, Mich, HELI WANTED STEREOTYPER WITH SOME EX. perience as helper In weekly newspaper and job office, open shop. Apply Employment and Selective Service Office, 174 ox: dina Avenue, Refer to File CT46M. _ LIQUID SUGAR LIQUID SUGAR SUBSTITUTE FOR cakes, pies, puddings, coffee, cto. Four ounce bottle equals eight pounds sugar, 70¢ postpaid. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Ed. Hutch- Jon Agencies, Box 600, Spalding, Sask. LIVESTOCK REMEDIES RED BLOOD UICKLY TABLETS atop White -diarrhoea in chicks, Turkey poults, also calf scours and pig scours, costs 1% chick, lc poult, 10c pig, 50c calf. Trial ekeeper for motherless fam- ° -- ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods developed and printed (or only 6c, Supreme quality and fast service Buurauteed. 'IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toil ato FILMS DEVELOPED 25¢ COIN Two prints from each negative. Re- prints Ze cach. Montreal Photo, P.O. Box 160, Station FF, Montreal. PHOTOGRAPHY SOLDIERS AND SAILORS WANT PHOTOS IN LETTERS Send your films. direct to Canudu's largest photo finishing studio for developing and printing. Save deal- er's profits, You'll save money. Quality work and' prompt service is assured you. Send-us-a-roll-for-trial,-- Any Size Roll--6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ Free Souvenir with Each Order. Satisfied customers will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does work of the finest quality. A new customer at Wolfe Island, Ontario, writes: "I was so satisfied with™ results, I will tell my friends about the good 'work Star Snapshot Ser- vice does." You will like our work, too. : 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 35c Sixe 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts ~ Enlargements coloured by hand for a small additional charge. . STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1293, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your nanie and address plains Iy on all orders. NURSING COUNMSE APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED BY Grace Hospital School of Nurs- ing, 21 months' course. For fur- ther information, apply Superin- tendent of Nurses, Grace Mospit- al, Ottawa, RHEUMATIC I'AINS sample $1.00; guaranteed results 'Ty ) SVIRY © s A ro TRY IT! LIVERY SUFFERER OF Dimi a Ry Tan & Co. ; Rheumatic _ Fains or Neurills - : should, try Dixons Benes, Mun- . . ro"s Drug Store, J1gin, Ote MARE FOR SALE tawa. Postpaid $1.00, ' FOR SALE --- SADDLE MARE, 5) 3 four-year-old, Jack, J Approxim! STRAWHRUIIDS ately sixteen hands high, sired pr 3K OUTSTANDING ¢ - by, Perlapides. Apply to William THE AN TRAY Preiss, Tavistock, "Ont, Route 1000. Premier $5.00, 1000. Par- No.* 3. . : son's Beauty $4.00, 1000, choice - ------ lants well packed. Grant Logan, TIMOTHY SEED Scotland, Ont, GOVERNMENT _GRADE__NO. 1, SUGAR NEETS - timothy seed $10 per cwt. R. Ia MacAndrew, RR. No. 1, Win- chester, Ont. % y MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS--EVERY SUFFER. er from Rheymatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Muriro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. WANTED YOUNG MARRIED TAPEWORM couple of English, Irish, Scotch R extraction for modern farming. BTOMACH AND THREAD WORMS Will pay seventy per month often are the cause of {ll-health yearly, with fuel, lights, milk fn humans all ages. No one im- and separate house. Write Percy McKee, Paquette; Ont. ISSUE. No. 22--43 mune! Why not find out if this fs your trouble? Intereating par. ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont. P BEAT SUGAR RATIONING! GROW sugar bects. Make your own Aug- ar and syrup. Simple as ABC, Complete - instructions, 25c, Ia Neigel, Vibank, Sask. SAVING DEVICE GASOLINE SAVING DEVICE, 28 cents. State year and make of the car and carburetor, Mike r Ignash, 344 Gladstone Ave. To- ronto, Ont, TRACTOR: PARTS TRACTOR PARTS NEW AND used, for all makes of tractors General Auto and Tractor Supply, 12 Frederick 8t, Kitchener, Unt ~ gasoline. range of materials, back to the reaction chambers to repeat its catalytic job. Time after, time, almost without end, the sam, powder is able to repeat. Great Advaniage Chemists here generally say that the American aviation gasoline, which is 100-octane, is one of the Allies' highest advantages in the air over tho Axis. Neither Germ- any" nor Japan has They have lacked the raw mater- ials. But they know one of the older processes and this Japan might use before the war ends to convert some of her nowly-con- quered oil into 100-octahe aviation 100-octane. partner's arm when entering the dining room, at an informal din- ner? ik 4. Should a man's wife ever give bim directicss while he is carving? 6. Should one select a wedding gift that Is something only the bride can use, if one doesn't know the groom? i 6. If a woman is taking a group of her friends to a theatre, who should enter first? ht : Answers : 1. Yes, and these calls must be returned, 2. Yes, merely say, "Thank you, I have some." 8. No; she should merely walk at his 3. Should a woman take her --been reported knocked out by the Canadians on a single day. Women are replacing 600 men who formerly took care of Lon- don's parks, squares and gar- dens, : . MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operators and Com- positors apply to your mearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER TO FILE The powder catalyst is exclusive to the United Nations. Its secrets are not known to the Axis. It will produce the high power gasoline more continuously, from a wider and will, {it necessary, carry the gasoline up beyond 100 octane. ) Abraham Wiser Than Army Censor "An army chaplain wrote home that he could not give his where- abouts, but quoted the remark of, one of his men: » "Padre, 1 reckon Abraham was a wise guy to get out of this place as soon as he could, even if he didn't know where he was going." : This was passed by the cen- sor, who obviuosly did not recall the passage in Genesis and He- brews which say that Abraham left Ur of Chaldees to go into the land of Canaan, ~ Ur is in Iraq. \\ side. 4. Not unless she wishes to encourage a dark look from her husband. The majority of men heartily dislike Interference of this kind. 6. No; select something that can be used and enjoyed by both tho bride and groom. 6. The hos- tess should enter first with the tickets. yd : Brazil has a billion acres of valuable woodland, covering nearly one-half of its total land areca. " OPPORTUNITY For Girls and Women to Help Our War Effort / washers Good living : Waitresses -- Cafeteria Workers -- Dishe accommodations uhder proper supervision, Apply with Medical Certificate nearest Employment & Selective Service Office REFERHO.274 "4° wanted, -- * indy 'No. RO676--- - . RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troublid with \icning piles or rectal soreness, do not delay, treatment und run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any, Itching or soreness or painful pasa- age of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured ~ at once. ' For this purpose get a package of Hem-Hoid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will" quickly, relieve the. ilching and soreness and ald In healing the sore tender spots, Hem-Hold Is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seems the height of (oHy- for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy, may be had at such a small cost, 1 you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your. money. HEMORRHOIDS No. 1 is for Protruding Dlecding Files: anda pot Jn Tree, Froteud for internal Aptlisation, Price 7tes Mecon Ens I goon Te tavaad tchiog bie. , rnal ) Order by number from your I Devasist: FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve mon ed pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings--due to Jouthy funec- tional disturbances. It helps build ip resistance AEaInst distress of "dif cult days." Made {n Canada. y Relieves distress from MONTHLY -