Port. Perry. Mrs. M. Orde, of Port Perry, Philip Orde, of Orillia, and Sgt. John Orde, of Hamilton, attended the fune- ral of Mrs. Orde, wife of the late the Honourable Mr, Justice Orde, at Grace Church pn the Hill, in Toronto, on Friday last. Interment was in Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peters and Miss Edith Peters, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wilmot Hill at Clare- mont on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr..and Mrs. Ed, Jennings and chil- dren, of Acton, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mills on Sunday. Mr. Philip Ordé ,of Orillia, was with his mother on Saturday and part of Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mills and chil- dren, of Enniskillen, were guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Cecil Mills, on Sunday. . Mrs. Charles Reesor and son Danny, were in Oshawa, for a few days last week. While there they attended a birthday party for Mrs. T. J. Blight, which was given by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Blight. 4 Miss June Sonley enjoyed holiday- ing last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Beare, in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey were visitors to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. N. Ewers and Mrs, C. Norton and son, of Oshawa, called on rela- tives and friends in town on Thurs- day. Miss T. Bryce was a week-end visit- or to Toronto. Miss Audrey Sinnmonds, of Toronto, is spending this week at her home in rort Perry. Flt.-Lieut. J. W. Kerr and Mrs. Kerr, of Toronto, were with Mr, and Mrs. H, H. Stone over the week-end. Miss Dorothy Balfour enjoyed the past week-end in Toronto. We are glad to see Pte. Jimmy Tay- lor, of the R.C.A.M.C, home from overseas. Messrs. R. D. Woon and S. Farmer . attended the Annual County Seed Fair held in Beaverton last Friday, at which Mr. Farmer was judge of the Public Speaking Contest. +0.S. Harold "Tim" Gatenby, R.C.N. V.R., of H.M.C.S. York, in Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mrs. Jack Starkey and son Glenn, are spending a few days in Toronto with relatives. Mrs. Alex. Woods, of Toronto, is visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. G. A, Woods. --e---- IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Sold at 'Lawrence's Drug Store. Junior War Workers The Junior War Workers will meet at the home of Mrs. E. J. Hutchinson, on Tuesday, April 4th, ~~~ I. 0. D. E. The Scugog Chapter L.O.D.E. will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 3rd, in the Library room at 3 o'clock. Euchre and Dance There will be a euchre and dance held in Prospect School on Friday, March 31st. n> to ------ = CARD OF THANKS We wish to express sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors at the time of the death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Wilbur Vance. - Such kindness is a great source of comfort at this time of great sorrow. Wilbur Vance and daughter Shirley. Be ant fo i sett in BIRTHS SNELGROVE -- At Women's Col- lege Hospital, Toronto, to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove, Prince Albert, on March 16th, 1944, a son. HILL--Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Hill, of Claremont, announce the birth of their daughter, Sandra Ann Louise, at Stouffville Hospital, Monday, March 20th, 1944, rt P- - ation Coupons hich may be used ffective Thursday March 30th Butter--50 to 66 Tea and Coffee--14 to 29 inc. ~' ALSO--El to E6 Sugar--14 to 29 inclusive egerves--D1 to D16 - URTER 60, 61, 62; 63, expire Mar, 31 (Fr FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA 1011 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 30 to APRIL 1 OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND, in "GOVERNMENT GIRL" i with SONNY TUFTS Anne Shirley, Jess Barker Watch Her Turn The Capitol-- Upside Down. 3 Girls to a Bed, 10 Girls to a Date, 20 Girls to a Steak. Tuesday, . Wednesday, APRIL 3 to 5 By Popular Demand "THIS IS THE ARMY" starring Men of the Armed Forces George Murphy, Joan Leslie, Lt. Ronald Reagan, Alan Hale, (ieorge Tobias, Kate Smith, Charles Butterworth Get Set for the Most Wonderful Entertainment Yet, In Glorious Technicolor Monday, COMING THURSDAY DOROTHY LAMOUR, in "RIDIN' HIGH" In Technicolor '| Vaughan Williams; Dear Lo: DEATHS JOBB--At Blackstock, Ontario, on Saturday, March 25th, 1944, John James Jobb, beloved husband of Ca- thering M. Knox, in his 86th year. GB tee IN MEMORIAM CLEMENTS--In loving memory of a dear husband and father George Clements, who passed away on April Ath, 1942, Your last parting wish We would like to have heard And breathed in your ear Qur last parting word. Only those who have lost - Are able to tell The pain in the heart At not saying farewell. : Sadly missed and always remem- bered by wife and family. ---------- PT Sends $22.00 to the Milk for Britain Fund " © Mr, Charles Pilkey, of Greenbank, recently sent $22.00 as a donation to the Milk for Britain Fund. The money was raised through a euchre party at Greenbank, at which Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holdershaw were host and hostess, and will buy 220 badly needed quarts of milk for the children of Britain, --_-- #iigh Schunl Notes Ad Optima Wesley Jackson A good crowd enjoyed the musicale at the High School last Friday even- ing. This is the first all-niusical programme: ever presented in the Jistory of the school, : There were two readings by Lois Parr and Helen Peel, piano solos by Doris Wallace and Wesley Jackson; a trumpet imitation 'by Bob Dowson, Jack Whitmore, Eve- rett Nicholls and Grant MacMillan; and a ukelele duet by Bob Dowson and Wes Jackson. The main features of the programme were choruses by Grade IX, and Grades X, XI, XII, and XIII, The programme was under. the Switzer. The musical evening was very successful and may be made an annual event. Here is the full pro- gramme: O Canada. 1. Grade 9--John Peel--Old English Folk Song; The Girl I Left Behind Me--OIld Irish Folk Song; Scots Wa Hae--Old Scotch Folk Song. 2, Piano--Wesley Jackson, 3. Grades 10, 11, 12, 13--Bonnie Dundee--Scotch Song with bagpipe imitation, ars, Don Wright; Just A Wearyin', 4. Reading---Lois Parr. 6. Grade 9--I've Got. Six Pence; Mairzy Doats; A Merry Life. 6. (a) Vagabond Quartet -- Bob Dowson, Grant MacMillan, Jack Whit- more, Everett Nicholls. (b) Ukelele Duet--Bob Dowson, Wesley Jackson, 7. Grades 10, 11, 12; 18---Dark Eyes Russian Folk 8. Reading---Helen Peel. 9. Grade 9--- The Hopak--Russian Dance; Steal Aways-Negro Spiritual. 10, Piano--Doris 4Vallace. : 11. Grade 9--England My En and an Fathér--Hymn Tune, LEAN 12, Voice Class, th 13; Grades 10, 11, 12, 13~Border (ilasses complete, or lenses only, in touch with someone in charge and direction" of Mrs." Rowe "and "Mrs. Eyes Examined supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIAT Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Ballad--Maunder; Jesus .Our Lord-- James, The King. The next Literary programme will be in charge of Grade IX. Details of the programme will follow. Blood Donors . . Clinic Remember Friday night, March 81st is the cvening for our next Blood Clinic which will be held ini Port Perry High School. Cards have been mailed to the Donors who have already registered. Approximately cighty-five names have been received for this Clinic from peo- ple of this district who desire to help in this project. The Committee in charge had hoped to have received one hundred names, so, if you are in good health and wish to do your part get arrangements can still be made for vou to donate this coming Friday. We are very pleased with the co- operation received and are not com- Phining but surely out of this large territory there is still plenty of room for improvement. Doesn't take much courage nor doesn't take up much of your time to give a little blood which will mean so much to the welfare of some of our wounded men and women | who are doing so much for us. During our Gracious King's Christ- mas address to the people of the British Commonwealth of Nations, he made the statement that, "This time {4 Nourishing Meats: at Lowest Market Prices CAWKER BROS , Family Butchers You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE HIND'S CREAM HONEY and ALMOND Special package FRENCH BALM .........39. and 49¢. LAWRENCE'S SKIN BALM 25¢. and 89c. | 7 JERGEN'S LOTION, 28¢., 43¢., 83¢c. ITALIAN BALM (large size) ..97¢. RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS we To All Employers: All Unemployment Insurance Books- for the year ending March 31st, 1944, must be ex- changed for new books. Kindly communicate immediately with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' books. There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance Contributions for your insured e mployees and for failure to renew the Insur= ance Books as required. To All Employees: wx containing two regular Size bottles 7%¢. VELVETTA BATH SALTS " .JERGEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP 3 bs, 69¢c. 8 for de. PHONE 49 Port Perry Lions The winning team of the Mid- get hockey boys -- The Black Hawks--will long remember last Thursday's meeting as one of the most enjoyable evenings the had spent. t The presentation of the Cup donated by the Late Mr. Frank Dawes, was made by Reeve Let- cher, after an appropriate intro- duction by the President, Lion Sam Griffen, Then each player was given a handsome tie. A happy sing-song followed led by Dr. Rennie, Ray Cook, et al. Many kind words were spoken of the coach, Lion Roy Cornish. A. M. LAWRENCE we are all in the front line together" --if we cannot' be there in person to do our "bit", the least we can do is to send our blood. Perhaps it will be the means of saving someone's life. Many lives have already benefited by the use of Blood Plasma, Your name 'on a Blood Donor Card will be very welcome -- so come on folks and use a little bit of patriotism in this direction, just as soon as you possibly can. We wish to acknowledge the inter- esting letter received from Mr. Tripp which was published in this paper re- cently. It is fice to know our friends are following our activities. Mr. Tripp's record as a Blood Donor is one to be proud of and a wonderful example and inspiration for the rest of us to follow. Some public spirited people have al- so come to the assistance of the Clinic financially, and we appreciate it very much. Donations already received .... J. C. Love R. J. Harper . Fred DeNure ------ Pp Young People's Union The Y.P.U. met on Monday evening with Bob Williams and Norma Hock- ley, conveners of Christian missions, | in :chagge. 4 . als The Vice-President, Thelma Crosier, presided, and opened the meeting with the 'Invocation, The hymn "Nearer My God to Thee" was sung. Norma Hockley offered prayer. The Seri ture passage, Psalm 130, was read by Bruce Gerrow. Meditation on the Scripture was given by Bob Williams. The hymn "Abide With Me" was sung. Irefie MacDonald gave a reading en- titled "Smokers, Attention!" 'Bob Williams read 'a- missionary story, "Healing Hands" writlen by Rev. R McClure, Rev, W. C. Smith told a couple of stories of experiences he had while on. mission fields in Northern Ontario and in Western Canada, Thelma Crosier thanked these people for their entertaining stories, ' The, minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted, business discussion followed--it has been. de- cided to hold an entertainment pos sibly a Minstrel Show) in the High School auditorium on Friday, April 28th; admission to be 3bc. and 26c. Offering was faken; the hymn "Jesus bids us shine" was sung and the meet- jng closed at 9.30 with the Mizpah benediction. : "There will be no meeting next week owing to examinations of the High School students, The next meeting will be on-Monday, April 10th, . If you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION HON. HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour LOUIS J. TROTTIER . R. J. TALLON ALLAN M. MITCHELL Commissioners, PE-8-44 A SE A RO An Unique Occasion A small Lodge, AF, & ed Cedar Lodge, Oshawa, on Tuesday evening of this week and were well repaid for the journey. It was the occasion of the official visit of the D.D. G.M., R.W. Bro. Baxter, of Colborne, and Masons from all over the district attended as well as the two other lodges in Oshawa, - As might be ex- pected, the Cedar Brethren, who were not on night shifts, were there in force. Also it was, the occasion of a visit from Pentalpa Chapter and the Almoner Preceptory Whitby, in all, well on to 200 were in attendance. The beautiful third degree was ex- emplified to the satisfaction of the D.D.G.M. who complimented them on their work, 5 A unique feature was the presenta- tion to VW, Bro. S, M, Hutcheson of a jewel from Grand Lodge on his fiftieth anniversary as a Past Master. Wor. Bro. Hutcheson was given the custom- | ary jewel from Grand Lodge several | years ago on his reaching his fiftieth year as a mason, This is not unusual as every mason in good standing, on reaching his 50th masonic year is en- titled to this recognition but it is 'I seldom that tite 50th year as a Past Master is claimed for when 60 is added to the age of a brother general: ly in whén he has gone through the chairs, it would make him a pretty old man and many are called to the Grand Lodge above before reaching it. However, Wor, Bro, Hutcheson, who is. a brother:of our R.W.'Bro. I G. Hutcheson, got through early in life and has lived to receive this honour from the Grand Lodge. R.W. Bro. H. G. Hutcheson is also a member of Cedar Lodge and was called on to perform .the ceremony of, presenting this medal to his brother, which made a still more unusual setting. The District Deputy in his address to the Brethren gave what we consider the best talk we have ever heard from a D.D.G.M, An excellent banquet was served afterwards and a splendid program of songs and music followed concluding '| by a musical farce by the "Numskulls" that was a riot of fun linked with stir- ing orchestral music. This treat will long be remembered by those who were lucky. enough to. attend. 1.0.0. F. News On Monday, March 27th, the mem- bers of Warriner Lodge, No. 76, in- itiated four new members at a splen- did meeting.' Thirty members were present to witness the Degree. If you are a member of this lodge and have not been out for a few meet- ings you are really missing some en- joyable evenings, : 1 it At the next regular meeting, Apt 10th, the Grand Lodge Representative contingent of Fidelity | other excellent class of candidates and A.M. members attend- | deserve the attention of all who can | a visitor on Sunday with Mr. an will be: elected. A degree, possibly the second, will also be conferred, so keep the date in mind. This 'is an- be present, y : A special gathering is being held in Millbrook to celebrate the Fiftieth An- niversary of Oddfellowship. of the Millbrook Lodge, in the near future, More information will be obtained ater. s Remember the Clinic Friday night of this week, for the Blood Donors. We quite realize the number of mem- bers already donating at other Clinics, but we should like, if at all possible, 'to have our lodge represented one hundred per cent., so, all of you that are in Al condition remember to sign up as soon as possible, if you have not already done so, A goodly num- ber have already . registered; but, there are still a few we would like to hear from, $ . Myrtle Station Mr. Stephen Saywell, of Oshawa, concluded the series of pre-Lenten ser- mons on Sunday afternoon. These discussions, leading up to the Easter service, have been full of meaning and an earnestness which should prove helpful to his congregation. : Messrs. Alvin Eyers, E, Darsh and Misses Therese Kelly and Mary Eyers, all of Hawkestone, visited very recent- ly with Albert and Mrs. Eyers. 'The Port Perry Lions Dance on Tuesday evening of last week was at- tended by a number from around here. Russ Creighton provided the music and certainly kept the crowd on the move, There was lots of fun, every- one was happy and reported it a rousing affair, : : Mrs. Francis Briggs and daughter, Mrs. H. Stredwick and Miss Thelma Briggs, were visitors in Toronto on Thursday last, ; Robins and other spring birds are here and how lovely to hear their songs again! Regardless. of the cold winds they perch on the limbs of the trees and sing with happy abandon. Some of the earliest of the spring flowers have "pushed their yay up through the cold earth but the latest fall of snow has covered them up, But we'll be seeing them again shortly, in real earnest. Mrs. Bert Duff and Ray spent Fri- day in Brougham where Mrs, Duff's mother, Mrs, Wm, Taylor, is living for the winter with a daughter. 8, Taner Min is hearing the Si agen arian stage o e, i8 enjoying very fair Tealth, Q.M.S. Russell Lunney was home [from camp and enjoyed the week-end with his anlly . Mrs. Chas, Cooper of Toronto, was d Mrs. James on, ur great success at the Dance. the result of which will appear at a later date. Lunch was served. Lion Bill Carnegie reported a Other business was transacted, the week-end with the Oliver Lanes. Red Cross yarn for socks and sweaters is not available at present but Mrs. Luery has a quantity of the gray light service wool for ladies' ca- ots. The knitted articles department of the Brooklin branch is asking for many of these little "beanies". The instructions are of the simplest kind and any knitter can easily follow them, The caps can be knit in a very short time. Knitters are needed, so hands up who want wool! The community hall was a busy cen- tre on the afternoon and evening of Monday and Tuesday when the local committee distributed the new. ration PRE al th a e thousands 'of chicks hatched out this year in Albert Eyer's! hatchery, only one was a freak of na-' ture. It had four legs! Mr, and Mrs. Dan Black of Oshawa, were guests on Sunday of Reeve O, H. and Nes. [Dorey b 7 r. and Mrs, Edgar Cooper, Doug.' Gaty bial baby Darlene, of Morons, ere Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Ww. J. Cook. 14s | Mrs, Carey, Marjorie and Dorothy were in Manchester on Sunday with George and Mrs, Leach, who have ought the property formerly owned by the late Charles Gerrow. of Mr. John Smith, temporary section. foreman was' in Burketon on Sunday with his, ie and little son. | pr. R. Holman, R.C.0.C., of Cam Borden, called on his ra yot C8 > Sunday afternoon. Wiiny Y Mr, Bill Johnson of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. V, Stewart, Misses Joy-and Orma Lamb and Mr. Ernest Upter- grove, all of Toronto, were Sunday callers at the Albert Eyers' home. | AC2 Frank Downey, R.C.AF.,, Ham- ilton; was home for the week-end. Mrs, R. A. Cox and Alvin_were in Toronts on Sunday to visit Mr. Cox who is at present in St. \ - Vajescont Home, John's Con . The following interesting items taken from a fetter Fron on of a boys, a Lance Corporal, who is driving a truck in the Canadian Army Service Corps somewhere in Italy: Wo were (Continued on page b) PORT PERRY INCOME TAX RETURNS R. J. HARPER, Phone 204 NOTICE All Kinds of Eleotrical and Mechanioal Repairs to Household appliances All makes and sizes of' Eleotric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned 3 h. p. Fairbanks Gas Engine for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP STAN. CAUSLEY , Proprietor Port Perry, Ontarlo BILTMORE THEATER, OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 30-31, APRIL 1 +Season's Greatest Laugh Hit! MONTY WOOLLY, and GRACIE FIELDS, in 1H" . "" Holy Matrimony -- ADDED FEATURE -- "ROY ROGERS, in Sunset on the Desert with George (Gabby) Hayes. Monday and Tuesday Only! APRIL 3rd and 4th 2 -- Grand Hits -- 2 BING CROSBY, in " "The Star Maker" * with Ned Sparks, Walter Damrosch and Symphony ADDED HIT! The First Commando Thrilling Drama with CONSTANCE CUMMINGS and Cast of Thousands 'Wednesday-Thursday, April 5-6, Jean ARTHUR, Chas. COBURN and Joel McCRAE, in "The More' : 'the Merrier" -- plus -- 0 "Oshawa First Showing! The Middle Watch o JACK BUCHANAN 7 "Always a show after 9 pm." I We have a large - April 16th, Shi i ) C i | i us; NOW IS THE TIME TO REPAIR THAT ROOF before the Spring rains, Shingles, Toronto Asphalt Shingles, and rolled : 'roofing, - Rol-Bric Siding will be available about supply of B.C. Cedar . . Phone 240w i LAKE SCUGOG, LUMBER & COAL Co,, * LIMITED ard of Oshawa, was up for a