> "e Te © feb te, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 80th, 1944 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 30, 31, APRIL 1 Two Shows at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m, Saturday Matinee at 1.80 JEAN ARTHUR 3 JOHN WAYNE "A Lady Takes A Chance" "2 with Charles Wianinger, Phil Silvers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, APR , 5 Last Complete Show at 8.16 "Aerial Gunner" with Chester Morris, Richard Arlen, and Jimmy Lydon Also An ADDED Attraction-- "Calaboose" with Jimmy Rogers, Noah Beery, Jr., and Mary Brian Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 6, 7, 8 "Thank Your kan. Lucky Stars" starring Humphrey Bogart, Eddie Cantor, Bette Davis," Errol Flynn, and Ann Sheridan Ll i ---------- THE CHURCHES W. A. Sangster DENTAL BURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. Office Upstairs, over C. Slesp's Insurance Office, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. McLean Radio Service SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Resid on North Street. Phones: ST. JOHN'S . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. A. MacMillan Sunday-- - 2.30 pn.--Sunday School and Adult : Bible Class, to which everyone is invited. ; f 7 pm.--Evening Worship. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday-- 10 a.m, --Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Annual Easter Communion service. An invitation to Dedication of Purpose in return for the Grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Reception of members. 7 p.m.--The Symbolism of Palm Sun-| . _day. Christ acclaimed King. Special ~.;'music by the choir at both services. Mid-Week Lenten Service in the " Church of the Ascension, Wednesday, April 6th at 8 pm. Rev. J. A. Mac- millan, preacher, The Union Easter Service of the W. A. and W.M.S, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock. All ladies invited. Re- treshments served, * CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION © ANGLICAN Reéctor--Rev. William Stocks Palm Sunday-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and Ser- mon. The Rector. { . "The New Covenant". 3 p.m.--Sunday School Wednesday, 8 p.m. Holy Week-- Service of the Three Churches. Preacher--Rev. J. A. MacMillan, Good Friday, 12 noon to 2 p.m.-- Meditations on the Seven Words - from the Cross, with" Hymm® and vevotions, Easter Day-- 8 a.m, and 9 a.m.--Holy Communion 4 p.m.--Children's Service. : 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, : The Rector. PORT PERRY BAPTIST . CHURCIL Pastor: P. Taylor. . 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. - 2,30 p.m.--Bible School * 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday at 8 -- Prayer M . MID-WEEK SERVICES OF THE THREE CHURCHES Wednesday, '(Holy Week) 8 p.m, The Church of the Ascension, Preacher--Rev. J. A. MacMillan. * (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, } Phone 814 : in attendance at my Port Perry office on' Tuesday, 'and Thursday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 ARTHUR W. 8. GREER * (n attendance at my Port Perry office on J Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, '8 Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 28 WOOD LOTS FOR SALE Three miles north of Claremont, Forsythe Bush, all hardwood. Apply to. Nelson Webster ¢/o Mill Valley Lumber C&;, Claremont, Phone 2022. ", FOR SALE Mixed Hardwood Limbs, Body Birch and some soft wood, 4 foot lengths, 2 or 8 cords to the load. Price $12.00 per cord delivered, i: H. ROBITAILLE, R.R8 Pontypool, Ont. / SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY SALON -- ee ---- with or without appointment. PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO and STYLED SETTING, + ONLY 50c. CC --p---- Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. In days of uncertainty, reliable INSURANCE is essential. Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consule H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry Auction Sales APRIL 6th--Guernsey Cattle, York- shire Swine, Implements, ete., the pro- perty of W. D, Taylor, one mile west of Brooklin, on No. 7 Highway: Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm -. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 -- Registered Holsteins, Implements, etc, the pro- perty of T. G. Brown, Greenbank, See Bills for list. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon. L. E. Franklin and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ida Howsam, late of the Township of Reach, in the County 3 of ,Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died on March '13th, 1944, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before April 29th, 1944, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after April 20th, 1944, the asdets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall -then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 28th day of March, 1944, " Fxechtors, un ry ADVERTISEMENT FOR CREDITORS ; Creditors of ELIZABETH ANN DOBSON, late of the Prince Al tario, Widow, deceased, who died at the Village of Prince Albert on March 6th, 1944, are requested to send particulars of. their claims to: the undersigned before April 8th, 1941, after which date her estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto and the executrix will not be liable for any elaims of which she has mot then received notice, - 0 DATED at Oshawa this 22nd day of March, A.D, 1044, | W. E. N, SINCLAIR, K.C,, Bank of Montreal Chambers, OSHAWA, On tario, Solicitor for the Executrix, J --for it itchen, sittingroom, be > m/my home wherever I go--but the poor guys in the Infantry op front e Village of: bert in the County of On-! RATES { of energy: 3 Months' Kilowatt Hours 150 300 600 Rate $8.6 11.52 17.35 Tax. 83 kw.-hrs. This is one ip a series of edvertisements explaining problems of electric supply to farm and hamlet consumers served direct by The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. | NEW HYDRO RURAL "Note the saving you will obtain under the new rate of 4¢, 1 6/10¢, and ¥%¢ in the following examples showing com- parative quarterly bills for several commonly used quantities 3 Whereithe Old Rate was 4c., 2c., 3-4c. STANDARD FARM SERVICE YOUR BILL AT °° Old N These examples illustrate the Savings you will secure in your Hydro bill in Rural districts wheye the old rate was as shown above. shown are for quarterly net bills, including Dominion Government War The reduction in your bill in a district having a higher old rate (such as 6c., 2c., 3c. or be, 2c. 34c.) will be proportionately greater than the examples shown above. Please note that the service charge for farms is discontinued, but the minimum bill for such consumer is $6.56 per quarter, for which amount up to 168 kw.-hrs. can be used. and 2c.. this same amount would cost the consumer $8.29. x Hamlet consumers have the service charge cut in half, but the minimum bill is $4.87 per quarter, for which they can use an amount of In a district having a former rate of 4c. and 2¢. this amount would have cost the consumer $6.46. These explanations are given to help you understand the new rate. In our next advertisement, we will discuss for your benefit, the UNIFORM - RATE. In the meantime, if you need further information, please ask your . Rural District Superintendent. Ea THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Reduce Your Bills HAMLET 2-WIRE SERVICE 3 Months' YOUR BILL AT ew ' Kilowatt old New Rate Hours Rate .Rate $6.56 100 $6.93 $5.52 886 200 8.87 7.54 13.53 300 10.82 9.10 The amounts In a district having a former rate of 4c. MYRTLE STATION (Continued from page 4) on the road for several days on a wonderful trip across Italy, from one coast to the other. The most of the road was through mountains, It sure gives you a thrill to look out the cab window, almost straight down for half a mile. Many of the turns in the road were so sharp we would have to back up to get around them. One day on the trip it snowed as good a storm as ever snowed in Canada, We passed through little Italian mountain vil- lages with their dirty, muddy streets and stone or cement houses. Men and women stood in every doorway and watched us go by, while the kids, b; the dozens, ran along by the true asking for cigarettes 'for popa" and for biscuits (hard tack) which we gladly gave them, We saw the women gathered at the village wells with the big earthen or brass water jars which, when filled, they carry home on their heads. The women do the heavy work here. In the mornings it's almost im- possible to drive through the streets of a town or village because of the carts drawn by donkeys, horses and oxen and loaded with men and women going out to work. The people do not live on their-farms, but in town, and drive to and from, morning and night to work on the land and in the great olive orchards. You think you_have mud at home in the spring. Well, I'm telling you you've never seen any- thing like the mud here, If you can imagine what a plowed field would be like when the snow is just melted off it and hundreds of trucks driving through churning it into a slippery, slimy lake of mud, then you have some idea of what it 18 likg-here.. If you step out of the truck you aré almost over your boot tops,Mio matter where HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, | you walk. I'm lyeky to what some of Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the |the men are, have a warm, dr, ; apr.18 place to get at night (my truck) have nothing but trenches. have electric lights and can have hot water by running the motor for a few minutes, o are sleeping in the cabs just now, as we are loaded. Probably you know that the motor is also in the cab of these trucks. It's not so roomy and the brake and gear-shift levers stick into me and my feet are against the cold steel door; but I fin- ally get settled down and am quite comfortable." * We really wonder how this can be for he has to stowaway six feet three of himself in the space remaining. But he and thousands of others like him are doing without comforts and put- ting up: with all kinds of inconven- - | fences in order that victory may event- ually be ours, FOR SALE 250 bus. 0.A.C. 21 Barley, 1st prize at Ontario County Seed Fair; 300 bus. Cartier Oats, 3rd prize; 600 bus, O.A. C. 21 Barley and Erban Oats, mixed; also 25 bus. Timothy seed. Apply to Allan W. Crosier, R.R. 2, Blackwater. Phone Manilla 11 r 3. ap6 , SEED GRAIN FOR SALE Mixed Seed Grain for sale. Apply to Leonard Blight, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 93 r 13, Uxbridge. FOR SALE Rogers Battery Radio and Beatty Washing Machine. Apply to Mrs. Jos. Forder, Blackstock. FOR SALE Mixed Seed Grain. Apply to J. E. Holtby, R. R. 4, Port Perry. Township of Scugog Suspension of Fox Pelt Bonus. Take notice that the Township of Scugog has suspended the Fox Bonus of $3.00 per pelt until further notice. H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk-Treasurer WANTED Piano, in good condition, reasonable, Apply to Mrs. Paul Diamond, Port Perry. Phone Port Perry 67 r 31. BRAY CHICKS PROMPT SHIPMENT uU NUSUALLY heavy hatches allow us to say, definitely, that if you order your Bray Chicks (either day- old or started) right away for prompt shipment, we 'can oo fill your order without delay. That is mre than we can prophesy for later in the season. Advance or- ders have been extremely heavy for later delivery. But we can supply a lot of good Bray Chicks Bich Wi: And right now is a mighty good time to start f % schicks. Experience tells us that the oh had Javed 1 Faived 117 highest "egie' prices: of 1944 will be [| E00 Nef LAY CLEMONS titabla realized in September, October, Nov-" bir turned ery;-Rrol1lable "ember. Good Bray Chicks, started Hinds. Shia now, and raised right, should be in Pl nice production just when prices are easant soaring. (If you take started chicks, 3 7st of course, they will be laying that 3am, much larger eggs, and cashing in on the wide fall premiums for egg size.) Just to make sure, in ordering, name a second choice on breed, grade, and date of shipment, (We'll do our level best, of course, to'give you your first choice). Manuel Millhausen, Lion's Head, Ont.--"Bray Chicks are the best I have ever had. I was very for- tunate to be able to get them" Pat Dapello, South Porcupine, Ont.-- "Your chicks last year were really something to brag about. I lost but a few, and what were left were wonderful." Mrs, J. L. Smith, Waltham Sta- tion, P.Q. -- "Out of the 430 Mri. Amy Flendley, Hills, N.8.--""These chi the best I ever raised. very pleased with them{' James N. Jones, South Nelson, N.B.--"I think there fs one other name you should have added, have the best laying birds I have ever purchased." "Order BRAY CHICK HATCHERY Today-- Order BRAY" A. R. GRAY, R.R. 2, Port Perry,Ont. and that is 'Victory Chicks'. You | me RED & WHITE srore SPRING SALE SUITS COATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Made to Measure. A Big Range of Patterns and Designs $29.50 $35.00 RUBBER BOOTS For Trappers--High Boots in all sizes KNEE RUBBER BOOTS--$2.45, and $3.35 Ladles' and Children's Rubber Overshoes Light Rubbers of every size now in stock WALLPAPER 300 New Designs for Spring Sunworthy Papers, Sun-Tested Papers, Semi-trimmed, Ready Trimmed. All these features . to help beautify your home 13c. Roll and up AXMINSTER RUGS 6 ft., 9 in, x 9 ft., and 9 ft., x 10%; ft. in Stock CONGOLEUM RUGS IN A BIG RANGE 9 x 12--$10.50 9 x 12---$8.40 BORDERLESS RUGS Rugs in all other sizes in Stock INLAID LINOLEUM in a large assort- ment. Prices quoted on any room. BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS--Bloomer Style $1.25 and $1.79 Pair AGENCY NEW SERVICE CLEANERS Weekly service--Goods sent Tuesday noon, returned Saturday SHOES Complete stock of Men's Work Boots $2.75 to $5.50 Growing Girls' Shoes--$2.95 to $4.50 Men's and Women's Fine Shoes--$2.98 to $6.60 Pastry Flour, 98's, $3.35 GROCERIES Pure lard, 20 lb. pail $3.10 Head Lettuce 13c. head. Celery 15¢. head Oranges, all sizes, Fresh Cod Fillets, 85c. 1b. Amber Honey, jar 64c. Amber Honey, 4 lbs. 72¢ F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY - CT A i aoe a nS nN en Te > paar 9 388200232 88st ssi itastissseiisisiodl teeeeeseeseesssns JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING 'Gives QUALITY | .--.. FIRST. Consideration | ART. JEMISON $4 PROPRIETOR ceprrrrrrrat st esata IIRL LILILLLSILIIALILARLILAIINAL ANNE 33a og Prompt, Courteous Service Good Meats W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY his a i ---- EE a Za i wm es