PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 80th, 1944 NOTICE, GANNING FACTORY GROWERS We will be in the field to Contract fr Whitby Factory Sweet Corn We would be pleased todiscuss our Corn contracts with you. Drop us a line, and we will have our Fieldman call at your farm. ' We are installing a Corn Unloading Dump for unload- ing Corn, which will eliminate unloading by hand. You will find our Grower Service of considerable help to you during the Growing and Harvesting Season. OUR FIELD MEN are carefully picked and trained by us. They will be available to give you all_the help possi- ble during the Summer. Food Fights for Freedom Stokely-Van Camp of Canada, Ltd. WHITBY, ONTARIO. Phone 893 | OUR BREAD AND PASTRY '# is made for those who want the best. Ho LET US SERVE YOU, SATURDAY SPECIAL-- WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS | GERROW BROS. ARASH ARARSRAARRSARAASSNSN ASAT MAKE OULTRY | ORE ROFITS ORDER a couple of Joys recently, Glad to hear Master Murray Readér is improving after his appendix ope- ration in the Oshawa Hospital. ber si Cl a of MANCHESTER The Manchester Women's Associa- tion will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Howard HOOK'S 'HI-QUALITY' . BABY CHICKS Dobson, on Wednesday, April 6th, at er a BLACKSTOCK Twenty-one ladies quilted 6 quilts in the hall on Tuesday afternoon, Six Blackstock ladies prepared the quilts in the morning, Mrs, Parr took one home to quilt, Several ladies have done this work in their homes this winter as well as making the quilt tops: The ladies of Cadmus War Work Club have been quite busy, also members of our Church organizations and Women's Institutes, Quinte District Seed Growers As- sociation held a special seed meeting iy Belleville, March 11th. One of the features was Junior Farmers' Seed Judging Competition with 86 boys from Hastings, Prince Edward, Nor- thumberland, Lennox and Addington and Durham Counties. Each Cotmty was entitled to enter 10 boys wit three high scoring boys from each to be the County team, Durham Coun- ty boys won the Warden's Trophy for the 14th consecutive year. The Dur- ham boys were coached by their Agri- cultural Representative, E. A. Sum- mers. Team members were Ralph Larmer, John Green and Francis Jose, Newcastle, The first twenty Boss received cash prizes. These were all Durham boys, including Ralph Larmer, John Green, Bruce Taylor, Dalton Dorrell, Ernest Swain, Howard Forder. Prize winners in individual classes: Oats--Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen; Bar- ley--Dalton Dorrell, Nestleton; Wheat and Weeds--Ted Standish, Bowman- ville; Small seeds--Sam Davidson, of Northumberland County, : Glad to report that Mrs. G, Wright is home after a successful goitre ope- % | ration at Lockwood Clinic, Our sympathy is extended to Mys, 7 Jobb and family on the sudden death #5 | of Mr. John Jobb, Blackstock, on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. J. Philips and family visited Mrs. Steer, of Ajax on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thom visited &|at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall's on 4 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Ward, of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher and baby, of 'Ashburn, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry, calling on Mr. and Mrs. George Ward on Sunday. - : Mr. and Mrs, Doug. McKinley, of Lansing, visited on Sunday with Mr, Bruce Bailey, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Geer and Ca- ro] visited with Mrs. Norman Flewell at Oshawa on Sunday, : Mrs, L, Cassidy visited recently with Mrs. F, Kendall, A cable has been received that Pte. p-- fig Starter, SHUR-GAIN Layin GAIN Complete Feeds. BOTTOM PRICES. FRESH ter feeds. i PHONE No. 1, - - SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER Feed Service Mills manufacture SHUR-GAIN Chick Al handling is eliminated, and the saving reflectedin ROCK When you buy SHUR-GAIN Complete Feeds, you buy Feeds made right at your local mill, as required. are FRESH FEEDS, Freshness is of major importance in feeding Poultry. SHUR-GAIN Fresh "SHUR-GAIN SAVES YOU MONEY" In SHUR-GAIN Feed Service, the Feed Division of Canada Packers' Ltd., co-operates with HOGG & LYTLE, LTD., Mash, and other SHUR- extra transportation and FEEDS These eeds are bet- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ---- Spring Ahead NOW IS THE TIME TO ARRANGE for that Spring Repalr Work to do this year. We have a Full Line of Gyproc FIREPROOF Wallboard you are planning il = 'Donnaconna: Insulating Wallboard ~ Asphalt and Wooden Shingles 'REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. G. Reesor Clifford Harper has arrived safely overseas, Pte. Leslie Leighton, of Kingston, at his home on furlough, Sorry to report Mrs. John Henry on the sick Hst, also Mr. S. Ray, formerly of Utica, ASHBURN (News of last week) The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, Fred Siopnen) on Tuesday afternoon, March 14th at 2,30 o'clock, The meeting opened with meditation and the singing of a hymn, "The King of Love My Shepherd is". Mrs, Edgar Heron read the Scripture taken from Ephesians 8:14-21., Mrs. Anderson then took charge of the meeting and dealt with the third chapter of the study book, This chap- ter told of the beginning of the Evan- gelical church in Latin America and its far reaching results upon the peo- ple. During her remarks, Mrs, An- derson conducted a quiz. Mrs. Gar- diner then read an article on how Don Jose became a Christian. Mrs. Wm. Gardiner, Sr. read a paper on the events which led up to Don Pedro be- coming a Christian, The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. It was decided to send for 50 copies of the pamphlet "I shared this Adventure", showing the work of the W.M.S. in Canada during 1943. Mrs. fourth chapter of the study book and Mrs. Wes, Routley offered her home for the April meeting, Mrs, Robert Heron tendered a vote of thanks to Mrs. Fred Stephen and Miss Fern Stephen for their kind hospitality, and the meeting closed with prayer. : A.C.2 James Doble spent the week- end in Toronto. Miss Vera Leach spent the weekiend at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon English of Woodville, i Mrs, Wesley Routley, Helen Jane Routley and Miss Joan Cooke spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Hamill, of Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Parrott spent last week in Toronto visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sherwin were among the guests who attended the golden wedding. anniversary of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. P, Jones, of Balsam, on Tuesday, March 14th, Sub.-Lieut. Lyle Sherwin, who has spent the last month in. Calgary, is now posted in Toronto and spent' the wepkend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R, D. Sherwin. Miss Mary Hopkins visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peddie, of Claremont, on Saturday. Mr. Henry Doble visited last week at the home of his brother Mr. Wes. Doble, of Sunderland, who is conval- escing from an operation. } Mr. and Mrs, Howard Stiver, of Unionville, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerr, i (this week's news) Rev. J, A. MacMillan had charge of the church' service at Burn's Church on Sanday morning at 11 am, He chose for his text Praverhs 23:7--For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. There was an attendance of 48 at Sunday School, ; The Ladies' Bible Class held its re- gular monthly meeting in the base- ment of the church on Tuesday even- ing, March 21, The Men's Bible Class were guests for the evening, The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer by Rev, Mr. MacMillan, Mrs. Edgar Heron read the Scripture. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary Mrs. Wm. Gardiner, Mrs. Herbert Ashton and Mrs, Fred Hill 'were appointed as the program committee for next meeting. - Rev, Mr. MacMillan consented to teach the class on April 9th, The president Mrs. Ashton, welcomed the men, and closed her remarks with the reading of a poem, "Fellows". The following program was then enjoyed: piano in- strumental, "Doll's Dream" by Doris May Heron; recitation by Betty Jean Lunney, "How St. Patrick Drove the Snake from Ireland"; recitation by Kenneth Heron, a quartette (Frances and Barbara Lynde, Doreen Isaac and Nancy Armstrong) sang "It's a Long Way to Tipperary". 'Mrs. Wes Rout- ley gave a talk on the life of St. Pat- rick; Doris May Heron and Patsy Lunney dressed in Irish costume, sang a duet. The meeting closed with the singing of "Blest be the Tie that Binds", Mrs. Lorne Parrott conducted two contests, and lunch was enjoyed. Mr. Walter Kerr, on behalf of the men, thanked the ladies for their kind hospitality. The Ashburn Young People's So- ciety met on Friday evening in the basement of the Church. The presi- dent, Mr, Wm. Gardiner presided and opened the meeting with a hymn and the Lord's prayer in unison, The Scripture was read by James Knight. The literary convener, Lewis Deek, then took charge and the following program was given: reading, "Grum- lesome Folk" by Mrs, Wm, Gardiner, Mrs, Gordon Fisher gave the tople-- "Literature". Catharine Fisher sang, Myrtle Collins gave a reading, Lle- wellyn Richardson, editor of the Young People's paper, read the first instalment of "Feeble Efforts." The meeting was then brought toa close with the singing of a hymn. Miss Glenys Stephen spent the week end at-the home of her parénts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen. Mr, Henry. Doble, AC2 James Doble, and Miss Florence Doble, visited Mr. Daniel Parrott, at Hamilton, on Sun- ay, Miss. Gertrude Parrott spent last week in Toronto visiting relatives. : Sub. Lieut. Lyle Sherwin, Toronto, visited at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. D. Sherwin, during the week-end. ' : The Ashburn Ladies' Guild and Red Cross will hold a joint meeting in the basement of Burn's Church on Friday * afternoon, March 31st at 2 p.m. One quilt will be quilted. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. Several from this vicinity attended the sale of farm stock of Mr, D. E. Hamer on Friday last. I Mrs. Grace Armstrong entertained a number of Kathleen's little girl friends to a birthday party on Satur- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Routley enter- tained a number of their friends at their home on Saturday evening, HEALTHY VIGOROUS GROWTH-- NEW HAMPSHIRES The "MORE PROFIT" Strain NEW HAMPSHIRES X BARRED ROCKS-- Heavy Layers, and Ideal Market Fowl. All Breeders are Blood-Tested by a Government approved laboratory. All Chicks are hatched in Jamesway Electric Incubators. We will have available on-- APRIL 23rd .... 300 chicks MAY 19th ... .. 300 chicks MAY 21st .... 600 chicks - GREENBANK Poultry Farm and Chick Hatehery GREENBANK, ONT. Phone to H. V. Hook & Son, 51 r 11, Port Perry SCUGOG A very enjoyable time was spent by a large number recently at the Hall. After all "had enjoyed the splendid supper of many choice dishes, Mr. Fred Crozier acted as chairman in his usual nice way, and opened the program with a few humourous remarks. Everyone joined in singing The Maple Leaf Forever. Miss Beth Fralick gave three good contests about berries, nuts, and trades, Mrs, Glen Hood gave a musical contest-and all joined in with one verse and the chorus, Miss Lackin gave a humour- ous reading on paying the income tax, which caused much merriment. Mrs. E. Fines favoured with a solo. Mrs. E, Lee gave a very amusing contest when each one drew a picture, then all had to find the name of a song by the picture. Mrs. Glen Hood favoured with a solo. Mr, Ralph Milner then conducted a lively game for the young folks, The program closed by singing "The more we are together". The tables were then cleared away by many willing hands. Proceeds, $10.95. Mr. and Mrs, David Hope spent the week-end with their son Roy in Rea ch. Mrs. Fred Jackson and sons George and David, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Crooks, in Toronto, Mrs. R. Burnham attended the fun- eral of her nephew in Oshawa re- cently, Glad to hear Mr. Jack Carter has returned to his home here after spend- ing the winter in Toronto, } rs. Hubert Jong visited her brother, Mr. Roy Hopé and Mra, Hope > A : @® When - a gun goes into action every man has a job to do. Seconds count, and team work gets results. A Training . . . endless training , . . gets "efficiency that makes each man part of a perfect machine. : i But something more than efficiency lis » needed to make a top:rank fighting unit. There must be loyalty .. . that spirit of responsibility that each man feels toward his mates. : fe We've got efficiency on the farm fron . . . we're producing more, and with less help to do it. . Keep up the teamwork that will make each one of us go all.ofit to support our men on the fighting - i fronts, We too, are part of a fighting unit. | , citizens of a nation at war. We must not let our men on down, the fighting fronts J { b Front too Invasion means high tension on the fighting fronts . ... combined operations . . . thorough team work in every detail. And that call for greater action comes back to us at home. We have a job to do here, too. We must all buy Victory Bonds. We have a responsibility to our mates on the firing line. We can't let them down. i And the job that we are asked to do is . .. save more, and lend more to our country. We are asked to let our country - have the use of money that we do not need now. We will have the money later on to improve our farms and to buy stock and equipment; for new barns and silos; for new furnishings and conveniences for our homes, Be ready to buy more Victory Bonds, + National War Fi Committes A TEN EG