PF rat * * Ww You Want RELIEF FAST from that COUGH, COLD BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA Take... BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE It's All Medication No Syrup -- IT'S BETTER IT'S BUCKLEY'S THAT'S WHY WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Moss For or Wounds In the proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mavo Clinic ap- pears a discussion by Lieut. Col. C. W. Mayo and Dr. E. G. Wake- field on the use of moss for sur- gical dressings, says a science wri- ter in the New York Times. Ac- cording to Mavo and Wakefield, moss was used successfully by Na- poleon's surgeons. It was also used by both sides in the IFrancse-Prus- sian War and by the Germans and English in the last war. The moss used for dressings by the Germans and English was sphagnum moss from peat bogs. Colonel Mavo and Dr. Wakefield have been studying the possibili- ties of a tree moss which grows along the seaboard in the Gulf and eastern States. This is known loc- ally as: Spanish cor Florida moss. Tt attaches itself to the boughs and trunks of trees and its stems. trail down in great lengths, The absortive power of the moss depends on the character of the leaves, which are in the form of hollow cells, more or less filled with water. The water can be squeezed out and the moss dried. Thus treated the moss is brittle, but it retains its absorptive power better than cotton. Cotton dressings will take up from four to six times their dry weight of water; the Florida moss from six to ten times. The amount of water absorbed is reduced by handl- ing, because the leaves break. The small broken bits tend to penetrate the gauze covering. Best results _are obtained if the moss is dried slowly at ordinary temperature. Thus treated the moss remains soft and elastic. The Mayo doctors carried out their investigation because in cer- Main battle areas it may be impos- "sible to obtain an adequate supply of medical and surgical dressings. Nazis Drop Paper Strips On London Mixed with the bombs and spent shell fragments that are shewer- ing London these nights during German air raids are thousands of strips of metallic paper intend- ed to jam aircraft radio location "devices. Allied bombers have been dumping similiar strips on Ger- niany 'for months but the Germans have adopted 'them only recently. Known as "Flutterers", the strips are made of black paper bonded to extremely thin metal foil 'and range from a few inches to a few feet in length, They are about three-quarters of an inch wide. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should 'a child be trained to converse with visitors? 2. If a woman has no servant and she is giving a bridge party, who should greet each guest at the door as she arrives? 3. Where should the oyster fork be placed on the table? 4 If a girl is wel! acquainted with a girl who is ten years older, may the younger one address her by her given name 5. What is the proper way to eat an apple at the table if a small Hives fruit knife is provided? When a person leaves the sik what should hi. do with his napkin? ¥ Answers. 1. He should be trained to speak if the visitors speak first, and then lie must not be allowed to mon- opolize the conversation. 2. The hostess may ask a friend to per- form this duty. 8. At the extreme right of the cover. 4. Yes; usual- ly the woman who is ten years older prefers this among friends. 5. Cut the apple into quarters and eat it with the fingers. 6. The napkin should be left unfolded be- side the plate, Canada 'Warned Of Competition In Forest Products Prediction of an increased post- war demand on almost every forest product was coupled with the warn- ing that Canada must be prepared to meet keen competition from oth- er countries with great forest re- sources and natipnal policies ad- apted to world marketing in an ad- dress given by WW. Earl Rowe, its President, to a meeting of the On- tario Torest Industries Associa- tion. Wood as one of the most versa- tile of all raw products will be in great demand after the war for the rebuilding of devasted areas, to fill requirements of printing presses, and for other urgent needs in many countries, he sail. Canada has scarcely grown to appreciate its great heritage of forest resources, lie pointed out. No industry has meant so much to the nation and received so little from its treasury, Mr. Rowe de- clared. The forest resources of the Dominion bring about $300,000,000 in foreign tradf to the country every year, representing 20 per cent of the national income from all primary products, he said, but only 2 per cent of the national research appro- priation is spent on forest research and forest protection. How Can??? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent rust in a tin bread box? A. Paste a piece of oilcloth on the bottom of it. Q. How can 1 from the fingers? A. By using a little powdered pumice mixed with a few drops of olive oil. Use an orange stick wrapped with cotton to apply the paste under the finger mails. remove Q. How should chamois gloves be washed? A. Always rinse chamois and doeskin gloves in soap, and dry where the heat is not intense, if you wish to keep the gloves in good condition. Q. How can I improve the flavor of prunes? A. The flavor wlil be greatly im- proved by adding a little cinnamon and lemon, Q. How can I successfully dye a sweater? A. When preparing to dye «a weater, remove the buttons and weigli the garment while it is dry. the number of pounds the sweater weighs. The garment will never take a good color with insufficient dye. CONCENTRATE ON BIG JOB Ea sme Expressions or extreme concentration mark the Tices of Gen, Dwight enhower, right, supreme Allied commander, and Gen, Sir Bernard commander of British ground forces, watching Yank units in invasion practice in England. stains Then purchase enough dye to color MICTORY PARADE Liisa REAR Ld One of a unit jo U.S. Marines withdrawn for rest after a month and a half of tough jungle fighting in the Empress Augusta Bay area of Bougainville Island, the leather- neck above stages a one-man vice tory parade as he plods wearily back to base carrying a Jap flag he captured, Have You Heard? Tian Sand an I and an O.and a U, With an X at the end, spell Su: And an E and a Y and an E spell T, Pray, what is a spelle: to do? Then, if also an S and an I and aG And an H E D spell cide, There's nothing must left speller to do But to go and commit siouxeye- sighed. for a i Ps Waiter (at the club)--"There is a lady outside who says that her husband promised to be home early tonight." All (rising)--"Excuse me a moment." --0-- The two girls were exchanging confidences over the luncheon table. "What did the Sergeant say when you told hinv you'd be a sis- ter to him?" "Why the rascal had the nerve to ask me to lend him a dollar so he could take another girl to x movie." pli "I think T'Il get a pair of red shoes--those flatties with the wedge heels," said the tall blonde. "Why low heels?" asked her friend in survrise. "I want them to gr wtih a short Bagiertnn; bn Swivel Air Wheels Pass Official Test A new undercarriage invented by a young Scotsman permits the swi- veling of the wheels of planes to allow a landing at any angle, the Daily Express said last week. The device, perfected by Owen MacLaren who was reported to have proved the invention success- fully in Air Ministry tests is ex- pected to prove valuable to avia- tion, especially in airport construc- tion, Planes now land and take off facing into the wind, requiring the construction of several runways per field. But crabwise or tacking take- offs and Jandings would make only one strip necessary. Nearly half of the earthworm species found in the northeastern U.S: came originally from Europe, ¢~ If you suffer MONTHLY phfiiE wib urbances -- female Pinkham's Vegetal hi lect 7 mn [RFANVA \ SORE Removable Teeth Fascinate Natives Natives of newly-occupied Green Island, New Ireland Group, have received their biggest thrill not from planes, guns or bulldozers, but from the false teeth of an Am- erican Seabee, Passing a native village, the Sea- bee was invited in to partake of a meal of roast pig. When a piece of meat was handed to him, he casually put in his upper plate and began chewing. The natives gath- ered around, gesticulating excitedly. The natives looked on in awe. When the Seabee left, one of them followed him back to camp. Later a delegation called at his tent, bear- ing baskets of fruit as gifts. hn Later the natives invited him to another feast, telling him in pidgin English that they had invited other islanders to let them see this amaz- ing white many with the removable teeth, : HERE'S A PRETTY KETTLE Any buck private who has been in on KP ill recognize the Field. photo above as one of his most recurrent nightmares. -posite picture of three doughboys scrubbing away at a gigan was dreamed up by Sgt. Charles M, Royer at Chico, Calif., The com- tic 'kettle Army Air 1] AGENTS WANTED BABY CHICKS WANTED IN YOUR DISTRICT some one to take orders for day old chicks in spane time for a large Canadian Government Ap- proved Chick Hatchery. No In- vestment required. Liberal Com mission paid. Write for full de- tails, Box No. 130, 73 Adelalde W., Toronto. nany CHICKS BARRED ROCK BLOOD TESTED Chicks, 1-4 day unsexed $17.00 hundred. Pullets $26.00. No walt« ing, E, J, Masse, 226 Bridge Ave, Windsor, Ont. PLAY SAFE NEIGHBOURS. BUY Government approved hicks bred to lay and bred for By Leghorns & Barred Rocks are our specialties. Write now for price list, our orders are limited. Waterloo Chick Hatchery, Water- loo, Ont. QUALITY CHICKS, ALL, OUR breeders selected and blood-test- ed, only large eggs set. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex, White Leghorns, Hybrlds, Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Sus- sex X Hampshire. Also hatching eggs, Immediate dellvery. Write? for prices. Paul W. Dobrindt & Sons, Route 3. Smithville, Ont. 0. B. S. RARRED ROCK CHICKS from Pullorum-free. government approved breeders. Send for price list. Hanes Poultry Farm, Jersey- ville, Ont. BRAY CHICKS -- PROMPT SHIP- ment. That's what you want now, no waiting, if vou want to.catch the good markets commencing September. We have some start- ed pullets atsn. and dayold cock-" erels. Dray Hatchery, 130 John 8t. N., Hamilton, Ont. BUY PAYWELL CHICKS IN MAY AND JUNE. THE OUICK growth and early 'maturity of Pavwell Chicks ayill 'assure vou of vlenty of Fall eggs. White T.eghorns, Barred TRocks, 'New Hampschires and 'Hvbrids avail- shle. Torkerhyv Tea Poultry Farry, Box 20, Torne Park, Ont. INDIVIDUALJ.Y STRED Rocka, Leghorn X Roek, Leghorn, Reds. 109: discount on Fall Chick orders now. Hretching Eggs. Ete. Brunner's Poultry Farm, Lucan, Ont. R.O.P. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, : Etc. FROM 1 WEEK OLD TO 2 MONTHS Several thousand 'available This is not a sideline. These chicks are raised under ideal condjtions from day-old to 10. days in battery brooders In a large moist basement room -and trans. ferred to a spaclous 70" x 40° building under electric brooders. Order Now (as and npullets won't bs avallable a little later on) 'and 'buy 'from A 'real Poultry Breedine Farm of 5000 Breeders .on 'ONE Plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros.,, Exeter, Ontario. DON'T AWORRY ABOUT 'T HB markets, go as Start all .the chicks you can handle. The present demand {sn't a hubble that's likely to burst: ft's a solld, durable, market that's world conditions. tain as you. can that You start the kind of chicks that will pay for their feed and your care and time. Top Notch chicks are all from Government Approved blood. tested breeders. Send for fres catalogue and special price Ast, A limited number: of two three week old stafted chicks. at bargain prices for Immediate de- livery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, guaranteed by But, be as cer- LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX cockerels if you want a real heavy breed cockerel. Hybrids or New Hamps, if you want something In a fast maturing bird for broiler or up to 6 1b, dressed 'roaster. Several: thousand available for immediate delive if you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bron, Exeter, Ontario. DON'T KEEP CHICKENS, SER that they keep you with you're Teeny' t with chicks o e catalogues and pricel figuring on start as IA ble. Can give | mediate dellvery on practically 1 burebreeds and hybrid cross n non-sexed, pullet or cocker: chicks in day o ed number of two and three wee! old started chicks. Tweddle Chl atcheries Limited, Fergus, On! HIGH GRADE 'BLOOD Barred and White Rooks Ri and Leghorn Chicks {hmediate delivery, Eleven other breeds for Iater deliveries, Order at once, Dufferin Hatcherles, 2018 Duffer- in, Toronto 10. | Sussex ° started chicks . far as you lke. ° dependable: etting as early C3 3 Ids, Also a limite * TESTED i { I =f| POULTRY-KEEPERS, BE SURE of a good healthy bunch of baby chlcks this ocming season, Good chicks mean good hens and more eggs. Immediate delivery on day- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat. alogue and prices on our Uov- ernment Approved. chicks, MONK- TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk- ton, Ontario. BADRY CHICKS AND POULTS, Barred Rock and White Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stock, al Holland Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price list The Wright Farm, Hrockville, Ont. I} CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUE TO HIGHER EGG duction and hatchability, view offers you limited number of day-old chicks, cockerels and pullets for immediate delivery, also limited number of started chicks 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks old disappointed. No started chicks available later on. Large Type White Leghorns, Sussex, Sussex X New 'Hamp. Sussex X Leg- horn, and Rock X Leghorn. Book your order for May and June chicks NOW. ber left for May delivery. your order to Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros," Exeter, R.O.P. AND R,O.P, SIRED FARM HELP WANTED -------- 'Shadow' Time-Table For Invasion Trains ---- Britain's railways are ready to play their part in the invasion of Europe. They have created a com- plete "shadow" service of freight trains which can be put on the lines in a few hours. The total probable journeys; run- ning into thousands, have all beea classified, routed, and timed.' In consequence rail and military chiefs have a complete time-table of "shadow" services -any of which can be ready at short notice, Each train in the "shadow" sers vice carries a code number which has its own [gnificance for railway staffs, For instance, "ABC 4217" might mean that a 'locomotive and 40 trucks must be at Depot "A" to load up and be ready to leave 'at 3 p.m. on a given day and steam, by an indicated route, to Port "X.*" arriving at 6 p.m. the following day. NURSERY STOCK RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, man without children to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries orchard. On main highway, $ miles west of Toronto. Separate house, This would suit active re- tired farmer. Write fully atatlog FREE -- COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees: Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; R 8 © 8; Brookdale-Kingsway, Nurseries. Bowmanville, Ontario. lowest wage wanted. Box 122, 73 Adelalde St. \West, Toronto. FEMALE HELP WANTED FARMER, EXPERIENCED, GIRL, FOR 'HOUSE WORK IN knowledge of beef cattle and modern farm home near Hamil- sheep, married man, house avail- ton. No farm work and no washe able. Apply Yellow Briar Farm, jog. $40.00 per month, Box 132, Mono Mills. 73 Adelaide 'W., Toronto. HANDYMAN WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED HOUSE- man, gardner and general handrs man. Able to drive car. Must be married. Modern bungalow with all conveniences provided. Army discharge or rejection preferred. Location In country 40 miles from Toronto. References required. Apply nearest Employment and Refer to $alestive Service Office. C.R. 73%. Those employed In war work need not apply. ALADDIN ALADDIN HOMES, 3 200-47,800. Pay 'like rent. Send 2bc. for page book, Howard St, ton Park, Windsor, Ont. HOMES Renin . POULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Fliminate costly oyster shells by using "Stresco" white Joanry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available immediately fn 100 bags in any quantity, Write fof samples and prices, DEALERS WANTED STINSON LL Sarr Y CO. 6383 Delorimler Ave,, Montreal RHOTOGRAPHY HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THB Robertson method. Information on request resaralag classes, Robertson's Halrdressing Acad 137 Avenue Koad 'Toronto. emy, BLACK AUSTRALORPS AND BAR- red Rocks. Donley Poultry Farm, R.R. 6. London, Ont. BUSINESSES FOR SALE FOR SALE, COUNTRY STORE AND service station, complete equip- ment and stock. Good location, Pike Road, Busy Bee Corner, Eoin Th Bestipe, Amherstburg, nt JA. CATTLE FOR SALE ESSEX-KENT GUERNSEY ASS0C- {ation offers Heifers, Bulls, R.O.P, Preeding. Write A, Kendrick, 3S5eX. DYEING & CLEANING © HAVE YOU ANYTHING NUS dyeing or cleaning? \Write to us for information. We are giao to answer your questions. Depart. ment H. Parker's Dyo orks Limited. 7M ronto ELECTRICAL FQ UIPNENT ELECTRIC MUTORS NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebulll: belts, pulleys, brushes. YIP 'Electric Compuriy Ltd. 2326 Lnfteein St. Toronta Fowl (AL) BAUMEEKA FOUT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c boflle. Ultewa agent. Denman Drug Store (ittawa FANNING MILL FANNING MILL, FARMERS CLAIM" seed J5rased. with ~ (Kline) in- greases Bushels per acre. Kline' Sanufacturing, Box 124, Weston, 'Ontario. v LL III FOR SALE EGG BRUSHES -- EDI TY EGGS made clean with a 'few strokes, Brushes, 50c¢, Retills, Tic, post- paid. 'Special prices to 'Egg Sta- tions. A. 'I. Relohmuth, March- well, Saskatchewan. Yonge Stieet. To- HAIR GOODS W I. G 8, .TOUPES, TRANSFORM- atlons, = Switches, types of (tinest quality Hair Goods. Write for Illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co, 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HARIIS TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 YARD ENDS AT $2.00 PER yard, High Grade half yard Sult- ings or Gabardines, sultable for children's clothes, 80c each, Post- age extra. Louis Rice, 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING. ~-- Finest leather and ha¥ness pre- servative, Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. FOR SALE CAR PERCHERON HORSES ONE HORSES. Curls and all' FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Don't risk losing yours. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printl iS Canada's largest (finishing studio does the tinest work at lower cost, Any Bize Roll--8 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26e "Your prices for auch quality work are really economical, customer at Peterborough, .Ont. am particularly fascinated Dy" the icoloured pictures. I appreclate your prompt and rellable service and In 'future will send all my rolls te you. $8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 2§¢ Size 4x6" (n Beautiful Easel Mounts JEnlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian 'Walnut or Black Ebony finish | frames, 63¢c each. If enlargement coloured, 79¢ each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A,:Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. : MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, 'service and satisfaction, Th, 1 Croaily uns. Gr AL STposute:(lims Jig: reptinia 3 for c. Imperial Pholo Service, Sta- McCulloch, Allingham, Alta. 3 tion J Toronto. == 800--HORSES--800 By Public Auction PATENTS EXHIBITION RARNS, REGINA, FETHERSTUONBAUGH & COMPANY | <. #atent Bolicitors. ~~ Bstabllshed APRIL 11-12th, 1944 1890; 14 King West, "Toronto, All farm- raised, broken, very exe Booklet of [uformation on: re- ceptional god, lot, wile auction. J} _QueaL eer, Om x = Sasi, a ° <gina, } TT PERSONAL - --s COPIER TO INVENTORS GAIN WISDOM--ENCLOSE BIRTH AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions. and full 'infor- mation sent free. "The Ramsay 4 'Registered Patent Attorneys, / 2 :Nank Street Otiawa. Oannda. ILANBS AWANTED RUBBER 'TIRE CARRIAGE, CON- vertible type, i tion, bargain $76.00. Auto 'Sales, 759 Wyandotte. East, Windsor, ATTENTION! STOP sparrows. Plans supplied for per- fect simple sparrow trap. KE, FEEDING WANTED FOR CASH, WASTE tands, cut over lands. on lake, river or highway, State lot and concession numbers, township and all details of interest in 'first Jetter with lowest cash price. | Box 43, Postal Station K, Toronto. [a MALE | MELT WANTED Whaling, Moorefleld, Ontario. IPUEL WOOD WANTED BIRCH . cordwood. First or second growth. full particulars and lowest prices on cars. Walter Schiess. 1 inda 'Street, Toronto. AND MIXED | FOR. "MAY FIRST--SINGLE MAN to care for garden and lawn. must be experienced and willing work- er. Write or amply in person. George Brown, e Lox Chateau Farm, Fenelon Falls, Ont, .date. Stamps accepted. Voluntary, Sanations. P.O. Box 801, Ottawa, IH QUILTING PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINGS AND HIGH :grade Suitings, some 'Scotch Tweeds, 6x18, 60 pieces $2.60 postage included. Louis Rice, 261 Spadina. Avenue, Toronto, pp HHEUMATIC PAINS PEOPLE ARE 'TALKING ABOUT the good 'results 'from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritie. Munro's Dru, Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post. paid $1.00, {SBED CORN BAe Ahhh MOTORR FOR SALE Ma, FARMS FOR SALE 150 'ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS, 7 - 'highway, 30 miles east of - ; orchard, stream; for sale or rent. Box 181, 73] Adelaide 'West, Toronto. NEW MOTORS FOR TMMEDIATE delivery, all &izes and electrical specifications. Large stock: of re. built motors. machine shop eanip- ment 'and 'wood-working machin. ery. Macy 'Machinery Co. 108 King East, Toronto. LRT We Re owe 00 ngs. AD) ts. \Weedin Ellis, Croton, oat. FRUIT ASD POULTRY FARMS® 6:to 50° ores jn 'Niagara Yiaitle gts Haslly fina Hel Ered st. West, milton, Ontarlo. 80-ACRE FARM, oop BUILD. Apes, water pie Darn orn ton yh Co. wis Street, " ~0 J Totty i Stratford, Ont d FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, BRICK 'house, three barns, YIN b ous IB od roofs and fences, Stable, ty-two cattle, nine OTE eS. ural mall elephone, theft Cemphell, Route No. 8, i FARM "EQUIPMENT FOR SALR USED THRESHERS AND TH & ors £5 warlous sizes and or sale, orclensle) ah and Yo {i For parfloulars wr I Fhvex Onan rvice, Wilson Huagaray { tario, R BALE ~- 86x50 W HIT Taesher, with clover attachment, bersol feeder, weigher, dxeeitent condition, used 'meas ons. James Martin, R.3, Harrow, i. MACHINERY DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK- ing Machines, Netvent types. yall: able from direct factory re sentatives for Canada. Quotat ons : gladly furnished on application. DeWalt Digher {Corporation 144., 402 West Pender St, Vancouver, MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT. REAIR TR after taking Dixon' emedy for * Montes Druk Kore 138 Kite Ti ore, n Ottawa. Postpald $1.00. 8 STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS offen are the ecatise Vo nl. Jiealth ue Who Hina "on fF HH 0) is yonr tranbles Interenll 2 a 8 tionlara--Froe! Wr! Remedies. 'Sneatallets Toronto POTATOES POTATO /EYES SRM CERTIFIED | eed, four main crop varletl Biba Up:toiDate Retted Gem: West, 1761 Hollywood "Victoria, B.C, rex, WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK: 'eters of the 'famous 'ruck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order early ) and save money. Belle "River Grain & Seed Company, River. Ont. pany. Dells ASEEDS THIS YEAR GROW A GARDENFUL of rainbow colours, tick Introductions -- Pet Cheer- ful, 'freesflowering lS bein y: Marigold Lu ot with hu lempn.yel ome: Pil rk Gail ardia, a picture In 'Inten, LJ: Nine a I) Q = = (= 3 a wie 5c) to: W. Hick and Sons f Limi andeny, Ontatlo. "Seeds «of Meri . STAM ns STAMP CLUB, pSoAeT, 19 JOIN 4 fentbers < stamps, ey Dllesy + igo inter" $00 y nior. Send coins Club, 3601 Ht. . Domintade, Moi: EUMMER RESORT WANTED WANTED TO BUY G Ri ANG Summer "Resor! 'or Bod cash payment. Robert Modes Jackson' Street West, Famiiions TRACTOR WANTED WANTED LATE MODEL 4-PLOW Tractor on rubber for cash. Box 10, Bremen, Sask. 2 writes a "1944 FLOWER NOVELTIES |