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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1944, p. 2

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FUEL /.GOOD in thes BU - Purpose =; With this CLARE.HECLA "23" "you can switch from wood to cos {hard or soft) ... and back to wood again... without trouble or expense. Aid no matter* what fuel you use, 2 tens of this famous CLARE- HECLA Furnace. ' SAVES 1 TON IN 7 A real economy . . . cuts fue! and heating costs by 15 per cent, = pga i aE ES = ng revel in the Susans health. . CLARE BROS + €0 LIMITE | TITR OVAL FirepoT Exclusive steel-ribbed construc. tion... radiates 3 times the heat of ordinary fitepots . . . takes 24" wood. . GUARANTEED for 20 YEARS. PRESTON CLA CT) WHAT SCIENCE "IS DOING Fi 5 & "N < Fi bd hy : « Helium Ad - EH R wh { 5 - BE A The United States Bureau of: A Mines is producing heliunt in volume that is ntore than sufficient \J to-aeet all wartime requirements "a Army, Navy and Govern- , mental agencies, Secretary Ickes said last week. 'The surplus of this lightweight non-inflammable gas is now avail- "able" in large supply for niedical, Cscientific and commerical uses, he declared in a statement, The ac- tual production figures on helium, however, must remain a sccret, but it was revealed that the bu- reau is producing more than twen- ty-five times the pre-war output. Helium had only a minor role 'in the first World War because of lack of facilities for extracting the precious gas, Many new uses for helium have recently been developed, and the gas is expected to have an important role in the United States peacetime ccgnomy, Mr, Ickes said. Its use in freatmert of asthma, tubeiculo- rs sis and other respiratory diseases, as well as a part of non-intlam- mable anesthesia, and in the weld- - ing of magnesium metal has..been cited. Many other potential uses are being studied, The United 'States is the only country "in the world producing helium in large volume, TKEEPRIT "Give yourself a lift"! Increase vigor and vitality --build resis- tance to infections----by taking a Vitavax, all the year "round. a : ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ~~ w» a Ee AA ROBERTS IN NLD COLD VACCINE plus VITAMINS fi - - -- f= -- fot p------ -- ~~ Look out for Trouble = from Sluggish f Try the "Dutch Drops" It ie Soisanous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache, dizzy spells, leg tramps, restless, sleep-broken nights, and smarting and burning. For reliel use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks of thousands for many years--GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- jant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops in carefully measured amounts in tasteless Capgules, It is one of the most {avorably known remedies for relieving tongested Ridneye and drritated bladder, - It works switir, helping the delicate filters'of your kidneys to purify the blood. Be sure you get the original and genuine-- cked in Canada. [Insist on getting GOLD. MEDAL Haarlent Oil. Capsules, 0c at yonr druggists. 1 spective" of class, creed How Can 1? QO. How can I remove bathtub stains? , A. Mix ecnough cream of tartar with perovide to make a paste, cover the bathtub stains with this paste," leave on for minutes, then wash off, . 0). How Tong should sauces be cooked? £ } < A. When sauces are thickened with cornstarch, let them cook for at least fiit en minutes. They will be improved if stood over hot swater ina double boiler for about - an hour. Sauces that are thickened with flour need about five minutes cooking. ~ . - OQ. How can I make a cough re- medy? A. To relieve that irritating cough take a mixture of the juice of two lemons, one teaspoon water, and one tablespoon granulated sugar. Take a teaspoonful: every half-hour, oo : Q. How can I keep shades dry? A. Shoes will remain dry if they are rubbed with a mixture of six- teen ounces of petroleum to two ounces of beewax. Q). How can I get the best ser- vice out of a-carpet sweeper? A. Tt will give poor Fervice if it is neglected. Empty it oitén and remove the tangles of lint and hair from the brush, Cledn the bristles with a cloth dipped in kerosene. This will preserve the color of the carpets and keep down the dust, No Caste System In Indian Navy The indians are seeing democratic principles in" action in the operation of their naval service; Lieut. Comdr, Hajee" Mohammed Siddiq Choudri of.the Royal Indian Navy reported during a visit to the United States. . Members of the Indian Navy are recruited and serve %ogether irre- : or color, completely ignoring the century- old caste system of India, according to Choudri, With a few minor exceptions, the Indian Navy makes no concessions to religious differences of the men. "Aside from the Sikhs, who wear their turbans, all the Indian Navy men dress according to regulation-- similar to.the English," Commander Choudri said. "We let. the Sikhs wear their turbans chiefly because the navy has not yet designed a cap which will encompass tlieir hair, f "About the only other acknow- Tedgement of religious differences is the serving of two messes, one veg- etarian for some sects and the other with beef." . The Inthan Navy has grown from seven ships in 1030 to "several hun- dred" at the present time, most of them small vessels for convoy, anti- submarine, minesweep patrol and liarbor defense work, The crew- men are all Indians, the officers and chief petty officers are English and Indian and the flag officer or ad- miral is Lnglisli, he said, ' ' about thirty eR aa SE anata A EP " | xX - PRINCELY SALUT Ge fd? BAO 4 Bay. E uite serious about his royal du. ties 'is 'young Prince Constantine of Greece, as he salutes colors in parade at Municipal Sports Sta- dium, Alexandria, Egypt, held in honor of - 123rd anniversary of Greek independence. Behind him in his mother, Princess Frederica, British Plan Curb 'On Reich Industry Britain is planning to prevent Germany from manafacturing ex- -plosjves and is considering super vision .of German research because the chemical industry has been the backbone of both Germany's world wes, it was 'disclosed last week during a lively débate in the House of Lords. Lord Cherwell, speaking for the Government, said nitrogen would be high in the list of factors in the deniilitarization of Germany "be- cause nitrates in some form were essential to modern war." I.ord Vansittart proposed that Germany should make no more vx- plosives of any sort hereafter. Me said that explosives were still in their infancy, and believed that their power of destruciton would be im- measurably increased during the next generation, He suggested that a committee of scientists should prepare a scheme to control or el- iminate | Germany's nitraté' and hydrogenation "plants. Explosives needed for .peaceful purposes, how- ever, could be imported. He said that any=~disarnrament plan which failed to prevent the manufacture of explosives in Ger- many "will begin as another farce and end in another tragedy." Vansittart also" proposed inter- Allied control of the German licavy iron and steel industries and the prohibition of such mdustries as the manufactire of aviation machine tools, and synthetic gasoline and rubber. " Mechanical Tree Planter Perfected A meghancial tree planter that may revolutionize reforestation programs in Wisconsin and else- where has been perfected by en- gineers at the Wisconsin College of Agriculture, According to F. B. Trenk, State Extension Forester, the contrivance with a crew' of three men can plant more than 2,000 seedlings yer hour. In speed tests it planted 70 per minute for short periods of time. - About a dozen ofthe machines have already been made and dis- tributed to county board foresty committees and soil conservaton distrets for rental or loan to far- mers and landowners. - HEY! SARGE WHERE'S your ( MINARD'S IhzEDS) LINIMENT Nothingismoredepres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?.,.Lambly's will five instant relief. OANZ I Lambly'sis good fort ear. Of: ache, toothache, painsin back, stomach, bowels, AY . AMBLY'S 1f you suffer MONTHLY ~ You who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous feel ngs---due to female functional dis- ¢urbances -- ghould try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, It has a soothing effect on one of wom- an"s most {important ans, Also a fine stomach tonle! Made in Canada, Worth trying, VIA E. PINKIHAM'S 556i HEADACHE POWDERS _ 16 - Have You Heard? Definifion of a female shopper: A woman who can hurry through a department store aisle 18 inches wide without brushing against the piled-up glassware, and then drive home and knock off the doors of a 12-foot garage. . "I called to make an appoint- ment with the dentist." "He's out just now." "Ah, when do you expect him to be out again?" hee A lawyer, being interrupted, said: C1 will speak, sir, as long as I "please." "You have spoken longer than 'vou please," was the opponent's retort, SE ol Wife: "I was quite outspoken at the club today." Hubby: "I can't believe it. * Who outspoke yo: ?"- Si. Jones: "Looks like I'll be on my feet again in about a month." Sympathetic Friend: "Getting over some financial difficulties?" Jones: "No, not that--my tires are wearing out." t I'd Bronze Oak Leaf All ranks of the three armed ser- vices who have been mentioned in despatches will soon be wearing a small bronze oak: leaf. After the last war, those who were "men- tioned" "Wore a palm feaf superim- posed on the Victory Medal ribbon." In this war, since a silver maple leaf is already issued to denote ser: vice overscas, the oak leaf is worn beside, not on, the service ribbon. ee = BADY CHICKS 3 Modern E tiquette By Roberta Lee 1 Is it necessary "to send an answer if one has received an .in- vitation to a church wedding, but not to the reception? 2 Is it all right for a woman to wear her hat to the dining room, in the daytime, "if she is a guest in a hotel? . N 3 Is it proper to use blue or greeil ink for social correspondence? 4 Will you please name some of the luck pieces that are baked in the bride's wedding cake? 5 Is it proper forya girl, gradu- atting from high school, to have the prefix Miss on her. cards? 6 Is it correct to address a widow as Mrs. Mary fonds, or as "Mrs, Henry Jones?" 'Answers 1 Not unfess the wedding is a personally written note or-letter, 2 Yes, this is optional. 3 Only black should be used for this corres» pondance, 4 A tihy ring for the. ficst to be married, a thimble for the old maid, a dime for riches, a button for the old bachelor, a small wishbone for the. luckiest girl, and miniature dice for the lucky man. 5 Yes. 6 Mrs. Henry Jones is the correct form. ' | oD 'FREEZE, GUN' IS 'NAZIS' TEST . Foy y) thing within a radius of 500 yards, they say. 12 "kill every living creature within range and make steel and t a touch, and has already produced radio, it will concrete so brittle they collapse a icebergs in the English Channel." BABY CHICKS "SPECIAL PRICES IF'OR JUNE ' AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed ....... 10c New Hampshire Mixed lle White Leghorn Mixed 10¢ Barred Rock Pullets .. 17¢ White Leghorn Pullets .... 20c Don't delay, £1.00 books your order. Carleton Hatchery,s Britannia Xeights, Ontario. RIVERSIDI GOVERNMENT _ AP- proved Baby Chicks from large type Dfoodtested Breeders, noth- ing but 24 oz. Kggs and over are sef, assures you big, vigorous, fast maturing Chicks, Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Light Sussexs, Write for folder, River- side Poultry Farm, Hickson, Ont. IF "YOU. WANT CHICKS NOW, Bray should be 'your choice. We have a good many May and later customers, they say Bray chicks grow fast and catch good mark- ets. We have dayolds and started, and pullets also, Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. CHICKS I'ROM A BREEDING FARM -OI° 5000 LAYERS "PROMPT SHIPMENT" DEMAND FOR LAKEVIEW CHICKS has been so great that we have *** jnereased our capacity and are able to give you prompt ship- ment on day-old chicks and lim- ited number of started chicks if You act quickly. Sussex, Sussex Xx Ne®%_ Hampshire, Sussex x Leg- horn, Leghorn, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, and Rock x Leghorn in Chicks, Pullets or Cockerels, Buy your chicks from a Renal Breeding Farm, and be assured. of success. Send for Price List + and book your chicks NOW for , May or June. 85,000. LAKEVIEW Chicks weekly, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Dros, Exeter, Ontario. : HERE'S" WHAT TOP NOTCH OF- fers: Government Approved chicks from bleod-tested breeders. Day- old and older. Pullets, cockerels or mnon-sexed, Leghorns, Rocks, Light Sussex, White Rocks, New Hoampshires, Hybrids. Scientific hatching, careful inspection, in- - dividual attention to every ship- ment, Live arrival guaranteed, Prices that leave plenty of marg- in for profit to the buyer. Get the Top Notch "catalogue and pricelist © before you buy any chicks. Can-also give immediate delivery ion two, three and four week old non-sexed, pullet or cockerel .chicks in all the popular breeds and hybrid crosses. Also older pullets, Top Notch Chick- evies, Ontario. ' Guelph, SUPERIOR CHICKS, ALL. BREED- ers blood tested. Write for our special low prices for end of May, June and July chicks. Leg= horns, Barred Rocks, Hampshires, Rock Hamp, Sussex, Sussex Hamps, mixed chicks, pullets, cockerels, 6-8-10-12 week /old pul- lets for immediate elivery, Superior Hatchery, Linwopd, Ont. PULLETS AND CAPONS FROM May and June hatched chicks. Our New Hampshire Light Sussex hybrids make cexcellenty layers and choicest of meat birds. Weber's Poultry Farm dnd Hate chery, Route 2, Kitchener, Ont, WHY LIVABILITY IS THE BIG- gest word in the chicken bus- iness. The buying price: of a weak" chick is. often as high as for. a strong one. But, that's not all. Often the "weak one" eats as muoh, food, takes up as much , room and requires as much care as the "thriver". Livabllity is a feature of Tweddle. Chicks be- cauge they "are Govrnment Ap- proved from bloodtested breeders and have 19 years of "know how" behind them. Don't risk time money and work on chicks o unknown breeding, Prompt de- livery on practically all of 'the popular purebreeds and hybrid, crosses, 'Also some genuine bar- gains on two, three, four nnd five week old started non-sexed pullets and cockerels, S8énd for the 1044 catalogue and price fist, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- Wed, Fergus, Ontaro, i YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR heavy breed cockerels, If you order from Top Notch Chickerles. We can supply all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses on a few days notice, Send for 'special pricelist for heavy breed 'cockerels, Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario, 4 STARTED CHICKS 2, 8 4 AND five week old in non-sexed, pul- lets or cockerel chicks, in prac- tically all of the popular pure- breeds and hybrid crosses. We ara offering these at reduced prices while they last. Send_for speclal pricelist. Also day-old chicks and free range pullets eight: weeks ahd older. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. "4 BABY CHICKS, $13.00 PER 100. After May 1, $11.00. Thrasher'a Hatchery, Harrow, Ontario, LEGHORN AND HYBRID CGINICKS | OUR CHICKS ARE GUARANTEED to live. Leghorns and Leghorn- Rock Hybrids, 1le, Pullets 23c. Immediate delivery. Rockwood Chick Hatchery, Rockwood, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PARTNER I'OR HORSE I'ARM (Hunters & Jumpers) Box 631, 73 Adelaide W,, Toronto. "DYEING & °C /BANING * HAVE 'YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyelng or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to -answer your questions. Depart. ment H, Parkes Dyvo Works Liniited; 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. . HAIRDRESSING ~ AMBITIOUS GIRLS and. MIDDLE AGE ' women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's - finest and largest schools. Refined," dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for frce liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 Bloor Streat, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN HAIKLKESSING THE Hoberivon method. {nformation on request regarding classes. Rovertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. W I G8, .TOUPES, TIIANSFORM- ations, Bwitches, Curls and all types of - finest quality Hair Goods. Write for Illustrated cat- alogue. oronto Human Hair Supply Co. 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. : MEDICAL DON'T WAIT EVERY er of Rheumatic itis should try, Dixou's Remedy. Munro's Drug "Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. SUFIPER- Pains or Neur- DEAF THE NEW STREAMLINED COM- pact Potter Telephone is the smallest hearing aid available. It ds clear, 'powerful, makes con- versation sagy anywhere and is most reasonably priced, y it Write Potter Farphone Company, ~~ 229W Yonge St, Toronto, Istab- lished" for better hearing for a qugrter of a century, \ YOU GET QUICK RELIEF FROM Eczema. and Psoriasls by using Patson's Xczema Ointment. Stops burning and itching; soothes and heals cuts, burns and piles, Hun- dreds of satisfied customers. 60c 'and $1 postpaid. Patson Health Products, 261 St. Catherine West, Montreal, Si BTOMACH AND THREAD WORMS oftén are the cause of Ill-health in humans all ages..No one (m. mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par. ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Tomedies, .8peclalists, Toronto 8, n "5 ' HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- EV- ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rémedy, Munro's 'Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, BAUMEBEKA FOOT BALM destroys 'offensive odor Instantly, 4bc bottle. Ottawa agent, enman Drug Stors, Ottawa, "secret weapon". . "This a chemical, temperature 322 degrees below zero, that freezes every- © customer at Peterborough, Ont. "I time it's - According to German . From/ Northern Rhodesia comes copper,{ used for wire in driving bands tyr shells and (as brass) in 'cartridge Meas It is the largest producer of copper in the British Empire. Contact lenses are worn by about 10,000 persons in-the U, S, Easy Way To Treat . - Sore, Painful Piles Here Is the chance for every per- son in Canada suffering, from sore, ftching, painful plles to try a simple home remedy with a rellable firm to refund the cost of the 'treatment {if you are not satisfied with the results. the promise of Simply, go 'to any druggist and get a bottle of Hem-Roid and use as directed. Hem-Roid is an intern- al treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quick- ly 'noticed are relievédd, pain subsides and as the treat painful pile tumors heal over leav= ing the and healthy. Get a-bottle of Hem- Roid today and see for -yourself what an easy, pleasant way this is to_rid yourself of your pile misery. Itching and soreness ent Is continued the sore, clean rectal. membranes NOTE: The sponsor of this notice is: a reliable flem, doing business in Canada for over 20 years. If you are: troubled painful piles, Hem-Rald must help You quickly or the small purchase price will be gladly refunded. with_ sore, Itching, PHOTOGRAPHY FOR SALE FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again, Don't risk losing yours. Bend your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printing. Canada's largest (firishing studio does the finest work at lower cost, Any Bize Roll--6 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ "Your prices for such quality work are really economical," writes a am particularly fascinated by the. coloured pictures. 1 appreciate your prompt and reliable service and In future will send all my rolls to you," 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26c Size 4x6' in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivory ii mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, b9c cach, If enlargement coloured, 79¢ each. . STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal.Terminal A, Toranto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. - TIME . TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 KXPOSURI: ROLLS 25¢° REPRINTS 8 for 25¢ FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire. by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Torgnto,- PATENTS, 9 FETHIERSTUNHAUGH & COMIPANY Patent Solicitors, , fstablished 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Baoklet of Information on re- quest. = FOR SALE 75 ACRES FARM und stock for Bale. Apply to Mrs. G. H. Graham, R.R. 2, Mono Road, Ont, FARM I'OR SALE, 3% miles from Timmins, 160 acres, 70 cleared, new farmhouse, 22 cow barn, stablé, ete, 17 milch cows, .mach- inery, 3 horses; with or without stock; Iuquire further Box 4565, Timmins, Ontario. LARGE GLADIOLUS BULBS, RAIN- bow collection of outstanding varieties, 2 dozen $1.10 delivered, - Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic, B.C, We grow the best only, PEACH TREES, APPLES, cherries, plums, currants, asparagus, strawberry raspberries, Norfolk Simcoe. HOUSE AND TWO ACRES OF land, suitable for year round dwelling or Poultry IParm. Close to store, ' post-office, church, school and Sparrow Lake. Two storey six-roomed house finished with V joint, hardwood flooring downstairs, phone, electricity, Terms, Russell Robinson, IKifa worthy, Ont, R.R. No. 2. NIIWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS. of our armed forces in perfect condition. Special $3.25 delivered. PEARS, grapes, plants, Nursery, Money back guarantee. State alze, send money order. Ruskin & Co.. Peterborough, Ont. FOR ANGORA BREEDING STOCK, write for pricea oo. Halycon An- Boras, Pickering, Ont. : DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK- ing Machines, Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for 'Canada, Quotations . gladly furnished. on application. eWalt Disher Corporation Ltd. 402 West Pender St, Vancouver, DR. J, H. ENGEL'S MINERALIZED Yeast has been helpful in the prevention of abortion, Many tes- timoniais verify Its value, 100 Ibs, 15.00 plus charges. Nnexcelled or cattle, sheep, . goats, and swine, We claipn our Minepal and Yeast Powders for all animals are not only corrective agents for malnutrition but they more than pay for themselves |n growth, vigor an production, Dr. J. H. Engel, corner Queen and Princess Sta. Waterloo. Ont. Write for hooklet. m FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. bought, gold, rebuilt: bel 8, ulleys; brushes. Allen Electrle ompany Ltd, 2326 Dufferin St. oronto, * USED, FREE -- COLORIN NURSERY" ne ; Full of Fruit Trees; ' Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; -R o 8 e.8; Brookdale-Kingsway, Nurseries, Bowmanville; Ontario. Catalogue. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25¢ up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratpries, Toronto. THROW GASOLINE AGAINST storpgy, returns vapor. That's how STOR-MO, Vaporizer produces more miles. Build yourself, it's simple. Results good. Plans 8bec, J. A. Friesen, Box 65,. WINKLER, Manitoba. JARDINE TIRE UPSETTERS Twelve dollars. Equipment in Orono. Contact Rowland Smith, 16 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto. - STOCK FOR SALE SERVICEABLE AGE AND YOUNG- er dual-purpose Shorthorn from R.O.P. dams, deep, thick, typy. Females, all ages, cows, heifers, calves, Alan Alderson, Route 4, Hamilton. bulls STAMPS HOUSE , CLEANING? STAMP AC- cumulations! Tupn - these into cash. I'red Jarrett\30, Bloor West, Toronto, = HELP WANTED # "tractor, Good wages. ing EXPERIENCED MAN OR BOY FOR mixed: farm. Good home. Hydro, ( Apply giv= particulars. Carl' G, Ireland, Mansfield, Ontario, Telephone Shelburne 94-42, EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND all round printer, permanent posi- tion, Apply Fyle HT791M, Near- est selective Service Offices $95.00. MONTHLY, FARMER AND wife," no children, small farm, wife for cooking and housework, one -s house, produce supplied. State when available, reference, J. Y. Lepper, 299 Eastern dvenue, Toronto. 2 ----i 'THE CORNWALL GENERAL HOS- pital, Cornwall, Ont, is now sec- lecting. applicants for. student nurses. August 1, 1944, WANTED Si WANTED IN YOUR DISTRICT BOmeone to take orders in their spare time for day old chfeks for a large Canadian' Government Approved Chick Hatchery. No in- vestment "required.. Liberal com- mission. Write for full details. Box 130, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, "a TEACHERS WANTED, PROTEST-. ant, for school term 1044-45, elementary or. intermediate' dis plomas; salary $800 to $900 per school term. Send applications ta School Board of Aylwin, No. 1: Leigh McConnell, Sec.-Treas., Kazubazua, Que., stating qdali- fications and experience, with | HEALTHY PUPPIES ALL BREEDS also Persian Kittens, Canaries, Parrots, Pigeons, Bantams, other pets. Quote lowest price to Seeds & Birds Co., 1230 W. St. Catherine, Montreal, - a FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS OI all descriptions; highest prices paid, , I'or particulars write to Queen City Feather Co.. 23 Bald- win St. Toronto, hs PASTURE liab WANTED: WANTED RE- farmers who have extra pasture and accommédation asture herds of young cattle nenr Toronto, Werte fa erable [2 rite fully, Pos Office Box 678, iToronto, y:. Port MNwANTED -- RUMLEY CLO VBI huiler. John Harrison, 16 8th. St., New Taranto, 3 WANTED TO Ruy your Also all kinds of Millwood, full particutara and lowest pricea - » inda Street, TIMBERLAND UP TO 1,000 ACRE, preferably Birch or Maple. Can 8 mixed. with varfous other Yoods, Should he Situated in On- + « ear Railroad or good road, Box 140, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. + 20 TO 30 BAND uniforms in good condition, Kil- ties if possible or. state what vou have to offer and the condition of together prica far cash, to Bogdon Ontario, with Write Gross, f uniforms est full dataila Walkerton, FUEL woop WANTED A BIRCH AND MIXED 00d. Firat or second growth, (ive cate. Walter Sohiogs, 10 Mela Toront Sai A SO AN TA ao Ti SL NN ER

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