2 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1944 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday, % MAY 4,5, 6 Two Shows at 7 and 9 9 pm. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 - JAMES CAGNEY, in "Johnny Come "+ and MARJORIE MAIN Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MAY 8, 9, 10 NOEL COWARD'S "In Which We Serve." Next Thursday, Friday, * Saturday MAY 11, 12, 13 FRANK SINATRA, 'MICHELE MORGAN, JACK HALEY in 'Higher and Higher *~ THE CHURCHES © SI. JOHN'S' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. A. MacMillan Sunday-- 2.30 p-m.--Sunday School and Adult So Rile Class, 10. Wich, everyone is invited. 7 Pm -Eyeing, Worihip. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, May 7th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Reasons for Confession of Christ, -7 p.m, -- John Knox -- Courageous Champion of the Faith. Our unpaid] debt to our Church Founders, Mother's Day, May 14th-- "A Special Church School Service is being planned including the rite of Infant Baptism. The Woman's Missionary Society will meet on Tuesday afternoon, May Oth at 3 p.m, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION : ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Sunday, May Tth-- 11 a.m,--Holy' Communion. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Sunday, May \(4th-- oN Matins 'and Sermion PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor, --~ 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday at 8 3 2 vn ota (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. ! Phone 814 in attendance at my Port. Perry ofiice on Tuesday, and Thursday afternoon of each - week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 : © FOR BALE Mixed Hardwood Limbs, Body Birch and some soft wood, 4 foot lengths, 2 or 3.cords to the load. Price $12.00 per cord delivered. H. ROBITAILLE, R.R.8 Pontypool, Ont. feb 24tf, Pray Chicks Fri oh order 1 Agent--A. R. GRAY RR. 3, Port Perry, Ont. \ WANTED - LIVE POULTRY and FEATHERS, Good Prices Paid. M, Flatt, R.R.1, Béthany, Phone 7 r 18 Lately" _ with GRACE GEORGE A W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § pom. Office Upstairs, over C. Slesp's Insurance Ofied, .. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST | Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber | y Shop. Phone 287, Res. 216 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON" office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J W. J. KING ' Chivopragtor and Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, King and Cedar Streets Phone 188 Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS Mclean Radio' Service SUITS CLEANED Dry. Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp_Residence on North Street. SUITS -SPONGED AND PRESSED Phones: PASTURE FOR RENT - Cattle only. Good water and shade. Lots 16 and 16 in the Jth Concession of Reach, Apply-to Abraham Wallace, Port Jerry, Phone 2B, ! Doniestic: Help Wanted Apply to Mrs. S. Farmer, Phone 85, Port Perry, NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS In the Estate of- Mildred E. Denny, late of the Villige of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named: who died on April bth, 1944, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before May 27th, 1944, full "par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after May 27th, 1944, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, this 27th day of April, 1944, "HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port' Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for 'the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A) In the Estate of Mary Lambkin, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Widow. ©All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named, who died on the 10th day of April, 1944, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of June, 1944, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after Jung 1st, 1944, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the patties en- titled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 1st day of May, 1944, - ARTHUR W.- S. GREER, Blong Block, Port 'Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the above Estate, FOR SALE Single Wooden Bed,, Spring, Mat- tress, the latter almost new. Apply at Star Office, ° / FOR SALE Rifle-- Cooey repeater, 22. calibre equipment with Mossbery telescopic] | and open sights, long barrel, accurate, Good as new. «Price $26.00, Apply at Star Office, of. FOR SALE : Walnut finished metal bed and cable springs, in excellent condition. Also Coal Brooder Stove with equip- ment. Apply to Charles H, Reesor, Bigelow Street. PIGS FOR SALE 6 chunks, approximately 80 Ibs.; anit 15 not weaned. Washing Machine, General Electric, late model, 25 cycle motor, About 300 bags of good | Chippewa Potatoes, Apply to 8S. Howsam, R.R, 4, Port Perry, Phone 164 r b. { seeder-and cultivator teeth. PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON R---- ee ---- with or without appointment. PERMANENT 'WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO and STYLED SEYTING, ONLY S0¢. IDR ri Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. In days of uncertainty, reliable INSURANCE is essential, Whatever your Insurance needs may , be, consule EMMERSON Port Perry H. W. Phone 41 " FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of that building known as the C.N.R. Station- hopse, Port Perry, up to May lst, Corporation of Port Perry ~ H. G. Hutcheson, Clerk-Treasurer, FOR SALE Drill--11 hoe McCormick with grass 2-furrow International narrow bottom Gang Plow. Set Double Harness and a number of Horse Collars. All in good repair, Phone 107 r 11, FOR SALE Empire Cook Stove, coal or wood, has reservoir. Phone 245. ) FOR SALE Irish Cobbler Potatoes for Apply to Norman E. Wilson, Prince Albert, Ont. FOR RENT In the Village. of Greenbank, three rooms and bath, Apply to T. Stevens, Greenbank, Phone 108 i 31. GREENBANK Sorry to report Miss A, J. Phoenix is ill in Toronto Hospital, Mr. Ivan Spencer was taken to the Lindsay Hospital on- Sunday. At time of writing we are glid to learn he is some better and expects hg home soon, Several of the members of the W.A. went to Pinedale last Thursday when they were entertained by the W. A. of that place. Sympathy of the community is -ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Lorimer on the death of-their son RoBert:> Inter- ment was at Bethel Cemetery. We also express sympathy to Mrs, Dyson and family 'on the death of Mr. Dyson on Saturday. Funeral and in- terment were in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reeson and family of Manchester, visited on Sun- dgy with Mrs, Mills, Mr, and Mrs, C. Davidson and fam- ily of Scott, visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beaden, Victoria Cor- ners, have moved into Mr, B. Love's house, ; Kenneth Lee, R.C.A.F., of Prince Rupert, B.C., arrived home on Satur- day night, also Elmer Lee, R.C.A.F., of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Is- land at home for a short leave. Mrs. Lee is returning with Elmer to Char- lottetown. Mr, and Mrs. L. Dunsford called on friends on Sunday. We extend our sympathy to Murs. Coombe, of. Uxbridge, on the death of her husband, last week, . - Mr. Alan Cragg spent Monday with relatives here. Alan is in the army and statfoned at a camp in Saskatch- ewan. The W.M, S. are holding their Thank Offering service on Sunday. Rev, Mr, Wallace: will have charge of the sér- vice, SEAGRAVE The Jr. Red TA of Seagrave held a concert on Thursday evening, April 27th, in the Public School. The pro- gram opened with the singing of O Canada with orchestra accompani- ment, This was followed by a chorus by the pupils, The Bugle Horn; a solo by Marilyn Scott; two selections by the orchestra. A play, entitled, Red Cross Thieves was given and selec- tions by the Rhythm Band, Marilyn Scott sang Jesus Loves Mé, and the pupils sang a two-part chorus, Venice. Joyce Harding sang Rain Drops; Alan seed. | Nourishing Meals at Lowest Market Prices PEPPER ROO PIIEE SINE OPO IIPS PEE IEEE Eee + Lend to Defend. FRESH BAKING DAILY Bread, Buns, Pies, and Cakes GERROW BROS. Buy Viotwry Bonds SRR rt ANAS ANRANAS KR WTatated SAAN --_ - Phone 32 O40 4P048 Good Prompt, Courteous Service | 'Meats Phone 72w, W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY R28 800000000 t tied tte iasseeestatttectines IIIT IIIT FIRST ART. JEMISON PHOTO PERSP TTI LASS ee ee. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE "HOMEOF G OOD BA KIN G Gives QUALITY A A tt, I" DEERE Ea i Rt tat tress iets eesisnessensnssssdss ' Consideration. :: PROPRIETOR Hicks and Lester Graham sang a duet, The Jolly Miller. Mrs. Sleep pre- sented four prizes to the pupils of the school for essays written on "Chum and the Rhythm Band". The winners were lunice Fishley, Vera Thompson, Audrey Harding and Donald Dowson. A letter was read by Vera Thomp- son from. the Sr. Red Cross stating} they had reecived $100 from Seagrave community as a donation, Marion Gordon moved -a vote of thanks to all those who had helped with the con- cert in any way. The program closed with God Save the King. A box social followed. The proceeds amounted to $40.00. This will be used for Jr. Red Cross war work, Miss Kathleen Dowson and mother, Mrs. Dowson, also Mr. Gordon Tre- meer, of Little Britain, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon. Misses Helen and Betty Short, also Miss Margaret Mclwen, of Toronto, spent Sunday with their parents, We are pleased, to report that Mr. S. McCoy is home from Lindsay Hos- pital after undergoing an operitiun: Congratulations to Gloria Harding on passing her Hon, Matriculation ex- amination at Port Perry High School with honours. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobin of Green- bank, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Tobin. Mrs. C. Billingham and grand- daughter and Mr, and Mrs. A. Clarke, and Mr. Gurr, of Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Moon's. Mr, and Mrs, Henry M. Schell and family, of Pickering, also Mr. Wm. Forster, of Oshawa, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Forster, on Sunday. Mr. Dee King and Keith, of Oshawa visited the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. King. p> -> or -- PRINCE ALBERT "A pleasant evening was speit re- cently at the home of Mrs. Ben Smith, when she entertained the members of the Willing Workers' Club and their] . friends, During the evening, an- other quilt was completed for war work, the top of which had been do- nated by Mrs. Smith, The draw was made on the afghan, which was won by Merle Hunter. Proceeds from the draw amounted to $7.45, Lunch was served and, every one had a very pleasant Svening: ' Recent visitor) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Murphy were Mr. C. W. Ross, of Ottawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. New, of Toronto. Mrs, Robertson of Peterboro, visited recently with her daughter Mrs. Grant Hunter. ~ . "Miss Dorothy Ney, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. A. Harper for a few days recently, The April meeting of the W. A. was held on Wednesday the 26th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Brown. The president, Mrs, MacGregor, was in charge and the meeting was called to order with hymn 37. The Scripture reading was a portion of Acts, 9th chapter, Following the devotional period there was a short business ses- sion, Three quilts were reported completed for war work. A donation of one dollar was received to assist in war work. Dues for the month-of April were ninety cents. We were pleased" to have Mit, s. Reynolds of Seagrave, Mrs, McTag- J gart and Mrs, Clements of Port Perry present, . For program readings were given by Mrs. A. Harper (from the Readers' Digest), and Mrs. W. C, Smith, (The Ideal Village) written by a lady in Orono. A pot luck lunch was enjoyed. Total collection $4.45. Pte. C. Newnham of the Veterans' Guard, Gravenhurst, was at his home here for a couple of days at the week- end. Mr, and Mrs, Norman McCrea and baby Neil, have been visiting at the] 8 home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E, McCrea, prior to Norman be- ing transferred from Ottawa to Churchill. Mrs, F. Stanton, of Brooklin, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. G. Luke recéntly, | The members of the Woman's As- sociation were guests of the Young Married Couples' Club! on Thursday night in the Church basement. The program: contests," community singing. Lunch was served. Con- gratulations to their good president, Mrs, Grant Hunter, A quilting and war workers' tea were held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Martyn recently, y Miss Barlow and the Misses Holman gt were at their summer homes here on ot Saturday and were busy in the gar- 5 dens, The services will be combined on wveryone Mothers' Day, May 14th, welcome at Church, THE RED & WHITE STORE WALLPAPER Sunworthy, = Sun-Tested +300 Patterns Room Lots--SALE PRICE ODD BORDERS CUT PRICES -Odd Rolls Paper, 5c. Single Roll 'Window Shades, 15¢., 59¢., $1.39 'Table Oilcloth 45¢. and 55c. a Yard FLOOR COVERINGS INLAID LINOLEUMS--$1.38, $1.50, $2.50 yd Congoleum 70c. Sqe yd, Feltol 60c. sq. yd. Rexfelt, 30c. Square Yard Rexfelt Borderless Rug, 9 x 6, $1. 80 Congoleum Borderless Rug, 9 x 12, $8.40 Feltol, 9 x 12, $7.00 : "CURTAINS IN A BIG RANGE VARIOUS PRICES DRAPERY--89¢., $1.00, $1.25, $1.75 Yard PRICES QUOTED on DRAPES COMPLETE Tooke Shirts for Ladies $2.00 MEN'S KNEE RUBBERS $2. 45 ~ WORK BOOTS, $2.75 to $5.50 Men's Suits--Made to Measure $29.50 $35.00 $39.50 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY ° . Shingles NOW IS THE TIME TO REPAIR THAT : ROOF before the Spring rains. We have a large supply of B. C. Cedar Shingles, Toronto Asphalt Shingles, and rolled roofing. Rol-Bric Siding will be available about April 15th, LAKE SCUGOCG LUMBER & COAL CO., Phone 240w LIMITED (mint VICTOH BUY. Vicrory BONDS I'o All Our Friends and Customers: Now that the fuel burnin/season is about Wo wish to express to you our gincere appreciation of your Our customers mean co-operation during the past winter. 2 RC eC eosowOadeceCe ace ece ery more to us to-day than ever. We're thankful you seem to understand that we are doing the very best we possibly TREC E ORR R080000000R0 can, and we assure you that our chief concern for the future is to make an equitable distribution of the supply on hand. 4 nt 'REESOR' S FUEL & LUMBER . P lione T3w Reesor F. C. Reesor RAR AAAS LAST allel ad y . n "i aR ane ph 7 fia pi of 2 Se nimi En a bX Tl ins AS a yr » : i A Pn ON or ey . al ws Pu o " C » 3 ot Ey wy oe > > " o tl - a ww re =. a we v eX Med - Be