. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1944 . = - --- - 3 - = . RA ---------- S----) W-------- -- the minority. Nevertheless they do . exist, Sentimentalism can have no place in dealing with those who are remiss in their obligations toward . hi their children, The 'great majority p : ' are fully aware of these obligations : my and' responsibilities and do their ut- i ) . Y most to carry them out to the best » . " 3 of 'their ability. Those. who are un- ' willing must be compelled to do so] - and that is thé Yyeason that an object We shall fight on he begches 0 a We chall fight on th landing grounds | LS, shal fight io the field... oe Hl A, N | y = of this type can be most effec- ; £1 & i | i rages re These historic words; spoken by Mr. Churchill } mn | r N in June, 1940, when Britons were frantically : R e 0 , : BLACKSTOCK. preparing to meet an invasion, can be para- i Bi A e : i Six quilts were quilted in the hall phrased to provide even more inspiration to- we . on Wednesday afternoon, Another day when qur own invasion forces are poised 2 hg Tes So Gust a " : : . : . : ilting will be held on Thursday of v : : A There is no letting-up on the fighting fronts. Action increases day Jas oD y for the attack on the continent. . ot by day. But our men there are conscious of their job--to carry on until Miss ~ Margaret Cawker, Toronto Yes, we shall fight on their beaches, on their Normal School, was student teacher with Miss Thelma Freeman, Burketon School, Mrs, Johnéton, Millbrook, formerly victor y is won. They will finish the job, and we must help them. andi ds, in their flelds; we must fight 'Our job is an easy one compared to théirs. landing grounds, in their fi iw fig too in our factories, offices and homes, and on Pn dh ow ero ~ Yd uy tS 7 EE share. TS well as on the fighting fronts. all-out to support the 6th Victory Loan. And this means that each individual must help. We Must Buy More VICTORY BONDS Yes, we bought bonds before, of course we did. The people of Port , Perry and community have done a good job on every occasion on which' they have beg¢n asked to buy bonds. we buying all the bonds we can? As long as the war lasts it is going to cost Canada money to carry on. And from now on the fighting will extend to new areas. will mount higher. THIS IS NO TIME TO REST ON THE JOB We can't be content with what we have done. We must do. more. We- must keep on buying bonds until the war is won. operations call for all-out-action from each unit on the home front as Port Perry and community must go This community must do its. You Are Not Doing Your Part Unless You Are Buying Bonds-- and You Are Not Doing Your Part Unless You Are Buying = ALL THE BONDS YOU CAN You can buy bonds with cash . . . . and you convenient deferred payments, with six months to pay for them. PUT VICTORY FIRST BUY VICTORY BONDS LOCAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Reeve W. M. Letcher, Chairman, Miss Grace Davis, Mrs. W. M. Letcher, J. E. Jackson, A. M. Lawrence, A. L. McDermott, S.F armer We're buying bonds again. Are you buying all you can? an buy more bonds on Are The cost Combined Mrs. J. W. Abbott Many friends in Utica district will learn "with regret of the passing at her home 56 2nd Street, New Toronto, on Saturday, April 22nd, 1944, of Clara May Sandison, beloved wife of John William (Red) Abbott, in her 33rd year after an illness of only a few days.. The funeral took place to Utica Cemetery on Tuesday, April 25, 1944, services being conducted at New Toronto United Church by Rev. Mr. Dyer and at the graveside by Rev, Mr, Eyre, of Uxbridge. The late Clara May Sandison was born in Uxbridge Township and when still a young girl the family moved to Utica where they have since resided. She was a daughter of Mrs, Sandison and the late William Sandison and in 1930 married John William (Red) Ab: bott. They went to New Toronto where they have resided for the past 14 years where her. husband has been connected with the New Toronto Pub- lic Utilities Commission. Left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving wife and mother are her sor- rowing husband and two daughters, Carolyn and IMorence, her mother, two brothers, Ross and James of Utica, and two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Kight and Mrs. Sarah Kight, both of Port Perfy, to whom the sympathy of many old friends 'is extended in their sad be- reavement, id The funeral was largely attended and the great number of beautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which the deceased and family were held, among .them being flowers from New Toronto Fire De- partment, New Toronto Public Utilis ties, New Toronto Fruit Store, Phib- rico Co., Commissioners and Employ-| ¢ ees of New Toronto Publie Utilities, Canadian Legion Branch No. 3, and forty-seven other floral tributes from friends and relatives, re A Pee NO FAULT TO FIND (Times-Gazette) There will be few if any who will have any fault to find with the sen- tence of three years in the peniten- tiary impoged on My, and Mrs, Walter Gillis at Sudbury 'on a charge of man- slaughter, Their four children died ina fire at their home in Schumacher last month while the parents were absent, While to some the Po, year sen- tence may seem stiff, it must be re- membered that the four children are dead as a result of negligence on the part of their mother and father, They could have been dealt with much more severely under the provisions of the Criminal Code, Evidence presented during the hearing revealed a glory of apparent wilful negligence that is diflicult to credit, Left alone for eight hours, during which time they had to fend. for themselves, they were sub- jected to temperature cold enough to freeze milk and water in the house. It v argued by the defense that the parents" suffered mental anguish as a result of the unfortunate occur- rence, It is, however, difficult to reconcile this statement with their early behaviour. It may have been a case of "crocodile tears", Nothing they can say now can atone for their lack-4f care, and bring their childrén back to life, Negligent parents are happily in Ny J of Cadmus, celebrated her 96th birth- day on April 26th. Congratulations. Her granddaughter, Ferga, Mrs. Roy Avery, Windsor, celebrates her birth- day the same day. Neil Johnston, R.C.A.F., from Gimli, Man., is home on leave with his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, The W.A. of the United Church held the April meeting at the home of Mrs. Shortridge. Mrs. N. Mountjoy gave a talk on "Russia of To-day", and expressed her wish that we choose a worthwhile subject for study at each meeting. There were several present who shared this opinion. It was de- cided to cater for Business Men's banquet in June, and that the W.M.S. he asked to join with us and share the profits, Py li On Sunday, Apr. 23rd, Rev. Bruce Harrison, pastor of the United Church in Cartwright, held reception services for the three | congregations in his charge, when"{6 new members were received into the Church, The new communicants were young people from Bethel S, S., Blackstock, Nestle- ton, Devitt's Corner, and Cadmus communities and were admitted into -their Church membership on Profes- sion of Iaith and several by letter. On Thursday evening, Mr, Gilbert of Blackstock and Mr. Gill 'of Burke- ton entertained the people of the vi- cinity to pictures, put on by Fron- tenac Oil Go., which were of special interest to the farmers. One picture, "The Two Thieves", turned out to be "Rust and Wear". The highlight of the evening .was an address on "The Victory Loan". treated to hot dogs and soft drinks, served by the Boy Scouts and other helpers, and finally to a dance, the music provided by "Wilson, Wilson and Fitze Trio". Red Cross Socisly Manchester Branch Campaign Report, $2006.90 «165.00 « 160.76 . 126.35 Prospect Unit .... Epsom Unit .... Bethesda Unit .... (Mrs, J. E.). Meta Holtby, Treasurer, Manchester Red Cross Branch PROSPECT (Too late for last week.) Miss Helen Wilson, of Mount Zion, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs, L, Smith, for a few ddys last week. Messrs, Leslie Smith, Lloyd Smith, and Burnsell Webster, attended the Holstein sale at Alliston last Thats: day. Mr, and Mrs, Booth, of Brooklin, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs, J. Holliday. Sunday, May 7th, has been chosen to decide the changing of the church hour, - A" vote will be taken that day. bours and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holtby, a recent bride and groom, on Thursday evening, April 20th, and 'presented them with some lovely . gifts, The evening was spent in playng progres- sive euchre. Following is the address read to Mr, 'and Mrs." Holtby: Dear Bruce and Jean: We, your neighbours and friends, have gathered here to-night to honour you on your recent marriage and. to wish you both much happiness and prosperity in the yéars'to come, Bruce, you are a descendant of one of Prospect's pioneer families and we = ' The audience was "Port Perry i" .. 81.00 Utica . Unit ....... «50.00 Chalk Lake Unit ....cccvveeenn 10.00 *Potal' vii Slain ....$800.00 Total Amount. forwarded to Ontario Division ....... wieegghemsbireesssninns rn 3800, 00 : "With thanks, About eighty of the Prospect neigh- | our farms. The Sixth Victory Loan is another great offensive launched against the enemy. Each and every one of us mus trike a blow for freedom by buying Victory Bonds. Pty Fit TAT BONDS MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LTD. are glad you are following in their footsteps and making your home in this community. We have always found you a kind and helpful neigh- bour, and no matter how busy .you might be, leaving your work to give your neighbours a helping hand . We: also want to congratulate you, Bruce, in your choice of a wife and | Jean, we welcome you to our com- munity, although you are no stranger to any of us, having taught in our school for two years where you won the love and respect of everyone, You entered into all- the activities of the School, Church, and Red Cross; giving freely 'of your time and talents and we appreciate this most sincerely. As a token of our esteem, we would like you to accept this Tamp and clock. 'On behalf of the FEA Signed, Eugene Dearborn, Lloyd Smith, Norman Yeo, : ---o-- SCUGOG Mr, R. B, Smallman of Port Perxy, will bring a message to us in the Town Hall, 3 o'clock, All are invited to attend. Sunday School' will be at two at the hall and 2.30°at the Head. i a The W. A. meeting will be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon, May 9th, A good program is being prepared by Miss Marjorie Milner and Miss Edna Prentice. All are invited. Mr, Robt, Tetlow is very busy can- vassing for the Gth Victory Loan. We are asked to do all we can to finish the job so our boys can come march- ing home again, ; Mrs. Pearson, of Oshawa, spent a few days last week with her friend Mrs. Thos, Redman, Miss Edna Samells spent the walk end with 'her grand parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Tagkson, | Port Perry. Mr. 'and. Mrs. E._ Sweetinan and daughters, visited his mother, in Port Perry, on Sunday: : Mr. and Mrs, C. Howsam and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark and son, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Fowler and son Allan, of Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs, O. Reader,were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Reader. : Little Misses Marilyn and Barbara Heéayn spent ther wébk-end with their cousin Yvonne Milner and accom- panied her to Sunday School. A number of the Red' Cross work- ers met at the Hall on Wednesday | afternoon and quilted another quilt. You are invited to help with this work, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Jackson and on Sunday afternoon at| sons George and Dayid, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Chandler gn Sunday. All enjoyed the talk our Superin- tendent, Mr. Fred Crozier, gave on Sunday after the classes. The subjects were -the services for the next few Sundays and the raising of more funds for the new church, Many of the cottage owners made the first call of the season during the week-end. The weather was fine and the roads are in good shape, Birthday greetings to. Mrs. R. Pi Burnham for the 9th of May. 'Wedding bells are ringing a little louder as the month of June is draw- ing near,' Put Victory First Buy Victory Bonds 100% PURE PAINT VARNISHES & LACQUERS WN os Senour is 100% pure | 3 Thoughts of Spring and point minded people everywhere are "suddenly" aware of the familiar Martin-Senour sign (although it's £ there all the year round) because Spring is the usual and decopted | fime fo. fépaint for fresh beauty and protection | > 'And this sign is a sure sign of. an enduring paint becauie Martin. | Whenever you see the sign of Martin-Senour, there will be found the 'paint of endurance and longer lasting beauty. It is the sign which in one breath welcomes Spring and the chance to beautify as well as to do the hatriofi job of protecting Property| "MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT: ALLIRLISE ENAMELS LOCAL DEALER Av Ww. Li PARRISH, PORT PERRY