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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 May 1944, p. 4

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{5 RS RaSh e Fugs oY ved \ ee ir » Pte. Arthur Nott, of Camp Ipper- wash, spent the week-end with his, mother, Mrs. G. Nott. s Mrs. I. R. Bentley and Joan were week-end visitors to Toronto. They C called to see 0.8, David Bentley, who is in Christie' St. Hospital and report that David is improving after his re- cent operation. Mys. Wm.- Dix, of Little Britain, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey. Mrs. W. A. Christy is visiting re- latives in Toronto for a few ddys. Mrs. G. A. Woods has returned home after spending the past month with friends in New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert, of Oshawa, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. Fred DeNure. Bdr. "Bill" Baker, R.C.A., left last Thursday for Debert, N.S. where he will continue his duties as Instructor. We are-glad to learn that Miss June Sonley is able to return to her home after her recent operation in Port Perry Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brock were visitors to Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. George Nott spent the week- end in Toronto with Miss M. Gyatt. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Beatty have re- turned to their home in Port Perry after spending the winter months in St..Petergburg, Florida. Visitors during the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brookes were Misses Ruth Thompson and C. Lucas, and Miss Donnelly, of Toronto; Mr. Harry Brookes, of Weston, and Mr. Robert Simpson, of Oshawa. L.-Cpl. Joan Hayden, C. W.A.C,, of Ottawa, is enjoying a leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Hayden. Mr. R. Smith and daughter, Miss Shirley Smith, were guests on Satur- day with Dr. and Mrs. G. M, Rennie. Mr. Mel. James has bought the pro- perty he has been oceupying, from Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Schell. The property formerly belonged to the late Mark Hull; L.A.C. Harold Hayes, R.C.A.F., has been enjoying a few days with his parents Mr, Mrs. A, E. Clarke, of Ottawa, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orchard. Mrs. Philip Gendron is spending a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IF. Nott. Mrs. Gendron has been with her husband in Nova Scotia. Douglas Bentley, of the Air Cadets, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bentley. At the Sunday morning service of the United Church, sixteen new mem- bers were added to the roll. iy Mrs. Wm. MacGregor has returned home after spending some time in 'Lindsay with her brother, Mr. Robt. Wells. "RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum- bago quickly relieved by using RUM- ACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health. Sold at Lawrence's Drug Store. AD PP PP eee BIRTHS ELFORD--On May 8th, 1944, at the home of Mrs. G. Nott, Port Perry, to Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Elford, the gift of a 'daughter (Beverley Joan) a sis- ter for Donald and Merrill, The meeting of the Junior War - Workers will be held at the home of Mrs. George Manning, on Tuesday evening, 'at the usual hour. EUCHRE An euchre will be held in the Odd- fellows' Hall on Friday evening, May 10th at 8 o'clock, under the auspices + of the Junior War Workers. Admis- sion 2b6c. --_------------------ EP CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. George |Y Iyhrentice wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their kindness during the illness of their wife and (4 og © mother, and the expressions of sym- tk pathy and for flowers at the time of S477 | their bereavement. Such kindness is 7 | greatly appreciated. 7 Vm toro J 5 Te ire IN MEMORIAM 20 ALLIN---In loving memory of my i} 5 dear "husband, Albert Allin, who pas- 2A sed away May 10th, 1943. In my heart your: "mbmory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not'a day, dear Albert, Passes, but I' think of you, Lovingly remembered 'by his wife Lou. ! at cp ee at ve oR we oy and Mrs. E. Hayes. a 8 sorrowing husband, "It needs must be since she lingered Zee] FREE OSHAWA Phone Parking - 1011 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday, 'MAY 11-12-13 DANNY KAYE, in "UP IN ARMS" with Constance Dowling, Dinah Shore, Dana Andrews, and -the GOLDWYN GIRLS. - I's a KAYE-lossal fun show. New stars, rhythm, glitter, color filmed in Glorious Technicolor and on the same program-- "The Memphis Belle" Filmed in the flaming sky-- Battle front over Germany in Technicolor, DON'T MISS IT. Tuesday, Wednesday, MAY 15-16-17 "The Purple Heart" starring Dana Andrews, Richard Conte, Farley Granger. drama of the bombing .of TOKYO. Monday, A ot Starting THURSDAY -- Merle Oberon, George Sanders, Laird Cregar, in "THE LODGER" BUY MORE VICTORY BONDS - DIED SOMERVILLE -- At Port Perry Hospital, on Tuesday, May 9th, 1944; Robert Somerville, beloved husband of Mary E. Franklin, in his 74th year, Rev. Jas. Miller Is Superannuated For 41 years in the active ministry, Rev. James A. Miller, founder and minister of Cosburn Ave, United Church, was granted permission to retire on superannuation by the Tor- onto East Presbytery, United Church of Canada. Mr, Miller will continue his duties as police court chaplain, an office he has held for the last seven years, "Mr, Miller organized Riverdale Presbyterian Church 37 years ago and since that time has been asociated with the beginning of a number of congregations in Toronto district. OBITUARY MRS. GEORGE PRENTICE Another of the old pioneers of Reach Township, Mary Jane Crosier, beloved wife of George Prentice, passa ed away at her home in Port Perry,j on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1944, in her 84th year, after being in poor health for almost a year. The funeral took place on Friday, May bth, at the fam- ily residence, with interment at Ken- dall cemetery, Utica, Rev. W. C. Smith conducting. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOM ETRIST Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor High Schonl Notes Ad Optima Wesley Jackson On Friday evening, May 19th, there will be a baseball game and dance at Port Perry High -School. Uxbridge 'High School has been invited te bring a baseball team. The ball gamegwill last from 7 p.m. to 9 pom., and there will be dancing after it. If Uxbridge is unable to come, the game will be played between two boy's™ teams chosen from our School. The annual High School Opef Night will be held on Friday, May 26th, There will be practical exhibitions of shopwork, and home economies, and displays of other work in the school. I. O. O. F. News Bros. J. C. Love, M. Gerrow and C. I. Reesor attended the Annual Church Parade of the Oshawa Oddfellows on Sunday afternoon, which was held in St. George's Anglican Church, 4 splendid number of members, around one hundred and sixty, were on hand for this event. Plans for our' parade are going ahead and arrangements are being made to have the Oshawa Sea Cadets Band and the Oshawa Cantons in at- tendance. Our Male Choir is begin- ning to get underway and the commit- tee in charge is looking forward to co-operation in this respect. On Thursday (to-night) evening we are planning to take our candidates in waiting to Oshawa to receivg. their by the Corinthian Lodge. All mem- bers wishing to go along, try to be on hand at the regular. meeting place in good time. We.would like a good re- presentation from. this Lodge, if. pos- -sible. Don't forget the Third Clinic to- morrow night (Friday, May 12th), as all members are urgently asked to do their part to make this a success; The late Mary Jane Crosier was born at Utica in 1860, a daughter of the late Thomas Crosier and Hannah Sikes, of Reach and marrted George Prentice in 1886. For many years -Junior War Workers they farmed 'at Epsom until -their re- tirement to Port Perry in 1914, In 1936 they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Left to mourn her death are her George Prentice, of Port Perry and three sons, Alvin, of Port Perry; Norman of Epsom; and Milton of Ajax; to whom the sym- pathy of many old friends and ac- quaintances is extended In the loss of a kind and loving wife and mother. JN MEMORIAM SAVAGE--In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed®awny one year ago to-day--May 9th, 1943, I cannot say, and 1 will not say That she is dead. She is just away! With a cheery smile, a wave of the hand, * She has wandered into "the unknown land... And she left us dreaming how very ' fair there. And you---oh, you, who the wildest yearn, For the old-time step and, glad return, Think of her faring on, as dear, In the love of There, as the love of Here, Think of her still rs the same, I say--- She is ndt dead--she is just away. ] Sadly missed and ever remembered in the West, Scripture Griffen, WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY | A pleasant afternoon was spent in the Sunday School rogm of the United Church on Tuesday afternoon at the May, meeting of the W.M.S. Mrs. Arthur Brock presided.; The Supply Secretary, Miss Woon, reminded the ladies to send to her home before May 31st, any outgrown clothing in good repair for the annual bale which this year will go to. the Indian reserves 'The Treasurer reported an Easter offering of $92.00, Mrs, Smith, assisted by Mrs, 'Hall, in an interesting manner, presented the last chapter of the Study Book; "All the World and All of Life for Christ." A Missjonary quiz was presented and discussion. took place, This proved very instructive, ship service closed the meeting. Baird, vener was unable to be present, The Presidéng, A hymn was sung. Norma Hoekley offered prayer. gsage was read by Ted by Elva and Alex. and Family, First Degree which will be conferred Provoking . An impressive wor- |§ This | £3 was conducted by Mesdames Koch and £2 Young People's Union} The meeting of the Y.P.U. on Tues: |& day evening was in charge of Norma |8 Hockley. Bob Williams, the other con- | 'merson McMillan, | 8 presided and opened the meeting with |¥8 the Invocation, The f editation on the Serfpture |¥ was given by Norma Hockley, . hymn was sung, 138 Doris Wallace and Lois Jeffrey £ Al carry this wartime can, material shortages; Dr telephone lines can existing facilities sparingly, and keep our calls just as short and husiness-like as we Additional equipment is severely liniited by the place of construction if essential calls are to go through promptly, PRODUCTION MEN-- keeping - constant touch with sources of raw materd als, suppliers of parts, \ government and ! mili- tary authorities, THE ARMED FORCES -- with re sponsibility for training : and supply, for troop movements, for opera tions on land, air and ocean battlefronts, GOVERNMENT OFF|CIALS --in touch with every phase of our production and military program--with \ foreign governments -- / with national and interriutiony) 'war gencies, YO U-rdepending.on your telephone for quick, essential com. J 2 > munication at work and at home. ' load only if we all use co-operation must take J. A. CROSS, local Manager VARIETY PROGRAMME PRESENTED BY Port { Perry Young People's Union In THE TOWN HALL "At 8.15 O'Clock on the Evening of THURSDAY, MAY 25th Vocal, Instrumental, GOD SAVE The Program will consist of Comedy Skits, and Elocution numbers. "THE KING ADMISSION--Adults 'DOROTHY TRISTRAM, Sec'y 350. Children 20c. EMERSON McMILLAN, Pres. favoured with' a piano duet. = Jack Whitmore read a short Risgonssy story. - Norma Hockley introduced the guest speaker, Mr. S. Farmer, who gave an informal talk on "Examinations." Mr. Farmer brought out several thought- ideas regarding general education. Norma Hockldy extended thanks to Mr. Farmer, which were seconded by Fmerson McMillan. * The Minutes 'of "the last meeting were read and adopted! During the business further plans were made re- garding the Variety Cone; grt to be held in the Town Hall, on i, May 26th. = Notice of this event appears elsewhere in this issue. The offering was' taken, a hymn sung and the meet- ing 'closed with the repeating of the Mizpah benediction. I's LRO0P0POIOPOP0POROI0P0FOPOPIRIPOPOBOBORIIOO $28252 oO OEOB0B0S0E0EOSOROBOSOSOSS BO a OOOO 0a0NK % AIRMAN GRADUATES R. H. Wilson, R.R. 1, Port Perry, graduated as a pilot at No, 16, S.F.T. S., Hagersville, Ontario, on Friday, May bth, 1944, He also received his commission as Pilot Officer to go into effect on the same day. MYRTLE STATION * (Continued from Back Page) of last weck calling on friends. In the afternoon he conducted the fune- ral service of Mr. W..J. Hemingway who passed away on Tuesday morning in Oshawa General Hospital. One evening last week, a number of our local fishermen made a trip to the northern fishing waters where they were successful in making a 23820200038 3050200008 'SEED BARLEY and OATS EOR SALE AT "H. H. Goode's Elevator at MYRTLE S1ATI00, ONTARIO huge catch of suckers. The next day 300 SNA ENN $2624 BS PR 0% AN AN 8% NOW IN STOCK i No. 1 Commercial Seed Victory Oats and No. 1 Commercial Seed Two Rowed Barley A A RR RRO ~ Orders are solicited, and may be placed with ELWOOD MASTERS, Elevator Manager Myrtle Station, Ontario JRE ry Telephones--Port Perry 120 r b. ; Brgoklin 33 7 6 | Mr, 2 | sided for some time, 2 | of his father 'and the marriage of his' LRLRORORD ARR A ORCA CORO ORORO ST Lawrence' 8 Drug Store News You can Save with Safety at re STORE | Personna Precision Double-edge RAZOR BLADES The finest blade it is- possible to procure. Fully guaranteed, 10 Blades for $1.00 and worth it. FEI IRAE IEDR IEP ARABI ASEROO PEEP IINP ET SESE SOP OOIOE EERE ISSO " LARVEX ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALT TONEKA SPRING TONIC ITALIAN BALM ........35¢. and 97e. CAMPANA'S CREAM BALM LAWRENCE'S SKIN BALM 25¢.-39¢. shirt ..83¢. and $1.29 39. C16 0B) wineries iiiviis pe 1X ip $1.00 dle. A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 7. Rexall, sure PORT PERRY Stitt astttLtsstLLt stat LLL ILILL R000 00000R000RRRRRRRIRRRRRRRRRRISI titties titties fish was one of the courses on the menu of several of the homemakers, for the fishermen did not keep all the fish for themselves but shared with their neighbours. Mrs. William: Gardiner, Sy., of Ash- burn, 'was in the village on Friday calling on friends, 'Q.M.S. Russell Lunney was home with his family for the week-end, Myr, and Mrs, Albert Eyers and baby Norman visited in Toronto on Friday evening, 'Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Thompson and Miss Marie Thompson, of Bowman- "ville, were guests on Sunday of Hugo and Mrs. Bradley. Many friends and neighbours at-' tended the funeral service for Mr. Jackson Hemingway, which was held at the family residence on Thatadiy afternoon of last week. The Fowler family of Toronto spent the week-end at their summer: home in the village. Mrs, L. McNeely, of Brooklin, was a luncheon guest on Thursday last, of Mrs. D. Luery. Mr. Milton Holliday, Mrs. John Holliday, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Holliday and children, of Toronto, were down on Thursday of last week to attend the funeral of their uncle, Mr, Jack- son Hemingway. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred O'Boyle and Mrs, Jay O'Boyle, of Oshawa, called on. Miss L. O'Boyle on Titieslag last 'week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters and Ir. and Mrs. Hervey Painter. and children spent Sunday with Pontypool relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A, Dennison were in Toronto on Sunday, the guests of re- Iqtives, 'Myrtle district was well represented at the Victory Show held in Port Perry High School Assembly Hall on Friday night. - The singing, tap danc- ing, comedy and skits made a splendid programme and the dance that follow- ed attracted a large crowd from local and distant centres, Mrs, George Holliday spent several days of 'the past week with her sister at her home 'iu Toronto. While there, she attended the concert in Massey Hall when Gracie' Fields was one of the vocal artists, Messrs. Arthur Gilroy and his son- in-law, Fred Stephens, recently pur- chased the property of the late J. E. Beacock, They. have made the neces- sary improvements and alterations so that the two families can occupy the house. Fred is moving in this week but Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy will not leave the farm until fall, Reeve O. H. Downey was in Toronto the first part of this week. Although the weather Has not been "all that could be desired, yet the far- mers are making good ° progress with seeding operations, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hoar, of Ed- monton, Alta, are visiting - this week with their sister, Mrs, Hattie Hudgln. A well Known resident. of this di- strict in the person of Mr, William Jackson Hemingway passed away in Oshawa 'General Hospital early on Tuesday, May 2nd. Born in Welling- ton County, near Guelph, in 1860, he was a son of the late. Mr, and Mrs. Silas Hemingway, who were of United Empire Loyalist families, At an early date he came with his parents, sister and brother to Raglan, where they re~ After the death sister to the late Mr. John Holliday, Mr. Hemingway, his mother, brother, his 'sister and her husband bought. the Holliday farm just north of Myrtle and where for the past fifty years, he had lived very happily. A farmer all his 'life, Mr, Hemingway made a shiccess of his, work, was a gbod neighboy. and had Aa large cirele of fripnds, He enjoyed good health until very recently and. -was only in hospital. from Sunday: wntib his death on Tuesday. His brother' John pret (Qotinked 'on, next' Page) his | ETTEY'S | GREENHOUSE Is still running, despite rumours that I had closed down.' Owing to scarcity of help and gas rationing, I find it necessary to discontinue the delivery of flowers, plants, ete., for this season. I also find it unsatisfactory to place aside any orders during the busy season. This season it will be First come, First served. ' I thank you for your past favours, and trust to give you satisfaction in the future, I'would also remind the Plot holders in the Cemetery that I will be unable to place plants this summer, but we for your Cemetery needs. WM, ETTEY, Proprietor. NOTICE All Kinds of Electrical and Mechanioal Repairs to Household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motcrs repair- ed and Reconditioned . 3 h. p. Fairbanks Gas Engine for Sale. CHINE REPAIR = - SHOP 'STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Port Perry, Ontario BILTMORE THEATER, OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Satuiiny, MAY 11, 12, 13 - ABBOTT and COSTELLO "Ride 'Em " Cowboy" -- Second Feature -- First Oshawa Showing "The Falcon in i ~ with TOM CONWAY and JEAN BROOKS Monday and Tuesday ONLY MAY 15, 16 CLAUDETTE COLBERT, JOHN PAYNE, in "Remember the Day" += Added Attraction -- 'YOUNG and WILLING' with -William HOLDEN, Eddie BRACKEN, Susan HAYWARD, and Robert BENCHLEY a Wednesday, and Thursday, May 17 and 18 "Behind the Rising Sun" with TOM NEAL and MARGO -- Added -- zs will be glad to furnish you as usual "KISSES for BREAKFAST" with Dennis MORGAN, Shirley ROSS and Jane WYATT. ; Put Victory First! sere BUY VICTORY BONDS VICTORY LOAN Headquarters Upstairs at the Post Office, Phone 285, A508 oo

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