A BL OSU BIBT A ty AMS aad BT De A x £5 % SR TEI EAE US a SRS Prete ae a A * bs 4 ppg . CANADAT orricH oF THE MINISTER PEPA fo my fellow Canadians:- 2 Ne ee he citizens of Canada and members of WA Ba van roa Cr d and many other Voluntary War Workers Si have done an excellent war job. ' (ALE ) San Canada, in doing her part to help win the war, has been All groatly assisted by your voluntary and unselfish devotion to f\ hi he important duty. of saving and turning in the essential , Ly war materials, You have backed up the boys overseas and L450) your ativi1 ies have been a material<factor tn turning the LR fide 0 AJ1% against the enemy. When Canada's stock piles i fp dangerously low, you have discovered, saved, and 4) ged waste material which has been turned into ammunition, explosives and containers, phitns have been Nation-Wide an our job has been a big one whi When at war the future. past is the Again I appeal to youl past and we must i cn ir. "aT supplies np must be fi lu SEalnst the on MmOTé supplies : S We march op 5 are N nearer BUCK noTe Waste pape. | 3 DY our ills are w : q orking on Waste Xi shut-downg bec a day-to- fas 'I are critj ause reservp g vaste paper ig tg pg ay low to through regular Waste Paper Fellow Canadiang Please help] Yours Sincerely, . L. \ Minister, iy LaFlgchg, 5 cANADA NEEDS | ASTE P i TANK Yo yg Stes slaw RTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES Your Salvage Cam- d of National importance. ch you have nobly performed. ste Paper and that { st reach ouy De omy. "War supplies o Lo the enem apser ig wanted nog EPHing Men. {More - y . + From poy on ock Supplies of onal wap Services APER EVERY IT; Tie seit ke will save the Voluntary weapons, look to the Fighting 20,000 TONS MONTH oR pO J 4 ~ 1 HOW 10 ittle time yo . e of it OF b: You: €in remedy (his bundles. a ous Then dispos amit- WHAT 1S WANTE eby saving every SCEPC, thousands hs ¢ local voluntary Ot panization, or WHE pier shortage BES par S07 ih ote linn Ortatks one Waste Paper |--cartons--COFTUAL ypes nnd CE OF ugh any Kno stant thing i8 tO cardboard ks--e1ivelol , sellitt The impo f bags magazines d Io. represent jhe pedlar or others. 'moving to the mills - Toaurs newspARErS: ying vitally nee €8 Jour Waste Pap e ~ erial for m ia raw materi' Oo Paper conta DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES z - sincerely thank you and the Council Re | BLACKSTOCK iF Please convey my for these pifts, thanks to the respective organizations Members of Cadmus War Service| that packed these parcels. As you Club "met in - the basement of "the can easily imagine, they were wel- cliurch last week and packed the | come and everything is usefuh, boxes for the Cartwright boys over-| Things are going very well with me seas, The boxes are financed by the here. T am at present stationed. with Township Council, packed by the. Red | two Nestleton- boys, Ed. and Ralph Cross workers and sent quarterly. | Emerson. This morning we went to A number of people in Nestleton | church together at the station chapel. community are suffering from chick-1| There is seldom any news to send to "© npox. | vou folks but I thought this a good Mr. W. B. Ferguson, who spent the opportunity of keeping in touch with winter with his daughter, Mrs, 1. You. So, once again, thanks a lot. Sanderson, of Toronto, has returned to! Best regards. : his farm. . << 'Roy Carter, J-2885h; F/0 Yad CANTY a Mr. Sam Jeffrey has returned._to his! (Can) RCAF: Ove seas, home in Blackstock after spending the roa winter in Toronto. . i M I 30 1044 Pte. Stanley Rahm visited his par-| Dodi Tienive ae Drei ents Mr, and Mrs. A. Rahm, before go-! y:. t ha " 3 ued : Thanks so much for the very nice ing to Hamilton for further training. | wy a. Fey ine will pros Five quilts were quilted in the hall! bably be thinking that T was never on Wednesday afternoon of last week | Ee pe 7% : 0 going to answer, but it just seemed £7 A by 15 ladies: Mrs. C. Hil who WAS | that 1 never got around to writing. on unable to be present, tied one which | py, parcel was very much appreciated was donated by Miss Florence Me- Laughlin, 'the same afternoon' in her home, : = Some forty relatives of Mr. and Mrs..Roy McLaughlin attended the re- and the food we consumed at some feasts that we used to have jn our bay racks. ' 3 to /We are at a different station right now and are doing some training pret- CY as a aT Nd ~, AN Rs RR i te o r . 7d gapion in their new home on the Tay-|¢. 11uch the same as soldiers get, so HS or homestead, and presented them |. wo are outside a lot and. getting (* «aM y . a Sg / with an occasional chair. "Mrs. Roy lots of exercise, we are in pretty good Taylor read the address. The evening was then spent in playing cards, after which lunch was served. a Mr. A. H. Veale, who spent the winter with his daughter Ruby, in To- shape, There isn't a great deal of news so I'll sign' off, thanking you once again, " Ralph Emerson, F/0 (Can.)J-27677 ronto, has returned to Nestleton, Mrs, Isanc Whitfield has returned ~ tasher home in Cadmus after spending the winter in Toronto, with her «daughter Ruth (Mrs, Gordon Brown). The following two letters have lately come to Henry Thompson, from Cartwright, boys overseas: '3 April 9th, 1914 Dear Mr. Thompsofi: = ° - Some months ago I wrote you ne- knowledging receipt of a parcel sent by Cdrtwright Township and packed by the Cadmus ladies. Since then I have received three others, two from .Nestleton and one from Blackstock, I R.C.AT,, Overseas. Cartwright Branch of the Red Cross shipped these articles to Red Cross warchouse; Toronto, during April: Refugee clothing---21 large quilts, 2 girls' pullover sweaters, 4 children's gsearves, bh pairs children's mitts, 1 pair woman's mitts, ° Seamen's Comforts----156 pairs heavy socks, 6 pairs heavy mitts, , Army and air force comforis-- 1 turtle neck sweater, 3 high nvek pull- over sweaters, 2 prs, gloves, 2 scarves ; and 29 pairs socks. "LOL. met May 1st. Five new ameinbers joined, namely: Rev. 'Harri- prey ; ' son, Rus. Staniland, Ralph Ldrmer, Dalton Dorrell. and Grant Ferguson. Mr. R. Willan is leaving here and avill reside in Bowmanville, and an address was read by Earl Dorrell and James Byers presented him with a Past Master's Certificate. The address was signed on behalf of L.0.L. 133, by Carl Wright, W.M., and E. M. Larnier, Rec. Secretary. i Blackstock Mission Band was held in the basement of the Church, April 30. Meeting opened with quiet music 'ind call 'to worship." "Scripture was read by Yvonne Jackson -and Jessie "McArthur, * Prayer by Mrs. Gilbert. Sec'y read the minutes and Treasurer gave her report of $5.14 from only five meetings. Roll call is to be answered by bringing a spring flower at next meeting, May 12th, from 4 to 5.30 p. m. Offering was taken and 21 cents received. Study story by Mrs, Gilbert on "Making Home Better".. Readings by Jessie McArthur, Jean. McLean, Grace Graham, Ruth Hamilton, games by Betty McArthur and Joyce Ven- ning. Last of 'all we had a sewing bee. ~ ASHBURN A = Nr ~ Due to the absence of the pastor, Rev, J.-A, MacMillan, the morning service at- Burn's Church was conduct- ed by Rev, Mr. Cook, of Port Perry. | He chose for his text, St. Luke 4:16-- And he came to Nazareth where he had been. brought up; and, as his cus- tom was, he went into the synagogue An the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.". During the service a male quartette sang "Softly and Tenderly." Mr. Walter Anderson of Montreal, spent Sunday at the home of his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Norman Anderson, Mrs. Sydney Earle, of Toronto, gpent a few days last week the guest of Miss Ruth Richardson, Mrs. Frank. Mitchell, of 'Whitby, spent Friday at the home of her par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Fisher, Blanche Taylor, of Myrtle Station, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, iN Wm. Gardiner, \ N Mrs. Wm. Brash, who spent the winter months with her sisters, in Port Perry, has returned to her home in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wallace and son Jack, of Claremont, called on a num- ber of friends on Sunday. } Mrs. Lawrence Doble spent Thurs- day in Toronto. ' A number from our community at- tended thé "Rodeo" at Maple- Leaf Gardens, in Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fisher, of To- ronto, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Heron, one day last week. Murs: Alfred Fisher and baby Harold Gordon, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kerry, of Utica, for the week-end. . ' The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs, Rus- sell Lunney on Tuesday, May 16th at 2.30 pi. Mrs, Sherwin will have charge of the fifth chapter of the study book. Mr. Thomas Ross, Brooklin, visited with "relatives on the town-line on FSunday. i Mrs, Lewis Moase and Miss Betty Goose, of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Goose, ' $SCUGOG: All are invited to-the Town Hall on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, for a union service in honour of our mothers, Rev, E., B, Cooke, of Port Perry, will bring a message for all. The Sunday Schools are. withdrawn, All enjoyed the! Sunday School les- son, which was taken by Mr, Cecil Fralick in the absence of Mrs. George Sweetman, and were pleased to- see Mr. R. B. Smallman, of Port Perry, who gave us a splendid sermon-- when Isaac. was offerdd as a sacrifice by his father Abraham, but was saved by his father's faith. bs We welcome little Miss Patricia Brown, of Greenbank, to our school and Sunday School. She is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prentice for a few months. © Mrs. R. Carter spent a few days in Oshawa and "visited her daughter, Mrs. C. MacMaster, who was in the Hospital there. Mrs. Carter had the pleasure of hearing Rev, J. V, Me- Neely. ) Mr, Charlie Jackson, of England, who is training in Canada, enjoyed a few hours leave with his uncle and Mrs. Arthur Leighton" and family were also visitors on Sunday. Mrs. F. Crozier spent a few days recently in Port Perry with her" sis- 'ter, Mrs. C. Rowland + ------ Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and sons and friends, of Toronto, were Sunday vi- sitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Free- man, oo i nt Miss Helen Bratley visited her cou- sin, Miss Margaret Bratley over the week-end, and also visited their cou- sins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope in Port Perry. 1 Tpr. Bill Hope, of Brampton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, Hope and all visited his sister, Mrs. F. Real at Blackwater, on Sunday. ~~ richie Mrs. Elmer Lee |accompanied her husband to Charlottetown, Prince Ed- ward Island, where he is in training. Mr, and Mrs, J. Demara attended the Rodeo in the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, on Wednesday. Mr. Walter Bratley, of Bowman- ville, spent the week-end with his brother George. oid Messrs. R, Pogue and John Hardy visited in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs, R. Reader visited in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Prentice and Edna 'attended the wedding of their niece, Saturday, and friend, Mrs. W. Mark in Port Perry a couple of days last week. Mrs, E. Hance and son Len and friend, Mrs, A. Martyn enjoyed a visit in Oshawa recently. + Birthday greetings to Clem Jeffrey, Clifford Lee for the 16th of May; Joan Lewis and Elmer Brown for the 18th. EA an " Mr. R. Pogue has léased the farm recently vacated by Mr. Roy Hope. Put Victory First Buy Victory Bonds A number from here attended 'a shower held,at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce althy (nee Jean Mac- .Donald), in honour of their recent marriage and presented them with a beautiful floor lamp, The evening was enjoyed by all, b aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E, Fines. Mr. and] Miss Helen Prentice at Greenbank. on Mrs. D. Hope visited her son Roy The Bluebird Club held a social evening last week at the home of Mrs. Chester Geer as their- meeting for the month of April. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall have been remodelling and decorating their home in the village. The funeral of the late Mrs. George Prentice, of Port Perry, was held in Kendall Cemetery on Friday after- noon," May bGth, Special arrangements are being made for Mother's Day services to be held on Sunday, May 14th, : - Miss M. Wood attended a Teacher's 'meeting held in Brooklin on Monday afternoon, : Miss Joan Ballard had her tonsils removed. We hope for a speedy re- covery. : } SE : Sorry to report Mrs. George Ward under the doctor's care. J Misses June and Margaret Sutcliffe spent the week-end with friends in Uxbridge. ~ Mr, and Mrs, D. MacKinley, Lan- sing, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashenhurst, of Goodwood, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mus. B. Bailey. PRINCE ALBERT You are cordially invited to attend the Mother's Day service in the Church next Sunday at the hour of 2.30 pm. The Sunday School and Church service will be united. - ) Mrs, Ingram, of Toronto, has been staying" with her mother, Mrs, D. M. Jackson, who has been ill, but is now recovering nicely. EN Mr. and Mrs. Ferris, late of Detroit, Mich., have now taken up permanent residence in their home here. + Pte. M. K. Luke, of Listowel, is spending a leave with his parents, Miss I. Barlow and her brother-in- law, Mi, F. Young, have come to spend the summer months, Miss E. Spence and Miss F. Holman are passing a few days at their re- spective homes here. hy -- > -o>---- r HIGH PRAISE FOR WORK AS ; X W CONTRACT FOR SHELLS ENDED Jobs Will Be Found For All Pedlar's Employees Affected : The Pedlar People Limited have received -instructions to cease the manufacture of cartridge cases by the 31st of May. Adequate reasons have been given for this cancellation, All employees affected will be taken care of by Selective Service. "The following paragraph from the notice received is worthy of mention. "We would like you _to understand that the termination of this contract is in no.way a reflection on the ex- cellence of the work being done. Your handling of this contract has been to our entire satisfaction and the qual- ity of the product turned out has left nothing to be desired." ------ i ~---- ~ -- | / i PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1044 rs rr ---- 2 aa --_-- SN -- a ' Yo ~ a ON THE SHORES OF SCUGOG. . A Well Illustrated Local History 256 Pages. CLOTH BOUND. $1.60 A Book you will want to keep for reference. . Myrtle Station Mr, S. Saywell based his Sunday '| afternoon sermon on the Lord's Pray- er and read a part.of Matthew 6 for the Bible lesson, Next Sunday afternoon the Sunday school study period has been with- drawn but the school will attend church service at 4 p.m. in a body when the Mother's Day programme will be observed. This year the pro- gramme is known as the family ser- vice and has been prepared by Rev. John Hoyle, Director of Religious Education, = Yorkminster ~~ Baptist Church, Toronto. Its preparation was originally for use as a part of the observance of "Christian Family Week". Because the second Sunday in May has become known as Mother's Day, that does not mean that only mothers are to attend the service. Children are supposed to bring the mothers; mothers are supposed to bring the children and the fathers are. expected to bring both the mothers: and the children. So we are looking : . forward to a large attendance. The teen-age girls are preparing a dray matization of "An Act of Apprecia- way tion", and it is expected that the pro- 4) gramme will be most interesting, , The Woman's Association will meet in the regular®monthly business and social meeting at. the home of Mrs. D. Duchemin on Wednesday afternoon May }7th. Ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend. Rev. W. E. Honey, of Cavan, was in the village on Thursday morning (Continued-on Page Four) -- ~~ es o oF What do you expect oul of a can of Paint? First of all you expect colour, fast colour. Then you expect a serve you well, paint products that are ~ paint that is smooth;-goes on easily, Then. you expect coverage and hiding capacity. Most of all you expect wear, something that will stand up against hard use if inside, and if outside, to resist sun, wind and all kinds of weather. When you buy a Sherwin-Williams Paint, Varnish or Enamel you get all these things. You get what you pay for. You get products of quality that will ~ SHERWIN-WILLIAMS worth every penny. that you pay! Loh Look for the store 'that displays the -"famons "cover the earth" trade mark. There you will find a merchant who knows paint and_who will furnish you with the best product for your purpose - --paints that will give you real satis- faction. And he will be glad to lend you the beautiful Style Guide, a large volume filled with many full-colour suggestions for decorating inside and out. fo - ' PAINTS 5 and CONSULT YOUR LOCAL SHERWIN-WILL IAMS DEALER Mawl