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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 May 1944, p. 2

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mt xy a SN es hs ~ RR ht a i ea Ea aa a pn 8 i SN NE nek 0, Se Oa a TR, - Sr ie i, Tm A a a > - awd - SR a "fw pcr gutsy Aaa aA oh RL By IRR AAA 2 AY % aR tk spams THES SEA) SE Aig AS SHANA SRL MRS XN a Get ready for HAYING... ORDER WINDSOR SAL NOW Windsor Salt is cheap protection. Windsoe Salt checks excessive heating, preserves food value, increases palatability, lessens dangee of fire through spontancous' combustion, Spread 20-30 bs, salt per ton of bay when RURAL WET DELIVERY Ls a ie ke 7] % &) 5 1 ¥ w 650, J; storing ism mows or stacking, BE READY --order your Windsor ' Salt now! WHAT SCIENCE - IS. DOING . . Vivicillin Vg A new drug that may well play an important role in checking invasion casualties apd reducing the death toll has been developed in London laboratories, The drug, known as vivicillin® 4. is a development of penicillin and can be produced in large quantites at comparatively low cost, Recent experiments conducted in Wellhouse Hospital, Darnctt, lLon- don, have shown it to be effective in septicemia and hemophilia cases, as well as in cases where burns had endangered the lives of patients. The "results astonish doctors, who, however, make no exteava- gant claims at this -stage of the new drug's efficacy, A statement issued. at the hos- pital cinphasized that vivicillin is not a cure-all, although it has been used with encouragng results and its application in wider ficlds is expected, "Penicillin is not available - for use by civilian hospitals and med- ical practitioners, and it would" ap- pear that the chief value of vivieil- lin lies in its comparatively low cost of manufacture and case of production in quantity, making it available to a large mass of the population so far unprovided for." The drug also has heen used with remarkable success in cases of peris" tonitis and acute mastoiditis, where one to four injections made. In several cases of infected burns and septic wounds the drug has been administered externally with excellent results, it was reported. were Model Of Post-War Dream Plane Shown The awe-commanding wooden skeleton of a, post-war dredm 'plane --a 400-passenger liner that will cruise over the Atlantic in peace days to come -- was previewed by aviation writers at- Fort Worth, Texas. ' The: craft was displayed in full- scale wooden fuselage design at the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Cor- poration plant, The new 'plane, known as Consolidated Model 37, will not be built until after the war. Then it is intended to fly from New York to London non-stop with ample fuel reserves to reach alternate airfields on the Furopean 'continent, : Model 37 has a wing span of more than 200 feet. It will be powered by six huge pusher en- gines. The fuselage, of an amazing length, is built in two levels, Headac Nothingismoredepr {sing -than headache Why suffer?...Lambly's 2 Zhe instant relief. Lambly'sisgood for ear- Oi. ache, toothache, painsin owels. AY back, stomach, 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment [écca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protruding Bleeding Piles, and is sold in Tube, with pipe, for internal application, Price 75¢. Mecea Pile temedy No. 2 is for Externai Itching Piles. Bold [a Jar, and is for external use only. Price 50c. er by number from your Druggist. . Pll ldtan » LFA If you suffer MONTHLY ~\ FEMALE PAIN You who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous feel- Angs=due to female functional dls- turbances -- -should' try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, It has a soothing effect on one of wom- an's most important organs. Also a fine stomach tonic! Made {in Canada, 'Worth trying. : qoreh tying VEGETABLE LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S Eompouno & WHY HAVE MN SORE "Don't Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1; Is a high centerpiece in good taste on the dinner table? 2. Is it necessary that one return a first call, even if one does not desire to continue the acquaintance? 3. 1s it necessary that one ack- nowledge a written invitation to a tea? 4. If a bride «is wearing a veil over her face, what is the proper time to raise the veil? ec 5. Is it correct to spread jelly on bread when at the table? 6. Where is the proper place to write the date in a social letter? Answers : 1. No; the centerpiece should, be low enough so that tlie view of persons sitting on opposite sides of the table is not obstructed. 2. Yes; and this first call should be made within ten days. 3. One is -not obliged to do so. 4. At the conclusion of the ceremony, and it is considered the duty of the maid of honor when she hands back the «bouquet to the bride. 5. No; the correct way is to cat a portion of bread followed by a bit of jelly, which is conveyed to the mouth on the tip of the fork. 6. It is usually written on the last page, at the left .of the signature. Have You Heard? Smith: "What's this check stub, one pullover--s252 I don't want to appear like a cheapslate, but isn't that a lot of money for a pullover?" Wife: "The man on the motor- cycle said it was the regular price." RSmith: "You got it from a man on a motorcycle?" Wife. "Yes, I went red light, and he drove said, 'Pull over." through a up and Gre ® The despondent business ~ man climbed wearily into his luxurious car. . "Where to, sir?" the chauf- - feur asked. Drive off a cliff, James," was the. reply; "I'm committing suicide." : . ---0-- ¢ With his usual long-wndedness, the bore was describing one of his hair-breadih escapes. "There was I," he said, "on a lonely road, miles from anywhere, with a blazing car. What do you think I -did 2" ilk "One weary listener stifled his yawns long enough to reply: "Took a long breath and blew it out!" --O-- "When 1 was 'travelling in Russia they showed me a bed twenty feet long." "Well, I dunno--sounds like : a lot of bunk to me." botios # on od --- "Don't be downhearted," said the steward to the suffering passenger. "Nobody's ever died of scasickness." say other "It's only .the hope of dying that's kept me alive so far." Some (Yi © "What became of that charming secretary of yours?" "I married her and now: she's my treasurer." 3 : . The University of Cracow in Poland is the second oldest in cen- tral-castern Iurope. that!" moaned the After the Mississippi's flood wa. ters had topped t levee at sev- eral points near t. Loius, the postman had to splash twice (or more) to deliver letters to this mailbox on the city's outskirts, How Can 1? heart- QO. How can | remedy burn? A. A preventive of heartburn is to take the juice of a lemon before beginning a meal. ().How can 1 prevent a gray coating from, forming on Shgio- late during warm weather? = A. This gray coating does not mean that the chocolate is spoiled. It only indicates that some of the fat has melted and come to the surface. Q. How can IT prevent wrinkles around the eyes? A. When these tiny wrinkles be- gin to appear, massage muscle oil gently into the skin wtih the finger tips cvery night before retiring. Q. How can I make good potato salad? ' A. Potato salad will be twice as delicious if left in French dress- ing over. nicht. Add the mayon- naise the next morning, - Q). How can 1 make a service- able door mat for the back door or the foot of the cellar steps? , A. By taking a picce of board about 15 by 24 inches, and then covering it with several thickiiesses of gunny sacks, tucking the edges to the underside of the hoard. It is just as good as many sold in the stores. ronald need - face et =Victory Bond And The Post-War A silly and harmful suggestion heard too often these days is that when the war is over the Govern- ment of Canada may not be able to meet its ohligations, with" a con- sequent doubtful future for Victory Bonds, says The Ottawa Journal. Finance Minister Ilsley, in a speech at Windsor fast week, dealt with such talk, and # is to be hoped that his Said he: portance that we- maintain, indeed assure, a ready and stable market "for all these millions of bonds that we have sold. We have now the monetary. and financial 'machinery --and_we have developed the meth- od for accomplishing this, and we will therefore be able to deal with any situation which may develop in a way which will keep faith with the millions of small investors who "are supporting the savings program in this emergency." The notion that this rich country is going te pass into poverty or chaos with the war's end, unable to meet its obligations, is a fan- tastic travesty of obvious fact. We have the resources, the people, the plant and machinery, the manager- ial and productive skills--why on earth should anybody imagine that we will be incapable of using them? T CHEW, CHEW, BABY! As her friends look on with is initiated into the Merrill's Marauders, amused interest, a little Burmese girl stories of American chewing gum arauders, first U .8, infantry unit to fight in by one Burma, paused for rest in village during one of their Jap-harrying missions, E) words are" read widely, "It will be of the greatest im- . Nazi Glider Tug Has Five Motors For months, fliers who returned from trips over Germany with re- ports of a five-motored German plane were pooh-poohed for their pains, says Newsweek. But now Allied officials know definitely that such a craft exists. One was shot down, along wtih the two gliders it .was towing, over France. monstrosity is actually two Hein- kel 111-bomber-fuselages = fiitched together by a long wing and un- connected anywhere else; The fifth motor is mounted in the middle of this wing. In performance, it's ap- parently slow, but powerful. How- ever, reports which have not yet officially been confirmed say a bomber .vétsion of this glider tug has been in service over England, The | 2,500 Hori Defence Troops 'Go Active' More than 2,500 home defence troops stationed at Vernon, B.C. have volunteered for active service overseas, Major-Gen. G, R, Pearkes, general officer commanding-in-chief of Pacific Command, said last week in an address congratulating the volunteers on their appeals to "go active." v ) "A month, ago there were less than 400 active servicemen in the four battalions at Vernon station," Gen.Pearkes said, "Today more than 2,500 ofifcers, N.C.O.'s and men have volunteered." Sousa's band was heard only once by his. mother. It made her so nervous that she never went to hear it again. "THE BEST OF FRIENDS . Friendship, just a perfect friendship, has sprung up between white rabbit and young fox at San Francisco zoo. Here, the usually amicable pair are Having slight argument about who is to get first bite of carrot. Dispute was easily settled, 'BABY CHICKS AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed ....... 10¢ New Hampshire Mixed . lle White Leghorn Mixed 10c Barred Rock T'ullets ... 17¢ White Leghorn Pullets .... 20c Don't delay. $1.00 books your order. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontarle, ALL SIGNS POINT TO A RECORD- breaking demand for May and June chicks, Look ahead as far as you like and you won't see any let up in the world demand for chicken meat and c¢ggs. Chickens and eggs are a quick cash crop, much quicker than beef, pork and lamb. What's important right now. is to order your chicks today and - get them at once. We can give prompt delivery on practically all the popular breeds in day olds, also ask. for bargains on five and six week old, Leghorn pullets, I'ree catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. WaT i YI YOU WANT CHIQCKS--NOW--- we can supply you with some breeds, for instance Leghorns,' and B.M, x W.I. Other breeds brooders -- save time, get eggs quicker, with these. Write, phone or drop in. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. SUPERIOR CHICKS, ALL BREED- ers blood tested. Write for our special low prices for, end of May, June and--July. chicks.. Leg-- horns, Barred Rocks, Hampshires, Rock Hamp, Sussex, Sussex Hamps, mixed chicks, pullets, cockerels, 6:8-10-12 week old pul- lets for immediate delivery, Superior Hatchery, Linwood, Ont. STARTED PULLETS, COCKERELS and non-sexed chicks for immed- fate delivery 2, 3, 4 and hb week old at special prices while they last. Have some genuine bargains in four and five week old White Leghorn pullets, Send for special pricelist. Also day olds for im. mediate - delivery. "Also, 8 week old pullets and older. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarvigr------ rr Rl L.3 > SIX WEEK OLD WHITE LEGHORN pullets all from Government-Ap- proved bloodtested stock $34.90, four week old $32.90 per hundred. Send your order ht once before they all go. Will ship C.0.D. any- where. Also day old chicks and other started chicks at rock bot- tom prices. Free catalogue. Top Notch - Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT 'DUDS' may cost. Baby chicks that don't live to maturity can run up quite a bill for feed and lodging, and brooder.room before they "kick the bucket". And the sad part fs these "quitters" take up space and care that might otherwise be given to worthwhile specimens 80 that every day the "duds" live Increases loss, You avoid much risk . when you get chicka that are Government Approved from blood-tested breeders, of oromis- friz- llvablility, from Tweddle Hatcheries. Start all the chicks you en handle; there'll be a market for every one of them--- and for. their egga--and got Tweddle Chicks, Day old and old- er--non-sexed, pullets' and 'cock. erels of all popular-breeds. Send for 1944 catalogue and reduced prices for May and June delivery. Prompt delivery guaranteed, also bargains in started ch ie ka. Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limlit- ed, Fergus, Ontario, BARRED ROCK COCKERELS, 4 weeks old. 30c each. Six weeks, 40c each. Blood-tested, well start- ed.stock. Order now for May or June delivery. Forrest Wright, Scott Siding, New Brunswick. REDUCED. PRICES FOR CHICKS, Barred Rocks and Leghorns ile, Lieghorn pullets 22¢, Barred Rook pulleta 20¢, Leghorna are Barron Strain, Ing. All breeders are blood test- ed. One dollar books your. order, J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. SPECIAL PRICES FOR JUNE Rocks are O.B.8. breed. . HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE. women, learn halrdressiig at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendld pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. , LEARN HAIRDRESSING THR Robertson method. Information on request regarding clasdes, Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. WI G8 .TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and 'all types of finest quality Halr Goods, Write for f(llustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. : 'MEDICAL DIXON'S RIM EDY--FOR NEURIT- is and Rheumatic Palins. Thous. ands satisfied. Munro's. Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- pald $1.00, YOU GET QUICK RELIEF FROM Eczema and Psoriasis by using Patson's Eczema Ointment. Stops burning and ftching; soothes and heals cuts, burns and piles. -Hun: dreds of 'satisfied. customers. 60c and $1 postpaid. Patson Health Products, 261 St. Catherine West, Montreal. ? B8TUMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of tll-health In humans all 'ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out- if this "is your trouble? Interesting par- ticularg--Free! 4 BAUMEKKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, {5c bottle Ottawa agent. Denman Drug. Store. (Mtawa. READ THIS--EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid $1.00, PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND- FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x6" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. F'ram- ed In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, on Ivory mats 7x9", b9c each. It cologred 70c each. . "ANY SIZE ROLL - 6 or 8 exposures ) © Get prompt mail service on quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada wlll tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the best work. i. - DON'T TAKE RISKS \ 8napshots can never be taken agaln. Send your rolls to Canada's largest 4nd finest finishing studio-- : STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print «+ Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. - 3 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION prin . 8 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 18¢ . REPRINTS 8 for 26c FINEST ENLARGING BERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your filma to pia IMPERIAL: PHOTO SERVICE DYEING & CLEANING Station J, Toronto, / HAVE YOU ANYTHING NERDS PATENTS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us 4 for Information. We are glad to FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY answer your - questions. apart. Patent 8olleltors, Batablished ment H, Parker's Dye orks 890; 14 King West, Toronto. Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ooklet of Information on re- ronto, ? quent, oe DS _ FARMS FOR Write Mulveney's Lemeaies, Speclallsts. Toronto 8, - a : DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26¢° - ; Yeast WITH YOUR FILMS "Your filma properly developed and ! i MACDONALD'S Canada's Stanclard Smohe 3 Protecting Clothing From Clothes Moth pe -- "There are two main points to be observed in the protection" of house- hold articles subject to damage by moths. The articles to he stored should be thoroughly clean,.and the receptacle in which they are placed should not have the slightest hole or crack through which a moth might enter. If there be such a means of entrance, the trunk, box, drawer, bag or whatever receptacle is used, is not moth-proof. Washable articles before being stowed away should be washed. Clothing, blankets,# and such-like articles, shoald be thorofighly brushed. Preferably, where pos- sible, they should be sent to the dry cleaners before being placed in storage. To reduce the chance of infestation, moth balls or other re- pellent may be used. In trunks or 'boxes they may be scattered about, buta much tidier way is to obtain pin-up medallion repellents which may be bought at most stores. They may be pinned in cupboards, and on the inside of the lids of trunks and hoxes. The fumes from these chemicals are deadly to insects, and being heavier than FOR SALE air they penetrate to the bottom of the receptacle. Particularly with bags, it is easy to suspend thé re- pellent near the top of the bag ahove the hanger, and away from the clothes. Where naphthalene flakes can be obtained, an effective method is to enclose an ounce or two in a home-made cheese cloth bag and suspend it from the top. "Moth balls may be used in the same~ way, Poles Flee Reich In German' Plane Two young Poles with prewar pilot training escaped form Ger= many in a Nazi training plane and ° landed in Sweden recently. The youths said -they dressed in stolen "German uniforms and pre- sented themselves at the Breslau Flying School, claiming they had orders to make a test flight. The Germans, they said, fueled the plane for them, and 3% hours later they landed in Sweden. The climbing perch from Asia is a fish that can walk on dry land and climb trees. FOR SALE MILKING MACHINES GENUINE HIN MAN RUBBERS and parts for old-style shaft line milkers. Service by .mail, G. G, Rowé & Company Limited, Dls. tributors, 47 Crang Ave. Toronto, Ont. FARM FOR SALE, 3% nitles from Timmins, 160 acres, 70 cleared, new farmhouse, 22 cow barn, stable, etc, 17 milch cows, mach- inery, 3 horses; with or without stock; Timmins, Ontario. LARGE GLADIOLUS BULBS, RAIN- bow collection of outstanding varieties, 2 dozen $1:10 delivered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic," B.C. We grow the best only. PEACH: TREES, APPLES, PEARS, cherries, plums, currants, grapes, asparagus, strawberry plants, raspberries. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe. BURLINGTON, 5 OR 20 ACRES: apples and pears, bearing; no buildings. Box 141, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto, N ; ( SALE, IN TEMISK- faming district, close to highway, railway, markets, bargains. Write. Zalek Vertlieb, Wawbewawa, Ont. SAANEN GOATS, JUST good milkers. Write R.R. 3, Belleville, GRAD freshened, Wm. Rowland, Ontario. NO. 1 VANGUARD OATS, GROWN from Registered seed, power cleaned and buffed, rust resist- ant. Heavy crop last year. $1.10 bushel." John ---AMcVean, Durham, Ontario. | IO "POULTRYMEN' ONLY MAKE MONEY AND PLAN FOR post.war years by reading the. -Canadian Poultry Review each month. Address, 208 Richmond St. W., Toronto, 1. Subscription $1.00 per year, 32.000 for three years. E i 'PLOUGHMAN'S » FOLLY" BY ED. . ward H. Faulkner. The book you have been reading abowkin Read- ers Digest and Time ®iagazine. It tells 'you how "to grow bigger and better crops with less work, "Postpaid $1.55, Duggan, Box 253, 'Station H. Montreal. , 170. ACRES ON GRAND RIVER IN Haldimand County. Good build- ings, booth, park, and two gas wells. Price $8,500. Terms. Wm. J. Yon 247 Fairleigh 8. Hamil- on. FOR ANGORA BREEDING STOCK. write for prices to Halycon An- 'Boras, Pickering, Ont.' DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK- ing Machines. Newest types avail. able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations inquire further Box 455, ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USBD, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, . brushes. Allen Electrio Company Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. JUST OUT, ILLUSTRATED CAN- adian catalogue, 1944 edition, b0c, Vincent's Stamp "Shop, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. NEW INVENTED SNARE TRAP II" YOU ARI INTERESTED IN catching bears, wolves, foxes or groundhogs and weasel, here's your opportunity, a simple In- expensive Trigger you can make in 10 minutes is a sure catch for any suspicious animal, $1.00 for plan and instructions. Peter Zlepnig, Wgltham, Quebec. POULTRY GRIT Soluble. or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by using "Stresco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available - immediately in 100 1b. bags "in any quantity, Write for samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED STINSON REEB SUPPLY CO. 2 LIMITED 5383 Delorlmier Ave.,, Montreal 3 STOCK FOR SALE SERVICEABLE AGE AND YOUNG- er dual-purpose Shorthorn bulls from R.O.P. dams, deep, 'thick, typy. Females," all ages, cows, heifers, calves. Alan Alderson, loute 4 Hamilton. HELP? WANTED : EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND all round printer, permanent-post= tion. Apply Fyle H791M, Neat est selective Service Office. THE CORNWALL GENERAL HOS- pital, Cornwall, Ont, is now se- lecting applicants for student nurses August 1, 1944, WANTED FULLY QUALIFIED teachers for Home Economics and General Shop, to teach grade work in morning periods, 'Write giving qualifications and salary expected, to. A. Colebourne, Sec- ratary, Riverside Public School: Board, 345 Fairview Blvd. River= side, Ont. $60.00 MONTHLY--WOMAN FOR eenersl housework, good home. Mrz (, H, Day. Burnhamthorpe Park Nd., Islington. z WANTED--YOUNG GIRL WISHING spend few weeks or longer To- ronto, to help iw house, two -- adluts, comfortable living quart- re, considerate people, residence centrally located, experience hot necessary, character reference re- quired, wages twenty_five per .month, railway fare advanced, overnight hospitality -extended parent or guardian if desired. gladly furnished. on application. Mrs. Gordon Ramsay, 232 Poplar DeWalt Disher Corporation Ltd, Plains Rd... Toronto. 402 West Pender St. "Vancouver, ned ne. : | oy WANTED DR. J. H. ENGEL'S MINRHALIZED | WANTED IN YOUR DISTRICT Yeast has been helpful In the prevention of ahortion, Many tes- - © timoniais verify its value. $15.00 plus charges. Nnpexcelled "for. cdttle, sheep, goats, and awine. We claim our Mineral and Powders -for all animais are ngt- only corrective agents for malnutrition but they more than pay for themselves In growth, vigor and production. Dr. J. H. Engel,' corner Quéen and Princess 'Sts., Waterloo, Ont Write for boqkiet. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfaoct con- dition, $3.26 delivered. Ladles' army shoes, Rorfectly rebullt, $2.25 delivered, Money-back guar- antee. State size,' send money order. Ruskin & Co, Peterborough, nt. : ' FREE -- COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Frult rees; Evergreens: Flowerln hrubs; Perennials; 'Shade Troon: oa e 8; Brookdale-Kingaway" Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ontario, SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING ~-- Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery, "hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, D onto, THROW GASOLINE AGAINST storm, returns vapor. That's Ww STOR-MO, ~ Vaporizer produces more miles, Build Joursels, it's simple. Results good. Plans 86e, 'J. A, Friesen, Box 65, WINKLER, Manitoba, ° : 100 Ibs, someona to take orders in thelr spare time for day old chicks for a large (Hfindian Government Approved Chick Hatchery. No ine vestment reauired. Liberal coma midgsion, Write for full. details. Rox 130, 73 Adelalde St. West, Toronto, * PASTITRE WANTED. WANTED RE- liable farmers who have extra good pasture and accommodation to pasture herds of young cattle for ensh monthly." Preferably near Toronto Write fully, Post Office Tox K78 Toronto. WANTED, LITTERS PUPPIES, Brown, dogs, any bteed, State price. Box 52, Lansing P.O. PARTNER FOR SHOW HORSH farm (Hunters & Jumpers), Box £31, 73 Adelaide %. Toronto, « WANTED. TO BUY: TRACTOR OR" will trade Formall H for blecer tractor: Box 23, Ethel rt, Ma WANT TO BUY, RENT OR TAKN over cansldaring partnership, co! Rlpte "small cotton or woollen I. operating or operated re cently. Also need. a warping mi and Sotton Pris looma 4 x and 4 x 4, i a (r space) with Dobby And Abn (hie Box 142, 73 Adelaide W.. Tormis CORDWONN CONTRACTOR WANTED | WANTED --CORDWOOD CONTRACS tor to ent' and nut on ralisea cara 1.500 corda of Wood in HAY burton County, (Yosa IS wt ltway. $7.0 o cord, \A, O, lonway, 1alds 8t. ant, Toronto, tally St Bm Pid to road i ' ~y

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