. EEE EY Saag, i Dr. Chase's Ointment for Chafing Skin lrritations Eczema WHAT SCIENCE IS. DOING M ilkweed The lowly milkweed, long the bane of a gardeners life, is about to join the ranks of materials used for war purposes, says the "Minne- apolis Star Journal, Scientists know milkweed is a source of rub- ber, but not a practical one De- cause the yield is so low. Now the floss of milkweed, in place of ka- pok is almost entircly controlled by the Japancse and the govern- ~-ment is asking for a million pounds of milkweed floss in its stead. Plans are being laid in 21 states for a.late Summer collection of floss, In Michigan a collection has been so successful that the drive is to be expanded nationwide. In Min- nesota, one of the 21 milkweed El . states, city school children probab- "ly will join with rural and small town 4-H members to gather the floss. Into silky white floss this Summer children will have a chance to add another item to their list of war achievements: waste paper salvage, scrap metal salvage, Ju- nior Red Cross Work and crop harvesting. Have YouH ea rd ? A close~fisted farmer supplied to a local house three dozen eggs every week. One week he found that he had accidentally sent one egg too many, Determined not to: "lose on the deal, he called at the house." "Mr. Smith," he said," "I sent along one egg over the three dozen this week." "Surely you're not going to worry over a little thing like that," Mr. Smith said. "Let's settle it with a drink, What will you have?" "Egg and milk," was the farin-~ er's reply. --0-- Aunt (inspecting jumper): "And did my little niece knit this 'all by herself?" Betty: "Yes, Auntie, all ex- cept thé hole you put your head" through, and that was there when I started." RE i: Members of the Naval Board were amining young applicants dor 'apfiointments as probationary midshipmen, "Well," said an old Admiral to one of the youths, "what must an officer be before he can have a funeral with full naval honors?" "Dead," answered the 'boy. There are 2,000 miles of un- paved: vehicular roads suitable for automobile travel in Alaska, Nothingis more depres. sing than headaches... y suffer?...Lambly's will'give instant relief, [Lam fy'sisgood for ear- 'ache, toothache, painsin back, stomach, Bowels. War THERE 15 ONLY ONE FLY-TOX KILLS MOSQUITOES AND ALL OTHER INSECT PESTS RHEUMATI Cc Painsbiway™™ DOES YOUR BODY ACHE? 1: Here's 'rellel from misere ah eget! Feammasic ars n "RB ¢ and lumbago pains -- | water a ipo When the milkweed pods "burst = 5 ar 4 Ras \ Not only did the Allies take beachheads in Normandy, but they ob~ tained the Nazi defense plans as well. the sandbox layout at Nazi headquarters. La KBE Here two Canadians inspect THE WAR . WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events The ground soldier may with some justice, that all say, the bombs dropped on Germany in the last four years have not shaken the Nazi tyranny as have the last eight days of-hand- to-hand fighting on the France, comments the New York Times. The airman can reply that deeply as tening up," without the massive air cover of D-Day, without the quick strategic bombing which has hampered every, Ger- man cffort to bring up reserves, the beaches could never have been taken, much less held. And even the seaman can add that without 'the blasting fire of naval artillery the infantry divisions might never have fought their way beyond the the intense coastal wall, But cach -- if he had himsélf participated in the giant operation -- would prolably make his point with a sober hum- ility and an understanding of the other's contribution not always encountered among the theorists, Pre-Invasion Pounding The Normandy landing repre- sents the "combined operation" or the "task force" idea in its most massive and most convincing form. throw the desperate heroism of the infantry and air-borne divisions sible to read the story without seding the role of air power in its true proportions. hard cnough as it was; without air power, both on the scene and through the 'long preparatory soil of" tactical support from the air and. While. the reports have tended to. without the long preliminary "sof- En into the highest relief, it is impos- - The task was. Combined Operation or Task Force Wins Battle of The Beachheads; ' » months and years, it would clearly have 'been impossible. German aviation was remarkable by its ab- sence; here at last was the con- - crete reward won by the men who had died long before in the Lan- casters over Berlin or the Fort- resses over Schweinfurt or Brun- swick or in a hundred other air battles. There has been no one crushing counter-attack; the Gere-.. man reserves have been so slow in arriving that it has been necessary to throw them more or less piece- meal into the action. Here is the result of the prolonged strate- gic pounding of all communications in western France both before D- Day and since. Unity Of Services It would be easy to contmue the demonstration. Air power has brilliantly justified itself; but so has naval gun power and so has the ground army -- each, how- ever, only in conjunction with the others. Some air officers still be- lieve that the war might have been won by the total concentration of all energies upon the air alone. The argument can never be disproved, since the evperiment has not been made; but the whole weight of experience in the present war lies. heavily against it. The great suc- cesses have all be won, not by in- dependent arms, not on the ground or on the sea or in the air alone, but by the judicious combination of every available element upon what- ever specific task presented itself. The greatest, most intricate com- bination of all has been adopted for the greatest single task the Western Allies have attempted. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make cut flowers last longer? A. Cut off an inch of their stems each "day. Give them fresh water "daily, Strip off any leaves come below the surface of the water. Do not use too small a vase, that cramps the stems, And often an aspirin tablet placed in the wa- ter will prolong the lifeof the flowers. ) © Q. How can I sterilize fruit jars? A. Do not use fruit jars that have been standing empty for any length of time without sterilizing. Boil in soda water, rinsing with clear boiling water. Q. How can I keep cheese from _ crumbling when cutting it? A. Before attempting to slice very rich cheese heat the knife in boiling water. This ustally pre- vents breaking or crumbling, Q. How can I prevent salt from getting into ice cream? A. When making ice cream, place a sheet of waxed paper over the freezer before packing the ice and salt. The Nd will fit more tightly and will prevent any salty water from getting inside. Q. How can ! prevent whita stockings from thrning yellow? A. Place a few drops of turpen- tine inthe water avhen washing white stockings and they will not "turn yellow. : Monty's Five-Point Recipe For Victory Gen, Montgomery, commander of the group of armies invading France, said he was pleased with the initial phase of the landing operations, : + Dressed in the familiar Montgo- mery sweater with battledress trousers, the General appeared quite happy as hé told of a five- point recipe for victory he given his officers shortly hefore Hie invasion signal. He listed the five points as: 1 -- Allied solidarity; 2 «-- Offensive cagerness; 8 ~ Enthusiasm; 4 -- Confidence and 5 -- All-out effort, that. had A tanta of women to Nazi 1943 Babies Soldiers In 1963 instructional © A new manual from the German High Command expressing concern about the de- clining birth rate indicates that Germany already is preparing for the next war. The manual declared that "every stout boy born in 1943 can become a brave soldier in 1963." ) Recognizing that war casualties would cause a further drop in the ' birth rate "in the next years," the booklet declared every German family must, on the average, have four children. It pointed out that the 1932 average was only two and today is not yet three. In 1910, it added, 6,400,000 young families had 1,800,000 children but in 1039 8,600,000 such families had only 865,000 children. LAXATIVE TABLETS QUICKLY RELIEVE CONSTIPATION suffer from Hemorrhoids If you (Piles) try getting relief through soothing gentle action of -FERMOL LAXATIVE TABLETS whieh so many have found effective for this condition, Go to your drug store and obtain FERMOL LAXATIVE TAB- LETS--two months SunplY. for $1.00, or write direct FERMOL DISTRIBU- - TORS, LONDON, Ontario, ou WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM § It you suffer from hot flashes, 8, irregular ot Sth Dey neryous--dus to the "middle-age" od In a woman'd life, take Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, It's helped théusands 'thou- Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee » 1 What are the rules that govern introductions? ; 2. What is the proper time to acknowledge a wedding gift? 3. What dishes are already laid on the dinner table before the guests are seated? . t 4. When is it all right to smoke at the dinner table? 5. Isn't it correct for a divorced woman to continue wearing her rings? 6. Is it proper to have one's te- lephone -number engraved on visiting cards? : : ANSWERS - 1, A man is always presented to aA woman, a young person is pre- sented to one who is considering older, a less distinguished guest is presented to a more distinguished person. 2. On the day it is received if possible. If the bride will do this from day to day, she will not be swamped with obligations when the wedding day arrives. 3. A cold side dish, or relish (hors d'ocuvre). 4. It would be better to wait for the signal for general smoking. Often, the cigarettes are already on the table, or the hostess will sce that they are passed at the pro- per time. kn Yes as this is entirely optional. She has a right to wear the rings if she wishes to do so. 6. No; telephone numbers are re- served for bisiness cards. : Canadian Flag Carried Into Battle The "Canadian Flag" -- went into battle last week with Canadian Forces for the first time in this war. Up to now, the Union Jack has been flown. A few days before D-day, Lt.- Gen, H. C. Crerar pérsonally pre- sented Canadian ensigns to the commander of the Canadian as- sault force with instructions that: they be flown at headquarters of divisions and brigades in the bat- tle areas. The ensign has the Union Jack in the top left corner and the Do- minion's coattof-arms in the lower 'right-hand corner, all on a red! background. We All Want To "Be. Our 'Own Boss' Most of us still believe that prl- vate enterprise, initiative and com- petition will make for greater pro- gress, greater wealth production and greater contentment for the mass of the people who greatly - object to being pushed around hy an army of bureaucrats, says the Lethbridge Herald. We still hanker to be our ov boss", with the right to law. and within reason and custom. 1 Even the" well-known statue *Physical THINGS ARE LOOKING UP [ in London's Hyde Energy" Park seems to be looking up as Allied bombers roar over the city on their way to bomb German targets in Europe. Other up-look- ers are, left to right, Sgt. Wm, Hewitt, Bridgetown, N. J.; Store- keeper Jessie. Watkins, USN, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Muriel Canepa, and her friend, RCAF Flight Sgt. J. Ainsworth, of Montreal. BABY CHICKS as we like: within the ~ q Easy fo roll, delightful ~ --losmoké FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO FIRST IN FRANCE former Lafayette, Ind," stunt flyer, piloted the first glider -- the Fighting Falcon -- to land on French soil in the Allig® inva- sion of western Europe. 'Zittermokka' Good For Nazi 'Jitters' The Germans, with an assist from Allied bombs, have coined another word to join blitzkrieg and ersatz in the international vocabulary.' It's '"zittermokka" (jitter coffee). Zittermokka is the German word for the extra ration of coffee given to inhabitants of heavily-bombed cities, .. Literally "Zitter". means "tremble" and "mokka" is-a common term for strong black coffee, © Lt.-Col. Mike C.. Murphy, above, If Only I Had A Garden If only I had a garden, Aglow with fragrant flowers, A cosy nook, a friendly. book, Wherein to while the hours, "I'd sit there in the garden, While petal' snowflakes fall, And hollybhocks grow stately, Against an' ancient wall, I'd paint there in my garden, A patchwork quilt of bloom, Resplendent with the loveliness, Held in each seed-locked tomb, ' I'd rest there in my garden, Beside a wishing well, And wish such joy for everyone, When evening shadows fell. I'd dream there in the garden, Of things-long passed away, And watch the dawn: proclaiming, A brighter, lovelier day; I'd pray there in the garden, ~A- prayer that would not cease, That each man 'had his garden, In.a grand world, at peace. : --T. B. Gleave Discovers Home ~ dkin Remedy This clean stainless antiseptic known all over Canada as Moone's Emerald Oil, i§ such a fine healing agent 'that. Eczema, Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet, and other Inflammatory skin erup- tlons are often relieved in a few days. : . ' Moone"s Emerald Oil Is pleasant to use and It Is so antiseptic and -penetrating that many old stub- born cases of long standing have ylelded to Its Influence, er Moone's IEnierald Oil is sold by good drugstores everywhere to help. rid you of stubborn pimples unsightly skin troubles--satis- ion or money back. x + HAIRDRESSING i ips __ FOR SALB : "HELP WANTED PROMPT SHIPMENT OF TWO | AMBITIOUS GIRLS: and ls Si WE - TEMPORARY (4) chnicKs. ! - ' ' din our day old ad In this pa- MIDDLE AGE 1plenents shedpiparage, lols of CONSTABLES per. Send for prices, Also day women, learn hairdressing at Can. og IEA A ng Rd old Heavy Cockerels as low .as ada's finest and largest schools. De el Toa rans WANTED $7.95 per hundred. Non-Séxed at $8.95. Pullets $12.95. I'rce .Cir- cular. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont, BANTAMS, $2.00 PAIR OR 3 PAIR $5.00. White Bantams, Black Rose Combs, Buff Cochins $5.00 pair, egsh no C.O.D. Warren Steven- son, Mount I'orest, Ont. MARTINDALE'S! JUNE CHICKS BARRED ROCKS, NEW HAMP-* shires, Light Sussex and Red Rock Hybrids, $11.00 per' 100. All stock Canadian Approved. and Blood-testell, 'No walting. Can ship any Monday. Martindale's Farm Hatchery, Caledonla, Ont, STARTED CHICKS TWO WEEK old, Barred Rock, New Hamp- shire, White Nock, White Leg- horn, Hybrids. in Non-Sexed, Pullets and Cockerels at bargain prices. Also day old Heavy cock- erels ns low as $8.96 per hun- dred, DPullets $14.95, Non-Sexed $8.95. Sce Catalogue. Tweddle , Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. 10c BARRED ROCKS 10c ORDER KNOW FOR JUNE AND July chicks. First come; first served. Barred- Rocks mixed '10c, Barred Rock Pullets 17¢, Leg- horns mixed 9c, Leghorn pullets 20c. BarredsRock Coclkerels $10.00 per hundred. Leghorn cockerels 2.00 per 100. All eggs set from 5 oz. eggs or better and from high producing 'stock, Guarantee 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, Balance C.0.D. Sexing Depot, Chatham, Ontario. i DON'T MISS TIER CHICK BAR- gains. All popular breeds, white Leghorns, Barred Rock, New Hampshires, White Rock, White Wyandotte, Light Sussex, Hy- brids and other breeds. Non- Bexed as low as $8.95 per hun- dred, Heavy cockerels $8.95. Heavy Pullets $14.95. Shipped C.0.D. anywhere. Give second choice, Immediate delivery. Twed- 1e¢ Chick Hatcheries Limited, ergus, Ontario. \ WE'RE CLOSING | BARGLIER THIS: mensgon, shut have chicka this week and next. Tell us what you need In breed and age; pullets or cock- , erels. We can likely give you ° what you want--right now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N,, ton, Ont, Hamil- 5 LOOK AT THESE PRICES, GOV- ernment Approved Chicks, Bar- red Rock, New Hampghires, White Rock, Light Sussex, New Hamp- shire Xb Barred ROCK. Tight Sus- - sex X New Hampshire, White Leghorn, Black Minorca X White horn,' Non, sexed, an low as 8.95 per hundred, Pullets $12.95, eavy Cockerels $7.95. No des posit required. Shipped C.0.D. Give second cholee," Top Notch . Chickerles, Guelph, Ont. le as DYEING & CLEANING BAVE YUU. ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleanin Write to us , for information. We are glad to ment 1 Parcers. Byes Bora . Hmited, 791 Yonge Hireat, To- EE h . ¥ ¥ LJ Refined, dignified work. Splendld pay. Write or call for free liter ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN HAIRDRESRING - I'HB Robertson method. =finformation on request regarding classes. Robartson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 1387 Avenue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL ITS PROVEN--EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Palins or Neur- ~ itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health. In humans al) ages. Na one Im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouhle? Interesting var. ticulars--~Free! Write Mulveney's Hemedies, Specialists Toronto 8. nt. BAUMBIZCKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive. odor Instantly, 4bc bottle Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatle Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Munro's. Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post. paid $1.00. . PHOTOGRAPAY DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T 3ic TAKEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost --- Prompt Mail Service. Send your- film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. This is Cunada's largest finishing stu- . dio, serving customers all over Canada. You'll like our work, too. Any Size Rall--6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont., writes: "l suppose it's hard to give your usual quick service "with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out such fine pletures, I'll i walt--if 1 have to wait." ; 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 260, Size 4x6" in Beautifu) Easel Mounts' Enlargements 4x6". on Ivory tiated mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Cir- casgian - Walnut or' Black: Ehony finish frames, 59¢ each. If enlarge ment colored, 79 each. ; STAR ' SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and = Address Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed - 6 OR 8 HXPOSURE ROLLS 260 - REPRINTS. 8 for 26c . FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE . You may not get all the 'films yon ant this year, but you oan got Ri the quality and service you desire - by sending your flims to IMPE AL PHOTO SERVICE tation J. Toronto. -- PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUUH & COMPANY atent Bollcitors, Established 890; 14 Ring West, Toronto. oklat of Information on re- quest, ¥ teen miles from Toronto. Apply R. E. Bateman, Unionville. 100 ACRES--ONE MILE FROM Perth Mrs. E. J. Leach, R.R. No. 1 erth. "200 ACRES--BURGESS, &§ MILES from Perth. Wm, Matheson, Perth - 100 REGISTERED POLLED HERE- ford cattle at auction July 3rd. For Information and catalogue _ write Malcolm McGregor, Bran- don, Manitoba, = TO CLOSE - ESTATE 150 ACRES for sale, 95 cleared, 60 acres bush and swamp: large stone house, new furnace, 'large bank barn, both well roofed; plcturesque lo- cation on county stone road two miles from Acton; price, $7,000.00, arply George Somerville, Acton, nt. $1500--FOR SALE--SEVEN ROOM- ed house, % acre' land, three- piece bath, hydro, town water, small fruit trees, suitable for - retired farmer or pensioner. Va- cant, reduced for repaire. Apply Melburn Belfry, Bradford. RUMELY OIl-PULL TRACTOR 25 x good condition, spade cleats. Make offer, Ferris, 66 Westmoreland Ave, Toronto. A JERSEYS ir WE ARE NOW OFrERING BULL calves froma few weeks old to serviceable age, by our. herd sires and out of good producing, high _ clessified dams, 'The best strains for type and production are rep- resented, Prices are most reason- able. DON HEAD FARMS, RICH- MOND HILL, ONTARIO, +FLEMISH GIANTS, ALI, AGES, colored. Adult Does $6.00, Bucks $5.00. Nielsen, ReR.{1, Oshawa, 1936 INTERNATIONAL 2 T O N Truck C35, falr tires, good run- ning condition $450 With racks. Elwin Greer, Alliston, Ontario. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK: ing Machines, Newest types avail. able from direct factory repre- ladly furnished on application. eWalt -Disher: Corporation Ltd,, 102 West Pender 8t., Vancouver, * NEW INVENTION -- PORTABLE Tacker, automatte one-hand com- pression, drives self-feeding Han- seh Brad--Tacks, quickly: Elim« Jinates using hammer, Free 'dem- onstration literature. Dominion Supply Co.,, 183 Bathurst, To- 'ronto, : | SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest: leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25¢ up at most grocery, . hardware and, chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto, ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, Bulgi rebuilt; beltn, 1 r , Allen Blectrie ulleys, bru 1 Eompany "Lt 2826 Dufferin St, oronto. PERFECTION MILKERS AND SUP- its J. ¥, Donaldson, Joyceville, A IEE sentatives for Canada. Quotations" » MANITOULIN WILL Ages 31 Years and Over "MARRIED; PHYSICALLY FIT AT LEAST 5 9" IN STOCKING FEET; 160 LBS; OF GOOD CHARACTER AND FAIR EDU- CATION. TO: IIE" "AVAILABLE FoR APPOINTMENT IMME. DIATELY, UNIFORM CLOTHING SUPPLIED, N Apply - In person to Employment and Selective Service Office, 174 Spadina Ave. : REFER TO FILE H-78IM $95.00 monthly, Farmer and. wife, no children, small farm near To- ronto. Wife for cooking and house work, ong house, Milk, eggs ete. supplied. Good opportunity for ambitious couple. Reference. Leppet,s 299 Eastern Avenue, :To- ronto. STUDENT NURSES WOODSTOCK GENERAL - HOS pital School for . Nursing will admit a class of student nurses for three years training in Sep- tember 1944. . Students holding secondary school graduation di- ploma. wishing to .enrol in this class, kindly addrss application to the Superinténdent of Nurses, Woodstock General Hospital, Woodstock, Ontarlo. EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND all round printer, permanent posf- tion, Apply Fyle H791M, Near. est selective Service Office. Police Cadets Wanted Age 1515 To 174 Years Education equivalent to two. venrs high school or better. Knowledue of "shorthand and typewriting an advantage, Good 'physical condition with. aver Hkélthood of meeting foram ing minimum qualifications on attain- ing age of, 21 years: Height 5' 10", welght 160 pounds. 3 ; IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT APPLY IN PERSON . To Employment and Selective Sor- vice Office, 174 Spadina Ave, To- ronto, Ont, : REFER TO FILE H-78iM TEACHERS WANTED ISLAND; 'PROTES- tant teacher for 8.8, No, 4, Bid- well, Manitoulin Island, Duties to commence Sept. 1st.: Apply stating. qualifications and salary expected to Joh McKay, See, R.R. No. 1, Manitbwaning, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED for 8.8, No. 8 Raglan. Duties to commence Sept. 6, Apply stating aualifications and' = salary to '_ Danlel Budarick, Palmer Rapids, [TEACHER WANTED FOR H.8. NO. 8, McKillop. Experienced teacher 'preferred. Apply to Albert In, femon, Sec,-Treas, RR, 2, Wal« nt & WANTED PAY CASH FOR POWBRR Lawn Mower and Electric Refrig- erator. 'Give all particulars when replying. 1031 Moy Avenue, Wind- ton, _= WANTED--OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, Best cash price pald. Send your lop to A Stern, 2001 St. Cathy ., Montreal, Que., or sen stamp for partlouiars, ----