ee Ni Lb $ T 3 { } A ) . a SAT OEE FEAL IAL [A STARE TEOAMON RRS CUNT ARI Feige SSA ARN BSR mR Rie A ; J ho' hat amen al aaa pane. Ta Teh I a ne : a a ~ - : i et PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1946 - . pr - W-- " Sto. 1. Allan Bond, R.C.N.V.R. Pte. Leonard McCullough, R.C.I.C. Pte Ross Clark la i = i ---- -- Pte. Archie Crosier, R.C.0.C. | L.A.C. Reid J.D. MacFarlane, R.C.A.F, Pte. Bert Johnson, Pte. D. A. Edwards, Queen's York Rangers Corporal Fred Chapman, R.C.A.F. Gnr. Robert Allin, R.C.E.M.E. Pte. Orr Graham, R.C.A.M.C. Pte. H, Trebell Gunner J. Davidson, R.C.A. yw wap chose a black frock with match-|snowdrifts. He'll know now what : ais Eo ing accessories and corsage of Blood Donor Clini ; To be held Friday evening, Jan. ' it means to be a rural school white mums, 12th, in Port Perry High School Active Service List of Port Perry, "Reach & Scugog hi teacher. in winter time} For the The . continued absence of smoke rising from the chimney wedding trip to On Duty with the Women's Forces.| Rochester, N.Y., the bride chang- IL.A.C. Roy Whiteside, R.C. AF, Driver John Morris, R.C.A.8.C. Cpl. Phylli y ed fo a brown wool ensembl ith fe * x f : ; 4 F LY ; pl. Phyllis Watson, R.C.AF. | e withjof Mr, William Armstrong's ; op i ; Flying Officer Bruce Beare, R.C.A.F.| Gnr, James Wyatt, R.C.A, A.W. Mabel Wallace, R.C.A.F. red 'trim, matching accessories | house, north of our little Mud Everyone interested in the 8 As 1 1a acing time sinee here have! oS oo TRCOC Gunner George 'Gourlie, R.C.A ' A seal hot 3 NOL welfare of this worthy cause be a , de in this list, | SBE 3; 5: Orde, RC.OLC. HRDEP. Jeorge Lourie, hind, Pte, Reta Henry, C:W.A.C. and seal coat. On their return| Lake, and also because he had hand. to hel ke this th § been any corrections made in this list, | 3. © A Baker, R.C.A. Flt.-Lieut, Michael Wood, D.F.C., y they will reside in Toronto.|not been down to the post office] °™ and to help make this the § we are asking everyone to check the| Gunner Merl. Dowson, R.C.A. R.C.A.F. OVERSEAS Friends and relatives attended|since December 20th, called for most successful Clinic held in ! the locality. As the air war against Germany grows more in- tense, increasing numbers of Canadian fliers require imme- diate blood transfusions, to save them from the fatal shock that is-liable to follow wounds, ex- plosions and crashes. . Wouldn't you be proud to know that blood A.C. Gordon Carnegie, R.C.A.F. Flying Officer Hugh Nasmith, R.C.A.F. L.A.C. George J. Ottenbrite, R.C.A.F. Spr. Ronald Cliff, R.C.E. Pte. Fred Gyton, 48th Highlanders L.A.C. Jack Cooney, R.C.A.F. Major Wm. T. Harris, an ' Flying Officer George Stone, R.C.A.F. Cpl. Ronald Cooksley, R.C.A.F. Pte. Hugh McNeil, 48th Highlanders Gunner Wallace Armstrong, R.C.A. Tpr. Edward Mason, 11th Army Tank Battalion, - Pte. Pomeroy Pte. J. Swinson, KR (LA.S.C. Sgmn. William Lyons, R.C.C.8. Pte, W. Osaduke L.A.C. Dennis Fralick, R.C.A.F, Sgt. Laura Rogers, C.W,A.C. On Duty with the Veterans' Guard Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Private Herbert Howard, Sr. Private Percy Lavington Private Russell Trebell Private W. T. Reynolds. 4 Private E. Thompson, the wedding from Nestleton, To- ronto, -Valentia and London. lS 4. names very carefully and if anyone knows of any change to be made re- garding the rank or unit or any addi- tions, we would appreciate it very much if you would contact this office. investigation. Mr, Geo, R. Till, of Greenbank, County Constable, and, a neighbour of Mr. Arm: strong, broke. into the house and found Mr. Armstrong's frozen body on the floor. The deceased lived alone and was of a retired disposition. Surviving are three brothers, Charles of Toronto; a te ok ai . PORT PERRY mS a Wr A Hrd i r80as " A ; - On Active Service Ove L.A.C. Harold Bentley, R.C.A.F. Driver Clare Wooldridge, R.C.A.S.C. | [icut. Tom Dale Robert of Toronto: and Wallace Y°4 had donated, here in Canada, 3 Gunner Fred Colbear, R.C.A. L.A.C. Ralph Hansen, R.C.A.F. Tpr. A. B. Carnegie, 11th Army Tank | pi. coc Newnham who is Overseas: one sister Mrs was being used to save one of J Sergeant Fred Densham, 11th Army| pp oo 0 Shepherd, R.C.A.M.C. Battalion. Pte, Arthur Minderson ; : "1 these valuable lives! Albert Blatch (Winnte) of Osha- wa. The funeral was held from McDermott's Funeral Parlour at Port Perry, on Monday and inter- ment was made in the family plot in Groveside cemetery, Tank Battalion, Tpr. Victor Read, 12th Army Tank Corps, 8th Army. Private Harold Hood, F. D. and G. "Highlanders. Private Harold Burton, Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. Private Robert Gibson, Royal Cana- dian Engineers, Trooper Chas, Cann, 12th C.A.R. (T.R.R.) Spr. Frank Johnston, R. C. E. L.A.C. Garnet Weir, R.C.AF. Gunner Herbert C. Howard, R.C.A. John Greenwood, 11th Army Tank Battalion Arthur Hammond, Irish Fusiliers Gerald McCrea, James Short, Central Ont, Regt. Mike Hlozan Bert Mitchell Earl Geer, Pte. Ross J. Harding Gnr., Frank Lyle, R.C.A. Pte. W. Meneely, R.C.A.8.C. * L.A.C. George Parry, R.C.A.F. Pte. Clifford Harper Rfm, Alex, Diamond Tpr. To-day, dried blood serum from Canada is instantly avail- able at blood banks throughout the United Kingdom, on the Rus- sian front, and in China, Corsica, Sicily and Italy. All of it is do- nated. ; If you are in good health, and between the ages of 18 and 60, you may be a blood donor. It takes less than an hour of your time and is painless. The Canadian Red Cross re- i quires double the present num- L.A.C. Edward L. Leahy, R.C.A.F. Cpl. Oscar Beare, R.C.A.F. A.C. Donald Carnegie, R.C.A.F, Pte. Robert Carnegie, C.A.D.C. Telegraphist Keith Allin, R.C.N.V.R. A.C. Oscar Bradley, R.C.A.F. A.C. A, B. Evans, R.C.AF, L.A.C. Allan Mark, R.C.A.F. 0.S. Harold Gatenby, R.C.N.V.R. 0.S. Keith Stewart, R.C.N.V.R. 0.S. David Bentley, R.C.N.V.R, Pte. Robert Vernon Pte. John Farmer, R.C.0.C. Pte. R. John Jeffrey, MISSING ON ACTIVE SERVICE-- Flying Officer George Mulligan, R.C.AF. Pilot Officer Bill: Aldred, R.C.A.F. Fus, Cpl. Pte. Pte. Pte. Pte. PRISONER OF WAR--/ Flt. Lieut, Guy Rainville, D.F.C,, R.C.AF, HONOUR ROLL SCUCOG New Year's day saw the cele- bration of the 50th wedding an- niversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J, Jackson, of Reach JACK PEACH Gunner Jack Raines, R.C.A. Private Stanley Gyton, 48th High- landers. Gunner Len. Colbear, R.C.A. Gunner Walter Sheridan, R.C.A. Gunner K. Hillier, R.C.A. Gunner Jack Sangster, R.C.A. H./Capt. Jack C. Clough, Queen's Own Rifles Cpl. Bert. DeShane, R.C.E.M.E. Sgmn. Gordon MacMaster, R.C.C.S. H./Capt. W. R. Tristram, Chaplaincy Spr. Philip Orde, R.C.E, Pte. Ross Harrison, : L.A.C. J. D. Murray Spears, R.C.A.F. Pte. Lloyd Wakeford, R.C.I.C. EK Pte. Hugh MacMillan, R.C.I.C. On Duty with the Women's Forces Sgt. Ross Wooldridge, R.C.A.F. Flying Officer Reg. Moase, R.C.A.F. Pte. Wm. Apostle, Pte. Murray K. Luke, R.C.A.M.C. L.A.C. Elwood Martyn, R,C.A.F, Tpr. S." R. Kendall, C.A.C. L.A.C. Jack Stevens, R.C.A.F, L.A.C. John Christie, R.C.A.F. Spr. A. S. Harper, R.C.E. PORT PERRY Flying 'Officer J."Glenn MacMaster, R.C.AF. Sgt. Pilot Wm. R. Willard, R.C.A.F. Pte. T, C. Hayden, 1st Canadian Parachute Btn, Lieut. Ray Hillier, Highland Light Infantry. Pte. George Dodsley, 1st Irish Reg't 'of Can. Flight Lieutenant John 8. Peach, R.C.AF,, has returned to England to Join the North American Service of. the BBC, The former Vancouver pro- ducer and commentator went to Eng- land in March of 1941 as CBC corre- spondent and joined the R.C.A.F. "over there" in the spring of 42. He served in. London as head of R.C.A.F. radio Township, formerly of Scugog, when their family gathered to pay honour to the bride and groom of fifty years ago. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Samells and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaren, Scugog: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jackson, Greenbank ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark and fam- ily, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. L. Jackson, ber of donors to provide our men in action with the life-giving serum they need for survival, The committee would appre- ciate a larger response from this surrounding community. There are still large numbers of heal- thy citizens who haven't answer- ed our call, from this 'district. 4 i blic relati il his r . ig 1 di ty Signm. Edward Cooney, R.C.C.S. (Overseas) On Active Service (not Overseas) Tpr. Fred Andrews, Princess Louise py hy sant his retin to Gan Mrs. J. Ploughman, Mrs, J. Swan This is a voluntary 'organization 8 Sgnm. Frank Densham, R.C.C.S. Cpl. Doris Mulligan, R.C.A.F. Pte. Robert W. Brown 2 Dragoon Quntds © . : of Port Perry; Mr. Wm. Milner, --not compulsory, Surely you ! i Pivine Ofizer Muray Telly, (Not Overseas)' L.-Cpl. Wellington. Midgley, 1st Mid-{ piping Officer 1. W. Leahy, RCAF. | ~~ owe © | Prince Albert; Mr. and Mrs, Geo, 3Ple-bodied folk, after reading a 18 R.C.AF. land Regt. "Cpl. Tom Meneely, R.C.R. p tyrtle Station Hood, of Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. |feW of the facts, will come for- Gunner Wilfred Stephens, R.C.A. = _ Flying Officer Burgess Beare, R.A.F., D.F.C. Second Officer Malcolm Nasmith, Merchant Marine. Signm. Clarence A. Beare, R.C.C.S. L.A.C. Bill Beare, R.C.A.F. } Signalman A. MacMaster, R.C.C.S. Gunner Grant McDermott, R.C.A. Pte. George Emmerson, C.A.D.C. Flt. Lieut. R. H. Hamilton, R.C.A.F. Capt. M. B. Dymond, M.D., R.C.A.M.C. '| Cpl. Florence McMillan, R.C.A.F\ Sgt. Mabel Buttle, C.W.A.C. Sgt. Enid Wallace, R.C.A.F. L.-Cpl. Joan Hayden, C.W.A.C. A.W. Elizabeth M, Griffen, R.C.A.F. 'A.W. Isabel Maud Cooney, R.C.A.F. Pay Lieut. A, E, Crozier, W.R.C,N.S. Lieut. Nursing Sister Merle Switzer, ) R.C.A.M.C, Wren Margaret Grehan, W.R.C.N.S, P.O. N./S. Ruth Hall, R.C.A.F. Captain M. Howsam, R.C.E. L. A.S. Joe Grantham, R.C.N. Sgt. W. Byron Holtby, R.C.0.C. Pte. George Munro, R.C.A.S.C. L.A.C. Earle Clark, R.C.A.F. L.A.C. Thomas Beare, R.C.A.F. Pte. E. A. Luke, CM.G.T.C. Sgt. Maunsell J. Gerrow, R.C.A.F. Trooper Doug. Dale, C.A.C. Sapper Mansel Stone, R.C.E. Pte, Merlin Stone : L.A.C. Harold Scott, R.C.A.F. Old man winter is certainly giving a good demonstration of what he can do in his line of busi- ness. Although the mercury had not dropped as low as last week, yet with - the strong wind on Tuesday we felt it more keenly. 'All day Monday every tree and shrub was a thing of beauty with the heavy coating of frost on every branch and twig caused by Jackson were married on the Ts- land, and lived here many years after. During the celebration a goose supper was served, Miss Edna Samells, of Peter- borough, spent Christmas week spent a couple of days at the Yellow School 'under the super- vision 'of Miss Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Redman and daughter Irene, and Mr. and at her home here, and while here ward Friday night and do your "bit" by donating your share of blood, rh This is such a small sacrifice to make on our part when we think of the huge sacrifices our young folk are making for us in an endeavour to keep us in free- dom and comfort. Don't let their ; hardships and sufferings be in vain., Come to our Clinic--do not de- SCUGOG On Active Service Overseas L.-Cpl. Walter Hood, R.C.O.C. Spr. Leonard Hope, R.C.E. Pte, George Burnett, R.C.A.S.C. L.-Cpl. A, G. Carter, Royal Highland Regt. Pte. Percy Collins, R.C.0,C, Gnr. Isaac Taylor, R.C.A. Gnr. Arnold Goose, R.C.A. Gunner Keith Hope, R:C.A. Sgt. Ivan Kerry, R.C.A.F, Cfn. Owen Reader, R.C.E.M.E. | Gnr. Russell Fines, R.C.A. P.O. Clarke N. Ross, R.C.A.F. Gnr. Bill Hope, R.C.A. Pte. George White, R.C.A.M.C. * Gunner Sidney 'Brinkman, R.C.A. Gunner William Stephens, R.C.A. Spr. Edward Bennett, R.C.E. } Private Clifford Wakeford, 1st Batta- lion Victoria Rifles of Canada. Flight Lieut. Joel Aldred, R.C.AF. Gunner Bryce Moase, R.C.A. L.A.C. Earl Jackson, R.C.A.F. Driver Clarence Butson, C.A.S.C. Sgt. W. B. Vokins, 20th Army Tank ! ' Btn. A.C. Harvey Clarke, R.C.A.F. Tpr. J. M, Puk, Ontario Tank Btn, 0.S. G. A. Milner, R.C.N,V.R. Pte. G. S. MacDonald Gunner Ronald Armstrong, R.C.A. Pte. Melvin Ashton P.O. Melville Lakey, R.C.A.F, Lieut. Dean Parrott, R.C.N. Pte. Merle MacGregor, R.C.0.C. L.A.C. Elmer Lee, R.C.A.F. L.A.C. Kenneth J. Lee, R.C.A.F. L.A.C, Everett Hook, R.C.A.F. L.A.C, Ivan Rogers, R,C.A.F. L.A.C. H. L. Martyn, R.CAF, L.A.C. J. Popovitch, R.C.A.F, Pilot Officer R. H, Wilson, R.C.A.F, A A Ae mT the fog on Sunday evening. . Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Cook and Clarence Cook spent New Years with the Edgar Coopers at their home in Toronto. The John Bray family on the townline east, was made a very happy one on Friday evening when they received word that Cpl. Stewart Bray was in Toron- to. He was one of a group of Canadian casualties who have been repatriated, crossing over on the hospital ship Letitia. Mr. and Mrs. Bray motored to To- ronto on Saturday and after con- siderable telephoning and travel- ling first here and then there, they eventually loeated him at Chorley Park. Stewart has been overseas since December, 1943 with the Irish Regiment and went into France with his unit with the invasion forces in June, 1944. It was in September that he received minor explosion wounds in his right foot and was confined for sometime to a hos- pital in France, Cpl. Bray is looking fine and has become well skilled in the use Mrs. Alex."Martyn and daughter lay--the need is still great, Will Inez, spent New Years with Mr. you give blood to save a life? and Mrs. Leighton at Blackstock, Financial donations gratefully | and while there visited Mrs, F. 'acknowledged. fF i Bailey, Mrs. Shortridge and Mrs. A R. Bruce: § : ! Mr. and Mrs. R. Hobbs and I am 1 little Gloria while returning from - LOCAL BULL NAMED ALL 3 a visit to Green River were snow - CANADIAN i bound. Mrs. Hobbs and Gloria . had to stay at the Redman home Otonabee Sir Supreme Colan- while Mr, Hobbs walked home to thus, owned jointly by Ransom get the team to bring Mrs. Hobbs Stock Farms, Oshawa, and Wm. and Gloria home, ~~ J. Murphy, Lindsay, has been se- We notice the snow fences are lected as the All-Canadian Junior buried out of sight in most places Yearling Bull for 1944, according along the centre road. : to ward just received from the | Little Bonnie Jeffrey is getting Holstein- Friesian Association of . along as well as can be expected, Canada. He was Junior and "id after her accident. Grand Champion at the Ontario - 'The New Church birthday cal- County Black and White Day : endars are ready for delivery. held in connection with Port Per- gins {| They are very nice, - -- ry Fair and at Lindsay Fair, and 5 Mrs. Chas. Samells visited her was first and Junior Champion {8 sister Mrs. W: Mark in Port at Warkworth Regional Cham- Perry, on Monday, piopship Show. FR "TO CANADA L. W. Brockington speaks to all Can- adians who have sons and daughters serving overseas in the nation's three armed services, and Jo all those inter- ested in the welfare of the services, when he steps to the microphone Sun- day nights, Mr, Brockington is heard L.A.C. Donald Nichols, -R.C.A.F. over CBC's Trans-Canada network on gl Wm. L. Ashenhurst, R.C.N.V.R Sundays at 10.15 p.m. On Active Service (not Overseas) Pte. Lloyd Clark, -- Tal : L.A.C. Alan Aldred, R.C.A.F. | Pte. Robert Yonimer MARRIED Sgt. J. L. Sweetman, R.C.A.F. Pte. Ed. Wayne, Sr., L.A.C. George Fines, R.C.A.F. | Pte. Ed. Wayne, Jr. . ih A.C. Robert Crozier, R.C.A.F. Pte. Fred Merrick, ~ Emerson--Griflith A.B. Harold Kerry, R.C.N.V.R. Flt.-Lieut, R. Ww. Swanick, B.A., - Trinity United Church, Bow- Gur Walter Wright, R.O.A: R.C.AF. Meteorological Service| manville, was the setting for an evening wedding on December 27 when Anne Muriel, Reg. Nurse, Gnr, Roy Humphreys, R.C.A. Pie. Harry Oyler Tpr. Roy Collins, C,A.C. Ie Caey Houck, : Pte. Norman Mg¢Crea, daughter of Rev. J. E. Griffith of Pte. Stanley Foster, Bowmanville, became the bride of FO, Edgar Philp Emerson, R. C.AF., son of Mr. and Mrs, Mal-' Cpl. Ralph D. Burley, R.C.E. Pte. R. M. Webster, R.C.A.M.C. Driver A. T. Cox, C.A.S.C. Cpl. Grant Robertson, R.C.0.C. Pte. Arthur Nott : . Pte, Kenneth Jackson, R.C.C.S. W.0.2 Gordon Hood, R.C.A.F. Pte. Douglas Gerrow, R.C.O.C. P.O. W. H. Watson, R.C.A.F. * Bdr. Albert Snowdon, R.C.A. Pilot Officer John J. Leahy, R.C.A.F. Spr. Dawson Kaufman, R.C.E. L.A.C. Harold Hayes, R.C.A.F, A.C. Walter Sonley, R.C.A.F. _ Pte. Harold Gray A.B. Robert J. Woods, R.C.N.V.R. A.B. John B. Tristram, R.C.N.V.R. Staff Sgt. J. W. Paget, C.M.S.C. L.-Sto. Jack Starkey, R.C.N.V.R. REACH On Active Service Overseas Sgt, Roy Wilkings, 11th Army Tank L.A.C. Keith Wilson, R.CAF. Tpr. A. H, Mitchell, C.A.C.T.R: SOUTH: ONTARIO INTER "A" a. | H L.A.C. Howard Chapman, R.C.A.F, Battalion, A.C. Richard Steer, R.C.A.F, '| colm Emerson, Nestleton, The ; : >, Pte Alan B. Colbear Pte. Hugh Rogers, R.C.A.M.C. Pte, Aubrey Simpson |bride's father assisted by her Of his crutches. Welcome home HOCKEY LEAGUE SCHEDULE ok 0.-Tel. Jack MacGregor, R.C.N.V.R. |L.-Cpl. Leroy Scott, R.C.R. Gnr. Harry McMaster, R.C.A. "| grandfather, Dr. R. P. Bowles of Stewart! ; ray =. = " Bdr. Arch. Anderson, RCA. °° |Gnr. Dennis Steer, R.C.A. Tpr. Lawrence Hood, C.A.C. Nestleton, performed the cere-|| Miss Viola Butson of. Green. : 1044-45 Season Sgt. Robert Sheridan, R.C.A. Pte, Wm. Tristram, C.A.D.C. Pte., Bruce McCoy, C.B.R.G. mony against -a background of ank wes down ji Hie first of : J Corp. Francis Luke, 1st ASCR.U. Driver Harry Harper white mums, evergreens and)! veex at her | ora ait | visitors Yoiie Ten Where. 0 On Active Service. (Not Overseas) | Sergeant Glenn Moase, C.A.D.C. Pte. Leslie Leighton ferns, Mr. W. E. C. Workman i Whitby vs. Brougha At Uxbrl 3 Sgt. Elwood Crosier, 11th Army Tank [L.A.C. Elroy Martyn, R.C.A.F. presided at the organ. was thought advisable to post- Juby va, Srougiam t Uxbridge Fri, Jan. b Sgt. Charles Brignall, R.C.A : Battalion Pte. Gordon Powell, Infantry The bride, given in marriage | Pone the Congregational meeting | Oshawa Jr. B's vs. Port Perry At Port Perry Fri, Jan. b Li # Pte, Jimmy Taylor R.C.A M.C Tpr, Leslie G. Lambe, 1st Arm'd Can. | Pte. Murray Powell, Infantry by her father wore a gown of from Wednesday afternoon to a| haa Juier. ve. Whithy TAL Whitby Mon., Jan. 8 : I Squadron Leader James Kerr, R.C.A.F. 'Regt. : Pte. Lloyd Ross, R.C.0.C. white satin fashioned on princess lager date. 20 be decided on. Hy Hi To A ogy . ing Tho ih if I L.A.C., Harry Carnegie, RCAF. Pte. C. Kosloski, C.A.8.C, _ I Pte. Merrell Ross, R.C.O.C. lines with train. Her floor-length Ma WI ent ache, Me. Me- Whithy ve. Oshawa Jr. Ie At PRIS high m 15'(A) £5 1 : veil was crested with a wreath of | Laster, nl luesgay aller 4 J ] J I ied | Week of teaching = under the| Brougham vs. Oshawa Inter. At Oshawa Mon, Jan. 16 (B) : - 3 orange 3 Moon ud she carried supervision of Mrs, Grant. We | Port Perry vs. Brougham At Uxbridge Thurs, Jan, 18 re 2 | : ; 3 Fascnds b cl le oo Yams. venture to say that it is one week | Port Perry vs. Whitby At Whitby - Mon., Jan, 22 > R: Done i vi ; arence, Oran 0, during his student 'life that he| Oshawa Inter. vs. Oshawa Jr. B's At Oshawa Mon, Jan. 22 (X) 3 gs | matron of honor, wore a blue will not forget very soon; but|Oshawa Inter. vs. Brougham © At Uxbridge Thurs, Jan. 25 oF 1 : | b satin gown with matching Juliet perhaps he is fond of ~cold| Whitby vs. Port Perry - At Port Perry Fri, Jan, 26 oieley ! 3] y cap, and Carried an arm bouquet weather and tramping through | Whitby vs. Oshawa Inter, At Oshawa = Mon, Jan. 20 (A) \ of yellow and white mums and : ; = | Port Perry vs. Oshawa: Jr. B's At Oshawa Mon,, Jan, 20 (B) Exper ts carnations, The bridesmaid, Mias| 2+ Lo : Brougham vs, Port Perry At Port Perry = Fri, Feb. 8 Anne Linfield; Toronto, chose a Ration Cou on Brougham vs. Whitby At Whitby Yor, Fob. § es | pink satin gown with matching yn : P¢ 8 Port Perry vs. Oshawa At Oshawa - Mon., Feb, 12 (A) | : ' Ju iet i and her flowers were which may be used Brougham vs. Oshawa Jr. B's At Oshawa Mon., Feb, 12 (B) i | : pink and white mums 'and car- Cy : Oshawa Jr. B's va. Whitby At Whitby Wed., Feb. 14 | : At Reasonable Prices nations. Mr. Frank Emerson| Effective Thursday Slr Wet, fel Ie f acy hed v | was best man for his brother, J . rv 11 9 (A) First game of doubleheader. (B) Second game of doubleheader, i Good Printing is essential to most business or IT achard Bowley cousin anuary fi? ! 45 : 1%) This is. 4 d-poing ipl Bi: men, and to many private individuals, We Veale of Camp Borden were the | Butter--90 to 92 TRA --_-- (o are equipped hikia Moder printing Rahn. ushers, or ttt' Sugar--46 to 49 inclusive Th BI : ie Si ; 1 ery operated by expert craftsmen, and are e reception he e| Preserves--D38 to D36 ; d f ; d D Abe. in a position to offer fine printing at fair tage, tho bride's punt, Mrs. - ' € nee or 00 onor $ 18 | poe 25 .Call and consult us. I owles, received in a Ed Ee . / a SN A s . p market prices. Ca An consult us black frock with blue trim, LOOK AT THE LABEL growing greater daily DUS Fade vi ~The Port P erry Star matching accessories and corsage| on your Port Perry Star to od SO a SLAY 3 ! ; of white mums, She was agsist-| see if your subsgeription is N Pp - t Pe Cli . F id : Ponca 50 atl ed by the groons mother who| paid to 1945. Pleas! ext Port Ferry Clinic, Friday, Jan. 12 i . 3 - i yp § 5 i 3 ' 9 cw Xx i : Rt te AE ; ; | : ! : i i A BH. ER" ~~ pi ! ; Sy. 4