a = a 5 TR a Se . ¥ Ra] A X) ah A - wi a AL A aE mL kd A Ni Mn Be Bat Ji a * wean ead @ es a SS Bie a A Diephs APA PIP MER AK L ro bmp ad Ny i : a N v io i . { | LATE COMEDIAN THIS ARMY SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith iE Wo - sa er Coa ~ Tl inh ! 8 pe % Ady oper (| { : : HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Pussle 21 Sharp. all ; x 1, 4 Pictured oC 23 Heart. | 8 late comedian. TE \ 26 Doctor & 10 He became a TITIE IN (abbr.). . X stage ~---- at Tis 27 Large casks. 4 an early age. : 28 Crow's cry. 3 14 Age. A 29 Collection of | i al 15 Dexterous. | facts. Ww 16 Story, U TL. 302000 pounds. A A7 Atmosphere. 1 [T] 32 High hill. 5 4 18 Extreme fear. MANET 33 Skill, ks 19 Munitions. | J i 34 Thing (law). 8 20 Writing table. r1sm] SHUN Fris] 36 Native of 3 22 Turf (pl). GIARIETT - Morocco. 0 - 23 Top of a THR aay I~ 38 Upright shalt, 5 wave, == 40 Nay. xX 24 Editor 43 He worked VERTICAL 41 Idle, small n it . (abbr.). up an act at 1 Conduct. talk (pl). 26 Tone D the age of 2 Great Lake. 48 Italian family |¢ (music). -- 3 Embroilments. name. . 27 Part of foot. 47 Rove. 4 Obese. 44 Roman road. 28 Provides 51 Portico. 6 Day of the 45 Stationary refreshments. 52 Satellite of Roman month bell. 81 Sour, Jupiter 6 Mistake. 3 Bo bz The But Syasing), 32 Sailor. stron.). 7 Domineered, atid. 35 Soon. 5 Sheltered 8 God (Sp). 49 Air (comb. Tiss gay youip {lads save sol) 36 Greater - side. 9 Street form). soos ie yh] vs he ny - quantity. 55 Canvas (abbr.). 60 Encounter, work that ge gy 37 Pale. shelter. 10 Fixed look, 63 Peculiar, BO. 80 Abrupt nasal 56 Be present. 11 Weight 66 Near, sound (pl.). 60 Anger. i allowance, 67 Symbol fog 41 Symbol for 61 Units of work. 12 Anything tellurium, calcium, 62 He ---- with given bs Tantalum 42 Hawaiian Joe Weber, gratuitously, (symbol). bird. 63 Dowry. 18 Remainder. 59 Type measure i! FA [# 5. 8 |9 10 Tn a2 | ; i , : 2 ov nea sasnct me OTC ia 14 I's : 16 "He tried to squeeze between a bulldozer and a tank!" "I was afraid of that--have you any sofas just a trifle shorter?" 7 [) © Bt : i ak 25 LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson 20 2 2 é (EZ ; : oT 17, 6 28 29 |30 |. 31 - 2 |33 34 35 3 37 | 7 ol SH iii al a2 ; 43 144 145 1 47 (4B 49 50 The mentally sketchy girl-friend's beau says she goes up in the air 51 5%. 59 so easily she should be able to a make the air force. R 55 : 60 . v0 ! ave HOLD EVERYTHING IN MODERN WARFARE , IS MADE" So Gl 61 3 EL UP OF ROWS OF STEEL RAILS : . \ I 2 Z CIBRARY x SET IN THE GROUND TO S700 JANAS/ fii LiBrA Sin AR I ea -- y . / ~~ (6 The NEW ZEALAND CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe RUSIINCOLIN COPR._ 1944 BY NEA SERVICE, ING, A BIRD TWICE } x : , yy 23 pL T. M. RIG. U. §. PAY, OFF. AS LARGE AS AN : Vogl ; A a OSTRICH, 5 oi wd BECAME EXTINCT ) x AS LATE AS arp "If you'd had the furnace,converted when the government first | asked us to, those kinks would be all out of your back by this time!" ih i = Ne a Sl - - 1 Ww, oA TRE 3 R= So oR = : RRR SNS MOPSY by GLADYS PARKER WHY ARE YOU THAT'S JUST WEARING THAT | MOURNING BLACK EYE? FOR THE . PERSON WHO Sy AY VY x nN A \ \ \\s A - "I'd like to see what it is I should- "THE SPORTING THING Feature) * 5 "Mom wants to know if she can borrow about two teaspoonfuls ' of sugar . ... with some hot coffee poured over it." © ok YA LITTLE MOMENT CAN BE so BIG," Says IRENE G LEISE; Colorect Sorings,; Cotorin. ERY n't read in the books I shouldn't MUTT AND JEFF -- At That Some Barbe read!" 5 =. \ ENG AH, AT LAST I FINISHED MY NEW INVENTION! «+ E IF IT WORKS 1'LL MAKE | SA Na AMILLIONON MY: + | : ELECTRIC HAIR CUTTER! "He's very serious about the. war effort--hasn't been late once!" OH, MUTTS ASLEEP) TM KIND OF ANXIQUS To FIND OUT \F IT ~ WORKS! rs Can Do Just As Well As Jeff's Juke Box AND T THOUGHT SURE I HAD IT PERFECTED! 70.5! POP--Simple as A-B-C- \ (Released by The Bell Syndicate, Ine. Iona HOY 1S THIEF GOING vr TO SAVE - GASOLINE Po) Pian a REG'LAR FELLERS--No Magi NE BYRNES Br