fr = i On i ai Ng ha A ro NR Tn pa Ope ---_y Nr a Sei - ¥ ~ on ar fo A, \ re SETAE TAWA ANN AL 3 . » No) SU HE SE REECE LS NE Th AREY RTA SRR at - LOCAL NEWS OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED Phone 1011 F Parking V. M. England, of Toronto, visited during the weck-end with Mr. and . Mrs. W. F. Nott. starring Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilson, and Dorothy Lamour, Betty Hutton, Ration Coupons « Friday and Saturday FEBRUARY 2-3 "Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble" starring . Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Fay Holden, Sara Haden, Bonita Granville, Jegn Porter. Three Blondes . ... Triple Trouble "Triple Fun PERSONALS Marie Bentley spent week-end in Oshawa, the guest her aunt, Mrs. David Archer. Miss Lola Gerrow, D.N., of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gerrow. Pte. George Nott was at home with his mother, Mrs. Gwendolyne Nott, during the week-end. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, visit- ed over the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Wm. McClintock and father, Mr. Wm. Cook. Mr. T. A. Blight was in town for a short time on Tuesday. Mrs. C.! Reesor and Danny returned to Oshawa with him for a visit. : Mrs. Douglas Lade and Mrs. W. Whitehead, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Bal the of Joan Latest Paramount News Colored Cartoon THREE DAYS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, FEBRUARY 5-6-7 "Bride By Mistake" . with Alan Marshal, Marsha Hunt, Laraine Day, Allyn Joslyn ) } Ft fhe: CB Forge og hi Whitehead is Fo, LOVE TAPE ed a Mili . . Dollar Minx with HOWLS . .. Miss Louise Hall, of Toronto, spent HOWLS. the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall. Pte. Robert Carnegie, C.A.D.C., COMING Thursday Paramount's Great Laugh and. Musical Show "And The Angels Sing" recently spent a few days with his wife and family. L.A.C. Philip Gendron and Mus. Gendron, of Yarmouth, N.S., and Mrs. Fred MacMurray, Diana Lynn Sic Est Vita By-law No. 1108 was passed by the Council appointing the folloying to the various boards: A. B. Cawker to the Board of Edu- cation for 3 years. Diane, of Brookiln, were Sunday callers at theyhome of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reesof." Several carloads attended the Pro- gressive - Conservative meeting in Whitby on Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. C. Clifford and daughter Kerry Virginia, who have been stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Bentley, 1éft last Friday for Arvida, Quebec, where they intend spending some | pov O'Neill to the Board of Health time with Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Nas. for 1045. mith. Mrs. W. I. Harris to the Public The Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension are holding a Social Chief George Holmes to the Sani- Evening in the Parish Hall, on Tues- {ution Board for 1945. day, February 13th, There will be a EI Library Board for 1940. program and display of the girls'| The Council have agreed to have work. Refreshments will be served.' (he roof on the west side of the Public All are invited. | Library repaired, ] * * * has the largest enrolment since it was built in 1926 which proves that Port Young People's Union The Young People's Union held a skating party on Tuesday evening. After an enjoyable two hours skating in the Arena, the Young People gath- ered in the basement of the Church and partook of a lunch of hot dogs and pop. Regular meeting next Monday evens ing, February 5th. to quote a statement made by Wilson, Wyatt, Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky: "What's the use of hoping for a better world unless we cai first build better communities. Here we educate our children, provide our homes, worship in our churches, develop our culture and shape the 'destiny of the nation. -we must Pes our way of life following - this war" Junior War Workers. And it" is here in Port Perry that The Junior War Workers will meet |We cannot overlook the fact that we at the home of Mrs. Guy Rainville, on 'have the younger generation growing Tuesday evening, February 6th. up with us who must be given their {chance of life in our post-war eativities, Don't underrate our youth, ~ Scugog Chapter re I want to thank all those who havé I.O 0. D. E. j written to me and I will endeavour to The Annual meeting and election of answer your letters through the officers of Scugog Chapter I.O.D.E. columns of the Port Perry Star as soon as 1 obtain the required infor- will take place on Monday, Feb. bth, "mation. The names of at 3 o'clock in the Library. will not be mentioned where requested. EE oa Te --E. G. Michell Evening Auxiliary sgt W.M.S. War Work The regular meeting of the Evening Activities Auxiliary of the W.M.S. was held in the Sunday School room of the church. Annual reports were read and a letter was read from a sailor who received the Ditty Bag sent from the Auxiliar v. Mrs. Fitchett's group had charge of the meeting and a pleasing vocal solo was sung by Mrs. M. Hooey. In heélp- 3 girls' outfits consisting of 1 jumper, ing to raise our allocation this year, 1 pr. socks, and 1 pr. bloomers; 3 we are starting. a Gypsy Basket. girls' dresses; 256 prs, boys' pants and Amount sent to the Presbyterial was braces; 1 girls' coat; 1 pr. boys' socks; $289.97. The contents of December and Jais- uary shipment sent to 1.O.D.E. Head- quarters at Hamilton were as follows: British Clothing-- 6 quilts, 2 layettes, 7 boys' shirts, y1 shelter rug; 1 ladies' short scarf. Polish Relief-- 1 girls' hood; | W.AT.S-- 1 pr. girls' pyjamas. Field Comforts-- -- OA which may be used 1 understand our Public School now, Perry is growing and here I would like. ok 2 la powder blue gown of triple sheer individuals | ee 1 | 1 Lidies! knitted suit, | District A. ¥ VEG vr BEE Orde > Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR WANTED Dressed d Poultry GOOD PRICES PAID FOR Diessed Chickens and Fowl Delivered at Port Perry Hatchery or to R. A. "Foster, Greenbank Apply to J. J. GIBSON, Phone 75J, Port Perry. Proprietor McCUTCHEON ~~ ARMSTRONG At four o'clock Saturday afternoon, January 20th, the marriage took place in Bloor Street United Church, Rev. G. C..Pidgeon, D.D., officiating, of Rosamond Marie, daughter of Mrs. D. Armstrong, of Toronto, and L.A.C. Kenneth J. McCutelieon, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jolin McCutcheon, of Fort Francis, Ont; The bride, given' 'in marriage by her uncle, Mr, J. M. Martin, wore a gown of Ivory satin, a finger-tip veil, and carried a bridal bouquet of roses. She was attended by "Miss Winnifred Sutherland, as bridesmaid, who wore with matching feather hat and carried 'a bouquet of carnations, Mr. Leslie Bentley was the best man, and the ushers were J. Colquhoun and for health, build | A- Rolph of the R.C.A.F. ig The reception was held at Haddon iHall, the bride's mother receiving in It is here that & gown, of royal blue crepe, with matching hat 'and corsage of roses. Miss Grace McCutcheon, of Montreal, sister of the groom, assisted, wearing a dress of lime green crepe with matching hat and corsage of roses. The couple left for a trip to Fort Francis, the bride travelling in a dressmaker suit of powder blue, small] feather hat, with matching accessories and a brown fur coat. LIONS CLUB District Deputy Governor Lion Chas. Carter, of. Bowmanville, met with the Port Perry Lions on his official visit at I their regular meeting of Friday, Jan. 26th, "Lion Charlie, who always brings a worth-while and splendid message to Lions, gave a very interesting and timely address. e emphasized the great opportunities Lions Clubs "will have in post-war years. He showed that Lions will be rendering true ser- vice when they give sympathetic un- derstanding to the re-habilitation pro- blems which will arise in:the future, The speaker stated that Lionism is ex- panding in all districts and that soon many new clubs may be formed in However, he stressed that true Lionism is only an exemplification of true living. ; Three new members were added to wk ha Shipp de ag hh sald lien Gav siren Wh leufindiniey MA $ i = dn aA SATURDAY Phone 32 J FRESH BAKING DAILY Chelsea Buns, Tea Biscuits, Pies, Tarts "ORANGE LAYER CAKE" 'GERROW BROS. SPECIAL -- FAIR BOARD MEETS The Annual Meeting .of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society was held in the Port Perry Library, on the evening of Monday, January 29th. The following officers were elected: Honorary Presidents -- W. F. Shep- herd, Lawson Honey, W. F. Thompson, President--Fred Christie, 1st Vice-Pres. -- Armour McMillan, 2nd Vice-Pres. -- Leslie Smith, Sceretary-Treas, -- R. D. Woon, Directors -- H, 0. Dobson, Anson Gerrow, Herbert Brooks, Harold Honey, Alex. Johns, W. A. Jemison, Lloyd Lee, Earl Martyn, Ben Smith, Honorary Directors -- John Mark, Samuel Farmer, The finances of the Society are in good shape. Starting with a balance on hand of $3871.71, the year ended with $806.85 in the bank, a profit of $436.12. This profit came chiefly from the gate receipts which jumped from $176 in 1942, $776 in 1943, to $1136 in 1044, A donation of fis, 72 was made to war work, It might be noted that the prize money advanced as receipts grew, In 1942 the total' was $1124.00, 1943 it was $1115.76, and $1494.85 in 1944, This growth has been steady, and the interest in the Fair has been promoted by a predominance of rufal Imembers on the Board of Directors, The adoption of Labor Day as Fair Day has proved to be a popular move. The Field Crop Competition seems to be thoroughly established, and is doing good work in promoting better agriculture in the district. In discussion of the 'work at the Fair Grounds, it was suggested that some interior decorating be done at the building where the Ladies' work is shown, It was further suggested that a special office be built for the secre- tary. } When the Field Crop Competition was discussed, Mr, McClellan thought if there was no age limit for contest- ants, some of the senior High School boys might. enter the competition taking it as a School project. It was decided that a competition be held in 1945, and that Ajax and Erban Oats be used. A contribution of $5.00 was made to the Seed Fair, which will be held in Brooklin this year, It was-decided to have a Swine Club in connection with the Association, This was done at the request of the 1 a a 0 Em ------ Lawrence's Dre: Store News » You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE LAWRENCES PURETEST COD LIVER OIL ; ' a 76¢, and $1.25 £ Como || sors mule : BRONCHIAL ALPHAVEITES $140, 31, 3% | MIXTURE CHASE'S NERVE FOOD... 60c., $1.50 A cough medicine that BAYER'S ASPIRIN ...18¢c., 29c., 79%. W roally takée v bold, HALIVER OIL CAPSULES iss a 8 ounces 50. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER y EXTRACT $1.00 a A. M. LAWRENCE, a PHONE 49... 2.000 su, PORT PERRY | I WE "im JH dori ag anon 1 i JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR : : "3 Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor ° PORT PERRY LOSE GAME (Oshawa Times-Gazette) " Oshawa Jr. "Bees" came through with a 5-0 shutout over a weaker Port Perry squad Monday night in the second half. of an S.O0.H.L. double- header in Oshawa, Agricultural Representative, Mr. Fred Campbell, Mr. McClellan thought] some senior students could take the work as home projects. At the conclusion of the meeting, some fine pictures were shown on the new projection machine, Former Greenbank Boy in King's Honour List A former resident of Greenbank, Flt. Lieut. E, J. Salter was awarded the British Empire Medal in the King's New Year's honour list. Magny of the older readers will remember the Salter family when they farmed on the farm just north and east of Greenbank and later , when Ernie and Major G. A. Welsh of Sunderland, who were great pals in those days, enlisted and went overseas together in. 1917. They trained together in England and came home together in 1919, Salter was badly wounded Sept. 2nd, 1918. During his service with the Royal Flying Corps then, he brought down 18 German planes and was awarded the Croix de Guerre with palm for excellent courage, also the Legion of Honour: Returning to Canada he was a bush pilot for 3 years, Some of his old friends will re- member him stunting and taking up passengers at Lindsay Fair about 1920. Salter has been out of flying since 1920, until he rejoined the flying forces in January, 1941. His last flying was with the Bishop Barker company, which included such wartime names, in addition to the 2 famous leaders, as Brooke, Hyde Pearson and Dallin, One of the last "jobs" Salter was in on with Bishop and Barker was an ex- hibition of flying at the Canadian National Exhibition in 1920, when they flew German Fokkers for the enlight- enment of Exhibition crowds. Fit. Lieut, Salter laughingly recalls an incident with an Evening Telegram reporter, Harriet Ball, "whom he took for 'a night flight in 1919. Miss Ball wanted to write a colour story on aviation and. moré especially night flying, "We ended up by crashing into a fence during the landing, which was by the light of the moon." THe story appeared the next day, too. The Toronto Star of Jan. 6th, 1045 pays: "Two Oakville men hive been hon- oured in the King's New Year's Hon- our List, Flt. Lieut. Ernest J. Salter, flying ace of the last war and high ranking R.C.A.F, officer in this, wins the copiendation of the King for his long service; . Flt. Lieut. Salter yetently retired after serving. 3% years in the R.C.A. HOCKLEY !! FANS JOIN IN HOCKEY SCRAP AT PORT PERRY A fight in the dying minutes of the game spoiled an otherwise clean game | of hockey last Friday night, when| Whitby Bandel Bees defeated Port! Perry 5-1 at the Port Perry Arena. After getting a hard bump by a Whitby player, Edgar of the local team decided to get him on the next play and then the fight started. Although both teams mixed in the free-for-all and also some spectators, only the two fighters were given penalties, Clean hockey predominated other than this, the whole game with only a few minor penalties being given, all to the local lads, Both goalies, Pargeter for the local boys and Heffering for the Bees played a .remarkable game although |' Pargeter had much more work to do than the Whitby goalie. Brown, on defense" for ""the winners, also turned in a good game whilé Bragg was far the best on the forward- line. Wil- liams scored the lone goal for Port in the third period. Whitby took a one goal lead in the first period, Har- din scoring, on a pass from Thomas, At the end of the Becond period the winners had a two goal lead, with Bragg scoring from Watson, ; A much more experienced team than the local lads, the winners 'had no trouble in. winning although they found Port trying up until the gong local team, but still trying, they will where. they meet the Oshawa Junior B's for the second time, © On their own ice, they were beaten 7-0 by the Oshawa team. ' WHITBY--Goal, Heffering; defense, Brown, Smith; forwards, Fraser, Wat- son, Bragg; alternates, Mackey, Thom- as; Willis, Hardin, Moore, _ PORT"PERRY--Goal, Pargeter; de- fense, Honey, Edgar; forwards, Hawk- Taylor, Howey, Williams, Mark, and Brown, © First Period Whitby, Hardin (Thomas). Penalties: Howey, Williams, : = - Second Period Whitby, Bragg (Watson). Penalties: Mark, Honey, 'score at a minimum, ifense, went. That means five losses for the | travel to Oshawa on Monday night burg, Bradbury, Painter; alternates, : The "Bees" were far superior to their visitors in every department and it was only some fine work in the Port Perry nets that kept the The game was cleanly played and there were no penalties, Oshawa carried tr play all the way. The two-goal lead they established early in the first frame was enough for a margin of victory. 'Although held scoreless in the second frame, in the third period they netted 3 more goals, Smyth started the scoring after five minutes of play of the 'first period when he netted one on Ferrell's assist. At 11.30 Bradley added another when he combined on a nice passing play around the net, 'Lhe "Bees" were held scoreless in the second frame chiefly due to the fine work at the goalmouth by Par- geter: The "Bees" held most of the play inside the opposing blueline, In the final period: Smyth led off .|the scoring by notching a counter un- assisted, Hall added another at 10.40 assisted by Gilho8ley and in the dying minutes of the game, Tyson banged: in Wales' pass for the final tally. Pacing the juniors' attack was Smyth, while Smith, Tyson, Bradley and Hall also turned in nice perfor- mances for the winners, OSHAWA JR. "BEES""--Goal, Red- doch; defense, Bathe and Dell; centre Wales; wings, Bradley and Tyson; alts,, Smyth, Gilhooley, Mackey, Hall, Farrow, Smith and Crawford. , PORT PERRY--Goal, Pargeter; de- Bradley and Honey; centre, Bradbury; wings, Painter and Hock- burg; alts., Taylor, Williams, Howie, Brown and Moore, ! IMirst Period 1. Oshawa, Smith (Farrow) ..... 6.10 2. Oshawa, Bradley (Tyson) ..... 11.30 No penalties. J Second Period No scoring, no penalties. Third Period 3. Oshawa, Smyth ce. vanes 8.20 4. Oshawa, Hall (Gilhooley) ......10.40 b. Oshawa, Tyson: (Wales) ..... 18.49 No penalties. Port Perry enters Juvenile 'B" Team Perry Hockey Club, sponsored by the ed a Juvenile "B" team in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and have asked for a bye into the playdowns. mediate team eligible to play Juvenile 0) 2 - li Toy . F | in O.M.H.A. Series Port Perry,- January 29th, -- Port | business men of Port Perry, has enter- | With eight members of the Inter]. Blogger SHOW VALUB IN OsHAWA ! Bi Ktmo Smoking In The ro THEATRE, OSHAWA CONTINUOUS SHow DAILY Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FEBRUARY 1-2-3 "Sensations of 1945" starring ELEANOR POWELL and DENNIS O'KEEFE. -- ADDED FEATURE -- "Million Dollar Ki d"' with THE EAST SIDE KIDS. Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday, FEBRUARY 5-6-7 "Are these our Parents" starring HELEN VINCENT and LYLE TALBOT. -- ADDED FEATURE -- Winter Carnival with ANN SHERIDAN and RICHARD CARLETON. - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, A FEBRUARY 8-9-10 "Tiger Shark" starring EDWARD G. ROBINSON -- ADDED FEATURE -- - "Polo Joe'? with JOE E. BROWN NOTICE All kinds of Electrioa- andMechanical Repairs to household appliances. _ All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. y Electric: 'or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Port Perry, Ontario. - 'Intermediate hockey and the competi- hockey they will not have to do much 'tion has been altogether too tough for Effective Thursday February 1, 1945 Butter--90 to 94 Sugar--486 to 61 inclusive jLreserves=-Di3 to D38 sea boot stockings; 1 seamen's turtle- the Club and were honoured by having the District Deputy Governor take part in the initiatory ceremony. ; Ls Lion Charlie was accompanied by Past 'District Governor J: J. Brown of 4 Bowmanville who at present is an In- ternational Councillor of Lions Inter- Inational, 6 prs. men's -pyjamas; 3 seamen's fur-lined jerkins; 60 prs. men's socks; 10 sailors' tuck-ins; 9 . prs. men's gloves; 6 sleeveless sweaters; 3 prs. neck sweater; 7 Balaclava. caps; short scarves, F. He was assistant officer in charge of flying at: Mountain View at the time ~~ Third Period Whitby, Mackey (Watson) looking around for a team except to them, some of the other teams having Pargeter in goal, and two complete playing for them. With a Juvenile of his retirement. With the Royal Flying Corps' during the last war, he brought down 18 enemy planes and was awarded the Croix de Guerre with palm for exceptional courage. The family reside in Oakville." Port Perry, Williams (Howey) Whitby, Thomas (Moore) - Whitpy, Bragg (Mackey) . Penalties: Bragg, Kdgar (major), Fraser (major). ; forward lines of Hockberg, Bradbury team the boys will be playing teams in land Painter, all Uxbridge boys, Howie, their own class and with their Inter- Williams and Taylor and utility man 'mediate hockey as experience they ex- Mark are the eligible players, ipect todo pitieh better than they have "The local lads have been playing, been doing. make a few additions to the squad. players with fifteen years experience