{A sh Ne PR SRA BEDAS a ey ya : A FE A A VW Se VS 3 hd Sei Ss tf us AGS FRIAR ATI AP RAR FEEAIINGE =" DRAWER TS A hE Fea Tied 8 RAE Bed WY : 3 a a ------ a a EE aa: 1] By A a oats hich use this ain of SE ie 3 , ------ yi 2 <n > aia nf x DON'T FENCE ME IN -- 1 DON'T LIKE IT NEW NAVAL CHIEF an re resem --. ? | Vice Admiral Sir -Harold « M. EE Burrough, above, has been ap- : pointed supreme Allied naval com- mander, replacing the late Adm.' iid ; ; a : Bertram Ramsay, killed recently in ed at dh 2 : : . = airplane accident in" France. jis 8 Barbed wire fence causes only slight delay to this Yank: infantryman, as reinforcements move up : La HE across muddy, snow-covered country-side in the Bastogne sector. Infantrymen shown here are part ENVOY TO TURKEY Posing Lefore 2 Sornell Slementary air force trainer and a Linicaster wing ese workers Ni Fleet of General Patton's Third Army forces which relieved the enemy-surrounded Belgian city. craft, Fort Erie, have just been presented 4 pins 2s Jive and ten-year veterans, RAYS sath HER p-- their plant turn qut hundreds upon hundreds of trim little: Cornells on which R.C.A.F. airmen have 5a received their first flight training. The Cornell-is the smallest plane used by our air forces in ~ 08 VIMY . .. CANADIAN FRONT LINE. .. 1917 Canada. Now they're working on the great Lancaster program, helping to build the largest bomber i TCT Ca ' built in the British Empire, : Ld : rd SWEDES' NEW PLANE HAS LOTS OF 'PUSH' Edwin C. Wilson above, b5l-year- 3 : i "Ar old career diplomat, has been i 3 Ey named U. S. ambassador to Turkey ? 3 IR Eh 2) by President Roosevelt. One time * FE CRE Ai Lo oo : Lo a 3 Pena. he a Radiophoto above, from Stockholm, is the first photo received in this country of the Swedish Air ment Office of Special Political Forces's newest fighter plane, which is a radical departure from conventional types, A low-wing : : ai Affairs. . twin-boom model with retractable tricycle landing gear, it gives the pilot . greater visibility by Hon. John Bracken, (fourth from left) and _his party are seen here in the official Canadian front having the motor at his. back. It is a "pusher" type, with propeller at rear between tail booms. Vie of Rod on 1 Ridge, bo 3 Canadians of a quarter of a century ago covered themselves with : IT'S A SNAP - - t a glory. Notice o ashioned sand bag reinforced trench. : . | iran id BRESLAU--ON HIGHWAY TO BERLIN REWARD PROMISED if WINTER ON THE GREAT LAKES you serve Maxwell Hpuse Coffee to your family to- night. They'll just [love you for it! Comes jn an All Purpose Grind suits any type of coffee maker, Tr -- ii AKIAT Q Don't let 1 \ ona |. COLD HFT HRNT glut) HR ; heng on . . . i : ih ; Cig SUFFERING from a cold? Want fast HE Hi Hide | Appropriately garlanded with relief? An Instantine tablet, taken W i ! photo i bulbs, Rita Daigle, wilh 2 Slase.of water, usually acts : J em Sah gino 34, Breslau, shown on upper map, is on one of Hitler's famed super- Yan elie the fivta nin that If you think it's cold, look at fey fingers formed on deck of new 5080-ton Coast Guard ice breaker ning, over 680 rivals, the title of highways to the German capital. Chief industrial center of eastern that prescription-type Instantine's Machinaw. Bundled up in heéavy clothes, chief boatswain's mate examines ice formations as vessel Queen of the New York Press Gemany it is also an important transport hub, being on the help doesn't end here, heads for port after trial run through heavy winter weather on Lake Huron. Photographers' Ball, Berlin-Vienna railway and serving as a junction of main lines to specially-compounded, triple-action il 7 Berlin i bs the Rastern Front, Lows, Hep Shows Breslau-Berlin medicine ion Sesgned to work these : area in relation to battle lines aroun olis rder, ways in cold misery, KEEPING COMMUNICATIONS OPEN IN BELGIUM 1. Eases pain and discomfort, -- mr se inion NAVY NURSES 2. Prolongs relief from discom- ? x 4] 2 . fork. va b , : 3. Offsets "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." Try Instantine to relieve rheumalism, neuralgia, neuritis, or the discomfort "of headache, too. You'll : find its action prompt, effective. All drugstores, 12 tablets 25¢. : if fi 78 75 / Sh ES In tropical setting of the Marshalls, Capt. Harold B. Grow, USNR, : : ; . Atoll Commander at Majuro in Marshalls, congratulates young Lines of communication must be kept open day and night in modern warfare regardiess of shell fire or weather and the photo- 4 graph on the left showa a post-hole digger in action drilling holes for telepions poles. At right Canadian signalmen are seen to ing mative nurses who treat own people at Navy Dispensary on Majuro. . telephone wire to a main control pole, They are Lorne Foster, Port Hope, Ont; John Welsh, Bowmanville, Ont., and Ken Ney, Stratford. Navy medical officers train girls in U, 8S. Navy Dispensary on 0 They serve with a Canadian Railway and Telegraph Company of the Canadian Army in Belgiwsh, . Majuro in fundamentals of medicine, TR 3 tn "7