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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Feb 1945, p. 2

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3 Mi me \ Pe - E , A 3 . A 1 \ Cai " y \ A \ W, $5 GAS iS Ev . din Ya , % . . 3 h ay wing nb mh eng R.C.AF. Pilot Makes | ' Newest UBosts "| "START "THE DAY with OTTAWA REPORTS New Combat Score delicious Maxwell House On the surface, the modern U- That Oaly About One Percent X Ted b pg Of Our 'Aiemen Are Interested Flight Lieut. William : Sawers of boats are faster than zorvstien Coffee. superb end In Flying As A Postwar Job Montreal was credited with what says The Ottawa Citizen, ey | of choice Latin-American | : is believed to be a record feat for may -also be faster 'submerged. ; Loffees. You can't heat it * for mellow, full-bodied 'goodness, x , -- - : -- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINUTUN BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instrue : % ps ments. 111 Chureh. Toronto 8. Only ,about one out of 100 air- "men is interested in flying as a postwar occupation according to-a survey just conducted among R. C, A. F. personnel. , Artificial limbs from - plastic are : S amoung the newest scientific develop- ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS ments disclosed by«he National INCOME TAX REPORTS COM- . i v3 imi plete Bookkeeping Services. Small Research Council a Jprelimiary or Large Busipesses. Travel any- review of the past year's activities, where. Albert Brett & Co, - The new model 'is lighter than the . They have better engines: Cana- dan corvette engines are little or no different in design from ma- rine engines used 40+ or more, an aerial reconnaissance flier -- he destroyed three 'ME-109's and damaged two others in his first combat action, Has a Cold Don't take needless chanced with untried remedies, Relleve miseries this home« proved, doublesaction: We aware AT ONcg BABY CHICKS BARRED ROCK AND NEW HAMP.' i .B.8. Flock, Kenney's Bree 2, SAU eeder Hatchery, RR R.O.P,, SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, a-- Br + STE. MARIE, Ont MACHINERY BUILD YOUR. OWN GARDEN 8 Wellington St. E,, Toronto, Ont. ¢ PE TES old device of steel and leather. : Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- Tractor, used old auto - par r) NETRA hing , ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX * : : ' d mL Se ate Whether or not it will stand up Service. Will go to any town. No jery'e Pot iY arin Alfons Rd, Walking type Tractor to +H. , cinal vapors, under heavy use is now being account too small. Walter Q. Boyd, rie : - $1.00. "Albert. Brétrer 866 Lauder: DOI it y $1 Salem Avenue, Toronto. LOmM- | GEELRVOUR 1945 BARRED ROCK Aver Porte, ' chést and back sure aeisimisg) I the hundred ard S861. chicks now. High placings in L \Y faceslike a warme 118 is only one 0 3 the hundre 'S ¥ Y ICH S adian an merican 5 oH es vi 'SEPARATOR 'REPAIRS Ya, ing poultice. of projects on which the 1,500 1ABY CHOI Jace 102g re aid high (Harred WORN DISCS ARE USUALLY 'THN ha Ld research council workers and their BABY CHICKS teat. Circular. Angus Upguhart, rst Cream Sqparator trouble. We "KING ron HOV G field, Ont re-space and retin them, when : 300 associates have been engaged 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE Teenllel it. not too hadly worn, to give the Now to geb all the benefits of PLANT equal of new Disc service, for during the past year. this combined PENETRATING. One branch is working on the BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW STIMULATING action as shown cone third to oneé 'quarter the cost. and get Jovr chicks when You he ring BRENDERS=BLIOD "EIT Bowl rebalancing also, as well 2500 BOOK YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW. ' : ' . want t . Orders are pou 0 ¥ retinning and refitting of BUCS, dusk ub throat, chest and ete Ae ved | Inairesier tatherton tra alway | liek guality at isgaonebio priear | Same gant Setting of, back hn ve ORub Gt Neds other is developing an improved sold aut early. Dawt take Shanes banded and approved by Canadian OCANVILLE, Baskatchewan. tim . xx - : 4 a H on ordinary chicks. ace 0 "Baby Chick inspectors, Pure Sus- a ------------ 4 standby goea to work domestic-grown wool. New canning order NOW, Pure Bred Susse j OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN Thvaatone to relleve coughe ; methods: for chicken, pork, and Large Type Leghorns Busgex x } Humps. "mixed 1 ae Low: ST A TARO ERSER ASImSs, €ase m 60Te- . + : ham have been developed. d » horns, Rock ° Leghorns an . N ness - fro r rations Rock X Leghorns, Rock Naw i A ; I dh bh rk I in in radio research, however, | Hamper SRSA XNA | Bini XEoghornt lied BE | soncanapA' LEADING BoHoOD medication invites restful, com eh Saf AC Jay tnaaee 2 5 : that Canada has made the greatest CR TT i Tole Ehora and Hock XL oghorn a Tear forting sleep~and often by morn= advances, the review points out. Farm, 'Wein 'Bros, 'Exeter, Ont. onan alt i 00% Liva fefivery "Pleasant dignified profession, wood DIRECTOR WHAT SCIENCE The radio staff has grown to several hundred with special labor- wages, thousands. successful. Marvel' graduates. America's grdalest sys. 'tem. Tllustrated catalogue free. our order, Xalagee C.0.D. [ROSE- WN FARMS HATCHORY, ing most of the mis- 1d 1s Fone ey thtonighty INS) 100 CHICKS FREE New Hamburg, Ontario. I D ING h WITH BEVERY ORDER CF 100 PUL- : S atories contsructed to meet de- |. (our cholce), Leghorn pullets Fr Write or call mands for -radar studies. let chicks, we give 100 free chicks DYEING AND CLEANIN MARVEL HAIRDRESSING : oy -- Instead of spending fess than x | $554,5 Tiot eet Hib lt | may, vou ayn e meng | SEGRE TOO ' - 'JP ets r . e ng. or c : Ww, Book For Future Solar Still million dollars on research 'as this Pullets $24.96 per 100. Brown leg- for information. We are mlad to Branches: 44 King St, Hamilton, "A * o Ni ier Ly : . horn Pullets $24.95 per 100. All answer your questions. Degpart- & 74 Rideau 'Street, Ottawa Ocean Air Trips . government institution did before chicks 'sold backed by high egg ment H, Parker's Dye Works z Sewrrg Airmen downed at sea will turn the war, it spent nearly $6,000,000 Dedigreed stock. $1.00 hooks your Limited; 791 Yonge Street, To- QFFER TO ' INVENTORS " : 3 2 it * y » a) . 0 . Such is the interest in trans- "ER, TRICK te drinking Maer " last year. ; : : 100% Hive delivery. ilent Hatch. = = 5 AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR Such 1s the anter their own 'solar still" soon to e A liaison office in London has ery, Chatham. Ontario. i RDRESSING List of inventions and 'full infor ocean flying that the traffic de- - put into mass production, direct access to all scientific infor- $1.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER sd HAIRDREGNING SE Ban ey na many, partment of Trans-Canada Air The still is a flat, 30-inch en- mation in Britain. The report says ORDER YOUR 18456 CHICKS NOW, on request regarding classes. 278' Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. \ Li Oui: 51: DErsons Yave Fie velope packed into life rafts, six the same thing is true, in a slightly apd pot be Aisappointed, i Hopertnane J uipening, Acad =i168 TeDOR® § Io ' stills to every plane-borne emer- different way in Washington, and ed stock, and. trom 26 on. eggs Ett er 31 INVENTORS ' quested that their names be re- gency raft. in the interest of liaison and con- or better. Barred Rocks mixed FOR SALE GET THESE HELPS FREE iti i i . 12.00 100; 'Whi h PR : y : corded on a waiting list for the Inside the envelope is a plastic tact work the National Research fie per te Leghorns ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, EVERYONE WITH A GOOD IDRA . $11.00 per 100. Barred 3 I y first peacetime commercial cros- screen, covered by black cellulose Council has sent many scientists to Bos Lollets Pa ; 2 100 i Tahun eis, pub should promptly £3cure hs Puss sing of the Atlantic. sponge, England, the United States, Aust- 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 Pany. Via, 2329: Dulferin St, Wo. sera is Ua 1a dsem i ) i The downed airman inflates the ralia, China, and Russia. per 100, white Rock Pullets hd Get them today--Free--from W. F.CA, operates. the trans-Atian. el til it forms a tube 12 ok a 324.00 per ol00. 'Brown leghorns | GARAGE BLACKSMITH SHOP, Trwin Haskett, 53 Queen Street, tiv service for the Dominion ghyelope sll Tu 40 E f Trea iin 521 00 per 100. % Implement Warehouse and equip- Ottawa. Government carrying mail, freight inches in diameter, puts two quarts L Lxports o wool and wool pro- gunrantes 100% live delivery Jone Sor i in Stuirsl Mag Tag BS 3 and Widlsoulnily Passengers, Duis of sea water in it and ties it to ducts from Canada increased to Falones paid COD. Glapls City aoa 4 ' 8 Wu ing the month of November, 12. | the side of the raft. Sun rays eva- $24,592,000 in 1044, from $9,058,- chery. Cuatham. .Outarle. BI TY rE 'FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY cast-bound and 13. west-bound porate the sea water--the salt re. : R. Smith 009 in 1843, Under present Govern- HURONDALE CHICKS Look, something new. and guar- - 1800 14 rent nea fhe viene compiled. between mains on the sponge--and the Victor + Smit ment regulations the Canadian wool HO UAT AX Ruan AnLY $00, Fleetric Ciloken Pleking Booklet of Information on re- Moniv al and the United Kingdom vapor then condenses as wrinking Elected a director of the Bell Tele- grower is assured of a fair market edigreed tested stock 'and from hour, Saves 609, jokin % SS Suest - Ralf z water in a small reservoir. pions Company of loge i Weg price as long as the war lasts and a eggs from Special Mated Special for cash' 1300, franging PERSONAL cides OF: i vil duc int of mith, president o e Co er- for one cli ear longer. i acks for chickens, eet 'long, "ELIJAH C ING z Tx i i) Wil areduees 2 ation Life Association, succeeds J. PE * pac Prices hn ORs gaurted Rost: rN, Harn shined tn hinoeke Gris) ponders book free, M. Macdonnell, Hamp., Pure Sussex and Rock quires bolting. Del-Mar HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention -- Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods 'are right, and so are our prices. e manufacture in our fac- tories -- Harness, Horse Col-- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. kets, and Leather Teravellin Goods. " Insist on Staco Bran Trade Marked Goods, and you Sea water desalting kits are also placed in the rafts, officials said, for days when the .sun doesn't shine, These, however, quantities of less palatable drinking water than the solar still, Britain's Postwar Export Markets Sir Stafford Cripps, Minister of Aircraft Production, said that if produce smaller 4 who recently re- signed, : Attention! 'Mining Industry Of Canada -- In normal times Lake Shore is the greatest producer -of gold, not only in Canada but in the whole American continent: the Sullivan mine of the Cansolidated famous: Canada's plans for demobilization and re-establishment of servicemen provided the model for «hoth Brl- tain and the United States 'in the drafting of their cording to Dr. Cyril James. Princi- pal of McGill University. He .said the basic principals of the legis- lation are excellent, legislation, ac- . 5 Nickel For Russia All Heavy 'Breed "Cockerels New Hamp. $13.00 per 100; Large Type Leghorns, Sussex 'X Leg- horns and ..Rock X Leghorns $12.25 per 100. $6.00 er 100: Rock X Leghorn and ussex X Leghorn Cockerels $3.60 per 100; deghorn. Cockerels $1.50 per 100. $1.00 er 100 deposit, balance C.0.D. Send your order to HURONDALE CHICK HATCH. ERY, LONDON, ONTARIO, ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- Farms, 19 . Centre E., Phone 117J. 110. ACRES HALF MILE SOUTH OF Kenilworth, 7 miles north of Arthur on paved highway. - Six roomed brick house, large bank barn, $3,600. APPLY McMaster and McMaster, 2859 Dundas St. 'West, Toronto, 160 ACRES, NEAR ENGLEHART, Ontarlp, buildings, some clearing, plenty, of wood, 'timber. Miss gi 4 ullock, ronto 3» T R|U CKING TRANSPORTATION, Richmond HII, 15 'Brule Gardens, To-. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11; HAS EVOLUTION CAUSED YOU TO doubt? Have its claims made faith more difficult? You will find help .ag swell as. interest in the pamph- let "Evolution," Free copy from the Christadelphian Cosps! Pros clamation, 819 North Cres, Toronto 8. . insmore -- PHOTOGRAPHY . TIME TESTED QUALITY "SERVICE arid' SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed ¢ OR 8 EXPOSURE RULLS 85e REPRINTS 8 tor 285c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE ou 'may not' get all the films you want. this year, but you. can get all "the quality and service you desire iby sending our: films to JMPERIAL PHOTO SERVIOB +" 8tatlon 'J, "Toronto i Hones d horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- als wick! huss 4a the Petsamo red Rock Pullets Has pet 100, tah on : Agta, cid by Piss tenborn pists Lp Der inland to the Soviet Union in the . Heavy Breed Ckls. ; . Toy 0. , $2. 3 armistice of Sept. 19," 1944, con- 30 Johor. Gia, 3500- pen f 1 All chicks "hatched from '26 ' ox. t in 'an estimated 5,000,000 tons 8RRs or better and from apps ¢" rich nickel-copper ore. ell established business, {n the county of Abitibi and Temiscam- ingue, loeated in Noranda, Que., b trucks, garage 85 x 40, room for 7 trucks, storage space on 2nd floor; hot water Featingueys. tem. WII sell at fair. price for cash, 'Apply by letter to Noranda, Que. Box 386, Noranda, Que, SAWMILL CARRIAGE, NEW, . eet satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington 'St. E,, Toronto Britain 'was going to compete in exports she must 'get very much nearer" to the methods of America or Russia with their 'extreme lengths of mass production and their huge domestic markets." Addressing the Institute of Indus- Mining & Smelting Co. in British Columbia is the most important producer of zinc in the world and the biggest producer of zinc and lead in the British Empire; Nor- anda produces most coppergold in the world and the Frood Mine of mated flocks. 'Guaranteed live delivery. %1.00 books your order, balance C.0.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. Ontarlo. i inistrati : : a light, 2 - -- trial Administration, Sir Stafford International Nickel! is considered Cc ECKED -- fg CoDplete sirotens, Sihots, : SPECIAL PRICES Wes outlined the changed outlook neces- the mine of most important pro- ) g HECKE res DOLLAR AND ALU wood 'Machinery, Ottawa; Ont. | ON COLORED AND FRAMED sary to Britain's postwar pros- duction of a single metal in the ¥ & i : "«gr Money Back tablished by scientific teats and 22 H.P. STEAM TRACTION BN. ENLARGEMENTS ) EAE perity. whole world... Have 'we reason to For quick rellef from [ching caused by eczema Ahi I "Noten airs: gin 83s sale, Mig 0 ype. 'Quality Enlargements 4x6" in Beau. The present government, he | be pessimists where the future of pb HAE Sot Nets PLA recognized as a leader in produc- ning condition, Box 8, 75 Adelalge tiful-gusel amounts, 8 for Ao. Frame said, 'was going to attempt to | our mining industry is concerned? BD PRE Rie TION: cated liu | ram of prednnine niiucs {ta |W. Toronto, Ont. Walnut or Black Ebony finish § carry, out the policy of full employ- Its statistics should suffice to dissi- Soothes, comforts and quickly calms cks. Great Britain wants fresh frames, .on {ivory mats 7x9", G%e i ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS af, Service, - ANY FIzi ROLL able age, grandsons o ac rd" t i' or § exp Sena for carly: delivery ; rice liat, Bandolier of Page. ~~ | "DEVELOPED AND PRINTED '26s I ei hruary and Mgrh chika, | pF, McEwen, RR. 4, London, | Got prompt mall wirvics ciauoliie i Ce : Ontario work at low cost. Satisfled custome . ers all over Canada will tell you = that Star Snapshot Service does the Tan i best work. 1 ment' largely through the channels of - private 'enterprise. "Success will only be achieved if private enter- prise, and 'above all the manage- ment side, is prepared to look-upon its job jas a national and not an ir.dividual one" Sir Stafford pointed pate uneasiness and demonstrate each. 'If 'coloured 78c -each. that, on every 'account, the min- ing industry of Canada deserves, = Sx more than ever, . to attract the STUFFY "NOS attention of Canadians. - Nose plugged up? 'Head 'cold eggs and avants, them 'from Sep. tember to December. Early hatch- today for D.D.D. PRESCR Na. ed chicks will produce these eggs. stainless. intense itching. Don't suffer. Auk FL = Free catalogue. T eries, Guelph, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS = FOUNDATION STOCK 18 REGISTERED NO, SEAT 1. KING GOLD HYBRID SEED CORN . OUR 1] KS | ing? Just smear (NOSTROLINE 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- DON'T TAKL (RIS 'out. S A F E S in each nostril. Keel, mucous : Rglstered and-_jedigreed birds. feties suitable for both ensilage WITH YOUR FILMS "We are not out to grab any- loosen, stuffiness 'vani thing now. Prices for mixed baby and grain, also a full line of Seed Snapshots can never be taken again, ) " b ages come clear. 'Reliek is instant. chicks, males and females: Bars Oats, Write for price list. The 8end your rolls to. Canada's largest one's mar ets, but we must be in Protect your -BOUOKS and CASH Ros ROLINE clears head, st red Rocks, $12.00 ;per hundred; King Crain & Seed Co. Pain and finest 'finishing studio-- ! a position to sell enough abroad "from Hae nae IE Ys discharge, relieves catarrh, head - White JiBhorns, 31100: White ourt, Ont. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 0 pap dha our imports and to pay Cabinet, fox any purpose. Visit Convaismal, Pleasant, 'Adults and $18.00. Pull prices: Barre 5 1SOGCARELS [FOR SALE, {ron Rox (29, Postal Terminal A, Toronto i fis, or wrife 'for prices, ete, to " Rocks, $19.00; White Le Tne, Se id ' rin our ame - an re DH sone sterling debts we Oept. Ww. yi po s res Na, White | E00; tested, Alfred J. Taylor, Dufferin | Plainly on All Orders St, & 'Godsell 'Ave.,, RR. 1 Do view, Toronto, Ont. Brown Leghorns, '$24.00. '2856 free whs- chicks, our choloe, will .be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- J.6¢J. TAYLOR LiMiTen NOSTROLINE t } REGISTERED COOKER PUPPIES DWARF BEDDING PETUNIAS! : i : TORONTO SAFE WORKS 00 "day" oli*® puliets 'oracrsd | © and proven biicho At stud, back | BE SUIS To" INCLUDE THnon H : ; : ' a 3 . and avhite grandson of Ch My f ; sgarden-- Aspirin Eases Headache VOICE OF THE 145 Front St. 2, 'Toronto Yodaara hilo Jiilchiory, Bri Own PBrucle. -Laytonia Kennels Winners of All-America Awardsl ; 3 : Established 1855 (Reg'd.), 28 West St, Dundas, Youll wets Seal shrill from grow= 4 Almost Immediately PRESS BARLY CHICKS ARE NEEDED | _ Ont LE (hese: CHEERFUL a. de- lHghtful "light pink; IGLOO, hun- dreds of [dwark white flowers and ENGLISH VIOLET, a heauti- ful violet<blue. One pkt. of each this year, Early chicks are a first requisite to maximum: fall pro- duction, Britaln wants eggs 'most during the fall months. Meeting Genuine Aspirin's new prices now make it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from E FLAT BASS, BRASS, WHALEY Rovee, $65.00, Alfred J. Taylor, Dufferin St. & Godsell Ave, R.R. ry -- + ~ NO ANSWER = i "RHEUMATIC ro. ; a 2 1 Downsview, Toronto Ont. (reg. G64cvalue) for only, 26c. Full $5 > } » ] ; their needs is the best foundation : + cotadr catalogue 'free. Dept. W., 7 headache misery. Saskatchewan's C.C.F. Govern- SUFFERERS LR A for post war $eqert {rade In eggs. BRAUTIFUL COMFORTERS "MADE W. W. HICK & SONS LIMITED, bist § ST ment plans to get goods from : : Usually at neeessnry fo maximum September from your materlals. 'Ouliting Lindsay, oniatic, 70 WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST - Accept This Generous Offer! brings 4 British co-operatives via Churchill g - i and October production, For Feb- 81.85. Your wool earded 25¢c 1b, ALFALFA, CLOVE 1 Y Sec with your own eyes why Aspirin - polio Taio tre COUGH washing 3c 1b, Ouick service. ' RS, TIMOTHY, fast up to 4:5 1b P and Hudson Bay. And the other Any drug store will return your ruary delivery we offer a dis- Virgin wool batts $1.15 1b. Wool Permanent Pasture Grasses, 'Hy- 4 takes hold of pain a few minutes | eight months of the year? money, {f one bottle of Ru-Ma does bronchitis an us 150 Pi Jp ndred on hon, Cardine Machines $14.95, Spin- brid Corn, all No, 1. Hest prices. i fter taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet 7s not give you rellef:from rheumatic throat irrita. let chicks, Send f nine Wheels $13.95. Ark for cat- Stewart's Seed Store, Bowman. '4 atter ing. Drop an Pi --W indsor Star aches and pains, sore, swollen and tions, on pullet chicks. eh OF. ear. alogue Kifton Won! = Products, ville, Ont. . hs : : : ) booking price list today. Tweddle . 01 9 * 4 eq into a gla s of water. Almost instantly eens painful joints. No matter how long ATALLDRUGOISTS | Chicle Hatoherles td. Fergus Box 123, Sifton, Manitoba. = A 7 it begi dissolve, And that you have suffered, you must get re- 25¢ He Loa 5 atehenle BUS, 'WANTED 7 thes to Qissorve, An RL same ALSO A POSSIBILITY let or 'no pay." Try Ru:Ma and . Hah Enel) ont, : 7 ' fa_t ac.ion takes place in your "rf } bility, reliabilit be convinced. Accept. this generous "MADE BY THE @ v QUILTING PATCHES LINOTYPE WANTED, 'NO. 5 'OR '8 i y= 7 R stomach Thats why Aspirin relieves a man has ability, reliability | g6p ("oN ; L 'MOIDS DROAD NREASTED SUSSEX COX | COTTONS OR SILKS BY POUND. Mode). give full particulars to : kly. Canadi and affability, he's likely to get ORIGINATORS, OF : 2 | THOUSANDS AVAILABLE 'WEEK- '| ~~ Mako fancy silk petdl Cushions Wilson Publishing Co. 73 Ade- 7 you so q ickly. for years Canadians p " . - g ie If you order at once. Our from Satin Patches, colors Pink, Inide' 8t. W., Toronto. have elied sn espirin 10r fast relief, somewhere." Toronto Star thinks. . PR . road Breasted Sussex cox bring White, Blue. Wool Remnants = ih for effective relisf --above all --for' | But it's more of a probability if | ' £ ROR top prices on the market. White suitable for Boys' knee pants, La-. | ACREAGE WANTED. SUITABLM® oA 2% oF She Im rove Your Health : 1 ; skinned, long rounded breasts, dies' 'handbags, children's skirts for camn sites, ete,, Lake frontage, 71 dependable relief. Get Aspirin at he has some durability. Bb bherbrked ; : Also New mp.:¢ox with fast ete. Also unbleached cotton. Pub: ~ywater, 'huildings. Box 16," 78 Ade~ ; fo one druggist's today! Ottawa Citizen b Co tin a 17. 10 rowth and featherin Sussex X ox 'Bales, 877 Parllament Strest, lalde W., Toronto. : : 1 --O-- y Irec g make good Toasters and gTOW Stents. = { = WILL PAY LIBERAL PRICE FOR Maltese or THREE GENERATIONS 'MEDICAL crossbred Maltese GSTARD. ATED MUSTARD CREAM ; 'mm \ 8. You can buy ; 'these' for (84.00 per 100. Also mix= VE i "Male Pup. 'Send full rticulare ) Potket fox 12, show Me A short, short story entitled : : : 4g be Meayy Sax. 200 Oper 100. bik STOMACH aND THREAD WORMS and photo, if nossible. Box 1. 18 Economy Bottle {24.14 4444.n0w 29¢ " by 2 / . i oN "Rubbed on the neck, throat "from our woell-bred, healthy, ofteri are the cause :gf {il:health Adelaide 'W., Toronto, © "Family size ct 100.400 0s00inow 79¢ © "Three Generations": Grandfather : and chest, clears he affected parts, blood tested breeders, 5000 Breed- in hum hay all Rab tay Ho one on pd had a farm, Father had a garden This Way is Swift, Economical and permits 8 7 AUR Prevents ers on ONE planf. Lakeview Ter trautlay [ma out if thls | POWER PAPER CUTTER, ALSO ' ' : . FAT Poultry Farm, Wein Bros, Exeter, 3 \youriirouble Srenling up | Stitcher, Perforator. Corona 1 Son had a can opener. Few conditions can wreck {health congestion and werious oniplications | Ontarlo : ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Printing, 1108 St. Lawrence, Mon= ; SPIRIN --St. Thomas Times-Journal faster oF, disorde kldngys and PLUS CITRATE) EA EE, fe 0 dg or : Remedies, 'Specialists Toronto "8. treal. Que, That 3 ' m er, our a : : ; ; - - 10 Conn m bly. You have restless ta. You : 3 re BETTER ORDER YOUR Ii AN HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ---RVERY WANTED: They SL RUN fn i cps od Sheil Tul | Tora Sow: "Now. tinmpaire, tarred | Neutiix sould try Dixon's Rem. | | Tencher tor Juntos ceades ko cope 'The Bayer eross on each tablet is Ottaix { host When these things happen your kidneys = opks, and iNew y X edy. Munro's Drug Store, 385 Hl. "mence dnties September 1945, Ap- tae vour guarantas that i's Aspirin Hawa says the supply of hosiery | need help dn filtering out acids and arred" Rock Hybrids. Bookings | gin, Ottawa. Postpald $1.00, ply stating qualifications and : is growing stronger; but they polsonous wastes that are undermining } 'heavy. 'Write «for our catalogus . salary expected to R. ¥. Stedman, were never §o weak that they | Your health, 3 Apt <1) and price list, Lincoln Chick Hatch. | BAUMERKA WOOT BALM destroys Secrotdry, Kewagama, County, Faw A ps J ; (Give them this hel kl Lydin an ery, 2 Race Street, St. Cathar- | ~~ offensive odor Instantly, dbe Abitibi, "Quebec. oan couldnt run, GOLD MEDAL i help--nuit Kyi pound is made esped ines, Ont, Post. Office Box 804. ttle. Ottawa agent. Denman | en : EMORRHOIDS ~Chatham News GOLD MEDAL Capsules contaln | Hh SD Liao i > . : sre, Drug Store, Olawa, me 300 hn RIAs LR 2 Special emedlies --0-- accurately measured amounts of the ings -- due to functi BRAY HATCHERY CAN qv YOU | HoN'T WAIT---EVERY SUFFERE suitable for 4-foot wood. Write 4 5 : ori and genuine H; i noes. Pin February 'delivery on chicks end © P.O. Box 504, Liskeffeld Ont. by the Makers of Mecca Olntmeént : "I DARE You" repo). alge rot fi nr { : Sistutba Fil tockerels n these, breeds should "Thy Fain or Nearly " v | ¥ ' i if " p ~H/R. shay JL, 5 : : els fates File Remedy No. 1 for Proruding : Laugh that off if you can, at ¥ he way Ih Hilieve clogyed neys abel Nil x LE NH KBR, M OS aux lore. 318 Elgin, HELP WANTED v ad hin oie said the fat man's wife as she wired AB Intafed Dialer, ow sil get' Ad: Thy Will caieh te extra markets WANTED, FARMIAND, SINGLE, oF 5 : foi LLL ioe, RDuiten 1 lig vest, bow. Be ure you hak for GOLD MEDAL Golivery. Bray Hatcherss 180 Jona YORI Rr Lu Ly LA only. 4] r : Ordec by numbe from your Drugsist. a) . Galt Reporter | Haarlem Oil Capsules. . 86 Ny Hamliton, Ont. ISSUR o--1944 F.C. Hyatt, Wheatley, Ont, nt. be

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