eT smd XA Sox. online PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1945 v MAD DITO TDDY OCTAD | CF A maw eaw LATIN 'BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY } Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FEBRUARY 22-23-24 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. 'Saturday Matinee at 1.30 "Song of the Le Open Road" starring EDGAR BERGAN and CHARLIE McCARTHY Bonita GRANVILLE, W. C. FIELDS! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, FEBRUARY 26-27-28 Last complete show at 8.20. _ "Music in Manhatten" with ANNE SHIRLEY, DENNIS DAY, PHILLIP TERRY. Also an ADDED Attraction 6 - i 12 kscape to Danger with ERIC PORTMAN and ANN DVORAK Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MARCH 1-2-3 "Gypsy Wildcat" IN TECHNICOLOR starring MARIA MONTEZ, JON HALL, PETER COE. W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 I is ls an LIVE POULTRY AND FEATHERS WANTED Good Prices Paid, We -have no agents but buy personally. . M. FLATT BETHANY, R.R.1 Phone 7 r 13 Bethany. aprb MEN AND WOMEN Watkins Dealers are making more money today than ever before, Enjoy the security and benefits of affiliation with the OLDEST and LARGEST COMPANY of its kind in the world. All sales records were smashed in 1944 -- generous bonuses were paid to all Watkins Dealers. Get into busi- ness for yourself on our capital in your home or adjacent locality, Suit- able travel outfit required. Write now for further information to the J. R, Watkins Company, Dept O0-P-b, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, 7 FOR SALE Two Jersey Cows, in good season. Apply to Walter Fowlie, Manchester. WANTED Singer Drop Head Sewing Machines. Will Pay Cash, Call or Write, Singer - Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 On- tario Street. Phone 696, DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges. on all phone calls iy : to me, ONTARIO COUNTY SEED FAIR TO BE HELD AT BROOKLIN At a meeting of the directors of the Ontapio County Crop Improvement Association held in the Department of Agriculture, Uxbridge, Friday, Feb- ruary 16th, the date for the annual County Seed Fair was set for Wed- 3 nesday, March 21st, in the Township 2 : Hall," Brooklin, The Prize List was revised and will be forwarded to ex- hibitors in the near future, The directors were anxious that ex- hibitors make very possible effort to have all exhibits in the hall by 11 o'clock the morning of the Fair in order that judging can be completed early in the afternoon, affording all farmers an opportunity to see the various classes placed. It was recommended that a seed survey be conducted so that all grow- . ers would have an opportunity to list what seed grain they will have for go oll, gale, in both the registered and com- ig H mercial classes. There will be a Public Speaking Competition open to all junior farm- ers under the age of 26, each com- petitor having the opportunity of choosing his own subject, dealing with apticultiral, topic or discussion, Tae Ae (The firm of Greer & Husaphireys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 'Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday, and Thursday afternoon of each week or by appointment, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Ollice Hours: 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. J. B, LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Phones: . Shop. Phone 237, Res. 215 Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. ray 12 pure breeds and several Crosses. "Xtra-Profit" and Standard grades. See me for full particulars. Place your order here. Agent -- A. R. GRAY, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. on this occasion. It is thought that this competition given junior farmers is- an excellent experience for them, as well as an asset to the fair. Al Seed Judging Competition for junior farmers is also being held, beginning at 11 o'clock in the morning. ~ An- announcement will be iy 2 a later date in regard to speakers th will be on hand for the afternoon pro- gramme. : All growers are urged to have their seed cleaned as early as possible in preparation for the Seed Fair in view of the fact that Seed Cleaning Plants are handicapped by lack. of "help in peak seasons. Growers 'wishing to have certification on grass seeds, or l grade on cereal grains, should send samples to the "Plant Products Divi- sion, Production Service, Department of Agriculture, 86 Collier St, Toronto". Requirements for a sample are, one pound of cereal grain and 4 ounces of small seeds, such as alfalfa, red clover, ete. The cost of obtaining these grades is 76¢ per sample on cereal grains and $1.00 per sample for small seeds. SEAGRAVE The members of the W.A. spent a busy day on Feb. 14th, catering for the Holdershaw sale. The men were hungry and chilled. with standing in the cold, and the women were anxious to sell, When the two groups got together, business was brisk indeed. This money-making scheme has spread rapidly during the last two or three: years and is really a grand idea. It is of three-fold benefit--it is a great help to the people who are having the gale; to the men who patronize the eveéiit; and does help to swell the bank account of the graup of women who do the work, It is real work hile the rush is on but if carried on with a mixture of laughter and speed, is really a profit- able business and social gesture, All the available nien have been pressed into service to help press hay and straw during the last few weeks, Judging by the loads of bales that pass through our little village, we are very fortunate to have such ample supplies of these commodities, We hear of many localities where hay and straw are very scarce, The Junior Red Cross have "packed a large bale of good used clothing and quilts for Russian Relief, ss Gs Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber es Port Perry & SUITS CLEANED} SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 5 TIE IIIT Rasta TLILILLILLLLILILLIILLLILLLS \ The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention H H H H H H H : 2 H | 1 4 H H 4 H 2 : . . . . . . . . . . . CAWKER BROS , Family Butchers 1113888 Choice Meats at all Times WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST Phone 72w, W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY Lime, Cement, Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Doods, Sash, Moulding, Mill Work 2 A052 LIRA TARE ARLE Ard es era rd F. E. Reesor REESOR' S FUEL & LUMBER Phone 3w F. G. Reasdy Men and Women ol the Soil! Attend the meetings of the Feder- ation of Agriculture to be held at "Manchester, Tuesday, Feb. 27 Greenbank, Wednesday, Feb. 28 Epsom, Thursday, March 1 FEATURES--PIcture, Music, Addresses, Cards, Gas, Refreshments. Everybody Welcome. sion, Rev. Mr. Morris, assisted by the Superintendent, Glenn Wanamaker, presented the Perfect Attendance awards for the past year. Several received awards for eleven years per- fect attendance, others for ten, nine and so on down to one year; These Robert Raikes Diplomas seem to create an interest in. attendance. re- cords, Helen and Betty Short spent the week-end with their parents, as did Mildred and Alexa Stone and Ruby and Marjorie McCoy. PROSPECT | Mr. and Mrs. R. Beacock attended the funeral of the late L.A.C. Roy Whiteside at Bethany on Tuesday. Mr. John Wilson, of Raglan, visited at Mr. C. Wilsor's on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Thompson and - daughter Doris, of Oshawa, were visitors with Mrs, James Wilson on Sunday. Miss Beth Diamond, of Greenbank, spent Sunday at her home here. Misses Verna, Marjorie, and Dorothy Bray were yisling at Oakville on Saturday. - Miss Noreen Bray aiid Mr, R. Phil- lips were Sunday visitors at the Bray home. Mr. Frank Wilson, of Oshawa, spent Saturday with his father, Mr. C. Wil- son and Miss Ina Wilson. See, bills. Miss Jean Bray spent Saturday with her sisters in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mr. Lloyd Smith, Mr. Burnsell Webster and Mrs. G. Webster attended the Holstein Banquet 4h Toronto last Wednesday. Mrs. G. Webster stayed over in Toronto for a few days visiting with friends. Mr: and Mrs. Frank Vernon attend- cd the Beare-Crosier wedding in Port Perry on Saturday, A.B. James Manderson, R.C.N.V.RR. and Mrs. Manderson, of Montreal, are visiting with his mother, Mus. A. Man- derson, Murs. Skinner is visiting in Toronto with her sister, who is quite ill. Auction Sales Wednesday, February 28, 45 cattle, 50 Swine and some implements, the property of Iinglish Bros., Lot 28, Con. 8, 14 mile west of Manilla. See bills, Saturday, March 10th, Household Furniture, the property of Ethel Hall, at the Whimsett property, Port Perry. Sale at one o'clock. Thursday, March 8th, Stock, Imple- ments and Real Estate of James John- son, lot 2, con. 14; Mariposa, between Cannington and Woodville, See bills for particulars. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, TO-NIGHT A MEETING FOR THE ELECTORATE of the Village wh of Pott tt Perry will be held in the PUBLIC LIBRARY, on Thursday, February 22, at § p.m. Ladies and Gentlemen who are Interested in the Policies of the Progressive-Conservative Party are Cordial Invited to attend, to meet and hear 'the Candidate, MAJOR JAMES MacBRIEN, GIVE AN INFORMAL: TALK At the morning Sunday School Ses. A. B. CAWKER, Shaifman CHARLES REESOR, Secretary EA EW. BROCK & SON 'WALLPAPERS SUNWORTHY, Papers for Decorating PAPERS from 13c. roll up * New Rufcast Paper $1.00 rol: Ready Mixed Paste, 2 Ibs. 35¢. \s WwW a it Wd " ~ PER © DRAPERY MATERIALS & : IN A WIDE RANGE "Marquiseite, Monk Cloth, Homespun: All New for Spring : FRIDAY IS GROCERS' STAMP DAY: This is Grocers' War Savings Stamp Month. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. Kvery Stamp is your investment, and helps fight the enemy, Window Shades--98c. 59c. 15c. te al il. sh re Saucers 6c¢. Plates 15c. CUPS and SAUCERS, Amber Glass, Cups 6c. & 8c. Oatmeals 20c. of GOODRICH RUBBERS, OVERSHOES Overshoes for all sizes In stook now. Fur trimmed for Ladies. Rinso, large, 25c. pkg. ) Grapefruit, "Shortening, 19c. Ib. 3 for 22c. GROCERIES Rolled Oats, 20 lbs. $1.15 Pastry Flour, 25 Ibs. 75¢ Bread Flour, 98's $2.49 and $2.98 Super Suds, 22c. pkg. Sugar, 8c. lb. Medium Cheese, 35c. Ib. FOR SALE Second Hand and registers, 160M, Furnace with pipes M. A. Gerrow. IPhone APPLES FOR SALE A quahtity of Baldwin and Green- ing Apples, also a few Bellflowers for sale. Set three-section Iron Harrows in good "condition. Apply to Mrs, T. Caesar, Port Perry. COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE Guaranteed good heelers, ready to go. Apply to Edgar Butt, Seagrave. Phone 116 r 31, Port Perry. - GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs. R. Real, Saskatoon, visited relatives here last week, The World's Day of Prayer was held at the home of Mrs. J. Boe on Friday afternoon of last week, The Red Cross ladies held [quilting on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rennie and children, of Wick, at the home of the latter's parents, M¥," and Mrs. J. Phoenix, on Sunday. Mr. Ross Phoenix at his home here for the week-end, tt their Murs, Mills visited her daughter Mrs. Glenn Reason and family at Manches- ter, on Sunday, Miss Jean Phoenix in beginning of the weck, , The Woman's Association are having a social evening in the church, taking the form of a pot luck supper, Fol- | lowing this there will be an enterfain- i ment given by Mrs, Johnson and Miss Fallowdown, of Sunderland, and local talent, this Friday evening, Feb, 23rd. The correspondent came across a "diary of 1844, when a newly married couple lived on a farm of 200 acres. "Among the items mentioned were - 'sold black salts for the year, $156.42; "maple sugar $7.80; total receipts $23.72, which was all their cash sales for the year, Toronto the General Builders' Supplies Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood F looring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOGC LUMBER & COAL CO 41 "y LIMITED ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister--Rev, J. A. MacMillan Sunday-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Worship Service. ~ During the winter months, service will be held every Sunday evening. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Sunday, February 25th-- -Sunday School. Fvensong and Service, Bruton, of Trinity College. Sopa, 7 pm.- Mr, I. G, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Sunday, February 25th-- Minister, 1 aom--Temptation and Character and the Character of Temptation, 3 p.m, --Sunady School, 7 pm.--Youth Sunday Evening Ser- vice, Short addresses by Scout and Cub Leaders, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 11 a.m.~--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.,~~Bible School 7 p.m.---~Evangelistic Service, Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting, -- PRENTICE' BEAUTY SALON with or without appointmen PERMANENT, WAVES - | $1.95 and ug 1 i' 'iby ent at 84 4 of 1 SHAMPOO and STYLED esl' ONLY B0c. et ---- | nt 'ies, Phone £228, Port Perr; ARTHUR PRENTICE, for In days of uncertainty, relfieck INSURANC in essential, Whatever your Insurance wd be, consult H. W. EMMERSG o Phone 41