ie SE SS TREES: ei FT Ba po Ge © i ---, pan ia 3 rey in The ° " : 1 CROSSTOWN By Roland Coe THIS ARMY JAZZ INSTRUMENT | m pL bore nts EE HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 15 Debutante Pictured : AR MN (abbr.). 'instrument, 16 Paradise. 6 Period of HOMPI0/P PIOIL Of 20 Incapacitates, darkness, LiLIRIE 22 Persian deer: 8 10 One. OL URIS R L 25 Black, viscous » 11 Perform, S E liquid. / 13 Dread. EP[I. MOL L 26 Russian hemp 15 Cheat. RIE G (pL). = » 27 A pair, 28 Lovers. 2 18 Retreat, « INIE 29 One 'who 19 Kansas Pl (TIA MAD 1 professes University ricEsting some ism, RCI RN HALES! 50 Smallest 1 Naked. : =r = sta abbr.), 23 Form of "bé," IEREIC RIVIMIS] 31 Colaty. : 24 Blare of a «44 Abates, VERTICAL 35 Climbing : horn. ~~ 45 Mister (abbr.) 2Head covering plants, 27 Egyptian god. 47 Senior (abbr.) 3 Upon. 37 Tufted a 32 Wager. 48 Steal, 4 Instructs. ornament. 33 Dry.. 50 Japanese 6 Whether, 40 Belonging 34Itis a -- coins, "7 Obtain. to Sy. . instrument. 51Jewel. - _ 8Bird of prey. 46 Enraptured. 36 Female singer 53 Sketch, 9 Lyric poets, 49 On, fri Sm. : , 38 Morsel, 55 South Amer- 12 Telephone 51 Mineral rock. digging h dt 39 Bird, ica (abbr). girl, "52 Hawaiian ely i a Wi es om : 41 International 56 Drive forward 14 Orchestra wreath, AP . AA bral language. 58 Bone (comb, leader 54 Us, satisfied if she finds go raid. A 1d 42 Rumanian form). featuring this 56 Jumbled type, . --O0-- . {3 coin, 59 One skilled instrument, 57 Lone Scout N ME 43 Near. in science. -- (abbr.). 4 > A A ff poi CO WS AFF LEP EN } is 2 3 2 1 ° aN | 17 of "Mom shouldn' od h th ! | - : i . | ig At \ ( om shouldn'ta trusted you with that ten-spot!-- _. , . ' ' UY 9 \ NN Stop flashin' it around!" : C'mon! C'mon, slip the wheel on, next time don't lose the Be acK. wot 22 ) ! LE bg i 'S or z= og ar | MOPSY byGLADYS PARKER SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith he i ws . a w YH 33 | wd ) I ARS IR WELL, A COUPLE OF PEOPLE WERE "oi - 3 ARGUING AND THE FIRST THING I /- IS Rey i 38" 39 1° lA Re KNEW ONE OF 'EM WAS ME/ _, 38 a3 4q as [a6 a7 % : WY fd Ws as| |as so 5 | 52 J 3) ) i \_ (Released by The Bell Byndicate, Ine. PR 53 54 55 56 1 The gay young blade says moving 5 55 - an army is a cinch compared to 5 } 5 moving an obstinate woman. of HOLD EVERYTHING 2 y ~~ $ h A x A THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson BAK i ry ay. - - .. i Ni 28 Bel VG IS NIA 45 : NS Lg" Ny THE MYSTERY OF 3817 ; Y/N N AEA | FREQUENTLY FOOD 4% : SNE SPLIT BOULDERS 2 : NS IN THE CALICO MOUNTAINS = = A WHO DETERMINED THE RISC i 2 CAUSE AS LIGHTNING. LJ a ------N 1999 BY NIA SERVICE, INC. TAGE. ofr. : + corn. 1944 8 sea service, wo. v.00 As. 8. MAY. O00 . . i "I could watch you for hours, darling! You make me feel so R a 5 "That's the second $1000 you've helpless." : NE deposited this week, Mr. Gotz-- ~g ' he a what are you doing tonight?" 2 i TN By GENE BYRNES iY IN : : ani THE SPORTING THING ETT Tg = : i i F TREE CASH NOwW=- HERE'S TH' R20 DOG : 5 {fe ONE THIRD OF TH NICKEL~~ oad A UIZEE : YEAR --A THIRD TH' | TAKE 71 HAL YEAR FOLLOWIN, AN Al} THAT STANDS ON S72£7.5/ al Ne --g E EAR H SEEDLINGS PLANTED AROUND ~\ by ; THIS APPLE TREE WERE A GRAFTED INTO THE TRUNK, , RIX AFTER WHICH THE OLD re) BASE OF THE TREE 2) DECAYED... PROVING THAT A i TREE CAN LIVE WITHOUT 3 A HEART, i COPR, 1944 BY NEA SERVICE, ING. Ae 7. REC. U, 8. PAY. OFF, o 3 ANSWER: A sea gull, Ae Wy "Oh, oh! Somebody pulled the wool is 3 over his eyes!" Nay Lr \T5 THE TROUBLE LL Gosw, Luis § TAR 203 Vou OH FINE! CouLD You oY 1 would DON'T KNOW HOW ; LET ME HAVE ty SAVED SOME (570 HOLD ON EIGHTEEN SEVENTY IVE lets , ! \ AN i SN i Wy "What I want is one I can pin down!" POP--Dumfounded By J. MILLAR WATT A I HEARD SOMETHING coop! -- . |-NOw I SHALL NEVER ABOUT You _., KNOW WHAT TODAY THAT G8 he IT WAS |! . " 3 "a "a - | f RS ; ; ; : $ hi : : po] DARN 2237 a1 NES "They say this generation is going to learn to walk . . . with the SLT RL aly om] 1 i an J fa 88 i : tire and gas rationing, and all." a R A * LI S i . 3 EAT SOM EY SY A