v \ «4 2 «ily ? 310 . ah ; Leaky ® . fo oe . * TRAE LEE LAS ' 4 ' 2 ' " 3, : = vy i Sedgicph Lb ERS ANANTH a Chubb mtaaagats © INES TULL REE REE ERROR RELA IE PERTURB TABLE TALKS &» Flaky, crisp, oven-fresh Christie's Premium Soda Crackers add the right touch to Spreads © Beverages Soups © Salads At your grocer's, always ask for Christie's, CB-245W ray ; ily, Tree EL Grand with po I. - The Jade God By MARY IMLAY TAYLOR Some up and coming young- sters are pictured here. At left, Helen Sue Goldy, 3, balances on one foot on the thumb of her father, Sid Goldy, of Los An- © egg yolks until Add Some Variety To Winter Meals Vegetables need not always be served in the same way. The Con- sumer Section of the Dominion Department of Agriculture sig- gests the following recipes which will help to add variety to winter meals, . Vegetables In Noodle Ring 4 ounces broad noodles 2 egg yolks 1 cup milk 34 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper , 2 tablespoons copped parsley (optional) 2 egg whites Cook and drain noodles. Beat thick and light, add noodles, milk and seasonings; fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into .a well-greased ring mould,, set in a pan of hot water and oven-poach in .a moderate oven, 350 F, until set, about 1 hour. Turn out on a serving dish Help The 'SALA TEA Red Cross & | CHRONICLES BY % Gwendoline P. Clarke aie vg of GINGER FARM >." ') When boy meets giv] that's fine, When two boys meet two girls that's generally all right too. But when two boys meet one girl, that isn't so good. I remember when son Bob and his life-long chum were in High school, the chum a good job of snow removal. Al- ready there are large bare areas of land showing in the fields but, unfortunately, the lane is still well covered, and that doesn't help our transportation problems at all. Yes, snow in the lane is too deep tor wh geles, Helen regularly enter- and fill centre with well seasoned developed a girl complex. Bob car or wagon wheels ig the high- % ds FOF VIII IOI, tains servicemen with her ex- creamed vegetables. Six servings. didn't--at least not at that time-- way too bare for sleighs. Thus one i ' traodinary balancing feats, A ring meculd may be'improvised So there he was at a loose end and day when Partner went for chop Ji CHAPTER XIII "You know it?" Pam leaned for- A hl as by setting a small "bowl in a had to find other interests--not so he: thought at first it would be NL a i en yin wire, Marion, 4, and Carla, 6, | "Tole 0 Peng, BE ry oe pon on BA You: you see, Ini yous friend, He had collected himself but he of the {famous Wallenda circus 1 cup canned pumpkin y os 2 > : v » ag, She believed in him; it was the family, have poise of vet- the same form all through school; - them to the wagon at the road, most marvelous thing in the world! held the god hard in one of his erans as they practice at Ringe 1 egg both interested in the. same hobbies, which would have meant a lot of : "And you don't ask me about it? powerful hands. ling Brothers' Sarasota, Fla, ¥2 cup dry bread crumbs the same sports. Such a dilemma heavy, extra work, Finally he s : ; ' h a ) Nor why I was sent there?" he Where did you get this -- winter quarters, 1% teaspoons salt ee may well mean a boy's first lesson decided to put on a smaller load eried. ™ . She shook her head, thing?" he demanded, and, for the moment, even the girl herself seem- 34 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons grated cheese in adjustment to changing con- and take a chance on the wagon. sriiig : ; b 3 « ditions in lifc. A boy's family can I watched him go and how that : ed to melt away from the reality o their attitude, and she saw Mark's . "ge rain pumpkin in a sieve for & do much at such a time to bridge wagon rocked and lurched - ' H "n . ' ' ha . . y, . . yon To my friend," she repeated the thing he held! face. "Why, Mr. Byram!" Modern Etiquette minutes saving the drained liquor | the gap by creating other interests ER I : ys yy Ii ff I's uncle's." She was shaken LE : By Roberta Lee for soup ar gravy, Beat egg, add and encouraging new friendships. While the men were away I paid < The bequty of it swept him o by his emotion; she felt the ten- Mark did not seem to hear her. his feet. He caught her hands in his in another moment he would have told her that he loved her -- told her the whole story -- but his eyes fell suddenly on a green thing on the table at her elbow, a squat shining figure, marvelously carved it was, the face -- cunning and old sion, the excitement of his discov- ery. "He wouldn't give it to me -- I put it here for -- fun!" } He looked at her for the. first time without seeming to be aware of her; his face was so white that his eyes looked black, Amm Ho walked slowly over to the lib- rary table where Burleson stood, and the older man, searching his face in the new strong light, did not move. He seemed suddenly to see something in it that held him. 'Mark came ncarer and opened his 1. Is an unmarried woman pre- sented to a married one when making an introduction? 2. How soon after a visit, should a house guest write a "bread and butter" letter? of 38. In general conversation is it _ to 15 minutes, or brush pumpkin, bread crumbs, salt, pep- per and cheese. Mix well and shape into patties, Rol! in fine bread or fat until golden brown, about 10 patties 'with melted fat and bake in a moderate oven, 350 F, about 30 minutes, Males seight patties, But it has to be done unobstrusively --an adolescent boy is like a young colt and will shy away from any obvious means to help him meet a difficult situation. Bob survived the ordeal and now young John is. going. through the same experience--losing his chum a visit to the car. More than that I got behind the wh:el and step~ ped on the starter. After three months rest, don't forget. What happened? Yon don't know my old Lizzie or you wouldn't ask that. One step on the starter and away she went! That is, her engine, not i ¥ aus, Sk tage -- ining Bod olf "Where's your uncle?" he asked 'hands. In the hollow of his palms ever perisible' to contradict a One teaspoon! grated onion or to a girl. But he already has some- the wheels. But to hear the purr ds g 5 ; grin b g 2 : excitedly: , the jade god squatted like a toad. person? one-quarter teaspoon poultry thing to take his mind off his of the motor, to know the battery im -- one of the small uphitec "He ought to be here soon. It's Burleson stared at it and stared up seasoning may be used instead of bands Joel Her hands slipped out of his; he reached for the jade god and lifted it, turning it over late now for him," she glanced to- ward the window. « * # at the young man. He apparently linked the two by some chain of 4, If a woman is-staying at a hotel, would it be all right for a waiter to bring a breakfast tray cheese. Scalloped Corn and Tomatoes 1% cups canned corn troubles, A gramophone--no less! | He has it in his_bedroom, which, unfortunately, - is..above our little -wasn't cracked, nor the radiator frozen, that was really quite a load off my mind. First thing you know : p : : oT circumstances, and the age in his into her room: while she is still sitting-room, so that quite often I we'll be going places and seeing Sisnly id or go . Marts, heling Sie jade gad in his own face deepened, the lines grew in & robe? 1}4 cups ann tomatoes write to the accompaniment of old things. Maybe! J - ands, looked down at her an is ev a = 1 teaspoon salt : : : 4 squat, the jade was smooth except seemed to come to himself. sharp, his eyes dulled. The two wo 5. Should a person who talks p time dance music, complete with for a cipher or. a dent, something that marked it indelibly. Mark ran "I must see your uncle," he said gravely. The girl's eyes traveled men watched them, Mrs, Lynn in amazement, Pam with a beating heart. It seemed eons before Mark exceptionally well monopolize the conversation at any social affairs? J4 teapsoon pepper: 34 cup bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter cowboy yodelling. Oh well, so long as he doesn't buy Frank Sinatra Wettest Spot is fi < : ; i .| records . . .. ) his finger along the broken surface from his face to the ugly green jade spoice 6. Is it proper to number the Arrange alternate layers of com Fa Burnley, the British cotton town | and felt it. Then he looked at the PRR . . . . so pages of a social letter?, . » the | ! ' f in f : 4 hi y god in his hands. ee "I know this thing," he said slow- acd tomatoes in greased casserole; At 4 1 1 . in Lancashire is claimed the wet- yi queer ellin lace again and his ows "That's the key to something.' vs "iL lias @ curios ark Bader Answers season with salt and pepper. Cover ong last a letter arrived i face went white. * * * "My God," he said below his breath; "how did it come here -- here of all places?" DISCOVERS HOME she said excitedly, "I see that! Will it -- help you?" "It will -- if' your uncle will tell me about it -- tell me where he got it. I know when -- I know almost to & minute about that!" She rose and came over to him, * neath--sce?" He turned it over, holding it close to Burleson. "Will you tell me when it came to you?" LE EE Burleson's hands clenched, he grew «grayly white, then, suddenly, 1. Yes, unless the single woman is. considerably older than the married one. A bride of twenty years should be presented to a woman of fifty, regardless of whet- her the latter js married or single. 8. Immediately upon arriving home, with crumbs dot with butter and bake in a moderately hot oven, 875 F, about 20 minutes, until thoroughly heated and crumbs are browned. Six servings, Mother Guides Baby ~ IEA EN by from son Bob. It was an airmail letter, censored, crumpled and dirty. And after reading it we knew no more of the whereabouts of our boy or of what he is doing than we efore, We don't even know what country he is in. The enemy test town in Britain. Residents have now written to the board of trade asking 18 ex- tra clothes coupons to each in- habitant to be used for raincoats. 7 Local 'weather = experts ey that* Burnley has 272 'wet: ddys a' : ©. a} h that red streak ran up between his ! i : ak E ; year, and an annual rainfall of 2 touching it in his hands, wonder eyebrows to his hair. The effect was the same day if. possible. Under oan ge! Bagh Sp metn it 42.8 inches. Their raincoats soon . SKIN REMEDY in her eyes. "It has always held ghastly. Mrs. Lynn caught Pam's no circumstances should she "delay were leit to that lad, However, it wear out. This clean stainless antlseptle known all over Canada as Moone's - Emerald Oil, Is such flpe he agent that Eczema, Ape k Ying Balt Rheum, Itching Toes and L'eat, and other inflammatory skir e2up- ons are often relieved In a few A but it broke the spell that held them too big to be carried around? SIZES AS a's Emerald Oil is pleasant "If you hear. hard things of me, --staring at the jade god. dressed for the day before break- An account of the actual birth of 1.17 Jo is snd 3 Js so antiseptic ind unbelievable things, will you trust "Will you tell me?" Mark re- fast, 5. No. One person should a gray kangaroo in a Bristol, Eng- #18 ) ; : : 2 J , . 1 Sn Jab standing have yield- me? Will you believe in me?" he peated, in his deep voice, "you never try to do all the entertain- land, zoo is given by Dr. L. Har- ed to Its Influence. : ce Moone's Emerald O11 is sold by - me -- was this why?" He did not touch her; he knew that she cared; but she might have been wrapped in fire, he would ne- ver take ler in his arms until he was cleared! But his 'eyes held hers. demanded passionately. "Can you ss the ae sr EE x 4 wrist in clutching fingers whispered: "Send that man away--your un- "cle's going to have a fit!" Her voice was only, a murmur, know me, Mr. Burleson?" and this letter for a week or more. 8. While flat contradiction is said to be always rude, in exceptional in- stances a contradiction may be done tactfully. 4. Yes, this is customary. . A woman would hardly care to get ing, even if he does enjoy the spot- Sa Kangaroo To Pouch" Did you ever wonder how a new- born baby kangaroo gets into the, pouch on his mother's abdomen, where he continues to grow until rison Matthews of the University Snip IAS ge Bh hind be 5 doa Sdn SANE FIST I HER 4) By FATA oa RE: VIR EO Cet wag a letter and set our minds at rest for a little while anyway. Mother Nature is surely making 897 Are You Overtired . . ' iy i WE, drugglsts everywhers to help rid -- believe in me, Pam?' "Yes," he said slowly, "1 know light. 6. No, but the long letter of. Bristol in the Proceedings of Jovi Bo Dies A ll * * you now!" As he spoke he took an should be written on consecutive tte Zoological Society of London, or money back. It was the first tim¢ he had spo- unsteady step forward and laid one pages. As soon as the baby is born, Dr. -- ~ ken her name thus, and she was hand upon a chair. Matthews says, the mother begins 0 2 touched by it. It had § new sound "Then--tell me!" Mark demand- . licking her abdominal fur in a two- Wheth on his lips it § symbol of ed hoarsely; "help me that much Drift From Farm - inch -path, With its eyes closed ey nn. love -- the love he confd not claim. now!" and" he followed the older =| and its mouth open- the incn-long whirl, the result is the same -- chronie i "I'll believe in you!" she smiled man, holding out the mocking god. : . infant kangaroo starts crawlin mefiopd fatigue or nervous exhaustion; i In 1921, according to the Domin [4 | i back bravely, but her eyes were Burleson turned and looked back jon Bureau of Statistics, 38 of every through the damp fur. When it Your nerves and bodily organs are wet with tears; she suddenly saw at him. He was breathing hard; 100 Canadian working melt' etd reaches the end of a .wet patch of also ired 80 that digestion fails and Yee his hands again and now she un- suddenly a fire leaped into his eyes, farmers; by 1941 the proportion fur the mother begins licking again Jot ie awake at nights unable to . derstood -- they were the hails bt he stretched out his shaking ing had fallen to 32. Thig is the first until another wet patch is pre-- Perhaps there is nothin that can so a prisoner, knotted with work | seized the gad and flung it with i time in the history of Canada that | Pered. This process is repeated definitely help you as Dr. Chase's They were still standing Bius, .| his force into the corner. It struc farmers have formed less than a | until the baby has reached the . NERVE FOOD. Many people find looking at each other, when there the edge of the great mantel, slant- third of the working population. pouch and crawled into it. this to be the case. Why not benefit was the stir of an arrival in the ed, spun like a top against the brass During most of the operatiqn the y their experience. Lo hall. Mark looked at her question- fender and fell, broken in a thou- mother kangaroo leans backward Ask for the new econ- [IEE ingly; whe pied, . , | #and pieces on the floor. so that her abdominal wall is al- omy size bottle of == Dr Chases | 'It's Uncle--an unt Lynn. (To Be Continued) most level, making it easier for the ° tJ EEE ee : Sompiing like og gn esm------ baby to crawl, Bs Sires or WY | o ) Into his face; he gripped the jade Dr.Chases Get quick relief god in one powerful hand, the other How Can 1? . 9 000 In Ontario \ Sree Bo NERVE F000 | fell at his side, clenched. , = 000ta, | « te H -- . 180s--81.50 | "You're going to ask him now?" By Anne Ashley Ty } from HEADACHE the girl breathed. She was only . Can Speak Gaelic Make your new Spring i A + he thing it meant Q. How can I make a glove . cardigan 1s young, smart, and easy } this wa vaguely aware of the thing i ! 5 Neon Did you know that there were to sew -- no collar to finish! Pat- | y. oo to him, but she knew that it ha stretcher : : dee significance , A. A curling iron is excellent 196 people in Algoma who told the tern 4897 includes instructions for WHEN you suffer from an annoying, ore wor; Foc oe for stretching the fingers of wash- census takers at the last census that making it from a man's suit, WI LLIAMS aggravatingheadache, get quick, triple- "3! » able kid gloves. Gaelic was their mother tongue?, Wiviia 4397 Soniss sires 1h 18, \ ectionrelief just by taking a fast-acting Ti tanding Soxether on Q. How can I make a wall paper ask the Sault Ste. Marie Star. 3% vurde. of Cri os akes = CAMPHORATED escription-type Instantine tablet. | the Nearthrug pon light a lamp cleaner? It is the fashion Somelies. 10 Send twenty cents (20c) in coins % MUSTARD CREAM is tested and time proved remedy is cast a soft glow behind them, out- A. By making a paste by mixing consider the tongue of the High- (stamps cannot be accepted) for this : specially compounded to ease your lining them. They stood waiting. 8 cupfulg of flour, 8 tablespoonfuls J Jota re 2 op a bh pattern top Boay) 421, 73 Ade- inhaled headache fast: } ; caiting. silent of ammonia and 14 cupfuls of Nn ¢. ¢ ere are 3z, laide St. est, Toronto. Print 1 ' i i They Roce oa hep 7% 4 water. Roll this into balls of con- people n Canada, about 9,000 of painly size, name, address, style | > Sposdily casos pain. and, behind her, a little bowed about venient size to fit the hand. Rub them in Ontario, who still recog- umber, { 2, Prolongs iallef frorh pain, the shoulders, looking a little older a ball over the paper and it will bigs it 99 fiefs mathier tongue, { 3. Reduces "depression," Gives ho llionaire ng Mrs. Lynn, | clean thoroughly. Of Algoma's 52,002 people, how- mild, stimulating "lift." seeing the two exclaimed. Q. How con I make' an iron ip Some ip beim Lagi y . { ¥ . RX ¢ ) smooth? as their mother tongue, arid French Take Instantine for other pains, $0: Wh, Damala, 1 Phong oO A. One of the best methods for ~ with 5,690, was naturally second on vheumalic, neuralgic, neuritic suffer were out! Mr. Byram, please touch : : the list, 4 7 ¢ that light-switch behind you. I hate | making an 'iron slick and smooth I : / ing, o the ery of ago Au wil Diag on . 5 15 Sui the Hon over & pecs i Perhaps Jou hy see Sore sor | . . : Ss E Moreshiaye Jnstaniine ate bd Burleson laughed a little harshly. an old candle, used on a folded prises " he nie o! oe i : "Butterflies like light," he remarked 'newspaper. guages, however. lhird on the . | ) uite i hi Tal Die: S15tors Q. How can I remove acid staing Ist comes Italian with 3,310 and I Jiaotong y, smiling at his sis from marble? fourth Finnish with 1,016. But it is : . "Pam I want some tea--" her A. Try rubbing with ammonia. probable that you never guessed i aunt began, and then she stopped. But one should avoid allowing any Flowers in their natural coloring, ge hy pase, fac 10 the 4 She had become abruptly aware of acids, such as lemon, to come in combined with a crocheted edging erican Indian languages, | AY contact with marble. 2%4 inched wide, make the loveliest a total of 1,809, most of them : Ya N=) You Will Enjoy Staying At Q. How can I make better win- kind of adornment for your linens speaking Ojibway with some ick relief from the sneezy, stuffy distress 5 y ying dow shades? You may use embroidery or cro- Crees. of head colds is what you want. So i : PY The ST. REGIS HOTEL A. Some persons prefer oilcloth chet alone. Pattern 617 has transfer Next on the list comes those who Va-tra-nol--a few drops up each nostril-- TORONTO window shades to cretonne, as it of 6 motifs averaging 44x12 in; speak Ukrainian, 1,521; Polish 502; LJ Same firiration, Jeduce Songestion, \ i A ' ® Every Itoom with Ninth, Show. keep 1 1 Al W crochet directions. . Serbo-Croat (mainly Croations) oul - welcome the re t "comes! | ceps out the sun better, | nec " : . ] Va-tro-nol also helps prevent many colds \ oh fa rei phone, essary is to cut the oilcloth the re- Send twenty cents in coins 401; Swedish, 368, and . Russian, from developing if used in time, ry itl : 5 ® Double, 81.50 up. - wired width and fack it to the rol- (stamps cannot be Jccepted) jos 247. Follow directions in folder, product of The Bayer Co., Ltd. @ Good Food, Dining and Dane q Stitch + | ie | this pattern to Wilson Needle: : oda . Ing Nightly. pis, Sich § her at yia-hotfom 0 craft Dept, Room 421, 73 Ade. There are 461,000,000 acres of VICKS VA'TR "MN L 4 . Sherbourne at Carlton hold the stick, or make scallops if laide St. West, Toronto. Print Jre. 46], J Reis .C { Tel. RA. 4135 preferred, though the stick holds plainly pattern number, vour name commercial forest nds in the © ISSUE 11-1045 . the shade better, and address, United Stafes.