. X a a a i eam a a aa ep acts CE #71" +2% Ld Cal PAN TN wl i . Fa 3 : AGL RAE koh ie HE J 4 A 3 LE 3 Ee Le RCRA HAR PE IRSA PALA | \ 3 BE a x7 SH ES maa » % FR ' 4 EPA LAYS AAA, a i ] § { i IIS ARCTIC RESCUER ote JERRY GETS FUSHED od out by an Allied lieutenant. Overlooked in initial mopping up oper actions on the Western Front the Jerry was finally spotted. More than 100 stranded fliers und civilians lost in icy Arctic ELS Ras, wastes owe their live to Lt.-Col, Lulendorf railroad bridge spanning the Rhine River at Remagen, Germany, was captured by the 9th Armored Division of the First Norman D. Vaughan, above, of Hamilton, Mass, who heads the Arctic Search and Rescue section SLEEPING WITH ONE EYE OPEN frees t ¥ STS A of the Air Transport Command's A $d North Atlantic Division. He has He received a special Congressional PHY Medal and Legion of Merit citation a for his work. ha ARMY BADGE wo! ™ 0) 4. RESERVE 0 ES a. PRIVATE WEDDING < SR SER pe Sa 3 Sed es Soi 55 Pvt. Red Skelton, former radio and movie comedian, hitched his wagon to a star when he and Actress Georgie Davis were married in Los Angeles. Couple are shown as they obtained the license. Thorn Hill Gold we gv AMULLEY . Mines~Ltd. Duprat_Tp.-Quebec MAD DRAWN FROM SOUACLS , MISERIES oF _ BANE ERT CANT Ate 4 0 . i "ETHORN HILL " 5 w Zz ~ Map above shows rivers that cut through the north German plain Pp LJ in the path of Allied advance toward Berlin, and some of the many dams in 'those streams which Nazis may blast to impede LZ Allied progress. 9 0 A : Pa. DOG OF WAR IN ACTION ' & O) i pe 4 ELDER GOLD o° g! MINES ~ LTD. } R Ld . Seale . im Now , , . here's rellable home- THORN HILL GOLD MINES LIMITED owns 450 acres immediately adjoining ELDER GOLD MINES LIMITED on the North. Diamond Drilling on the Elder property has already in- dicated an ore zone containing $4,500,000.00. . The Elder orebody has been traced to within 300 feet of the Thorn Hill property. It is believed that the extensive Elder deposit sweeps diag- onally acrocs the entire Thorn Hill acreage. The same mining interests responsible for Elder Gold Mines are behind Thorn Hill Gold Mines. Thorn Hill shares at 20c per share appear to offer more than ordinary speculative possibilities. ! .K. V. GAMBLE & COMPANY, INVESTMENTS 74 King St. E., Toronto, Canada Telephone WA. 4706 K. V. GAMBLE & COMPANY, 74 King St. E., Toronto, Canada. " I hereby agree to purchase ....:..... shares of Thorn Hill Gola Mines at 20¢ per share, 1 enclose remit- tance for that amount. : : Name rh wens fs Rae Fest ska sarees \ AQAIESS xi oa's a ois bas ve ds oms sess ons (Please Print Plainly) Koy WwW, Army before Nazis' could destory it. This photo was taken from the eastern bank of the Rhine River, after the bridgehead was established. U-BOAT PRISONERS ARRIVE IN BRITAIN Picture taken at a British Port when U-boat survivors arrived on their way to a prisoner-of-war camp shows the U-boat prisoners on their way ashore. Judging by their expessions as they marched away they all seemed quite glad to be out of the fight. BRITAIN'S PRIME MINISTER IN BELGIUM The Prime Minister accompanied by the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, (Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke) paid a short visit to the Western Front. Mr. Churchill met Field Marshal Montgomery at a small station in Belgium, . . €, od . Picture shows the party leaving the station to motor to an air- field from which the Prime Minister flew home. NAZI BIG MOUTH Looks mof%e like something that mixes cement than what it is--a 380-mm. mortar mounted on a modified Mark VI German tank, cap- tured by the Allies in Oberembt, Germany. The mortar barrel is seven feet long, and fires a five-foot shell weighing 770 pounds. Five-man tank crew protected by 5-inch armor in front. This is the new arm badge that will identify the wearer as a mem- ber of Canada's Reserve Army. It is rectangular, red in color, and will be worn as the' General Ser- vice badge of the Active Army, on the left forearm, 574 inches above the end of the sleeve of the battle dress blouse, knaki drill tunic and greatcoat, or immediately above any badge of rank. River in Germany, foxhole, a soldier keeps a watchful eye on Germans across the Pruem 'DON'T CROSS YOUR BRIDGES' TS - HANNoVERY. "Hamm FART lls MOHNE ESE Be iv nk Rn RISE Ruhr R. CORIITR AK ; ye (OR / £1 ' » . BEN il bint ak A SR sade Su = 1 Crouched ready to dash through Jap fire, Prince, a Marine Corps courier dog on Iwo Jima, watches intently as his master shows him Tortured man gets helpl Lemon Julce Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Suffererl "I have used ALLENRU for several months, I could bardly walk on account of my knees. But now those paing are relieved. 1 can go like a race horsd now," Mort Shepard . Don't be a victim of the palns and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbaga or neuritls without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can 'mix of home. Two tablespoons of ALLENR plus the juice of 1/3 lemon in a glass water. Your money back if not entirely satisfied. Just 85¢ at all drug stores, Buy ALLENRU today. proved medication that works 2waysatonce torelicve distress of child's cold--even while he sleeps! Just rub throat, chest and back with Vicks VapoRub at bed- time. Instantly VapoRub starts to relleve coughing spasms, eases muscular soreness or tightness, and invite restful, comfo sleep. Often by morning, most he misery is gone. or baby's sake, try VapoRub tonight. It must be good, rn where to carry the first aid bandage which is strapped on his back. when colds strike, most mothers \ >% Vicks VapoRub, " ) - NOW you know why \ uk / Ti makes better cigarettes :