crema | SHOOTING IRON HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 16 Decay. d Pictured 18 North weapon, ----g, i 8 Projectiles. Foun 1 Soak up. 20 Open (poetic). ppose. Y 18 Ascended. : 22 Barricaded. 15 College dance, SUMNRR 23 Scatter, 17 Glide 26 Lure. rhythmically, WELLES 28 Close to. 19 Particle. 30 Bushel 21 Male offspring (abbr.), 22 Taken from a 32 Article, football game. 34 Set of five, 24 Health resort, 36 Trailed. 25 Pronoun. 39 Expenses, 26 Barricade. 44 Individuals, 2 Midday. ~40 Dubious. 27 Into. 46 Core. 3 Two (prefix). 42 New Zealand 29 Boy's 50 Shoestring. 4 Below. aboriginal, nickname, 51 Besmirch, 8 Thin. 43 Birds' homes, 30 Farm building 53 Constellation, 6 Every, 45 Drink slowly. 81 Ocean, 54 Seems. 7 Woody plant, 47 Each (abbr.). 33 Title of 55 Mood. 8 Therefore. 48 Extent. dignity. 57 Rue, 9 Puts in place, 49 Egyptian sun 85 Trousers. 58 Pig pen. 10 Perfumed god. 87 Beverage. 59 Enclosed in a ointments for 50 Unfinished 38 Suffix. case. the hair. timber, .89 On this side 60 Hypothetical 132 Afternoon 52 Born, (prefix). structural (abbr.). 54 Directed. 41 Delirium tre- units. 14 South 56 Registered mens (abbr.). VERTICAL America nurse (abbr), 42 Male. 1 Wanderers, (abbr). 57 Music note. ] 2 3 14 5 6 17 8 Ie TN | nn n2 )) 19 5 [16 78 19 | ho 2) : 23 249 5 26 28 [2S 30 32 34 i 36 37 29 'a0 4 aR a3 a4 a5 © [47 |a8 |49 50 51 52 3] 54 55 T 56 7 S61 : 5 63 Jd | 8 4 On the Home Front By C. Kessler . Ratesed by Cosactiiated Mews Featarse) i ae * POP, LOAN NE TWO BUCKS, YOU CAN DEDUCT IT FROM YOUR INCOME TAX AS A BAD DEBT." ¥& By William Ferguson MANY PROMINENT GEOLOGISTS BELIEVE THAT THE DROPRING OF BLOCH BUSTER somes voucano WILL SET OFF A CHAIN OF -NIPPONESE RIHHRQUAKES, EVERY YEAR, MEN LOST IN OUT OF THE WAY PLACES Of THE EARTH DIE OF STARVATION BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW WHICH WILD PLANTS ARE - EDIBLE, OR HOW TO PREPARE THEM. Fun-loving Flora says that her canteen activities are progressing by leaps and bounds. * » * b7 The Bell Syndicate, tee) / The mentally-sketchy girlfriend's beau says he wishes she could make up her mind as well as her face. HOLD EVERYTHING "After you get through with your homework, Junior, Daddy has a favor to ask you!" THE SPORTING THING "I wish yowd speak to George about his bottle collection -- he "You leave my mummy's name out L OPR. 9989 BY NEA SERVICE, WC. Y. M, REQ. U, fl. PAT. OFF. 'Perhaps you'll still be on crutches, but I'll be the proudest girl in the Easter parade, walking with you and that hero medal |' CROSSTOWN 'By Roland Coe ~ A /7 0: N\A ( Rud, "Look! Fhey won't have to do much work on this one-- it looks like a helmet already!" MOPSY by GLADYS PARKER [ACCORDING TO MY FIGURES, YOU OWE THE GOVERNMENT 35000 FOR THE DATE YOU HAD WITH ME LAST NIGHT 0 G ¢ADYS TAR as THIS ARMY "Bing" Coughlin Ia The Maple Leal, Canadian - pu v re; in Maly. Crown copyright) ACT "Gettin' monotonous ain't it! this rat - tat - tat - tat--." REG'LAR FELLERS Starting the Day Right By GENE BYRNES 1 WHY AINTCHA LIKE OUR BRAVE. SOLDIERS FIGHTIN' IN ALASKA AN ICELAND AN' GREENLAND! FY nN I'LL SEE. HOW TOUGH YOU ARE! S'POSE ) YOU GET UP AN' CLOSE TH' WINDER | WONDER. J £4 IF YM BEIN' KIDDED? "Sere = Bynfe? as v4 ru can AN rer ee -- of this!" aa MUTT AND JEFF-- Mutt Seems T'Be Suffering. From A Slight Touch Of Double Talk By BUD FISHER HE AIN'T BI CR PRIA LL2. WE WANTS To Join OLD PAL,HE'S fl TRANSFUSION? || THE ARMY! HE'S { P AFRAID HE'S A phe A FAWRAT For? LITTLE SHY ON CORPUSCLES/ MUTT, WHATS THIS 1 WEAR ABOUT JEFF BENG IN THE MospAL? | HAY TRA WE FIGURED IT! WE | Expenses) VE FOU: AIN'T IT NOT THE WAY V7 ONLY COSTE THE PRICE | DOIN' FINE! i OF THE CHICKEN -ONE /jig's STARTIN' TO RMYARD "TT DOLLAR AND ( 0A CKLE CHIEN -- CF <3) ! TRANSFU/OM SIX BITS! [ A) READ ORE FORA JTRINSIVESS 4 HOW'S HE 3 POP--Pop Knows the Ropes IF YoU WERE T YJ -YOU WOULDN'T RE ABLE TO SMOKE Co THATS RIGHT! TAA " GLAD YOU sm SEE THINGS 3 ; f 5 J RS AL i) by RD, 5 Fa i f f a i BN hay oy XA | EO N \ bed (8 9 RR) 3 i HTK! 1 1 HAL N A Sey IE Sued Aa ERR Sa 46% [2 SAAN Ny a1) b 5 3 3 oN &) k My 3 ERE UN 2 y! 2 8; bo Be TAN ORAL 5 3