£5 : E Tare £ } 0) RRR AY SAT LY UTA FE Ee 130%; ARS Sa Se IT Bh : A Ts vod Sead IRA $ 12008 H Pin nied an Wy SEES wt Sy oe Wd Ble yo a RY ly dl tins sig NS EI a Shs Yo Te PU: -- T ; . SITTER FOR SETTER w HH a | ER F Modern Etiquette Yi 3 xh By Roberta Lee 1. When extending a telephone Invitation to dinner, what should one say? 2. When is the proper time for a bride-to-be to acknowledge a wedding gift? ; 38. Where should the individual v butter knife be placed? ' 4. When giving a theater party, with supper following, must the host or the hostess furnish trans- portation to the theater for . the YQ guests? v Tran 5. Is it correct for a girl to drop Es i the prefix "Miss" on her cards? VaR 6. When making a social call CHRONICLES . By " ORY hy should a woman' remove her Gwendoline P. Clarke REF wraps? ro» , . . i : ANSWERS of GINGER FARM RA _ 1, "Is this Mrs. Smith? This is . gl] Mrs. Wilson speaking. Will you - SRE VPI IOIOIIIOIOYSYYY., and your husband dine with us Now it can be told! Now we We thought getting on the land £810 Wednesday, at seven o'clock ? 2 can say we what we have been was going to complicate our work VIA The preferred time is to mail a note | hoping and longing to say for | still further but than!: goodness, J ® a o 0 of thanks on the very day the gift years and years. RR it rained. That has given us a \ 3 : is received. 8. The only proper We are having the house wired! breathing spell. But i{ may not J : By place is Bo, Hig busses plate, 4 This Yes, actually--the hydro is on its be for long--the whole country- A5y is not at all obligatory. 5. It is be- way. We don't know even yet how side has cvery appearance of early fii MARY IMLAY TAYLOR ne done by Supe magn ging, hut many weeks--or months--it will | spring. This afternoon we vere out [30 br . g the more socially correct use be before the line is built, but we for a little drive and it was in evi- vA AT ! ) Wy FF FF FFITIIIIVIEFION, "Miss". 6. Not unless the hostess do know it is coming because we dence everywhere. Once Daughter i ' CHAPTER XVII "Do you care so much, child?" insists upon it. were told by Hydro Commission to cried out gleefully--*"Oh, Mum -- hf "te wanted Tie=he Wouldn't. She lifted that flowerlike face of WE, go ahead and get our wiring done, do look, there's a bluebird!" But i take me because of this, Uncle hers. "It's killing me--he's so Holland 8 Queen and the, Commission doesn't give unfortunately I inissed it. How- 2 't Herbert, I love him. Ol, please, brave, [ can't hear it, that he that advice until it is sure the line ever, presently it was my turn to 3 please help me clear him!" She should be called--that!" Ses i Tours Homeland is going through. So we are going exclaim--*Look, along that fence 3 crumpled down again on her knees "Suppose I'd done it, Pam? Mother instinct proved too strong in this red hen, owned by Mrs, . - ahead all right. But the job won't .. sec them , . , a couple of Red- beside his chair, 'clinging to his Would you want me--at my time Minnie Horton of Columbus, Ga. When her eggs failed to hatch Queen Wilhelmina, first of Eur- be done over-night as the elect- starts?" And of course we saw hand sobbing. "I'm wretched!" of life--to go out.and confess it? she took over from the mother of these young pups, and now the ope's exiled _monarchs to return ricians are working only on a part- plenty of little lambs and other she wept. "I wanted to go with When the boy's taken his punish- S08 13 having 8 liad time getting back to her family . . . that is, home, has visited liberated areas time basis. positive signs of spring. him and he wouldn't take me!" ment and he's only to start fresh?" : . of Hoban Sn penived a Bo So far they-have been the better - * kx "Good heavens!" the old man He leaned back in his chair, . . R-- mendous ovation from her people, part of three days. Three joyous i. swusionred to Huse. He it to studying her. "I tell you what them, weeping violently. } it was announced last week. days--that is for us--I don't know Ws BA pepe em impulse of rage now, only the I can do, Pam," he said finally. " Then she broke out again, 4 } The Queen toured freed areas about the electricians. Never in all wien begun, in otl a i weakness that follows it. How | "I've offered to do it already--told Someone did it--and 1 don't see ~~ : after a plane trip from London to the time we have been farming has po ie $a i he iy ' exiraordingry these new girls Fosdick I can help him to a new how he can think of it, think of * Brussels which contrasted _strong- anything us quite such a thrill as d i | y hip: Suit gn werel Then he added. aloud: chance" leaving Mark to face his sins, and T Bi its . . - ly with her hurried flight in May, this. car, there was one farm we Were! dded, tf: ince, - . ! at night." ea DiIscuits . . . 1 G butist passed, where a field alongside the That's decent of him. 1 begin She scorned that You mean Loy ght. 1940, when German parachutists * sx ; ec him. orned - 8 Brion cave } 1 look-- T d d Fl ff i h ) . . road was paftly sown--and the drill to like him, Pam. money? That's nothing! He can ip n gave ef 2 long 100 enaer an u y Sticpipled 1o-capivire Wer as they Does the job make extra work? d f b f i "Ot werd Tike 1 He's wile. work--T know he'd rather." a look she did not sce. invaded the Netherlands. Wily suie--but what mater: Doard and four bags of grain had been " 1, you'd like him, He's spien " cr : "Maybe he doesn't, Pam," he : News of her return. was be- y sure---but what matters Boards | jeft sitting in the fill. Probably did; he's big--he's generous, and I didn't mean just money-- id devly. "C s am, The home economists of the . ; have .to be ripped up here and the farmer took a chance. with tl » ; bol ie ! I've got a little pull on the rail- said dryly. ome to think of Consumer Section," Dominion - De- lieved sweeping via underground 1 hol ) ~ ! g s a . 1e he's suffered! It isn't right, Uncle p It 1 don't believ foo ' : there, a hole cut through one ceil idea of saving time. I wonder ho Mere'e TE) ways. I could help him to a good t, don't believe he does! partment of Agriculture, give some channels through occupied sec- i | ic: hol ? 5 g yA Ww Herbert, where's your old suspect? g "yg op . » 8 . ng to the attic; holes cut through he felt the next morning when | ! re wlfcnadle wi hertl, Pim Bk vow 32 & wan. 1 e ought to dic!" she cried reasons for biscuit failures, and ex- tions of Holland, where hundreds all d "E . RE) 101 g when he Fat and sleek somewhere, getting f you, Af fiercely. "He ought to have died * oo ' £tl 1s of Dutch citi walls and ceilings for lights and heard the rain pelting down older and older--no use presently think he should have a new ton _ or e oug o have die plicit ways of avoiding them. oe Soupangs | x ch Sitios switches; plaster dust spreads it- Hing ; --and all Mark's splendid youth chance, vo. Xi. ap WPI Too much fat makes crumbly stil' are under the Naz yoke, self right through the house; and Well. the I 4 "ir gr one like this." « & x Good Godg said Burleson be- compact biscuits; however with too Her appearance in the homeland of Corse Abire sie exit anes (o , the our is late, "it's time gone op ig vo N "I don't think anvthing matter low his breath, and turned away. little fat they will not be tender, was expected to act as an inspira- d ol . to sleep, perchance to dream"--and ) He'll tive it down. He's young, ything ers \ . Iy ) tL get and plenty of questions to it may be that when I get to bed Burleson argued hoarsely. "Be- half so much as his good name, (TO BE CONTINUED) and the crust may be hard and bon oc oul) x» pase, of, od answer. And. in the middle of all Ton Nr Mo iy a We 4 loarsely. : " A ' 4 lour people who already are freed bu : . ; : L. / sides, who knows? 'There are Uncle Herbert." She wag still on pale In co . Lo. . . in . . this Daughter and friend arrived roon filled with Ii : . ; Lins ; The amount of liquid determines to those still awaiting liberation, ' oms are filled with light. where often deathbed confessions, one her knees beside him; she twined 2 th fi T 1 : liquid Her most frequent message to her for a long week-end. . there are fio lamps to smoke, no : may clear him presently." id wh about his arm and held ow an ! c golnete, a much ys nay Searle Bas docs: Oh, sweet confusion--it never lamp chimneys to clean, or bowls ) « i im. "Who was the. . . result in a hard crust and the bis- : : ) She scorned that. Do you ! by xs the.man you sus, By Anne Ashley cults will iiot hold their. shispe. Tao "The fight goes on. We have no worried me less! : to be re-fueled, and where one -can ~ think a man who'd done that--and pected : J ; : 13 " : It was really rather funny, 1k wi . ; wp . i" little liquid results in a hard bis- fear of the outcome. . walk with equal safety: from attic let youth suffer for it--would con- That was only a suppositious ile iq Saturday we were not expecting . f he d led furiously case, Pam," he said hoarsely. "I Q. How can I prevent cloudy- cuit with a taste of uncooked flour. the men to he here at all. But it fo Solint B00 Wie A pig dn ¢he ess?" she demanded furiously. OR be A lonking nirrace? The tat and Tiour mast be Blend. WHO AS HE? ¢ e at all. But i wall provides one with the means ea I one at all og . ; . } Ww Is rained, so one of them came after of usi Il kinds of } A She gazed at him wide-eyed . Do not place mirrors where ed lightly until the mixture resem- : h 1 And he caite- when isit ising all kinds of modern con- He nodded, moving his long fin- "Yor're not telling me the trol the sin shines directly on them. It bles coarse meal. This can be done et i " till blissfull ¢ Void yisi a veniences--if, and when, they can gers restlessly on the arms of his Uncle' Herbert) 3 will make the surface cloudy and deftly with the fingers or with a Jere st issfully "sleeping--an be procured! chair. "He might, Pam." rl vn yd ve edn snob it. Speci wire lender in the rooms 'Where he wanted to "He wouldn't, Uncle Herbert, fitely frowning i Q. How can I prevent sagging The shape and texture also de- york Wei it didn't take me long youll clear him for me, won't ay ! treati ) lik shoulders in sweaters? - pends largely on the way in which to have those same rooms eva- HARNESS & COLLARS you?" I'm a pis Yeh 8 boy. A. The shoulders will not sag i the dough is handled, A little Custed, 1 can assure you. Farmers Attenti C | a pin you Yetoed ye prison. a piece of ribbon, the length of the kneading is necessary but only for your 'nearest oP "Shop Yeo, "won Wal Yon {oti ed shoulder of the person from neck about half a minute -- to produce about Staco Harhess: Supplies. against him." ' to armhole, is attached at each end flight fluffy, well shaped biscuits, = We sell our"gdods only through Burleson seized her young wrist of the ribbon to the sweater, If the dough is not kneaded the [0] 0 your local Staco = Leather and raised her to h y ns, ny Q. How can I avoid a disagree- biscuits are apt to be crusty and ~ Goods dealer. The goods are to Fhe Jo her ice] he hy able odor of the oil stove? flat but light, -- but with too right, and so are our prices. / Pe © do _ ' y d A. When the oil stove gives off much handling they may be tough Ne au in 'our fae. . ho you hsten! on go un that disagreeable odor of oil, try flat, and close grained. | ries -- Harness, Horse Col. sit down and listen! I'm going dropping a small piece of gum : ars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. to put it up to you." chtiphos bio the tank £ Tea Biscuits kets, 'and .Lefither Travelling Jo You iphor into. the tank. } 2. cups all-oaruose flour 4799 Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Q. How can I renovate a scalskin -cups all-purpose SIZES Trade Marked Goods; and you ve : 2 coat? 3 teaspoons baking powder . 32:52 - t isfaotion: PVH | Suppose 1 did help send. this A. One can-make Jost year's seal 1 teaspoon salt wet satisfaction: Made only by - ' " ' tel vscr A. d X ast year's seal- . fea bay to pen) ol sald bsaiy. skin coat look like new by rubbing 3 tablespoons fat (¢] dS SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. ALL-FABRIC RAnpose | rosuned agaunt mm with hot salt. It will absorb the % cup milk : } Ed WRITE FOR CATALOGUE what then? It was mere routine. dirt. ) Mix and sift dry ingredients. . 22 "Wellington St. E. Toon: a I knew his uncle well--I knew 0. How can I prevent rusting of Cut in the shortening, using finger | This is a photograph of the ring of : = 1oronto in ex him--a little; he was a~boy, tall, Stone? tips or a pastry blender, until mix- & Canadien Foisice Jed in Italy, a lanky, hot tempered, something of Chew wel ; xs esembles coarse meal. Add who, despite all efforts, remains . IN A WIDE RANGE OF a daredevil and the dice was hard A. They will not rust when they fore £s | mix to a soft an unknown soldier. This picture be : é s are packed away for any length of tile BOWly And ux i i ircu i SMART COLOURS -1S and close as nails. He had a way i : . . wi , dough. Roll to 14 inch thickness on is beting circulated in the - hope ] GUARANTEED TO DYE of saying fats in things: he could | pe gi they are rubbed Ci a Sans red hoarl on alate. bn A that some one will be able to iden- ] i y : io at that contains no salt, such as ,oure RIM eal tify the body through these photo- N " RVERY FABRIC be insulting--politcly. } Suppose mottontat, The wrap them - In baking sheet and bake in a very bone Mig y 8 p ; i ¥ " then, someone killed him, struck brown paper. hot oven, 25°F, for 12 to 15 min- Initials on a worn gold ring are It CELANESE, NYLON AN him down, found that it fitted on utes. the clues by which records branch un mixines to the nephew like a glove--he'd Cheese Pinwheels of the Canadian Army hopes to uy ~ been there, and all that. Suppose Lo. . link a name with the body of an [| he let it go at that, and the boy Roll biscuits dough no 3 fees unknown soldier who died in action ] teok the punishment, got through tangle 2 inch thick. Sprinkle with in Italy. I] Find A te '14 vup grated cheese. Roll up like The soldier--lacking identity disk N with it and had his chance to make . R Fd Tot his Tif . D'y tl a jelly roll, cut into inch-thick sli- ind distinguishing marks of rank as dite over. you suppose the ces and bake, cut side down. and unit~--was buried sometime be- cther man--sccure and comfortable Butterscotch Rolls fore Oct."2, 1944, at Coriano Ridge, . and jich--would step down to 1 reciné tei Dischlis Italy. . prison to clear him--after hficen 1% l id fl I" red fat The ring taken from his hand is Few pattern _ bieces to Pattern Da cup mild-flavoure ) a signet. On its squaring face it 4799. Just straight seams to sew, Get : ko li f J . a» partly butter ' bears a scroll across the upper left- back and front! No sleeves to set quic reiie "Nar a dell wteselys "#1 % cup firmly packed . brown | hang corner, with the initials ¢ L | in! It adds up to casy sewing. RIA No," she replied dearly, sugar ; M slightly below the scroll and A cool dress; slim and flattering, from HEADACHE dor't think he would unless yoa Prepare biscuit dough and roll to the right. The C is at a lower . Pattern 4799: Women's sizes 32, Ah, made him, He's too bad a man. into oblong piece, + %4 inch thick; level than the L and M, its upper 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, : : A.man who lets another suffer for spread with creamed mixture of curve passing through the upright Size 36, 3-yds. 35-in, ¥; yd. trim. this way . WEN him is wicked!" fat and brown sugar. Roll as for Of the Li. vi vii 'y ous wis ins aaa Send twenty cents (20c) in coins "isle "You're right. No. one would jelly roll and cut in 1-inch slices; Inside, the band is engraved with {spp cannot be accepted) for WHEN you suffer from an annoying, That's why it wouldn't do me place slices in greased pan or nruf- » a! i2d folioning x the letters hide Sy Rood nL 72 Mu aggravating hieadaclie, get quick, triples any good to shout out suspicions' fin pans and bake it hot oven, "a ved x apposite & I rhs 'the ly size, name AE Th pA action relief just by taking a fast-acting at this day. The ssue's dead 1 400°F, for 20 minutes. The. batfling thing i ther ee: ber + ! style. nnm- prescription-type Instaritine 'tablet. coma Bayes a pi a Hep iad +105 British 2 Canadian' records show x hia tested and time proved remedy is <¢~ wn from hie! plac: and disgrace . any soldier whose name coincides specially compounded to 'ease your wiasel for a--nohady! Scorch Rémover with either set of initials as killed, Tr hi Enjoy Staying At headache fast: . "Wouldn't he?" Sane leaned back ed of wounds or missing. A i , . " : : . It is conjectured that Bn ring e ST. REGIS HOTEL 1. Speedity eases pain. j Whether you overwork, worry or in her chair, her eyes brave. 1 The simplest solution for scorch ig x a e ring TORONTO 2. Vi] expend your energies in the social don't sce why. He's got nothing ed clothes may be, chilly, but it fay lave % n a : Sapsake {Zien © Every Room with finth, Shows + Prolongs. relief from pain. LAE whirl, the result is the samo -- chronio to lose." is effective. From: your refriger- | pr 0 a 22 re Ady Iriend, st and Felenhone. 3. os "depression." Gives Vi he fatigue or nervous exhaustion. "Nothing to lose?" he repeated, ator get a piece of ite large enough ts Tr To vivian ° hath A ay mild, stimulating "lif." oT H : 4 4 . 5 ' hm hy zigrves ard bodily ANS Are astonished. } to ¢dver the scorclied spot. Rub Highlanders, - supported by some o dove Fass: Dining and Dane Take Instantine for other pains; too: ~~ i! you lic awake at nights unable. ta Binet "He oy evig, he ice Vick and gor Gee the | 'from thielth Phincess Lonise New hing "| theumatic, newalgie, mewtitic.suffec. 25.7 sleep, & e thing "years ago when he let a discoloration until it has entire- Brunswick Hussars and the British 7, Carhon ing, orithe ric | ol i Perhaps there is nothing that can young man suffer for him. He's ly gone. When all trace of the Columbia Dragoons fought' in the . ' stores la ; 8. drug- abi definitely help you as Dr ih worse than a murdered. He's a ; : scorch has disappeared, press your | area at the time the mah became ve Instantine, 12 tablets 254. ith NERV FOOD M v Lr c 1 . Why not have brand new slip- f : : a casualty, They we 08 "by . . ; . Many people find oward, 1 d hisk article again, but this time be sure 1/410 this to be the case. Why not benefit "You think you love this fellow?" Covers Ei Ne whith OVER wht iron 36. Fre ate. Ice will British troops, A n f Cape - Y / { 0 } 4 wl your chairs and sofas soon as mpLraie. Breton highlanders li ; . by their experience. he asked her dryly; "this convist?" i ing's fini ; do 'the work! e 8 Ne THEN Seme Ask for the riew econ he To ed Hd i ; § Spring cleaning's finished? Start 0 the wor tery there. : a. 3 Jah pst iy do ¢ barke the wort at er. them now! ¢ : ------ If the ring's initials are. merely ; re : : Any amateur can make slip- FO those of an acquaintance, it is pos- | Nothingismote depres. gi 8 Dr. Chase's She tried to answer. quietly, but covers using Instructions 661 Nazi Oil Supply Cut sible that the dead soldier has sing than headaches... 43 N F d her courage failed her, she broke pin $i you, Sthpuby step, how bean Tegoried a8 a casualty--per- Aid gufferd...Lambly's erve Foo down, "It's killing me to think o cut, fit and finish slipcovers, German 'gasoline production has aps as ssing"--that his name will give instant relief, / 00 of him--facing all this--and he Send TWENTY CENTS in | pen reduced by RAF, RCAF, | Is already in records filed, and that Lanfly' wood orca. : 180s feta: wouldn't take me with him! Irs | ©0ins (stamps cannot be accepted) and USAAF. and the Russian | his family have been informed. But yf rtacthiche, puinsin ra. 80s--$1. terrible to face Hand to be alone for this pa to Wilson Needle~ d re Te : han 20 f th there was nothing connected with back, stomach, els. 1) + | craft Dept, Room 421, 73 Ade- | tdvance to' less than 20% of the ths body to indicate this. Records too!" she sobbed, and sudden! ! rate at which it running before : ri) y : id lalde St. est, Toronto. Print Ma was ke ] ng i will not know until the ring has : she stretched her arms out on the lainly Pattern Number, your the air offensive agains egan been tied to the name of the per: . \ 5 ; ISSUE 15-1045 table and laid her head down on Re and Address, g last April, son who wore it, @ product of The Bayer Co., Ltd. '"