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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 May 1945, p. 6

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4 nw Bee Coz AN Prd SEAN Epa re SoA i Rr } EE HE, ™ ante wn ¢ a Otis A i Dring rg dv ne, % ok foe ASE a Pa a RT TDRSS ¥ oy EN DI a ot 1 Sty Sn --- I SRE DAS AL RE a NE bh h, ANS ZAR SR Ta TL LE ' 3H ENTEREIS PIS SRAM SEHR RAT PR TAA AAT WPA CR CHa RES A SST IL Fels ds aa adnate a of a eh Garnet Weir I | LOCAL. NEWS PROMOTED * Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Aldred have re- ceived word from their son, Joel, who is overseas, telling of his promotion from the rank of Flight-Licutenant to Squadron Leader, Congratulations, Joel! and we hope to see you home be- fore 'long. Miss Grace Pickard has returned to her home in Port Perry after a plea- sant visit with friends in Western Canada. 0/S David Bentley is enjoying twenty-eight days' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, I. R. Bentley. Mrs. A. D. Wheeler has returned home, after spending the past few months at New Westminster, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cawker, of Toronto, visited relatives in town over the week-end. 1 Flight-Lieut. Burgess Beare, D.F.C., of the R.C.A.F., is home again after several years overseas, Burgess saw action in North Africa and the Medi- terranean theatre of war. Gnr. Robert Allin, R.C.IX.M.E., who has been stationed on the West Coast, is spending his furlough with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. C. Wilson, } Mr. Gordon Reneau, of Toronto, visited at the W. Ii. MacGregor home during the week-end. Mrs. Robert Woods was visiting with relatives and friends in Toronto for ten days recently. Capt. Wm. T. Harris, of Ottawa, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs, W. H. Harris and other relatives, The Girls' Auxiliary, of the Church kyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, * supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. RK. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST SEAGRAVE The ladies of the Seagrave W.A. AIR CONDITIONED A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Parking I'riday and Saturday, MAY 25-26 Two Sensational Features Anne Baxter, John Hodiak, in had a very special atternoon on Weld- nesday, May loth, when they accepted anoanvitation to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. tiolaershaw, in their new home in trooklin, Lhe weather was not what we anlght have wished, but that did not keep the ladies home, for about SINLy-hve were present from Seagrave, rort terry, >ainttield and Brooklin, Mrs. Ke Keynolds, leader of West "SUNDAY DINNER for a SOLDIER" with Charles Winninger and Jane Darwell. You'll love this wonderful fam- ily. and the Soldier they Group, wok cnarge of the devotional Adopted for a Day, and opened with the theme song, Lhe | whole service centred around the top, ON THE SAME PROGRAM "The Fighting Lady' |! In Technicolor "Cnrstian Homes", "Mrs, 'Lristram, ol ort erry, gave a splendid paper on the topic. Wwe were glad to have ner with us, Mrs. Gordon Holdershaw sang a solo, "Bless This House", Mrs. AL bruce, President of the W.A., then Louk the chan and conducted the busi- Phone 32 A drama of the Pacific. A full- of-fight feature-- thrillingly told by Lt. Robert Taylor, USNR. I Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS" with Mary Astor, Tom Drake, | Lucille Bremer, Marjorie Main. Glorious Technicolor Romance with Songs, Gaiety and Heart : ' throbs. of the Ascension met at Miss Dorothy Balfour's on Tuesday evening. After a short business period, the girls en- joyed knitting for awhile, then re- freshments were served. Rev. Dr. Fletcher and Mrs: Flet= cher, of Bowmanville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Koch while in town on Sunday. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil Mills on Tuesday evening, May 29th. TAILLESS CALF John McLean, of Seagrave, reports the birth on his farm of a Holstein heifer calf, lacking a tail. This will add to the list of oddities. THRILLING ADVENTURE A picture of R. B. Moase, of the Thunderbird Squadron appeared in a recent issue of the Toronto Star. F/O R. B. Moase, formerly of Scagrave, has had some thrilling experiences in the Thunderbird Squadron, which has made 3000 flights and attacks on enemy objectives. A Letter from 6409 Servicing Ichelon, R.C.A.F. B.L.A. April I'lth, 1945 Dear Mr. Farmer, * Pt These are just a féw, lines from a citizen of the old home town. 1 hope this letter finds all of my friends in good health as it leavds me. My main reason in writing at this time is to say that on Monday, April 9th, I was a visitor at the Vimy Cana- dian War Memorial and saw there a sight that made me proud to be a Canadian, The occasion was the first Cana- 1 duce to my friends at home. dian Army Ceremonial Parade on the 28th anniversary of the capture of Vimy Ridge by the Canadian troops | of the last war, | As a newspaperman you will pro- bably have all the details of the cere- mony but here are a few of the details that' made this particular person proud of his country and fellow coun- trymen. d First--The Canadian Guard of Hon- our, which was made up of represen- tatives of each. of Canada's five divisions and members of the 1st and 2nd Canadian Corps of Troops. Their drill and march past the saluting base at the front of the Monument was truly the essence of perfection. One thought while watching them, that they might be a single unit especially trained for ceremonial drill but on _ closer inspection, this was seen to be impossible, owing to the various di- visional patches in evidence. They were just men from many units of Canada's - First Army, who were chosen to represent their various units Yet so well did they perform it would geem as though they had always pa- raded together. : That Guard of Honour was inspect- ed by Gen, Crerar, accompanied by Canada's Ambassador to France, Mr. ' Vanier, , : Second--The music and drill of the, Canadian Massed Pipe Band. That! band was made up of men from nearly every Canadian Highland regiment. That was a sight well worth seeing. There is nothing, to my mind, more stirring than the martial music of a pipe and drum band, To see over one hundred men marching along, kilts swaying in the intricate steps of the) counter march, is a spectacle to gladden the eyes of any man especial : Y | | ly a man with a trace of Scottish | ancestry. ~~ 'T'hat pipe band was, to the Irench civilians present, the feature attrac- tion. The French people literally! went berserk with joy when the band played and marched in drill after the mam ceremony. The applause they | were greeted with was almost over- whelming and everywhere the French' people were saying "Le Canadienne lueossais est trés bonne". That ceremony at Vimy was one that I was very glad to be able to attend. In all the crowd of soldiers present, I saw no one from Port, but 1 did manage to meet a couple of men of the Lincoln and Welland Reg. whom 1 knew while working in Fort Erie. That covers the highlights of the parade at Vimy and that is the rea- son for this letter. wt 1 will close now wishing all the folks at home thé best wishes and loping that they may soon be re- united with their loved ones, who are with the Canadian Services overseas? The war news is very good now and we are nearing the end of a long and bitter struggle. Hoping to see you all at home in the near future. Garnet Weir. P.S.--When 1 return, I shall be bringing with me a new face to intro- 1 was married in Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng-i land, on March 3rd this year. IN MEMORIAM ANDERSON---In loving memory of our dear sister, Mrs. J. Anderson, nainiy reports and plans tor the com- ing Anniversary Supper, May : roll, those of Mrs, Bert Wanamaker, Wed., Thurs.. Mrs. Ge Holdershaw, Mrs, IY. Cooks- Mon., Tues. MAY 28-31 ton, marks, and the meeting closed with in the singing of the hymn "Now Thank appropriate at this time, and the bene- diction, one group, another committee pro- LMS. { year, were unique in their trimmings iess part ob the meeting, 'LThis was 29th. three new names were added to the Rev. Mr. Morris made a few re- We All Our God", which is so very Winte lunch was being prepared by vided some entertainment, Mrs. MWalkings conducted several stunts, G. Jashley gave a humorous reading, Mrs, I. Harding and Murs, J. tobi contributed a duet, and Rev. Mir: Morris led in community singing, Kefreshments were then served in true, Scagravian style, the best in quafity and quantity, and an afternoon thal will long be remembered by those, present came to a close. Several of our residents have re- turned to their homes: Mrs. Dale, who spent the winter in Hamilton; Mrs, J. Shunk who has been with a cousin in Nestleton, and Mrs, Tanner who has been with her daughter in Toronto. We are glad to welcome them home, We all got a thrill on seeing the the picture of Reg. Moase in the To- ronto Star on Monday. He looked very well and happy. We understand he has volunteered for service inf India. Rev. D. P, and Mrs, Morris and Mr. L.. Scott spent Tuesday in Toronto visiting mutual friends. Miss Illingworth, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs, B.- Wana- maker. Myrile Station <The Birthday Tea held on Wednes- afternoon of last week in the church basement, under the auspices of the Woman's Association was a de- cided success, Having become re- signed to the continuous rains the ladies simply ignored the inclement weather and came out prepared to en- joy a pleasant afternoon, Visitors were there from Oshawa, Raglan and Ashburn. The twelve tables, each decorated to represent a month of the and gave a charming appearance to th¢ room. After an interesting pro-. gram of readings and vocal solos by the following ladies: Mrs. A. J. Grose, Mrs. R. Moon, Mrs. R, Lunney, Mrs. Is, leron, Mrs. A. Eyers, Mrs, C. Har- Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but in vain; To have, to lose, and then to part, | Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never-- The memory of those happy days When we were all together. Sadly missed by her son Hugh, daughter Jean and Christie family WEARN---In loving memory of Flt. Sgt. Leslie Allan Wearn, who was re- ported missing May 21st, 1943, i No one knows the silent heartaches, | Only those who have loved can tell The grief we bear in silence For the one we loved so well, Lovingly remembered by Muriel, Karle and Family. ] Lo " (M MARK--In loving memory of Dear Mother, Euretta Mark, who passed away May 24th, 1940, Till we meet again, dear Mother Upon that wondrous shore, Where partings are forgotten And sorrow is no more, Those willing hands, that tender heart, At rest from toil and pain; Sleep on, dear Mother, in Heavenly j peace, Until we meet again, i [over remembered by | Nora and Lottie, IRWIN -- In loving memory of a -dear wife and mother, Clara Irwin, who passed away, May 28th, 1942, Beautiful memories are all we have! e Of her we loved dearly and shall never forget; Her loving smile and happy face, A broken link we ean never replace, Bad was the parting, no one can tell, + So sudden on earth the sorrow fell, Memory we treasure no one can! steal; * Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal, Sadly missed by Isaiah, Sina, | and gr I Saturday. rison, a couple of contests were ar- ranged. While the guests were locat- ing their tables Mrs, Fred Beadle played a piano solo -- a medley of patriotic numbers which was very much in keeping with our glorious victory in Iturope. The euchre and dance on Friday night in the community hall sponsored by the Raglan Community Club was fairly well attended. The funds thus raised were to go toward making up boxes for their boys overseas. Pte. Douglas Taylor of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents. Mrs. L. L. Ross and Evelyn of Utica, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ross' father, Mr. J. Dickson. : David-and Mrs. Luery were in Stir- ling on Tuesday when they attended the funeral of Dave's sister, Mrs, J. artin, : 1.A.C. George Cooper, R.C.A.F., of Hamilton, and lady friend of Toronto, were week-end guests of George's parents, James and Mrs, Cooper. Mrs. A. Mitchell and Gary arrived home on Sunday evening after a very pleasant week spent with relatives i Toronto. - MT. Jack Eyers, of Toronto, was a Sunday evening visitor with his brother Albert and Mrs. Eyers, A number. of Oddfellows and their wives from our neighborhood attend- ed the special service for the members: of Beethoven Lodge, held in Brooklin United Church on Sunday afternoon, and conducted by Rev. W. C. Smith of Port Perry. - Mrs, Moore, of Oshawa, was a guest of the Harold Hamiltons over the week-end, Mrs, A. Parrinder and Mrs, C, Har- rison were visitors in Port Perry on Mrs, Clarerice Hayes and Mra, L. Guy, of Columbus, were vigitors at the John Quinn 'home on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maw were visitors in Brooklin on Saturday, Phone Orders Receive Prompt Attention - Saturday Special-- "Jam Top Buns" : [A ---- a. fl i i Lawrence's Drug Store News | at the REXALL, STORE ' GERROW BROS. ----_-- I... "DANCE in 'MEMORY HALL, UTICA FRIDAY, MAY 25, 8 p.m. Meet Progressive-Conservative Candidates--Major Jim MacBrien and Mr. Kelly Creighton. NO ADMISSION FEE Progressive-Conservative Association Two Liberal Meetings Greenbank Community Hall, at 8,00 p.m., Monday, May 28th PORT PERRY Town Hall, at 8. p.m., Wednesday, May 30th SPEAKERS W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, FEDERAL CANDIDATE DR. W. H. GIFFORD, PROVINCIAL CANDIDATE MR. W. H. MOORE FORMER FEDERAL MEMBER F. M. CHAPMAN, The issues in both Foderal and Provinial Elections. will be discussed. You are invited to attend. GOD SAVE THE KING | continue the delivery of flowers and wn ps SAS pri Pak operat, be gd 4 Se You can Save with Safety Stationery, PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Rexall Remedies, Toiletries, ~ Puretest Household Drugs Sundries PHONE 49 10 {1 DDO Cc PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 27th-- 10 a.m,--Sunday School, 11 am.--The Need of a Forward Movement in Christian Circles. 7 p.m.--Rev. J. A. Plant, B.A., will preach, A Call to Christian Worship. . CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN ._ Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector Sunday, May 27th-- } 10/a.m.--Sunday School - p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. MacMillan, Minister Sunday, May 27th-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship Sunday, June 3rd--- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship During the summer, months, services will be held every Sunday morning. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor : 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. ETTEY'S GREENHOUSE Owing to scarcity of help and gas rationing, I find it necessary to dis- plants, ete, for this season. I also find it unsatisfactory to place aside any orders during the busy season. This season it will be--First Come, First Served. A I thank you for past favours, and trust to give you satisfaction in 'the future. WM. ETTEY. pT TTY -- Listen to. GEORGE DREW The Opening Broadcast for the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF ONTARIO \ PR TEE ------=-,e NY \ . \ \\ A rr MN N ANN NN NANA NN AN NN Aah NN NN Q NN \\ Monday, May 28th, 8.30 p.m, Over CKEY, Toronto Wednesday, May 30th, 7.00 p.m.' CKCO, Ottawn Friday, June 1, 11.30 p:m, CFRB, Toronto & Thursday, May 31,8 p.m. TOTTI: Jue, NN NA NN NN NN N\ NN NN \ NN NN \\ NY WN A CONSERVATIVE FOR SALE BY TENDER + Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on June Oth, for the property known as Lots 110 and 111 on Corner of Casimer and Water Streets in the Village of Port Perry. Highest or any tender LEAVING PORT PERRY Mr. and Mrs, Albert Napier left on Wednesday * for their new home in Paterson ,N.J. We are loging good citizens, We wish them happiness and health, .Slendor Tablets-- harmless and ef- foctive, 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $6.00, At Lawrence's Drug Store, not necessarily accepted, H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk-Treasurer, Corporation of Port Perry. COOK WANTED Female, for summer eamp. For particulars, Phone Port Perry, 67-4, "| news that her husband, Flight-Lieut. J Luft III and arrived in England on Bray Chicks have done well for others-- why not for you? 100% live delivery guaranteed. Jusi let me know what you want, Agent -- A. R. GRAY, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. AUCTION SALES Saturday, May 26--Farm Stock, Im- plements, Grain, Hay and some furni- ture, the bropery of James Adams, Lot 356, Con. 10, rke Twp.; also at the same time and place, some furni- ture and other articles belonging to the late W, R. Adams. Sale at'l p.m, Terms Cash, ; Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer . Saturday, June 9th -- Household Effects belonging to Mrs. Neil Sweet- man, at her residence, Queen St., Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer F/I, RAINVILLE IS LIBERATED Mrs, G. Rainville received a cable- gram from Ottawa last, week with the Guy Henri Rainville, D.F.M., has been released from . prison camp Stalag May 9, 1946. He was reported miss- ing Jan, 18, 1944, .°' Flight-Lieut. Rainville, D.F.M., en- listed in the R.C/A.F. in the spring of 1940 and went overseas In April, 1941. On completing a tour of operations "he returned to Canada, going overseas (a second time on" Dec. 20, 1942, In June, 1043, he was decorated by King George VI at. Buckingham Palace, His wife and little daughter Cecile, are living with Mrs, Rainville's pa- rents, Mr, and Mrs, E, Hayes. Corns instantly relieved with Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve--the effective corn remedy. b0¢ at Lawrence's Drug Store, A. M. LAWRENCE 170 Rencll swore J YT PORT PERRY NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair. ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR " SHOP STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor- Port Perry, Ontario. Taylor's Auto Electric PORT PERRY GENERATORS STARTERS - FIELD COILS REPAIRED and EXCHANGED BILL TAYLOR :: Proprietor In days of uncertainty, reliable INSURANCE is essential, "Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consult H. W. ENNIMERSON Phone 41 pt Port Perry _ BIGoRST SHOW VALUE IN OSHAWA ° Bilt Smoking In The Loges THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily / Friday and Saturday, MAY 25-26 BOB HOPE and MADELIENE CARROLL, in "My Favorite Blonde" --second-- "Calling Wild Bill Elliott" with BILL ELLIOTT and GEORGE GABBY HAYES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MAY 28-29-30 ANN SHERIDAN, DENNIS MORGAN, IRENE MANNING, in t "Shine on Harvest Moon" -- ADDED -- JAMES CRAIG and DEAN JAGGER, in "Omaha Trail"

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