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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Jun 1945, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1946 BROCK THEATRE "Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JUNE 7-8-9 Two Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 "Hollywood Canteen" with 62 STARS including Jack BENNY, Eddie CANTOR, Bette DAVIS, Joan CRAWFORD, Dennis MORGAN, Roy ROGERS, ANDREWS Sisters, Joe E. BROWN. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 11-12-13 Two Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. "The Very Thought of You" starring Dennis Morgan, Dane Clark, Eleanor Parker, Faye Emerson. Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JUNE 14-15-16 "My Pal Wolf" with Sharyn Moffett, Jill Esmond, and Una O'Connor. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24%; Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office ea Tuesday, and Thursday afterncon of each week or by appelntment. (The firm of Greer & Humphreys io dissolved) Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 Your Phone Orders Receive - ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry offices on Wednesday morning and Friday afterncon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C., Bleep's Insurance Office. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for . X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Port Perry Phones: Office 68w; Residence 68J Careful Attention roses | CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers Choice Meats at all Times WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY | The Best the Market Offers | DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIBT Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber } Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Ory Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. Port Perry | SUITS CLEANED | SUITS SPONGED AND PRESBEDI§ PLYWOOD We now have on hand a limited supply of Plywood, Masonite (tempered or untempered), Tileboard and Enamelled Tile- hoard. Modernize your bathroom or kitchen with these easily applied: products. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. E. Reesor Phone T3w ~~ F. G. Reesor OROROPORIFOROPO "a 80 '0.8% 40 0% $4 4 o ogo 585858588888 8838588 8,0 8,08, 0% 8% 4% 4% | Standing over glx feet tall, Major J -- with the burly shoulders of a hard-rock man, tipping the scales at over 200 pounds, with the friendly Irish smile that denotes his anc estry, Major James MacBrien, a Port Perry boy, has come back home on leave from the Imperial Army after years of desert war- fare, to be the Progressive Conservative Candidate in the Federal Election for Ontario Riding. The story of his short span of life is one that will match all the romance of Horatio Alger. He was no bookworm: as a youth around Port Perry, Lake Scugog, and he wished to see the world, strictly on his own. Northern Ontario, At 16 he was in the bush in working with his hands on Hydro construction and industrial enterprises. Later he worked in the wilds of Quebec on similar projects. Next he went underground into mines with pick and shovel, problems at first h rock shoulders. He met and saw labor's and and developed his hard- Wtih money saved, he decided on a University engineering course a » nd paid his way for two years, Not satisfied, he returned to adventure and = study of Canada. He became Chief of Suppl a R.C.M.P. ship destined for the Arctic. ext. he turned up as an organizer for the first R.C. M.P. base at Great Bear Lake, With a picture of Canada in his mind embracing farm, mine, con- structions, industry, labor and government, he decided on Law as a career offering opportunity for greatest service, So Jim MacBrien Law School, using hands in summer's 1 helped work 'his way through dollars earned by -calloused hard work, He graduated, was called to the Bar of New Brunswick, trans- ferred to the Ontario Bar, and began a practice in Timmins, Ontario, specializing in' mining law and labor relations. as. A. MacBrien Progressive-Conservative Candidate (Dominion) 'ONTARIO RIDING ney) -- Then came the war. He at once went to [ing- land and.enlisted as a private in the Royal Fusi- liers, then saw service in France as a private and corporal in the Scots Guards before attaining a commission in the Royal Enniskillen Fusiliers from the old MacBrien home of Enniskillen. He was drafted to the Middle East, joining Wavell as a reinforcement officer in late 1940, later serving in the same capacity with the 8th Army under Generals Ritchie, Auchinleck and Montgomery. He fought all through the desert campaigns, rose to the rank of Major, and finally was given leave home. Of a family of three sons and two daughters, all three boys enlisted early in the present war. Michael MacBrién became an aerial instructor in Navigation with the R.C.A.F. and was killed in 1941. William, a Group Captain, in the R.C.A.I",, had command of the Canadian Group of the British Tactical Airforce in the invasion of ISurope and is now in Ottawa, a. His great grandmother, widow of James Mac- Brien, discoverer of gold in Australia, came from Enniskillen, Ireland, with five young children, and took up land in the Howden Settlement, north of Whitby.- + His grandfather, James MaecBrien, went north to Prince Albert-Port Perry district to actively farm while at the same time he super- vised local schools as district inspector. His father, Sir James MacBrien, went through the South African War, distinguished himself in the last World War, rose to Major-General and Chief of Staff of the Canadian Army, was knighted and died in harness as Chief Commissioner, Royal Can- adian Mounted Police in 1983. « \ WIN WITH BRACKEN VOTE FOR MAJOR JAMES MacBRIEN Published by the Progressive Conservative Party, Ottawa, Boots, Wedges. Summer wear. GOODRICH SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY Canvas, Rubber Soles, Straps, Oxfords, Real quality Shoes for 'Market Prices. FELTOL RUGS 9x 12, $8.50 9 x 10145, $7.50 9 x 9, $6.50 Smaller Sizes Priced Accordingly. CONGOLEUM RUGS, 42 x 9 ft., $3.50 SISMAN'S BOOTS AND SHOES Men's Work Boots, $4.95, $5.50 Men's Oxfords, $3.75 Boy's Boots, $2.98 Boy's Oxfords, $3.35 Black Tea, 59c. lb. Newport Fluffs, 25¢c. and 39c. | Amber Honey 76c¢. 4 lbs. America Dry, Large Bottle, 18c. Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 75c. Habitant Pea Soup, 2 tins for 23c. GROCERIES Pure Lard, 18c. 1b. Plants 20c. Box DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls to me. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Archer, late! of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer. All persons having claims against the Iistate of the above named who died May 1st, 1945, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or '| before June 30th, 1945, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after June 30th, 1945, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 26th day of May, 1946. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Iixecutors, junld FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on June Oth, for the property known as Lots 110 and 111 on Corner of Casimer and Water Streets in the Village of Port Perry, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk-Treasurer, Corporation of Port Perry. AUCTION SALES Saturday, June 9th -- Household Effects belonging to Mrs. Neil Sweet- man, at her residence, Queen St., Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer FRIDAY, JUNE 8th--100 Yorkshire Hogs, Implements and Horse, be- longing to Smith Bros,, High Point Farms, Reach Twp., %% mile west of Nos. 7 and 12 Highway, at Prospect. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms Cash. TED JACKSON. Auctioneer WANTED Woman for kitchen work and .girl ag waitress. Apply at Taylor's Res- taurant, Port Perry, FOR SALE Cosy Home Cook Stove, cream enamel front, back and shelf, polished steel top; in first class 'condition; coal or wood, Phone 249 Port Perry. FOR SALE 3-piece bedroom suite, Radio, (elec- tric), Cook stove, Stretcher with mat- tress, Sewing Machine, (Raymond), Box 4, Seagrave P.O,, Ont, W. J. KING Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 TENDERS FOR COAL Federal Buildings AND COKE Province of Ontario GEALED tenders addressed to the Under- signed and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be received until 8 p.m. (E.D.B.T.). WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1045, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Archi. tect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders should be made on the forms sup- plied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and con- ditions attached thercto. Coal dealers' license numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to de- mand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Publle Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and ita . con- stituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount, Such security, will serve na a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. M. BOMERVILLE, Becretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 26th, 1045. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Farm of twelve acres, Brick house. Burn on stone foundation; stabling. Situated one mile east of Greenbank. 'off No. 12 Highway. Apply to Albert Akhurst, R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ontario. Publie | FRESH BAKING DAILY Bread, Buns, Pies, Tarts Saturday Special--"Sugar Doughnuts" WORK WANTED Nigh, Schaol girl, and High School hoy wre seeking summer holidays. Port Perry. © WANTED Year old Leghorn Pullets. to I'rank Bradley. Perry. ' work during the Apply to Box 1, Apply Phone 75R, Port FOR SALE 3 young Holstein Cows, just fresh; also some shoats. Apply to Chas. N. Howsam, half way between Man- chester and Port Perry. Phone 90 r 11 Bray Chicks have done well for others-- why not for you? 100% live delivery guaranteed. Just let me know what you want, Agent -- 'A. R. GRAY, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. LIVE POULTRY AND FEATHERS WANTED Good prices paid. We have no agents but buy personally, M. FLATT BETHANY, R.R.1 Phone 7 r 13 Bethany june? WANTED To buy or rent large stove for Christian Camp accommodating 60 children in Port Perry during summer months. Apply to Box 19 Port Perry Star. ~ Phone 32 GERROW BROS. | - a eG ng | rh ot = ace NCAA. rr nS a on Ee -- Tp a OT YS RN TR PN tH a? 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