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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Jun 1945, p. 6

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FX LI | EAH nr wy Lye ite a A 5 vibe TERA {PT Ea ad a es a a a MEAN RRIF SRS RNA SARL ~ OTTAWA REPORTS That A European Market For Canadian Seed Potatoes May Be Established yf ven a lend-lease enormous quantities of : 3 Cost of Victory supplies of many kinds for Russia ital d for United States f i To Great Britain: yi for Unied: Blais lores a, British plants during the war 'What Britain Has Done To have turned out 1,000,000 tons of Win. Vi Briefly Told nava' vessels (to last June), many By gory J y thousands of aircraft, 25,000 tanks, 1,000,000 other military vehicles. Memories a.e, short, and it is 1 Fifteen vioulie age Briss ad well to put on record this brief ost 11m, ons of her merchan ; " fleet of 17,500,000 ton--had built statement.of the cost of victory to 4,500,000 tons. Britain. To February .of this year of the "people of the United Kingdom 216, 287 had been killed by the enemy, this being 70 per cent. of the total CHURCHILL CAMPAIGNS IN RAIN The recent asrival of two steam- er loads of certified seed potatoes in France from New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island recalls a long standing European embargo on potatoes from this continent de- 'signed to keep out the Colorado beetle. First found in the western states Britain's war expenditures by last * November reached 25 billiow pounds (over 100 billion dollars), of which about one-half was cover in 1824, the potato beetle had spread to the Atlantic seaboard 50 for the Empire and nearly 45 per ed by taxes. ; cent. of the total figure for the That, very briefly, is what Bri- years later. News of its ravages reached across the Atlantic, and, led by the German government in 1875, several continental countries issued decrees against the import ation of potatoes from North Amer rica. While the decrees prevented ? a potato shipment they did not stop Prince Carl Johan, youngest son the beetle, which was later found of the Swedish Crown Prince at Hamburg. The Germans ruth- tain has done, so far as words and "figure can speak of her gigantic ef- fort. It is the: story of victory and of the price of victory. SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES, We Western Allies. Ineluding civil ians, nearly 80 per cent. of all Bri- tish- subjects killed by enemy ac: tion were from the United King- dom. : One house of Britain's every three was destroyed or damaged by enemy air action, About 6,500,000 men and women ro Gustav Adolf has defied his grand- lessly eradicated it, but it turned up or one in even of the population, tS hy -- Jaton, Sung Suum, who refused again at Bordeaux, where large "served in the armed forces or in Sire 2 ie Wye of Sai. 4 o approve his intent to marry numbers of United States troops full-time civitian defence, More + for apy. purpose. Vis 4 ; ) s 0 States if ' as, © Ite lees. y W VOICE OF THE coplinonen, Be dicted shove landed during World War I. Today than 3,000,000 others served in part mh ® "for. prices, ore: to 2 : . Fishing it is common in several European i : time civil defence or in the Home : ¥ daughter of a Swedish theologian. p . Ea LR 3 PRESS Couple is expected to visit America countries. Seeking re-election to his post as Prime Minister, Winston Guard, . J.6cJ. TAYLOR LIMITED of --) after wedding. Agricultura' officials at Ottawa Churchill launches nis campaign at Woodford, on the outskirts The United Kingdom has pro- SAFE Ww ih . ' are hopeful that the excellent con: of London. Mrs. Churchill sits under an umbrella, while Brit- duced about 70 per cent. of all: TORONTO ORKS 3 " MAVAL comune -- -- dition in which the recent ship- gigs war leader addresses crowd which had gathered despite munitions for the Empire and Com 145 Front St. 'F. Toronste 2 ie following remark was over- . ; ments of potatoes reached France eavy rain. "7 ' monwealth forces, provided under Established 1835 3 easy daghag deckhand sesehilng Empire Yours Sunqsy may lead to a wide market in Eu- | | , 1) detail: "I feel sorry for my mother, 1 e n Jun rope for Canadian potatoes, at least . / Sis, pes; twenty years tying to Services e for high quality seed. ' AGENTS WANTED VICTORY CHICK SALE FARMS FOR SALE ' PERSONAL teach me me to get dp carly in REPRESENTATIVE E FOR JUNE AND JULY BARRED RS ' ' : Maer. he i ! yo The day selected for the seventh « * * : wanted to sell astic: ans Rock Mixed 10c, Barred Rock 150 ACRES, TWE OF ROTTAV AS SICKNESS AND OTHER PROB- the morning, hang up my clothes, : : y B18, Pullets 1 aga, large bank barn, frame lems overcome in Jesus' Nam : ' bservance of Empire Youth Sun- As a service to persons in Cana especially suited. for Brick and ullets 16, White Leghorn mixed BB two E00d + wells--$5,000 es ame, shine my shoes, cat sensible food, ob ance "my . : ' Metal surfaces, also for Roofs 9c, White Leghorn Pullets 20c, po y Interdenominational book, thirty Ai, : Hf 1 Canad dt da anxious to get in touch with re » ; White Rock Mi cash. Write E. L. Taylor, Streets- cents, William Edsall, Nanticoke and go to bed early. Then 1 go day throughout Canada ant 1e Jativ a i 4 Finest quality products. Good Te te oe) " xed 16c, Brown ville. owner or see A. E. Culham, Fh ' . into the Navy and learn the whole British Commonwealth-Empire is Blives. or friends in-Furope, fhe Cg i Bo%raty 73- Adelkine Ee Hatcheries ha: Botan Stayner, Ont. Agent. = thing in ts wade? June the Tenth, The Canadian International Service of the cnc 2 > Helghts, Ont. ) 50 OR 100-ACRE FARM, 6 MILES PHOTOGRAPHY --St. Thomas Times-Journal Committee represents all the in co-operation with the Red Cross } BABY CHICKS west of Welland, 1% miles south Y St. : J . Bo bs and the ive Enquiry Bureau in Ottawa, will| STARTED PULLETS, BARRED SPECIAL PULLET SALE of Fenwick on gravel road; lays "TIME TESTED QUALITY : or - en. i d £ 'el Rocks and White Leghorns, 2 STARTED PULLETS, 1 WEEK high. well drained; clean and . Provincial Education Departments commence soon the free transmis weeks old" 26c. Goddard Chick old 22¢, 2 weeks old 26 cents, Im- productive, of good sandy loam; SERVICE and SATISFACTION y SHORT, SHORT STORY of the Dominion. sion of personal messages by short! Flagensries, Britannia Heights, mediate dellvery. Carleton Hatch- well fenced, 10 acres good bush, } o ¢ a 3 Retail supplies of shortening are His Majesty, the King, 'Patron wave to Czechoslovakia and the! ntarto. ery, Britannia Heights, Ontarlo. gan will gosd Ba i our films PIONEIE dev ioped and ES E C ' 3 Pay 0 . Ed shortly to be shortened 20 per cent. of the movement, has declared that Netherlands. Messages of up to 50 mena SUBSTITUTE FOR MOONEY'S CHICKS FROM BLOOD- large frame house with large 3 98 So Xrosuny ROLLS 26¢ 5 This shortening of shortening is Empire Youth Sunday reminds the words, submitted on forms obtain- By careful Deulling and" Woods 165100, Jiaverom at wporoved Es FINEST ENCARGING SERVICE pS apt to shorten a shortgrained house- younger generation of the ideals able at local Red Cross branches, Hsiihg under Sain Gaver. any province. White: RS he equipment, tlle silo, hog pen, You Oia not sel 311 the films you " rife' . " Hie Fe Ye . 3 . " E Superv n Twe e Hatch- v ' . n s year, but you can get a i Je s peiper phen hy tries to which hgve sustained the Empire in will form part of the regular Czech eries have succeeded by greatly : Cn hg LL ariye sone, i reap BT the quality and service you Sdesire - Y) pal 2 shortesie, wou dnt you past trials--ideals which we should and Nethe lans programs now be- Improving PLL A Lg ~~ Bay, Ont. garage. ete, Good Belgian team, by sending your fllms to ~~ - ~~ 4 think? ee ing transmitte Vos rv i years old, s.: harness; IMIPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE ie --Ottawa Citizen hand on to future gencrations. For ny ri d by on ae to fete Looeaing Hosks, Tweddle RELIABLE SUMMER CHICK M.H. binder: barn equipment for Statlon J. Toronto ~ 44 Jttawa Citizen, in youth's hands lies much of the se countries 1n their native lan- re thet none ed Sale. Rellable Chicks are from hay. Come and see. Everything wk a shaping of the post-war world. guages. If the experiment is sucess: vou get pot ol Bi For in yi Government ~~ Approved blood. for 31800 Harvey. "Chambers, i 3 WHAT THEY SPRANG FROM A as chown ws that the | ful the service may be extended tof =~ reasonably priced chick, Protife tested flocks, chicks that Geveltd {| emr--------ss--n--= "YOUR WORK IS Hitler and Mussolini were onl ' nou i cfi- other European countries, » deli eni bn dey le At meat birds, chicks that have : v » y young can be moulded into a def h ! or four week olds in all popular quality and livability for us and FEMALE HELP WANTED symbols, after all. They could nev nitely evil type. We have in mind } = * * . La Yi for Juno pricelist for you. After May 16, Sussex X EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE CUSTOMER SAYS 3 er have cursed our times if it had a very different culture inculcated At this writing, 6,530 Canadian Tune 15th. Older pullets 8 weeks tampa Barred Boke. Nay OPERATOR /*" ... and the prompt manner fin not been that there were millions by different methods. The object prisoners-of-war had been officially 5 Wid iF pweddie Chick Tots $17.95, bid Hos, Teg- Apply to nearest Employment and THch yon sth work is greatly of mute inglorious little Hitlers in view is a spiritual mobilization reported released from German pri- aicheries Limited, Fergus, OM, ap Jang. ¥nsoxen 3L.i SSiectiys Service Office. Flle pry Roll--6 or 8 Exposures ih ) a ; .00, cockerels .00. ; -- and lin ™ o oy ok the Yuh of the Empire and of a They Joenpsisey hy 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE Jophoms Hnsirn Sls.95, siete DEVELOPEY AND PRINTED 26¢ P --Vancouver Province. 1c world. o 1€ navy ' rom e . Order Reliable cks to- . : --0-- army, 1,873 ot the air force and| jggn Qualit PLANT Ont Siahs Taicnary, Eimi, HAlRDRPSgING Hr PEERY Platuean Bena 0 4 uality at greatly reduced ntario. : THEY CHOSE GUNS 99 merchant seamen, prices. The IMoes 87s Vary Jesson. Lx A R N HAIRDRESSING THE } CANADA LARGEST AND - y . " able for these Hig uality Breeder DYEING AND CLE obertson method. Information g s J When the Germans had a choice They Found Out * ¥* * Hatchery chicks. In buying May HAVE YOU NY THING NEEDS on request regardinz classes. Get B NEST. STUDIO 4 of guns or butter, they chose guns, The 25000 Canadian soldiers| and June. chicks, it is just as ime dyeing or cleaning? Write to us | Robertson's FHalrdressing Acad- BR lnmel Cont: 4A Should we now give them the but- On the western front, two Tibe slated to form the Canadian occu hm 16: alart With fis bey) ou LT Bl dl EE eastas SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER it ter? ' tans who had wafked into Russia, | pation force in Germany, under the prise New 1 vag Thc ment H. Parker's Dye Works : New Style Album With Prints i. 28d --Vancouver Sun, been promptly drafted into the Red | command of Major-General Chris| Rock x es aa Lififtas, 761" Yonge: Styuet Tor-f REL WayreD sizes 16-20-127 if 29¢ wn Army, then captured by the Ger- | Vokes of Kingston, are to be sta:| pet, Joo, 'Duflety $18.00 per 180 1 ons GviinpEn PRESSMAN WANTED, | i gi lt : : tioned i . rns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x SALE one with some experience on mans, . drafted into the German in an area of northwest Ger-| Leghorn mixed chicks $10.00 per BTRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR. make-ready. Steady position' for FRAMING AND COLORING You Will Enjoy Staying At Army, and finally captured by Can- many that centres on Hamburg. Ho Duliels EN per 100, She g8us: raspberries, prich, {ntes, steady rellable man. = (44-hour ENLARGEMENTS 3s for 25 ' : : : : : sorte xe cks $9. es, pears, um , : - = or z%e The ST. R adians, learned from a linguist for Representing 11 regiment§ from all per 100, Assorted Pullets $17.00 per grapes, currants, DE apt ry ' bi ARP, Jered to 4 x 6" in Easel Mounts e . i . . . y ging Selective Service Office. TORONTO the first time what all the fighting sections of Canada, the units will] 100. : shade trees, wire tree guards. FILE--C.R. 2519. Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful 5. (GWE INTL SINE was about, says Time Magazite. be made up of men now overseas| STARTED CHICKS--2 TO 4 Norfolk Nursery. Simeee. Ontarlo: | EXPERIBGNCED LINOTYPE OPER Sh lvory inted mats. Tx. 0 in k v n ow. . . - y Ss, x 9 % in Si Fb od WN, who volunteer for occupation for- WEEKS OLD $5,000--STORE AND DWELLING, ator and floor man wanted at Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut bes : @ Single, $2.50 up-- ces and men with low repatriation We can supply started chicks 2 to Cn Bs Tl te) once, steady position. (44-hour Black Ebony finish frames, 69¢c each. * Double, 83.60 up. HIS OBJECT point totals. A small flow of volun-| #4 Weeks old at reduced prices cement basement, §0 x 15, ali week). Apply nearest Employment | If enlargement colored, T9c each. 0 Good Foot Hintes and Dane. . } tals, low of volun-| § Wwesxs OlCadd 2e. 2 weeks old convenlences. Separate sale, Jow- and Selective Service Office. OLD PICTURES RESTORED Ing. Nightly One man spent so much on his teer reinforcements from Canada| add 4c to above day-old prices. sler'a aafs. and fixtures. Dhone FILE-CR 320+ - We can restore any old photograph -. Siete ns 31 Carlton girl friend that he had to marry will*Be maintaided 16 replace those WEEKLY aniur 62J, Brillinger, Arthur, or snapshot . . . and make any : Sg SPECIAL LIST-- nt, MACHINERY number of prints or enlargements Tel RA. 4135 her for his money. } who <have- to be returned to this STARTED CHICKS : desired. The process eo the --Quebec Chronicle Telegraph. country from tinte to time and also! gend for Weekly Special Ll LA AND EAN EMPIRE MILKING MACHINE RE. Work. of Sulile] srijsts,' bat the to provide f ti : 0 ckly Special IL st of = $210 n Ontarlo. oils pairs, pulsators overhauled, some cost is reasonable; Send us your " or rotation leave, prises of Started ohiils and, puilets pyst lad 8; weekly bushes wit rebuilt pulsators for exchange pleture and tell us what you want ve 8 . E ar . ---- range _pullets. Order Po this rg for SRRAngIon] Good money hie Vincent O'Nelll, Gananoque, Ont. fofte andi ne yn wl you ths cont . . or se r List. ow overhead; r . + ; : . Ra to 3! oe oon eivl Mg co Eh a warco "33 MOTOR GRADER | STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 3 Allies Seize Nazi ._ deposit, balance C.0.D. ed. Fully equipped and capably (30 HP) Scarifier. Caterpillar Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto | Ss | CP KEVIEW POULTRY | Aaa neautten o"ctoital of | oper Speeder fl Syardinovel, || Print Nome ang Address Plainly on D n . ' uper-Speed Boat Se fil health, Apply Dox 31, 78 ne trench hoe. All machines guar- Orders. ply , 13 Ade 8 THE ONLY SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRE FARM lalde W. Toronto, , anteed. Other 'equipment avail. Sram ; . 2 e. entha o., Machiner Allied occupation forces at Lue- A Breeding Farm of 5000 A 30 BED MATERNITY HOSPITAL Agents, McIntyre Block, Win. PROPERTIES WANTED TO BUY beck have seized Germany's "V-6" Layers. for, ais, Going Saleen, good Ee | WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING FO --a super-speed amphibious craft| WEIN BROS A mn al In town. n : ! . r.On ny Ontario Regist chick A which its Nazi inventors claim is : i gould operate ths business. Own: HAND PI ANTER TO PLA fown "or "vig" Houses: in a the "fastest surface vessel ever de- STARTED MIL BARGAINS, NY hand TL help tor and rr PANT, Con BE Send fo veloped, an Exchange Telegraph} Wis hs farred Jtooks Rew Reason for selling is poor health, operation, Places fertilizer at --we make no PER ge dispatch said 2 Barred Rocks 16.95. Pullets 24.95; All latest equipment, Hospital plow depth and spaced from seed. sell. Powell' and Company, b 8t. : eo .95. 95; has been runnng for 6 years. F. Quantities gdjustable. A boy can Clair Bast; T ! Tt . cockerels 16.95. White Leghorn y . For 5 Toronto, ie vessel, originally designed to White Leghorn X Barred Rock, wide hat iptopinadon and. reps AL Wl Mi Ee run supplies to the isolated Ger- rani ote Pallets 260% Office: "Box 320," Deni, © ag Roblin, Ontario. Hynes, So TEACH 'WANT : week old add 5c, 4 week old 4 3 ' ntario, ' : 3 ERS WANTED pan garsisens % hiss Sinn) Is- add Tle. Die ather breeds. Send Cannas, MEDICAL PROTESTANT TEAC and was decribed ve being bout | HEGRE IANO | Tv me coon Fats on | STACK. ARL Sunt af EGE | Boye al Hox, Chnnfinze , ree - ease state salary 2and quali- / torpedo boat and resembling a LIMITED QUANTITY. STARTED to twelve WA dollars, For in humana, all AES. No one im- fications, Apply to 4 B. Fletcher, a \ / H chicks on hand. For k 1- y . 0 y + No. 1, Belwoo n 7 st lined hyd hic) hand chic pu articulars, apply Jas. Donohue, mune hy not find out if: this RR. No. 1, Bel d, Ont. wy C ; / fon: het nd roplane. let, cockerel delivery June-July onohue Garage, Renfrew, Ont, is Sout troutie? frterestlng par- ' nvente a Ge i 'ord ¢ culars--Free! Write, Mulveney's |, named Figen Yon Say Supa 1h Roth id Th Raton BO AND oop aL APH Remedies. Spectallsts. Toronto 8. A oil, Bali CAR ownets have been wondering just cralt was cepted Capa " ne ery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. both like new, dlamond eparator SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY | Jus term, Duties to commence how safe synthetic rubber tires are-- taini GOOD STEADY PROFITS ARE heavy gauge barb wire, asbestos sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Sept. 5. Apply, stating quallfica~ just how much mileage they 'will give. aining a speed of 50 knots with- walting--oinvest- in. the: best" shingles, harnesses. E. Kunanec, Neuritls should try, Dixona, Rem {ops raaty exported Qi 53 Firestone decided to put its tires to. the in 20 seconds and coming to a with Top Notch chicks, There is Js8: Searhors Crescent, Scarboro ire Sola HA Munro Drug Lisle, Ont. ! en supreme test: So a race car wa ipped complete stop from cruising speed no guessing about health and llv- a Bal i pald $1.00 / : i pr r 8 equip { ability when ou 'order To é : . : WANTED, PR n b TED, PROTESTANT TEACH- with regular, stock Firestone Synthetic in 10 seconds. Ay En i tren" |. FOR 3ALE. SUCCHISTUL CREAM. " er for 8.8. No. 7 Windh Rubber Tires, the same as you can buy : ) SpyeInmin "Approved. bloodtest- ae Gy ua i ey ES Tah, a. tact Mrs. Marguerite Lucas, Nix. o for your car, and raced for 500 miles i IB No owner retiring on account of {ll- 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Sia Pr sxpetionts, aud around the Indianapolis Speedway under sexed: White Leghorns, Barred Ea Lar, Yor further Drug Store. Ottawa. 2 - oc te Leghorns, Austra d Ameriogn Autoriobile Association. super Whites 9.95: 2 Legh Boks, New Adelaide W., Toronto. CHIROP WANTED Ha Humpshirgs, New Hamprhirs X | 100° ACRES, 80 CULTIVATED, RE- RACTOR GENET bier Sw Junot, Shires time wis Nothials dios dia TARDE cocks 10.95, Assorisd maining pasture, good buildings, |; H, 5 SIMONSON, CHIROPRACTOR, Weatorn of CARtFal ONtALIo, #9 othin yo rn on stone, driv 'atree a oro "a y/ - ~ ke [ hg ndianapolis Sweepstakes, in ne ARISE la) ek Assorted Heavies 9.95. Pullets: NPR TE ving, alied sw Hours 1 p.m. to 8 Ser turnover. Box 30, 78 Adelaide W., volunteered to make the run; And he sing. than headaches... White Leghorns, Barred, Rock: Xi |i \ use, 9 am to 1 i TORONTO. averaged 100.84 mifles an hour, hitting y suffér?... Lamb! Yehlle, Leghorns, HAustie Whites reat oY gale Sori Al - ; more than 135 miles an hour on: the wy give instant relief. BE Barren Tracica: 1T08 NOW foncern. situated 1 mile ftom. | IT's PROVEN..EVERY SUFFERER | OLTCRICHITY FOR CRNERIL E straightawdys! Imagine the punishment Lam ty'sis good forear- Hampahires 18.95 aout "LANE } alock inoludes 9 Durham and of Rheumatie Pains or Neurltls blacksmith, welder, with. own A ra AATSH! . « J ¢ A Cc the" tough brick and grinding sepals back somsch. bowel. RRR A BC Ao Cl Baie" und hay Sraiiabie Gold Toug alt... ) ach, e ayies rh, ockere a; 2 youhg calves, & milking: cown, i 1d, $1. mine for. right men. Box 99 Sqaal to 50,000 miles of ordinary afiving| Rooks Newt Hampshire X Barred 7 1-year-olds, aged RERY mare, Pe Ta Middieport, Ont, : ' - et, in this grueling, tire-torturing test, Rocks 10.95, New Hampshires 100 laying: hens: &teel wagon, PPORTUNITIES' FOR WOM ' ' not a skid or blowout occurred. 3.05, Assotted Heavien Siok: White Toploments. 42 So hr, oral BE A HAIRDR ted aren ithio nm ndred : Leghorn Barred - Rocka 4.95, ALY i 2 § / SALA Ly rg I rae reutone ate 2 Wesk old nad fo Werle old RR. L; Ennismare, Ont } JOIN CANADA'S I dun ales or Rivers Humdingy. tan mission to buy mew tires--Firestone are a ec, 4 week old add 18c. | RUSINRES FOR SALE, FARM M Great O 13 Ww. Ast IPT oy £ " As | a pportunity, Learn material. Box" the only tires made that are safety- BE er ne i Jower. chinery, other articles and mach- Ha rdcessing Toronto. ox 34; 78 Adelalds W., ; d proved on the speedway for your pro- 8 week old and older fres range AY ES mains Op La) wigan, thouands successful Ma vo . J vin ea rve i i Yin Foetion on the palists. on Noten Chickerles, blocks for wining and adie. graduates, America's greatest ays: WE BUY . 3 A. A a , ' Ruitable machinery, for repairing. |: me Hiustated catalogue free hundreds oh Herbs, Roots, Barks, ~ o minutes' wa o large sn ", i : erries, ¥ NOW ROCK x LEGHORNG HIL76, AUS | bunks nd poviortics. Bartieniars MARVEL, HAIRDRESSING PRICES HIGHER NOW | Firestone a Ir A a BR ZN x ery, Newtonbrook, Ont. ; : Branches: 44 King 8t. H he : i 4 - : . Hamilton "e 3 ; , / : ; i Gor G0 groper ELECTRIC MOTORS, & 74 Rideau direct. Dom tors MADE OF FIRES BATTERIES REDUCED PRICES FQR AEA IR tT Rida Street ttm | rom Hnion Herb Distribu ' J ESTONE 'ly Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ' CHICKS : lays, brushes Allen Elecfric Com. + lawrence, Rivd. Montreal wv not only helps relieve periodic pain but | NARRED ROCKS 120, LEGHORN BRL Tl il A IR nuyT HARDWOOD WANTED . . i ; ALSO accompanying netvous, tired, Plullets 22¢, Barred Rook Pullete FRED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR p A highstrung feelings = when due to func- 20c, Leghorns are Barron strain, 400 ACRES GOOD . DAIRY sells, exchanges musical Instru- ALL | tional monthly disturbances, It's one of i TH A 600-1 te nm, North of EES Or. IARDWOOD mY tonal monthly disturbances, Icyoneot | of biseders are' vicodctesess (.. Relieville, Sednes Tiwoshv, 1630 TTC navens == | LUMBER, WHOLE CUTS PRE H : e land, 150 work PATENTS i FER . joo U B fi Pinkham's Compound helps naturel | 4120 Leghorn Pullets elght weeks land, 75 hardwood, 25 softwood RRED, ' f UB B ER ollow label directions. Try it! od, Say a thered ahd roosting, bush, 13 room double hrick house, FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY : = 4 Lydia & Pinkham Sons | = sr: Son dollar trols your order nen, Mable: close tb chmreh DE Ie est Torante ERIE FLOORING & WOOD - ; y ; 1 : 3 Ao Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, and school, Harris, Harrls & Booklet of oy AA Teton. PRODUCTS LTD,, d Wallace, 41 Alger Bldg, Oshawa. quest, 46 Ernest Ave, Toronto - ME. 7444 Lie Be lb a ara a 3 ¥ 4] 3

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