LOCAL PAE A ~N NEWS hed i SHA Es THR OUR BOYS ARE COMING HOME BEAD 2 The boys of Port Perry are grad- p23 ually arriving home from overseas. During this past week, we are glad to welcome back L.A.C. Harold Hayes, L.A.C. Dennis Fralick, 1.A.C. John Christie, and Sgt. Ivan Kerry, all of the R.C.A.F. Driver Clarence Butson is home, too. Clarence .was wounded but we are happy to learn he is improving grad- ually. Stoker First Class H. H. "Tim" Gatenby is home on 58 days' leave before proceeding to the Pacific. We welcome this young navy man and trust he will have an enjoyable leave. Lilly Brock left Malton on Monday ' to fly by 'plane to Union, N.J., where he will spend a couple of weeks with Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Jackson and Stan- ley. N/S Ruth Hall, R.C.A.I',, of St. Thomas, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hall, during the week-end. Mr. Bielby, of Niagara alls, a former teacher on the High School staff, was a week-end visitor with Mr. and: Mrs, Wm. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. T. Strauss have re- turned to their home in Alliance, Ohio, after a short visit with Mr. gnd Mrs, G. M. McKee. Dr. C. P. and Mrs, Peterson, of To- ronto, were Sunday visitors with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Corner, Bert and Jean, of Port Dalhousie, visited friends here during the week-end. Mur. and Mrs, Ed. Balfour spent Sat- urday and Sunday with relatives in Toronto. Miss Lucille Jeffrey and friend, of Toronto, were with Lucille's mother, Mrs. Florence Jeffrey, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huff, of New- tonbrook, called on Mrs, J. D. Mac- Master, for a short time Saturday evening. Dr. B. I. Love, of Lamont, Alberta, spent a few days with his brothers, Messrs. J. C., and C. A. Love, Mrs. R. Somerville, Mrs. W. Chap- man and son left on" Sunday for Sas- katchewan where they .will visit the Messrs. Roy and Arthur Somerville. Messrs. Bill Bell, Don and Stan Lane - ~~ are attending Cadet Camp at Niagara- on-the-Lake this week. Mr, Wilbert Raymes, of Windsor, visited his father during the week- end. F/0 Bruce Beare, R.C.A.F,, of King- ston, spent the week-end with his wife in Port Perry. = F/L Guy Rainville, D.F.C., R.C.A.F., who recently arrived from overseas and Mrs. Rainville, who wgnt to Montreal to meet her husbahd, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes. : Mrs. Reta Aldrich, of Detroit visiting her parents, Mr. and Murs, Rodman, ~ Mr..and Mrs. Young, who have lived in Port Perry the past few montls, are moving to Toronto this week-eid. Sgt. Charlie Brignall, who has bden stationed at Debert, N.S, is home for a few days. Charlie has received his discharge from the Armed Forces. Cpl. Florence McMillan, R.C.A.F., (W.D.), of Dartmouth, N.S,, is enjoy- ing leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan, On Monday evening, a number of FREE Parking OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED A PAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE ne 1e11 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JUNE 28-29-30 MARGARET O'BRIEN, in a grand new triumph "MUSIC FOR MILLIONS" with Jose Iturbi, Jimmy Durante June Allyson, Marsha Hunt, Hugh Herbert. The picture of a million heart- throbs. It's a love story that smiles through tears. It'll make music in your heart. HOLIDAY ATTRACTION SUNDAY MIDNITE after 12.006 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, JULY 2-3-4-5 Alan LADD, Loretta YOUNG, in "AND NO TO-MORROW" with SUSAN HAYWARD and BARRY SULLIVAN, Imagine how Ladd handles women when he shares their secrets as a woman's Doctor. Eyes Exa Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST CHILDREN'S PARTY The school room of the United Church presented a very busy scene on Wednesday afternoon of last week when the combined Missionary So- cieties played hostess to the babies of the nursery department of the Sunday School, the Baby Band of the Mission- ary Society, members of the Mission Band, Primary department of the Sun- day School and the mothers. ' A short impromptu program, songs and stories, was given the Primary Jeparimnt. Mrs. Smith ave a short talk on the value of these different de- partments. The C.G.LT. took the small tots outside where they were served chocolate milk, sandwiches and cookies. Inside the mothers and visit- ors also had refreshments. A very Jolly and happy time was enjoyed by everyone, There were 160 present, i 3 rn Be mola ind de altho § Yoni oT $4 J Gharlie Hannigan's Mountaineers § with JIMMY DODSON and others |! Friday, June 29. Oshawa Arena i - : PLEASE NO Effective July 2nd, due to a further eut in. sugar and shortening, we will be able only to give one delivery a week to our country customers; and will withdraw our Monday delivery in town, Phone 32 GERROW BROS. IEEE EEE TE 'imagine. I] (Installation of Officers The annual installation of officers was held at Fidelity Lodge, AE. & A.M., when the Installing Board from Cedar Lodge, Oshawa, installed the Worshipful Master and Invested the other officers as follows: Master .......ceeeees Howard L. Durkin Senior Warden ............ Dr. J. B. Lundy Junior Warden ccc Cecil Philp Chaplain coven Geo. A. McMillan Treasurer ..........ccnnnnd A. B, Cawker Secretary Geo. R. Davey Director of Ceremonies..,.G. A. Palmer Senior Deacon .... Wentworth Watson Junior Deacon ............ Roy H. Cornish Inner Guard ............o George Lane Senior Steward .............. Alex. Gilbert Junior Steward . J. Hutchinson Tyler ......... Murray Clark Organist ......ceervennens fererreneens John Smith PROSPECT The Woman's Association meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Steele, June 20th, with a good attend- ance of members and visitors. - The day was ideal for the occasion. After a short business period was held, an interesting program was given, with readings by Mrs, G, Kilpatrick and Mrs. Harris; Mrs. W. Holtby and Mrs. R. Beacock.and Mrs. G. Smith put on a flower contest. There was a sale of bulbs. The hostess served a very lovely supper. Collection, $6.90. Pte. E. Stevens and Mrs. Stevens, of Toronto, were recent visitors at the Mrs. G. Smith home. Mr. Frank Watson and Miss Jean Holtby, of Seagrave, were visitors at the Wm. Holtby home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bray motored to Oakwood on Sunday, members of Fidelity Lodge, AF, & AM. were in Oshawa attending the: installation ceremony at Lebanon Lodge. The same night a car load went to Whitby for the District Jr. Warden's night. Dr. Lundy, Junior Warden of Fidelity Lodge, took part in the degree work. The Grand Jr.' Warden, was the honoured guest, Mri and Mrs, R. A. Peel and family | visited ves near Peterborough on! Sunday. Master Jimmie Rennie, of Stouff-| a ville, visited his father, Dr. G. M.| At Rennie, over the week-end. ! 8 Miss Doris MacGregor spent a o couple of days this week in Toronto. og Mrs. Murrell Goode left last week' y ; for Moncton, N.B., where she will i) Fo spend some time with her sister. i oy Mrs. Wm. T. Harris and daughter,' | ' Miriam, of Ottawa, are visiting rela- A | tives in Port Perry. 2 i Mr. Vern Lillow, of Oshawa, visited be, ' friends in town on Sunday. i] } it | - WELCOME Lak | es Rev. F. G. Joblin has purchased the " -. residence on Queen Street from Miss C3 ns Stuart, and has moved to Port Perry. ! g We are pleased to welcome Mr. and . Mrs. Joblin, and Mrs. John Joblin, to our village. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet in the Work Rooms at the Post Office on"Tuesday evening, July 3rd. RATION CALENDAR g Coupons becoming valid June 28th, f SUGAR BUTTER The Public School held a picnic at Birds Eye -Center, Port Perry, on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Oshawa, called at the home of Mrs, Frank Martin on Sunday. 2 Misses Marion and Helen Conlin, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vernon, Mrs. Robert Vernon and son, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Vernon, of Port Perry, were visitors at Mr. Frank Vernon's on Sunday. Pte. George Larkin of Toronto, was calling on old friends in this com- munity recently. oe Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Armstrong, of Toronto, and M#s. Wallace Armstrong of Peterboro, were recent visitors at Mrs. J. Holliday's home. Mrs . Frank Martin has returned home after spending a few days with friends in Oshawa, Myrtle Station The Sunday School Anniversary on Sunday' afternoon was fairly well at- tended, with Mr. 8. Saywell in charge. Instead of his usual reading of the Psalms and Scripture, Phyllis Duff re- cited Psalm 121 and Lois Dawe re- peated Math. 6:6-9, The public school | choir under the direction of Mrs. E. Heron _ sang "Whispering Hope", which was very nicely done. - The Prinary tots were not 2 any means ehind the older pupils in helping to 'make the program interesting. Kathleen Hamilton recited the names of the twelve disciples; Norman Dawe, without Any hesitation told the con- e gregation the names in order as they come, of the books of the New Testa- vitamins also. ment and Ruth McCartney, Kathryn Hamilton and Norma Dawe, sang a primary number..0 Mr, Saywell's mes- sage was such that the boys and girls could understand and find the lesson in it that was intended for them. Church service next Sunday at the regular hour, .2 p.m, and Sunday School study following immediately. Congratulations to those of the en- trance class who passed on their year's work and the best of luck to those who are trying their exams in Brook- lin this week. } Mr, and Mrs. A. Parrinder attended , the decoration service at Salem Ceme- tery on Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Millgate, of Oshawa, visited on: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Carey. The Edgar Coopers and children of Toronto, were guests on Sunday of * Mrs, Cooper's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Cook. -- A. E. Raisey, Mrs. Ramsey, Viola and Mrs. Ball attended anniversary service in " South of Uxbridge, on Sunday. . | Mrs, Fred Martin of Stirling, was a visitor on Sunday with her uncle and | aunt, the David Luerys. © Mrs. A. Mitchell and Mrs, W. Deni- son, visited in Oshawa on Tuesday. Pte. Ray Grant, C.A.T.S., Camp Borden, was home over the week-end. Mr. Gordon Barton, of Toronto, spent Tuesday with Myrtle friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Costello, of Whitby, Pte. Lloyd Costello, recently returned after four years overseas, Mrs. L. , Costello and baby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle. The David Duchemins were in To- ronto on Sunday afternoon when they were guests at the birthday dinner in honour of David Duchemin Sr., who was on that day seventy years young, Allen and Mrs, Downey and the lit- tle girls were in Kinsdle on" Friday evening when they atténded a Farm Forum meeting, Mr, Neelands, of Toronto, was the radio speaker .on that Svoning: er. : Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgson were visitors on Sunday with the Norman Hughsons. SEAGRAVE A very . enjoyable afternoon and evening were spent at Seagrave school house on Friday, June 22nd, hy the teachers and pupils of three schools, namely: Bethel, the Union, and Sea- grave, being entertained by movie tone pictures by the Federation of Agri- culture. green alfalfa pasture? Active birds are healthy birds. in their green feed. Phone: Port Perry 120 r 5 the old Quaker Church, SHUR-GAIN RANGE MASH Have you ever watched a young flock of chickens out on fresh, lush, They're the most industrious birds you could Not only do your birds get good exercise on range, but they get the advantage of sunlight and fresh air, to help them keep in the best of condition, and able to maintain their re- sistance against the many ills to which they are subject, Of course, good range can't supply all the feeding needs of your flock, They need a source of high-quality animal proteins,to balance the proteins They need a good source of minerals, and extra They get all these, in a feed that is exactly balanced against their requirements, when you give them SHUR-GAIN RANGE MASH. SHUR-GAIN RANGE MASH is designed to supplement the feed grow- ing flocks receive from very good pasture. the greatest degree of economy, yet keep your birds in top condition and gaining steadily in body weight and fleshing. birds the low-cost, sure-profit way, by giving them SHUR-GAIN RANGE MASH, while keeping them out in good, leafy pasture. - SHUR-GAIN RANGE MASH Price $2.25 per Bag SOLD BY H. H. GOODE GRAIN ELEVATOR It's low in proteins, to give You can raise your young MYRTLE STATION, ONT. NTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1945 { Lawrence's Drug Store News You can Save with Safety at the REXALL STORE Rexall Remed Stationery, PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Puretest Household Drugs ies, Toiletries, e '] Sundries =, A. M. LA PHONE 40 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector, July 1st--5th Sunday after Trinity. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. The Rector. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister, Sunday, July 1st-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Canada for Christ and the Church. Dominion Day message of hope for youth, Scouts and Cubs have been in- vited, ' 7 pm.--Rev.. A, E. Cresswell, will preach. £ 'will be held every Sunday morning, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH "| service in case of emergency, one of ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A, MacMillan, Minister Sunday-- 10.00 a.m.~--Sunday School . 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship During the summer months, services Pastor: P. Tayler 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, - 2,30 p.m.--Bible School i. 7 p.m.--Evangeliatic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Mooting. Medical Notice The following offices will be closed | Wednesday afternoons and evenings and also on Sundays. In order that the public will not be without medical us will be on call on these days, In order to secure medical attention at these times, phone Port Peiry Hos- pital, 128. Your kindly co-operation i8 requested. G. M, RENNIE, R. S. IRWIN. BOYS and GIRLS--DON'T MISS THIS SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH JULY 16th to 27th, 1945 EVERY MORNING AT 9.00 O'CLOCK Interesting Lessons! Sports! Singing! Manual Work! PRIZES I'OR ATTENDANCE. Bring Your Friends The pictures shown on the screen were very educational, pertaining to the precaution of contamination of germs in connection with foods, water and milk on farms, also to the art of swimming and others. The Federation will hold a further showing of these pictures and lectures the end of September this year, in the Seagrave school. At the evening meeting there were about. 80 persons present. i Congratulations are extended to the Seagrave Sr. Rhythm Band, and to the Leader, Mrs. C. Sleep, on winning the silver cup at the Lindsay Music Festi- val, held May bth, 1945. The Seagrave school won first prize in Rhythm band work three years in succession at the Lindsay. Festival. The Music Festival was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Lindsay, and the Silver cup was presented to the Band by them. . The parents, teacher and pupils wish to thank Mrs. Sleep for her leadership and support in this connection, ASHBURN The regular Sunday School and Church services were conducted at Burn's Church on Sunday, June 24th, at 10.30-a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. J, A. MacMillan chose for his text John 15, verse 6, "I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me and Lin him the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without Me, ye can do nothing", The Sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed, : The. Red Cross and Ladies' Guild held a joint meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday, June 21st, One quilt was quilted. Society is selling tickets on a beauti- {ute painting, the work of Mr. Elmer ilne, Mr. Josep Richardson, of Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, spent the week- end at his home here. ; Mrs. G. Armstrong and daughter Patsy, of Prince Albert, called on Srionds in the village over the week- end. : ; Mr, and Mrs, Alex. McCelland, of Toronto, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Routley, on Sunday. The members of the Young People's Society enjoyed a weiner roast at Lyn- brook Park on Tuesday, June 19th, | Mrs. Edgar Heron, Mrs, James Duff, Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey, Mrs, E, Grant, Miss Vera Leach, Mrs. Russell Lunney, Mrs, Frank Lynde, Mrs. Gordon Fisher and Mrs, Wm.- Gardiner, attended the semi-annual convention of the W.M.S. held at Woodville, on™ Tuesday, June 19th, : is . Mrs. D. Grant and Mrs. Wes Rout- ley attended the teachers' picnic held at Baggottsville school on Friday, June 22nd. We are pleased to report that Mr. Arthur Richardson is recovering as The Red Cross |. ence Doble and Shortage of early hatched chicks . . extra-heavy demand for eggs and poultry for both home and export markets . . a sharply increased price for fall fresh eggs for shipment over- seas , . it all "adds up" to unusual opportunity, : Will you be cashing in, or just wish- ing you were, this coming fall and winter? It's still not too late, if you act promptly--start good fast-grow- ing, early-maturing chicks, and raise them right. The Bray Chicks of this year of poultry opportunity are living and growing "like sixty". That means high vitality and vigor -- just what you want in Your chicks. _Day-Old chicks in many breeds and hybrids . . . started Leghorn pullets for- prompt shipment . , . started heavy pulleta for ga little later if you book them now. ' Act right away! FRED W. BRAY ot LIMITED 120 JOHN ST. N., HAMILTON, ONT. Agent -- A, R. GRAY, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. SLENDOR TABLETS -- harmless and effective," 2 weeks' supply, $1.00; 12 weeks', $6.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, well as can be expected, after his re- cent operation at Oshawa General Hospital. 3 Mr. and Mrs, A. Patterson, Whitby, were Sunday visitors at the home o Mr. and Mrs. G. W. West, Mr. Walter Anderson, Sgt. James Doble, Mrs, Henty Doble, Miss Flor- r. G. W. West mot- ored to Hamilton on Friday to visit Mr. D, Parrott. : me Ranall, swe PORT PERRY 0 WRENCE NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. .. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. Electrie or Gasoline Drive Pump Jacks for Sale. MACHINE REPAIR SHOP STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Port Perry, Ontario. Taylor's Auto Electric "PORT PERRY GENERATORS ,&} i STARTERS | FIELD COILS ~~ REPAIRED and : EXCHANGED * BILL TAYLOR Proprietor In days of uncertainty, reliable INSURANCE is essential, Whatever your Insurance meeds may be, consulg : H. W. EMMERSON" Phone 41 Port Perry a Liv | Bloomer Smow VALU 4 OsmAWa Bilt Smoking In The Loges IMOKY | THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JUNE 28-29-30 : BETTY HUTTON, , ° DOROTHY LAMOUR FRED MacMURRAY, : n "And The 3 Angels Sing" -- ADDED -- First Oshawa showing: SMILEY BURNETTE, in 'Laramie Trail' SUNDAY MIDNITE, 12:05 -Continuing Monday & Tuesday, JULY 2 and 3 "Youth Runs Wild" with BONITA GRANVILLE and DICKIE .MOORE. Pe ADDED -- "Kansas City Kitty" with JOAN DAVIS, . BOB CROSBY and Orchestra. Wednesday and Thursday, JULY 4 and 6 5 "Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble" with MICKEY ROONEY and HERBERT MARSHALL. ' ~-- ADDED -- : "Silver Queen" with GEORGE BRENT, PATRICIA LANE +. and BRUCE CABOT y