-- a A Sa Jad Er Fm nS eg A a IRA a wow, =, ea 3 a i Hr woe '| @'Mvery Room with Ruth, Show. --" % SYNTHETIC RUBBER 3 mile race. ~ aa NA SNS ASN SR AUN Nm SN NNN NS . util erftieal, esfone' TIRES Fac YEAR before the war, more than 150,000 people thronged the Indianapolis Speedway to witness the pupreme test of tire mileage and safety, the annual 500« Recently, under the supervision of the American Auto- mobile Association, Wilbur Shaw drove the 500 mile course at an average speed of 100.34 miles per hour in a race car equipped with STOCK Firestone synthetic rubber tires, the same as you can buy at any Firestone Dealer's, Imagine the punishment those tires took as they pounded over the rough brick and grinding asphalt , , 500 miles at speeds up to 135 miles per hour . . equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary travelling, When you buy new tires, remember--Firestones are the only synthetic rubber tires made that are safety-proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. * WARNING: The tire situation Is You should continues to observe the wartime speed limi and all other fundamental precaw- tlons*for conserving the tires that Are NOW on your car. pe J. Hugh Campbell, newly appointed general publicity agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal... Mr, Campbell, who joined the company as press representative at Van- couver on January 1, 1828, succeeds J. Murray Gibbon, who has retired on pension, Since 1942, Mr. Camp- bell was loaned by the C.P.R, to the government and was in charge of 'the War Information Board at Washington. ~ Whooping Cranes To Be Protected 'Naturalists 'believe 'that only 17 whooping cranes survive. A de- cade or two ago this 'branch of the crane family was pronounced on the verge of extinction. In spite of- its extreme rarity today, vari- ous wildlife organizations are 'making an effort to find the pos- 'sible seven or eight nests, to guard them and so start the grus amerl- cana, to give the whooping crane its sclentific name, on the road to survival, says The Edmonton Journal. The bird is the largest known in the Dominfon. It winters In "Texas and nests in'northern marsh- lands of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba during late May, June and July. The whooping crane {8 pure 'white with black wing tips. and is recognized by its very long legs. It stands four feet high, Only those who frequent the north country 'are 'likely to find a nest- ing pair, If a nest can be found, a guard will "be . placed near it to protect the birds from natural predators, hunters and marsh fires. 3 CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines - Properties - Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four Colborne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO Phone BLgin 4085 You "wih "Enjoy Serine At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TOnoNTO or and "Telephone, '® Pingle, op § Double; (93.50 up. ® Good Food, Dining and Dane ing Wigntiy 0 'at Car B00 700 ND ini Refrigerators Soon - On Market Again electric refrigerators in Canada have been removed and-according to reports from the industry 'a few thousand units will be on the market toward the end of this year," the prices board has an- nounced, H. H. Foreman, co-ordinator of capital equipment -. and durable goods, sald that after the conver- sion of plants to the manufacture of refrigerators had been com- shoyld increase rapidly, But t would take an extended period to stock all distributors from coast to coast. Prices 'for 'the new refrigerators would be established at 1941 basic period levels, the board statement said. ; The board sald that with pro- duction of electric refrigerators being * resumed in the United 'States, Canadian manufacturers would get assistance in obtaining "priorities for imported materials and component parts, Production of electric refriger- ators was halted in Canada in 1942, Limited numbers of units were released to dealers during 1943 and 1944 from stocks built up 'before manufacturing ceased, Restrictions on the production of non-mechanical ice boxes were removed last May. - M. G.. O. RETIRES Major-General =~ James Vernon Young, C.B.E,, who has been Master-General of Ordnance for the Canadian Army since Jur. 1942, has retired to civil life at" own request. He is ia mative of Hamilton, Ont., and was an officer in the Canadian Field Artillery dur- ing the last war, Jap Civilians Listed . As Suicide Troops The Japanese Army has called on the people to commit national hara-kiri in defense of the Empire against American invaders, 'Radio Tokyo 'reported, In a 20-page "People's Handbook for Resistance Combat," the Army exhorted the "100,000,000 people" of the home islands to 'become spe- cial (suicide) attackers," in the event of American landings, "thus defending the Empire to the last," a radiocast quoting Domei newp agency said, Restrictions on the production of "pleted by the industry, prodiiction Ic That Canadians Will Be Asked To Contribute Used Clothing For Needy In Europe National War Services and the Prices Board, which sone time ago halted relief campaigns for over- seas countries, have now granted permission to the Canadian United Allied Relief Fund to conduct a nation-wide clothes collection in Canada, Because of shortages in textile and other fields the public will be asked to contribute only ser- viceable used clothing as can be spared without replacement UNRA will undertake the shipping and distribution to the needy in allied war-devastated countries, « «= The United Kingdom Information Office in Ottawa discloses that timber resources in Britain were utilized ruthlessly to meet the needs of war. Some 130,000,000 trees were felled--two out of every five hardwood; three out of four softwood, and three out of five timber trees... At that, the use of wood was cut to a minimum. Even spools and women's shoe heels were reduced in size, and only scraps were permitted for limited toy-making. } " x & Captain Harold T. W. Grant, D.S.0., of Halifax, who commands H.M.C. Cruiser Ontario, the new- est and most powerful of the 60 ships Canada is sending to the Pacific, has already won a place in Empire and Canadian naval history. Captain Grant went to the Royal Navy on loan in the summer of 1943 and was given command of the aging cruiser Enterprise. What he did with that ship won him the admiration of the allied nations, : Not counting' the cost, he drove _ the Enterprise, which was in company with another Royai Navy cruiser, into the Bay of Biscay, engaged 11 German destroyers, sank three and damaged others to the extent that the surviving des- troyers fled. In that action he was wounded and won the D.S.O. When he recovered he went. back to sca with the Enterprise. His next_ exploit came 19 days after D-Day in action against enemy in- stallations at Cherbourg. The United States government awarded him the United States Bronze Star Medal® for "his aggressive determination, delivering accurate and effective gunfire and providing splendid support for units of the U. S. army involved" A veteran of World War I, Captain Grant became chief of 'naval personnel at headquarters" in Ottawa in 1940. Subsequently he was stationed in Newfoundland, after which he went overseas to take command of the Enterprise. - Of the 900 men Captain Grant now commands in the Ontario, 330 are from the province of Ontario. The cruiser which can stand 18 miles off shore and drop four tons of concentrated death and destruc- tion. per minute on- enemy instal- lations, is equipped with. the moat modern gunfire control directors. It can blast enemy planes out of the sky before they can be spotted by the naked eye. Ukraine's Civilian War Toll 7,000,000 The Soviet Ukraine lost 7,000, 000 civilians during the war, Guards Col. Vladimir Mochalov said inthe 'official army organ, Red Star, ) He said that .2,500,000 lost their lives outright, 1,500,000 are miss- ing without traces~and 2,000,000 were -shipped to Germany, The Ukraine's population before the war was 40,000,000, 'Mochalov said the material loss to 'the Ukraine during 'the war was more than $100,000,000,000. CKED CHECKE sor: Money Back lef from ftching caused By eczema; Fo qui ol scabies, pimplesand other itchi * they are pictured at Le bassador to Germany; -e a hh Before Germany's surrender an import naval and diplomatic figures pictured "above are just prisoners of g shipment to the U. 8. Among them are Hiroshi Oshima, am- Havre, awaitin, ! , top military attache; and Rear Admiral Hideo Lt.-Gen. Mitihiko Komatsu i... Kohima, chief of Jap naval mission in the Reich, 84 Gi itd AREA DEEPA RN LIE OTTAWA REPORTS BIG SHOT NIPS NABBED IN GERMANY Bod x wie a ant mission to Berlin, the 23 war now. ranking Japanese military, w. Captured in Germany, Avoid Poison Ivy Learn To Identify The Plant Then Stay Away From It This 1s the season of the year when the Press warns people against coming in contact with poison 'ivy, With the approach of the vacation season and the de- sire to get out into the open, pof- son ivy becomes a danger which should be avoided, says The Strat- f6td Beacon-Herald. According to Acting Health of New York City, no substance has yet heen discovered to pro- tect people from the polson if they come in contact with the .plant. The only way to escape Is to avold handling it, Polson ivy is- easy to identlty, It i8 a shrub or vine which us- ually twines around tree trunks or runs along old stone walls, The leaves always grow In groups of three. Their color is a handsome reddish bronze in the early Spring, a deep rich green in the Summer, and russet in the Fall. The plant |, bears clusters of whitish, waxy berries, rad Don't Spread Polson It is often .possible to prevent the development of a poisonous- Like The Plague Commissioner Frank A, Calderone Back To Spanking "Spank them when they need it," is 'the advice lately given by a professor at New York Unicersl- ty. Looks as though the psycho- logists had come full cycle. May- be it's just as well, too, agrees the Brantford Expositor, The num- ber of rather 'thoroughly spoiled, not to say {ill-mannered juveniles brought up under the "child psy- chology" fads of the past fow years is already far too high. plant rash after contact if expos- ed portions of the skin are washed as goon as possible with three or four lathers of soap, then rinsed with hot running water. Special attention should be given to the finger nails and the skin between the fingers, As an added precau- tion, the hair should be washed and then rubbed' down with al. cohol. If the skin turns red and blistery despite these precautions, a doctor should be consulted. Temporary relief may be obtain- ed by bathing the irritated parts fn hot water or by applying milk 'of magnesia, calamine lotion or a solution of epsom salts (one tablespoon to one cup of water), An authority on 'this subject emphasizes that cold cream and | other ointments should never be used. He claims they only spread the poison, ge Total Destruction Of World Possible? The Germans came within six months of splitting the atom and 'possibly destroying the world in the process, Herbert Agar, special assistant to the American Am. bagsador to - Britain, sald ifn a speech last week, "It the war had gone on an- other six months. it was quite :pos- sible that this. planet would have ceased to exist, because it was probable that someone would have controlling it," Agar said. "There was a danger that the Germans would learn how to split it first, and our scientists gave the date as Aug. 6 of this year, "I sincerely: believe that in = very few years, the human being will know how to destroy the hu- man race." F eeding London "The task of feeding the millions of inhabitants of London (Eng- land) is equivalent to provision- ing nearly 500 agmy divisions. Ey- ery day 3,000,000 gallons of milk and about 1,600,000 loaves of bread are used. Respect the child. Be not too much his parent. Trespass not on his solitude, learned to break the atom without NR S29 » NE a 1] ROLL YOUR [OWN WITH. a : Macdonald's FINE CUT Have You Heard? At the wedding, Sandy, the groom, looked so troubled that the best man was moved to enquire. "What's up, Sandy? Hae ye lost the ring?" "Nae." "Then hae ye lost the railroad ticket?" . "Nae, -mon, it's a muckle worse than that." "Hoot, mon! What is ft?" ' "Ah hae lost ma enthusiasm!" pr Mistress: "I am sorry you are leaving us, Jane, But, of course, If .you are going to better yourself, 1--" Maid: "Oh no, 'Madam. | am going to be married," --0-- i i The Boston man, careful of his and others folk's grammar, asked the clerk for a man's comb. "Do you want a narrow man's comb," the clerk asked. "No," said the man, "I want a comb for a stout man with rubber teeth." "CAR - vg ik "I don't like those eggs you sent me yesterday." "Why, what was wrong with them?" "Well, 1 thought. they were rather undersized for thelr age." -- e-- The manufacture of whole milk products continues to show in- creases over 1944, and in March, 1945, totalled 17 million pounds, as compared with 15.6 million pounds in 1944. ne WEEK OLD STARTED CHICKS In many popular heavy breeds "In non-sexed, pullets or cocker- els. Also- eight week old up to laying free range 'pullets. Taking .orders -now for August and Sep- tember hatched day old" chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick 'Hatcheries Limited, 'Fergus, Ont. WE HAVE LIMITED QUANTITIES started chicks for prompt ship- ment, also day-olds. 'Write for list. Order for delivery later also. Bray Hatchery, "130 « John 'N., Hamilton, Ont, . DYEING AND LGLBANING HAVE 'YOU 'ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or Cleaning? Write to us 'for iitformation 'We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. meént "H. Parker's "Dye Works : Limited 791 Yonge Street. To- \ rantn FARM MACHINKRY FOR SALE USED TRACTORS, |RUBBER® AND steel, with cultivators. Used 'threshers, combines; plows, dlse harrows, and hay Custom-Built farm "wagons, R. H. Moore, Tilbury, "J. I. Case Ag- ent", phone 251, CORN SHELLER, FOUR-HOLE IN- 'ternational, almost new, mount- 2d on rubber wheel awagon., James Mairs, Blenheim, Ont. equipment. | composed pleasant herbs, cises or drastic diet. - Month's supply $1.00 , postpald « » . " Dominion Herb Distributors 1425 Nt. Linwrence Bivd,, Montreal no exer- FARMS FUR SALE WE CAN SELL YOU ANY SIZE OF farm you wish to buy--with or without stock and machinery, IFor particulars apply at Dono- hue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont, 'TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WE OF- fer for sale a valuable farm in Eramosa Township containing about 120 acres, brick house bank barn, good well, situated about five .miles from Fergus, and twelve miles from Guelph. For full particulars apply to: The Guelph Trust Company, Guelph, Ontarfo. 325-ACRE FARM FOR SALE, 86 cleared; good shoreline, on Lake Manitouwabling; barns, other outbutldings, large house, sult- able tourists, on good highway; 35,0000 Mark Whitmell, McKellar, nt, 53 ACRES, 26 FARMING, 4,600 FT. bordering hay of French river, | 2,500 ft. frontage on malin road to 'Rutter 'Bigwood sand 'famous Bungalow camp; mew home; oth- er buildings. Mr, A. Gaudette, Rutter, Ont. : HAIRDRESSING © PERFECTION MILKERS AND SUP. yp ua, J IF, 'Donaldson, 'Joyceville, nt, 16-30 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR on -ste¢l. 'Price '3350.00. E. "Bell, RR. .8, London, Ontario, SKID ENGINE P300 McOORMIC © In good condition. Variable Spee: Govenors for MceCormiek 'Trac- tors (only). New and used Trac- 'tor"pdfts. London ¥Farm Equlp- ment "Co, 335 King Street, Leon- don, Ont, == FOR *SALE BBB bHERERIOTION. "Crit stainless. Soothes, comforts and guiekty calms (intense (tching, Don's suffer. Ask your: ; rgd bof 8 b. PRESCR IPTION, Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not oply helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, 'highsteung feelings -- when due to func- tional monthly disturbances, It's one of 'the most effective medicines for this pur- pose, Pinkham's Compound helps naturel Follow label directions. Try itl G % ER th 4 LAL ISSUE 20-1045 combination fox and coon hound, Almar Grant, Bolsover, Ontario, 'VALUABLE COUNTRY STORE roperty, suitable also "for tourist usiness; Parry Sound district. 441 Westmount Ave., Toronto, LO. 4464, ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Allen: Hlectrle Coni- panv Ltd, 2326 Dufferin St, To- ronto, 1. REGISTERED FEMALE COCKER upples, 14 weeks old, Real eauties, 7456 Indian Road, Wind- 'aor, Ont, GOLDIE-M¢CULLOUGH 100 HORSRE- power Steam jmngine, hetfeet con- dition, One Warren St Pump size 7% x 4% x 10. All In erfect condition, g EROWN IRON & METAL CO., HAMILTON, ONT. DEER AND FOX (HOUNDS, ALSO eam Pump | 'alze 10 x 12 x 12, One Warren Steam Pump size 12 x 12 x 12, One Smart-Turner Duplex Steam. LEA RN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regurdin classes, Robertson's Halrdressing Acad. "emmy. "137 'Avenue Road. Toronto, MEDICAL NATURE'S HELP--DIXON'S BM- edy "for Rheumatic Pain, Neur- itis, Thousands pralsing ft. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Rigin, Ottawa. Postpaid' $1.00. \ BTOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of fli<health | In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! 'Why not find -out 'if this | is your trouble? I teresting par. | ticulars--Freel 'Write Mulveney's iRemedien, Speelalints. "Toronto 8. BAUMEEKA FOOT "BALM DBE. istroys offensive odor instantly, 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug 'Store, Ottawa. 1 GOOD RESOLUTION--EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 8335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1.00, -- BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WE STILL HAVE A LIMITED GAINING WEIGHT? FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, number of started chicks two SLENDEX TEA sells, exchanges muslecal weeks old, also free range pul- ments, 111 Chureh, Toronto 2. lets eight weeks--~up to laying. alds you retain Slender Figure, Also taking orders for August turns your food Into energy [Instead a 5 ay Fall Soligory: Send, for prion: of fat. ' PATENTS st and catalogue, op otch HA ESS : Chickeries, . Guelph, Ontario. GUARANTEED RML ' FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Established West, Toronto, Information on re- Pass! Solicitors. 1800: 14 King Booklet of quent = PHOTOGRAPHY "YOUR WORK IS CUSTOMER SAYS " .. . and the prompt manner «in which you return work Iscgreatly apprecinted." Any Size Roll--6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED . AND PRINTED 26c Don't risk losing pictures. Bend your (Hm volls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lower Cont. 'Prompt mail service, \. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style "Album With Prints sizes 16+20-127 1f 29c (4c extra) Is sent" with film roll SPECIAL "PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING easel mounts, 3 for 25c, on ivery tinted 'mats, '7 x 9" 'in Geld, Sliver, Circassinn Walnut .or Black' Ebony finish frames, 69¢ each. It -enlargement colored, OLD PICTURES RESTORED Framed, or snapshot , and make any number of prints ;or enlargements desired. The .process requires the work of skilled artiats, 'but "the cost Is reasonable, pleture and tell us what you want dono and we will tell you the cost before doing the work, 'STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print'Name and Address 'Plainly on : Orders. TIME 'TESTED 'QUALITY "SERVICE and SATISFACTION "Tour 'tiims -pruperiy developed and DT i UR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 38¢ IREPRINTS § tor 28¢ FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE "Youimay not get allithe fiims 'you want thia year, but you can get.all the quallty and service you desire by sending your flims ito MPERLAL PHOTO SERVIOR 'fitation 1 'Toronto T ---- TEACHERS WANTED OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, mo Hafrdceaning 'Pleasant aignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel raduates, America's greatest sya. om, Illustrated eantalogue free. rite or call : MARVEL HAIRDRESSING BO 858 BLOOR + TORUNTO Branches: 44 Xing 8t. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Btreet, Ottawa, ROSS TOWNSHIP -- TEACHER wanted for 8.8. No. 2 on High- way 17, convenient train service, #alary 281,200 per year, duties to Sommsnce Sept, 4, Arply. to Ee. win 088, ec.~1'reas., R. 0,6, Cobden, Ont, {BRANT CO.; 6° MILES BOUTH OF Brantford, Experienced © female Protestant teacher. 8.8, 0, 4, Brantford 'Twp, Balary $1,500,00. +.8tate qualifications, also former inspector. Personal applieation praterred if possible; Gordon ellam, Becsl'rean, 'R.R. No. 2 'Brantford, Ont, (natru- WONDERFUL" Enlargements 4 x 6" in -beautiful . 78¢c each. | 'We .can restore any old pho ograph Send us (your 3 TEACHERS WANTED STISTED TOWNSHIP AREA requires three Protestant teachers for three one-room schools nar Huntsville. Salary, 1,200. Please state qualifications, experience and last inspector. -Duties to commence September 41h, Appl¥+-to George Tait, Huntsville. 3 : DORSET -- "TEACHER. WANTED (Protestant preferred) to teach grade 6 to 10, inclusive (senior room), -and 'act as principal of a 2-room (school with modern con- veniences, term commencing Bep-~ tember, 1845, salary $1,300. Apply, stating qualifications, to (M 8a), Phyllis Clayton. Dorset. Ont.. -- HELP WANTED TWO WOMEN 'TO WASH DISHES and prepare vegetables in North- ern Ontario summer resort for July and August. Exce tionally, good wages. Apply by fetter to Pow-Wow Point Lodge, . Hunts- ville, Ont. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on -a 'farm, 'good home. wages. . y La ne Browe, Box i, HA ont. 2 AUTOMOBILE BUMPERS A _N D Painters, experienced 'on repair work, Highest nate of, pay, 48 r week, best working condi ons, Apply nearest (Relective :8ervice Office. CR 2926. FARM MANAGER, MARRIED, 100. Acre Mixed Farm, ,Bood wages, house and privileges, J. hoy Tanglewood. 3 IMANTED PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL OES WAND BREEDS R® months to Jdaying age. Our prices are worthwhile, Box i IRS lafde West, Toronto. WANTED IMMEDIATLY B10. enaed (gar; ~mechanic as, ri- ner. Hedi "Ch 'Falls, ak, Burks Ont. 1Box ; 264, \ WANTED, BUFRALD » ow BR Aausage . stuffer, compl 176+ 100-1b. capacity; 1 5-h.p. 25-cycle, 3phsae Luton} ple malas Lan cutter for small pork ples. Wr Horn's ' Food 'Market, rt Sort borne, .Ont. OENERAL JEIUNE, i bp! al aep mixed clothing 8 3 AW gash; confidential, hitman and Company, 8270 Danforth Ave, 'Toronto, Ont. - - "SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: - APPLICATIONS NOW BEI GQ. CON- sldered. Date. of a, Bep- tember, 4th, 1045. Educational re- ulrements Junior Matriculation, 'Remuneration after preliminary term, $10.00 to $12.00 per month, WANTED "TO | PURCHASE PUL~ lots. I as from 8 eka 14 14 ying, Good prices pafld. y to Jor 28, 18 Adeinlde iW. 4 ronto ---- Al Bent FUEL WOOD i WANTED CORDWOOD, MAPLE, BIRCH AND Mixed. Also slabs and bundled edgings, Hardwood and ofts wood. Give full particulars and beat prices on car. Walter Hchieas, 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, * 3,