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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Aug 1945, p. 6

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Fem oe Ar rt Tl « home Eats ANF on OTA AT RRY ERM) "eB 4 C3 Brisa AY 15 AOVOV FRIES, for Canada's food needs...now more than ever Every day more housewives find that ready-to-eat cereals play an important part in planning satisfying meals, They serve Kellogg's for breakfast, lunch, children's suppers, snacks at any time of day! Have You Heard? "There's only one thing wrong with this canoe," said the soldier to the sweet young thing on the river, "And what's that?" she asked. "Well," he replied, "if I try to kiss you in this it might capsize." The girl sat silent for a few minutes. Then she remarked, "I can swim." --) -- A dog is loved By old and young; Hc wags his tail, And not his tongue. --_-- Daughter (sighing): "John does not love me any more." Mother: "How, do you know?" Daughter: "When he brings me home at night now, he always chooses the shortest way." --_---- When Tommy Brown was asked to name the Great Lakes of Canada, he replied: "Michi- gan, Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and Veronica." --0-- He: Tell me all about yourself -- your struggles, your dreams, your telephone number. Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles tere 1s the chunce fur every per- son In Canada suffering from sore, ftehing, painful plles to try a simple remedy wilh the promise of a relicble firm to refund the cost of the treatment If. you are aot sutisfied with the results. Simpy 80 to aay druggist and gel an bottle of -Hem-Roid and use as directed. Hem-Rold Is an intern Al trentment, ensy and pleasant to ure und pleasing results are qulck- ly noticed Itching aud soreness are relleved, pain subsides and as the treatment Is continued the sore, painful pite tumors heunl over leave fog the rectal membranes clean and healthy~Get a bottle of Hem- Roid today and see for yourself whut an ensy, pleasnnt way (hia (a to rid vourselt of vour plie misery. NOTE: I'he sponsor of this notice ian nn relinble firm, doling busineas In Cnnndn for over 20 yenrs. If you are troubled with sore, liching, painful plies, Hem-Rold must help you quickly or the small purchase orice will be gindly eeftinded. A Fly breeds in garbage and manure, spreading disease germs to everything it touch es. Flies multiply rapidly, but Fly-Tox destroys flies at a touch. Get a large bottle today. A Citizen's Duty As Home Owner Since the days of the hardy pi- oncer up until a few years ago, every man with a family seemed to accept a community responsi- bility of 'building a home in which to shelter them, comments the Port Arthur News-Chronicle Times have either changed with a good deal of loose developed in the mat- ownership. Now the Canadiang in urban to the government to the war, or thinking has ter of home majority of centres look find them adequate housing or, if not that, to the professional landlords. It may well be pointed out that with every added facet of government paternalism personal freedom "dies a little." In grandfather's time it was al- most an unheard-of thing for a family to live in a rented house, Today it is different. There was never a time when the people of Canada had more money or high- er earnings. Many thousands are in a financial position to build homes for themselves, but, instead they take the attitude that it is the responsibility of the govern- ment to find them homes at an ac- ceptable rental, through the ag- ency of the landlord or otherwise. What was once the natural duty of the citizen has been passed on to the state. U. S. War And Home F ront Production The United States last year put out $61,200,000,000 worth of war goods, including 96,359 planes, 80,- 889 ships and about 600,000 Army trucks, says the New York Times. On top of that, the nation had enough production left to keep home-front Americans the best fed, best housed, best clothed civi- lians in the known world. For a "decadent and disintegrating" de- mocracy, we scem to have the makings of a pretty good coun- try, At the risk of being called smug dve say it. Steel Recipe It requires about a ton and a half of coal to make the coke to smelt a ton of pig iron to make steel. VOICE OF THE PRESS TWO MORE NEEDED The jeep is said to have a reper- toire of 50 farm chores. That won't help the farmer's wife much, as it is not claimed that the thing gets Paw's breakfast and milks 12 cows, J --Ottawa Citizen . --0-- NOT MUCH LEFT At the latest taking of the in- ventory the 'Nip was rapidly run- ning out .of oil, planes, factories, enthusiasm -- and China. -- IMPROBABLE An advertisement offers a wo- man a job playing second fiddle in an orchestra, This we would like to sce! .s -- Kingston Whig-Standard. --C-- STILL P NTY OF WOMEN Women claim this is a man's world, but everywhere we go it's terribly cluttered up with women, "-- Kitchener Record, nt Cy MIRACLE "Heart Attack Hits So he has a heart, -- Windsor Star, Goering." Japanese City lown To Atoms' It Is Predicted That World's Most Destructive Missile Will Shorten The War The atomic bomb, which the Uapited States has unleashed against the Japanese, marks the end of an ¢ra, an age, a civilization, says Neal Stanford in The Chris- tian Science Monitor, For destruction and devastation it surpasses two-thousandfold "any- thing yet developed; it is but the beginning. The breaking up of the atom is not new. But harnessing the the very basic power of the material universe is, That this force from which the sun draws its very power has been harnessed for destructive purposes is the consequence of this tragic world-engulfing conflict, That it can, and will, be usable for constructive, productive post- war uses goes almost without _saying. But it is such a novel, incredible, fantastic discovery, its production so elaborate, technical, and scienti- fic, that little is yet known of how that will be done. It is commercially impossible to | harness the atom now or even in the near future, so that power can be produced to compete with coal and oil. Use of Atomic Power But the atomic bomb, despite its avalanchal destructibility, has pointed the way to the contrasting tonstructive use of atomic power. It is a fantastically expensive procedure, Already the United States has sunk $2,000,000,000 in this experiment, and it is just dropping its first bombs. It requires vast arcas for pro- duction--the equivalent of many small countries. The United States has two large tracts devoted to producing this power--as well as innumerable smaller ones. One is a 450,000-acre reservation in the State of Washington. Another is a 50,000 acre reserve in Tennessee, This -work also requires research and know-how. These, fortunately, the United States, in co-operation with the British, have to a large degree. The British pooled their men and knowledge with America in their race against time and the Nazis. It took 214 years to get the first bomb. Therefore production of atomic power cannot be accom~ plished on a shoestring. Uranium 235 - The atomic bomb hunt started right after the war got under way when a German mathematician, a Jewish woman, Lise Meitner, cal- culated that something which had puzzled natural scientists for 10 vears was really an explosion of atoms of one of the kinds of the metal uranium. Within two wecks after she pub- lished this calculation the great physics laboratories in the United States, I'ngland, and Germany had verfied her predistion, She was banished from Germany shortly afterward, but Hilter put all avail- able physicists at work on atomic bombs and atomic power at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Berlin, What the natural scientists found was that a rare form of uranium, known as 235 when bombarded with low electrical energy (in the form of neutron rays) would react by splitting some of its atoms almost squarely in two. Up to that time no atom had ever been---really smashed. A few electrons or other particles had been forced out by the smashing rays used, which might be X-rays or rays made of atomic particles. Details Withheld. An atomic bomb equaling in size and weight about a pea equals in explosive power a 5-pound box filled with TNT. HEY! SARGE LJ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings -- when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkhamt's Compound helps naturel Follow label directions. Try itl Lydia E. Pinkhamis Lito ISSUE 33-1045 founds a in"éfect a 10-ton bomb. If it weighs ome ton, its ex- plosive force will rock the target with the impact of 20,000 tons. Imagine 2,000 freight cars, each laden with 10 tons of supegdyna- mite, crashing down on a Japa- nese city. How much of that city would remain intact? And it is well to keep in thought that the 20,000-ton impact can be produced by dropping a single one- ton atomic bomb, For the time being, of the atomic bombs. Power of Bomb A faint idea of-the power within the atomic bomb can be. grasped from the fact that the explosion of a munitiong ship in" Halifax, Nova Scotia, on June 6, 1917, killed 1,500 persons, injured 4,000, and made 20,000 homeless, Two and one half square miies of Halifax were dev- astated. That munitions ship car- ried 3,000 tons of T'NT--about one sevehith of the equivalent of a one- ton atomic bomb, It is impossible yet to sketch, even in the broadest lines, the changes in warfare--aerial and land and naval warfare -- be brought about by the atomic bomb. Air warfare, particularly, will have to be conceived in en- tirely new terms, There no longer is need for heavy and relatively slow bombers. Neither will there be need for escort fighters. Atomic bombs will be carried to thelr target by jet-propzlled planes traveling at between 500 and 800 miles on hour, Antiaircraft de- fenses, as they were known until yesterday, will be of no use what- soever. No fortification will be able to withstand the atomic bomb. No city will outlast the first raid. the mili- Girls Sweep Streets * Of San Francisco Women street sweepers are the latest by product, of the man-power shortage ir San Francisco. Eight oi the gentler sex started pushing seven and one-half pound General H. D. G. Crerar, Commander of the victorious First Can- adian Army, wearing the Grand Cross of the Order of Orange Nassau with Swords follow {ts presentation by Prince Bern- hardt on 'behalf of Queen Wilhelmina. Gen. Crerar received this highest order of the Netherlands on July 20, at Spelderholt. No Doubt About Northern Ireland The King has been to Northern Ireland and, appearing before a joint session of the Ulster Par- liament, has personally thanked the people there for their help in effecting the defeat- of Ger- many, relates the Brockville Re- corder -and Timea, Such thanks are well bestowed. Although Southerfr - Ireland held back from official participation in the war at the side of Britain and Fliers Drop Gifts To Native Rescuers Natives In a New Guinea village saved the lives of two crashed fliers of the R.A.FF, They fed them and guided them to two weeks past Japanese positions. Soon after the airmen got back a plane flew over the village and dropped par- cels contzining brightly colored calico trousers, shorts, razor blades (greatly prized because they can be made into so many things), bar- bers' scissors, knives, jackets, fish- ing lines for stringing bows, beh fine id ARAL tra - a Hl dr PR Be ss OA JEEENVARTN SANT 90 & i S LE \ 4 ARLEN ROGEIL SR SAT ATNIAY ATEN f Si A If an atomic boub weighs tt | __ GEN. CRERAR HONOURED BY. DUTCH WHAT SCIENCE malagial, IS DOING Moth Killer a United Kingdom scientists have found a simple means of making clothes permanently mothproof, The agent is D.D.T. -- the 'anti- astistyphus powder deve- loped in Britain during the war, which has already saved thousands of Allied lives. In its new role of moth-killer it is dissolved in oil and applied to the wool during manufactare, thus becoming a per- manent part of the .wool's structure, A minute quantity -- 01.per cent of the weight of the wool treated --is sufficient to make the cloth moth-proof however many times it is washed or.cleaned. D.D.T, can also be usged for temporary moth~ proofing of clothing already in use--i.e., by mixing with the sol- vents used in dry-cleaning. Cothing cleaned regularly in this way would be nearly 100 per cent moth- proof. This new application of D.D.T. was developed by research workers of the United Kingdom Wool Industries Research Associ- ation, The World's Greatest Source of Information We have purchased at a great cost to us every telephone book in the United States, also every business directory giving names and addresses of every manu- facturing plant making every kind of material, Possibly you would like to buy something and do not know where to Bet It, We can tell you' promptly. harge for this service is $2. 0. You do not pay until you recelve the article from the post office or mall carrier, Write: . Eastern Research & Engineering; z Comany Att. E. P. Blake QIN Aud LE Boston, Mass, You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO @ Every Room with Bath, Show- er and Tlelephone, @ Yingle, 82.50 up-- - Double, 83,60 wp. brooms on the city's thoroughfares. the rest of the Empire there dical Ii A 4 @ Good Food, Dining and Dane But they don't doit for free, as inover 'was the slightest doubt he ea supplics, Anda toy dog Mag Nightly, they- sometimes do at home. Their about where Northern Ireland of azarus, the small son of the Sherbourne at Carlton pay is 95 cents: an hour. stood. ga village mission catechist. Tel. RA. 4135 . = : BABY OHICKS FOR BALR SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY TEACHERS WANTED - sufferer of Rheumatic Pains 'or t . FREE RANGE PULLETS, TWELVE THISTLEDOWN ANGORABS. ONB Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- LARCHWOOD PROTESTANT! weeks up to laying, Also. day-old of Canada's outstanding strains, / edy. Sold only Munro's Drug Teacher wanted for 8.8. No. 8B chicks hatched' to order for [all Write for free folder. Brown's Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- Balfour and Dowling, Larch- delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatch- Angora Ranch, 278 Courtland St. , paid $1.00. wood, Ont. Dutles to commence eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, Kitchener, Ontario, - Sept. 4, Salary $1350.00 per an- - HAIRDRESSING num, Apply stating qualifications FRR Bana OE 12 WEEKS PEDIGRERD ANGORA RABEITS : 39 Mrs. Jean Jennings, Sec. up to weeks, Day old chicks ines woo producing atoc = reas, Larchwood, Ont, hatched to order for Iall deliv- Lynwood Angoras, Box 140, LEARN etiod. [nformation : - ery. Top Notch Chickeries, Oshawa. - on request egardin classes. WANTED -- QUALIFIED PRO- Guelph, Ontario. Robertson's ge rdressing Acad- testant teachers for Township ONCE USED 76-LB. JUTE POTATO emy. 187 Avenue Road. Toronto School . Area of Kennebec, duties IF YOU WANT SEPTEMBER OR sacks, 8¥%c each; T76-1b. cotton y : to commence Sept. 8. State quall- fall chicks, order now for breed and delivery date you wish, Write for chicks or. pullets that may be on hand for Immediate delivery, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., 'Hamilton. Ont, PALMERS AMERICAN (PIT) BULL terrier puppies, also females open and bred, registered, purple ribbon. A. Palmer, Route 4, Wood- stock, Ontario. CHOPPING MILL IN GOOD LOCAL-~ ity. Dlesel power. Always good Sons, Write C,.J. Cox, Auburn, nt. | 1 PATI Arie Ho 1 cages w roug pply iRTies Scott, Gofmey, R.R. 1, nt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES potato sacks, 7c each; 650-1b. on- fon sacks, 6c each, Write Immed- lately, London Bag Company, London, Ont, ' FOR SALE--BANK "BARN 40x60, in good condition, slde and, roo one-half metal, $800. - Whaling, Moorefield, Ont. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA alds you retaln Blender Figure, turns your food into energy Se of fat. composed pleusant herbs, clses or drastic dlet. Month's supply $1.00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 1423 St. Lawrence Blvd. Montreal no exer- CLEAN EASY MILKERS NOW avallable, We want dealers in your territory, 8, 398. Ridout st, London, Ontario. WILL TRADE FINE WOOD TIMB- or 176 acres for good truck or house or sell. Walter Covyeow, VanKoughnet,: Ont. BUSINESS orp 60% INTEREST 1 NEW RADIO Invention, patent pending, has reat sales value, Can be. manu- actured at low cost. $2,000, or modern house. Box 1306, Rouyn, Que, RTUNITIES 8. 'Dennis Co., TOBACCO FARM $35,000, $15,000 down--112 - ACRE tobacco farm. South-east of Lon- don, congldered to..be the beat Tobacco Farm in entire district. 'Price "includes entire crop of 40 acres tobacco, 36 acres oats and all machinery. Excellent buildings, alx room house, huge karn an 5 kilns. Apply Bob Allison, c/o BERT WEIR & SON Dundas Street, London, « . DYEING "AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS "+ ARMY FOR BALE FOR SALE--FARM; HURON COUN- y vorkable acres, excellent dyeing or cleaning? Write to us ty, 100 worka ' for information. We 'are glad to buildings, good drilled well, close J to good highways and markets, answer your questions, Depart- . > ' 4 Hydro available, $6,000. For par- ment H. Parker's Dye Works ticular ' D. A M 208 Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- Heulaps wilte: DA. Moore, Tonto. Deloraine Ave. Toronto, HDUCATIONAL - FARM TWO HUNDRED ACRES fenced, scventy cultivated, rest ATTEND DBUSINESS * COLLEGE wood, pasture, sugar bush, large, this I'all, Enquire about Gregg bank barn, cement floor, large Shorthand, choice of highly-paid house, stone wall, basement, stenograpers, secretaries and re- spring water, sink, telephone, porters. "Graduate with Gregg." apple trees, 2% miles from two towns, school bus passes door, FARM MAGHINHRY #01. SALE Btite,4#3,000.. Box . 14, Sundriage, 60 H.P. INTERNATIONAL STA- 130 ACRES FOR SALE, 9 MILES tionary Diesel, used very 'little. west of South River, '300 yards Write or phone Lowville [Feed lakeshore. liconard Whittington, Mill, Route 2, Milton, Ont. R.R. 1, South River, Ont. FOR SALE CHICK HATCHERY FOR CHICK HATCHERY near London, Capacity 200,000 chicks, Six Jamesway Incubators, 2 Buckeye setting units and all necessary equipment. Price In- cludes exceptionally good build- Ings. Business has grown too large for owner to handle, BERT WEIR & SON $8500. A Dundas Street, London. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com. pany Ltd, 2326 Dufferin 8t, To- ronto, ' BOILER H.R.T, GOLDIE McCULLOCH, 66 H.P, 110 LBS, STEAM, IN EX- CELLENT CONDITION; IRON FIREMAN STOKER, RECEIVING TANK, CANADA LAUNDRY, 1123 . DUNDAS W., TORONTO, GOOD GRAIN AND dairy farm, two houses, barn, silo, atables, hydro, good wells, creek, hardwood bush, orchard; mile from - store post office, church, school, four from To-~ ronto-Kingaton highway. Box 332, Colborne, Ontario, 190 ACRES, MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN--EVERY BUFFER- er of Rheumatic' Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixie Remedy. Sold only Munro's rug . Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of fll-health in humans, all ages, No one Im- mune! Why. not fa your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remadies, Specialists, Toronto B. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DRE. atroys offensive odor zinstantly, 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, 30 acres popcorn, jRejuding . ind out If this. ] H graduates. America's. greatest sys jer aatinisd catalogue free. "Write or ca TEACHER WANTED FOR UBS, MARVEL sd SAR ESIING No. 1. Bond. ot uatnt, rirat < ass; salary pply pedi BLOT WV. FORINT Brightwell, Secretary-Treasurer, "& 74 Rideau Rtreei Ottawa. Shillington .P.0, Ontario, TWO QUALIFIED PROTESTANT! PATENTS Teachers for school area 'No. - Monteagle. Apply 5 GH Wo lacy "FPETHERSTONHAUGH '& COMPANY and qualifications to G. Patent Rolicitors. Established cox, Sec.{Ureas.,, R.R. No, 1 ; Hybie, 1800; 14 King West, Toronto. Ontario. FBOTII: of AINIOUMALION 1.00: We [| 3p) AWARICA ZPUDIAC: SEHPO --e- Protestant female teacher want- ; edifor junlor-room, 1st class cer- PHOTOGRAPHY tificate with music Phef ares , but - x not necessary; iid 200 per ; anim; antics Mmehte Bept. CANADA'S' LARGEST ' 4 F. T . haddoe Madawaska, ; ; > Ont, STUDIO ; WANTED PROTESTANT TEACH STAR SNAPSHOT "SERVICE er: for 8.8. No, 1' Euphrasla, Duties Dont risk losing your pictues. [ fo commence Sept. & Appiy atat- naps can't eo taken over again. Send your film rolls to r. Haln Walter Lemon, Walter's Falls, 18tn001 and {nest studlo.. Get better Ont. plctures at lower cost. ft GOLDEN LAKE--EXPHRIENCED PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Protestant teacher, Principal in Any Size Roll--6 or § Exposures 2-roomed school at Village of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2, ~OI'PORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn - Hairdressing Pleasant .dignitied profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel fications and name of last Ine speotor; minimum salary $1,250. Apply "Hi," Hughes, Sec.-Treas., Arden, Bt, TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD, Drury, Denison and Graham. Dls~ trict of Sudbury, requires 8 Pro- testant, qualified teachers for schools in following villages-- Whitetish, Worthington and High Falls; also one bllingual teacher for rural school near Whitefis Reply stating Jualitications and salary expected to Mrs Para : 860 Laura Ave. "Budbury DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26c "l get best results from Star: Shap: shot Service" writes a customer In Nova Scotia, .who adds thal she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29¢c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll ENLARGEMENTS -- COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x 6 In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25¢. Framed, on fvory tinted mats, 7 x 9" in. Gold, Silver, Circassian. Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 6% each. If enlargement colored, 79% each, _ OLD PICTURES 'RESTOBED We can restore any old phttog%aph or snapshot and make any number of prints or enlargements desired, The process requires the work of askilled artists, but the cost (8s reasonable. Send us your pleture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the cont 'before doing 'the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION - Your films Droperty developed and printed, 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26e REPRINTS 8 for 26c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you dealre by fending your fiima to IMPERIAT, PHOTO SERYICH Station 1, Toronto Golden Lake, Ont: Good train and bus service. Apply, stating sal- "ary and experience, .to Wm, J, Hugh, Sec.-Treas, 8.8. No. North Algona, &olden Lake, Ont. WELLINGTON. COUNTY, 8.8. NO. 11, West Luther, requires a teach- er, duties to commence Sept. 4, Apply to Charles Sivill, Secy., R.R. 1, Conn, Ont, TIONAGA--PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 1, Penhorwood, requires teacher, all grades, duties to com= mence Sept. 4; salary $1,200. Ap- pv Sa ing qualifications ta Mra, th. secretary-treasurer, Fonds Ont. ) WANTED WANTED" -- AN EXPERIENCED single dalryman, or a married man with no children for caring fora small, but, high class hol- stein herd on R.0.P. in Peel Couns ty Diatrict. Subd living condl- tions and wa of $75.00 to $100.00 depend Ai on 'the man, Box 43, 73 Adelaide W, Toronto, WANTED ----A- THOROUGHLY -- trained coon hound preferably a female must be good at trail and at tree and broke off of jacks, fox and. deer. Givé full particu- lars including price, Box 44, 78 Adelaide , Toronto, WANTED TO PURCHASE PUL- lets, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying, Good prices paid, Apply to os ®8, 73 Adelalde W. "lo. ronto GROCERY OR (GENERAL 'STORM wanted, if ATL Wis buy Hv perty, Full particulars to Box 46, 78 Adelaide W. Toronto, 8.8. rn eyes oH oe \ \ ii TINA rots re res a A TNE RIN lei - rT dit eat a Ii

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