ra RE he 0% # ¥ N Re eV NTL. WEARERS ED a I SL © EEE SAY y : 8 tl i tho ae de Se dts ae tL PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1945 © JEMISON'S BAKERY 18 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 w ART. AN y JEMISON, Proprietor AS) General Builders' Supplies Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN macy Phone 240w LAKE SCUCOC LUMBER & COAL CO, LIMITED FRESH BAKING DAILY Pies Cakes Tarts Cookies Saturday Special --Jam Top Buns Phone 32 GERROW BROS. HYDRO RURAL SERVICE .... WHEN? on © iy gt eae You 'vr Lao awd. J coaq Ta. La yet Wires pha, : Lo moth Lome | Gh Cote sina fo 3 B Kao wlpped a ash irl as go, Croplrs ay le LG To way JP mud, oa co I ger ig Kul, XXX x is KK XXX, Ons ASC (lar I-Lad "slipped our mind." ASHBURN Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Crosier, of Whitby, were recent visitors at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Heron. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sherwin, Doreen Isaac, Lieut and Mrs, Lyle Sherwin, of Oshawa, called on friends in the village on Saturday evening. Mr. J. Richardson, of Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, spent the week end at his home here. L.A.C. and Mrs. Lester Beadle, of Debert, Nova Scotia, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beadle for the week-end. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Wm. TayloF, who had the misfortune to fall and fracture her hip, is pro- gressing favourably at the Oshawa General Hospital.' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. Bryant, on the arrival of a daughter, at Private Patients' Hospital, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dobson, of Manchester, visited on Monday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mole. Miss Glenys Stephen, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ashton, Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Routley and daughter Helen visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Routley, of Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs. A..F. Hinges, Toronto, visited with relatives in the village over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds, of Ajax, F.-Lieut. W. C. Reynolds fe Mrs. Reynolds, of Kitchener, Miss Georgina Reynolds, of Toronto; L.A.C. Glenn . Edgar, of Trenton; Cpl. Len Howsam, of Camp Borden, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. FIt.-Lieut. W. C. Reynolds has just returned from overseas. Rev. Mr. Mackenzie, of Toronto, had charge of the evening service at the church here on Sunday, August bth. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs, Fred Hill, on Tuesday evening, July 31st, with a™ good at- tendance. ny PRINCE ALBERT Mr. E. Clements, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. Brown, . Mr. and Mrs. Phair, of Toronto, were guests' of the Misses Heiman; recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. Regan, of Toronto, holidayed last week at the residence here of Mr. and Mrs. W. Regar. Mr. and Mrs, Chamberlain and two sons, of Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. R. Jackson. Among the callers with Mrs, Groupe last week were Miss L. Heard, Mill- brook, Miss Pauline White, and Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. Ashton, of Epsom, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. L. Smith. Mrs. M. Davis, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Smith for a few days. Mr. James Holman, of Brent, Ont., is visiting his sisters, the Misses Hol- man, Mrs. G. Ferris visited a few days with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sonley;'of Whitby, and Miss Strickland, of Oshawa, with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. Vickery on Sunday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Beacock and son accompanied Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Vick- ery to Beaverton on Sunday where they visited relatives. SCUGOG Rev. E. B. Cooke gave a splendid re- port of a meeting he and Mrs. Cooke attended in Montreal. All were glad to see them back again. Sunday School and service at the regular hours next Sunday. All were pleased to have Miss Jean Samells take the piano for S.S. last week. Wednesday, August the 8th was a grand day for the W.A. meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ger- row at Platten's Island. Many were present from the cottages. The 2nd five groups put on the supper. The proceeds of which amounted to $54.50. The W.A, are very pleased with the .| success of the two suppers held at the| Gerrow cottage, and are thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Gerrow for their hos- pitality and courtesy. Mrs. O. Jeffrey, Mrs. D. Harrison and Mrs. H, Carnochan, all met at the home of their mother, Mrs. W. Mark, in Port Perry, on Friday, August 10, in honour of her birthday, and enjoyed the afternoon which was followed with a chicken dinner, with the usual birth- day cake and ice cream. Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Mark. Mr, and Mrs. J. Brunt and children, of Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and little Regina, of Oshawa, were week-end guests of their sister Mrs. Herman Midgley. Mr. Alton Mark has bought Mr. E. Ploughman's farm, east of the Foot school, and will be moving there in the near future. Master Teddy Denny had a pleasant time with Donald Long on Thursday. Mr. Russell Fines is spending this week in Toronto. ' Miss Patsy Brown is spending this week with her Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs, D. Crozier and friends visited in Oshawa on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Joel Aldred have pur- chased a home in Brooklin and will be moving there this fall, Mrs. H. Long and Marie visited with Mrs. R. Prentice, Edna and Patsy on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Laing are with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood, Mr, 'and Mrs, Ellsworth Kennedy, and little Ronald, of Port Perry, are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, G. Samells, and attended service. sister. Frances at essential rural services. T° the writer of this letter and several thousand others who are in the same position, your Hydro can definitely say that your application for service certainly has not Everything that can be done is $ being done to serve as many new customers as soon as possible. Even though many regulations have been relaxed, and the war in Europe is over, 'there is little, if any, sign of improvement in the shortage of labour and materials. The shortage of only one of the many parts needed to complete a service results in a delay. The labour and materials available are being used with extreme care and planning to serve as many new rural customers as quickly as possible. } To those applicants in areas where Hydro lines are still to be constructed, Hydro service will be made available as the supply of labour and materials improves. Already sufficient applications have been received which will require the construction of over 2,000 miles of line that cannot be undertaken in 1945, every effort to complete by the end of 1945 all applications made in 1944 that have been officially qpproved by letter. Your Hydro has done and is doing everything possible - to extend electricity to The Hydro rural service that you are waiting for will be completed just as soon as the labour and material situation permits. : THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO However, your Hydro is making | VICTORIA VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER WINNIPEG VARNING! to all persons planning ts move 20 OTTAWA HULL No person may move to and rent or occupy family quarters in any of these congested areas without a permit from the Administrator of Emergency Shelter. Before making arrangements to vacele, Jou present home, be sure that you have other accommodation and a permit fo oocupy it. Applications for permits should be addressed to the Administrator of Emergency Shelter in the area fo which you plan to move, Every person who rents or ocouples family quarters in any of these districts contrary to the order, commits an offence and, in addition to other penalties, will be required fo vacate the shelter and the distxiot at his own expense. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD -- A new dance hall has been built at Lakeside, just west of Mr. Fines' booth, for the summer visitors and is much enjoyed. Mr; A. Powell is improving his new home, the extra housé on the farm he bought from Mr. M. Collins, last year. Threshing has started and the grain is much better than was expected. Mg. Allan Ganeya, of Toronto, is spending the summer with Mr, Ray Hobbs, Myrtle Station Messrs. Don Alfred and Roy Reid of Picton were recent callers at the E. Redman home. : Miss Eileen Brown spent the week- end with relatives in Greenbank. The Jim Edgars of Toronto spent a couple of days of their holidays last week with Myrtle friefids. Mr, and Mra, Frank Harrison, Mrs. - Gordon Harrison and baby Robert, of Indian River, were up for the week- end with Frank's mother, Mrs. Long. Rev. R. J. Merriam, Mrs. Merriam and Miss Robina, of Putnam, called on Myrtle friends, on Friday, on their way home after holidaying at their summer cottage at Fenelon Falls, . Q.M.8. Russell Lunney, R.C.E., of Brantford Camp, was home for the week-end with Mrs, Lunney and the girls, wd rr ---- ---- a LOOK! Top Grade BROILERS, 2 to WHITBY, ONT, NEW HIGH PRICES rp LIVE POULTRY : i Until further notice. we are paying the following Prices for LIVE POULTRY, delivered to our plant in, WHITBY Top~Grade Heavy FOWL, __________________28¢c. pound Top Grade Light FOWL, 4 to 6 lbs. Top Grade Light FOWL, under 4 lbs. Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, over 4} lbs., "31{c. 1b. Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, under 44 lbs,, 30c¢. 1b. TOP GRADE CAPONS, 'over b lbs,, PICKERING FARMS, LIMITED 9 Shs... ooo 28¢. pound EL 33%c. pound Telephone-- Whitby 386 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff, of Brook- lin, were in the village on Saturday evening calling on friends. The Carnochan family spent Sunday with relatives on Scugog Island. If the collectors for the Bible So- ciety have not already called on you for your annual subscription, they will do so this week. Naturally circula- tion in Canada and Newfoundland has been curtailed in these years of tu- mult. - Yet the figures are encourag- ing. In 1944 there were 327,639 dis- tributions. Included in these were war issues of New Testaments to pri- son and interment camps and for life saving craft.' All these efforts are sustained by "voluntary: givings of Christian people who believe in the work. Lét us at least measure up to last year's subscription which was $25.85. Mrs. Wm. Eyers and son Bob, of Hawkestone arrived on Monday even- ing to holiday this week with Albert and Mrs. Eyers. Mrs.. Sharrard, of Winnipeg, and Mr. Tom Redman, of Scugog Island, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E, Redman, on-Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Millgate and Georgina of Oshawa, week-ended with relatives, Mr. and Mrs, T. Carey." Albert and Mrs. Eyers were in Hawkestone on Tuesday when they at- tended the funeral of Mrs, Eyers' aunt Mrs. A. Curtis. + Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blum, of Agin- court, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cox. Mrs. Gerald Fleetwood, of Toronto, was the guest of her niece, Mrs. R. Mason, from Thursday until Sunday, when she returned with Mr. Fleétwood who motored down for the day. Mr. Gordon Barton, of Toronto, | visited on Tuesday with Myrtle friends. The David Luérys spent Sunday with friends at their cottage near the Rouge valley. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith of London, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton. L.A.C. George Cooper, R.C.A.F., of Hamilton, and Miss Eva Field, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with James and Mrs. Coooper. Pte. Ray Grant, C.A.T.S., of Barrie- field Camp, was home over the week- end. Pte.' Mildred Harrison, who is on furlough is visiting this week with friends in Montreal. L.A.C. Ray Downey, R.C.AF.,, of C.W.A.C., Trenton, holidayed with his parents, 0. H. and Mrs. Downey, part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson and children, of Audley are at present with Ronald's mother, Mrs. A. Johnson, who is not yet well enough to take charge of her house work. BLACKSTOCK Last week the Royal Black Precep- United Church. The choir provided excellent music and Rev. Mr. Bick, of Japetville United Church, preached. Mr. Bick will be remembered as the last preacher on the "old Methodist circuit here, and many of his old friends renewed acquaintances with him. He was here during the 1918-19 flu epidemic and was truly a friend to many at that time in their hours of trouble--Presbyterians, Anglicans, as well as those of his own church, Miss Betty Hale, Mrs. Elsie Ellis, Shirley and Don Ellis, are visiting with Mrs. John Rahm." Mrs. Rahm and Allan went to Toronto on Monday to welcome home her nephew, Ernest Hale, of Toronto, who has been over- seas four years. : Word was received last week that Tommy Mahaffy is to arrive in To- ronto this week having crossed in a Hospital - Ship. The sympathy of the community death of his wife, and to her family, Olga, Roy, Clarence and Merl. Mr. Ferguson is at present -with his daughter Olga (Mrs. Hill). The Nestleton W.I. held its August meeting at the home of Mrs. Shep- herd, Caesarea. It was Historical Re- held on that topic and roll call was answered with an old favorite song. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Jackson and family, formerly of Port Perry, to the village, The DeNure Buses are making daily trips from Port Perry to Peterboro, via Caesarea. The Cartwright Red Cross annual money making event took place on kA baseball tournament in the after- noon and evening, then a sale of do- nations, and a dance at night. - Mr. Clarke Williams was the auctioneer. "(Continued on page 5) Thousands of Tons lack of help! Now, in addition to IF---we all do our share, This is Job! through to October 20th. be pald one way. For full season pald both ways, POST _ I WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM YOUR HE IS NEEDED NOW...IF WE ARE TO SAVE OUR LATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Will You Lend a Hand? Food is precious--let's not waste It through needs, we must also help feed the millions of starving people in liberated Europe. This is 'a tremendous task, but it can be done, [ ] harvesting emergency we are liable to meet 1 this year--so let's all pitch In and do a real - - Help will be needed from August 20th Fill in coupon below and mail TODAY! FREE TRANSPORTATION For four weeks' service, transportation will 20th to October 20th) transportation will be elnino The Tr Ta TL pi -- (ACTER LRG IOUEOR OLY A ONTARIO FARM SERVICE Parliament Buildings, Toronto, FORCE, I am interested In helping with harvest, Please send me Mrarihes | Inf formation: NAME ADDRESS, PHONE od are Ready for Harvest ® MEN---Every possible man-hour MUST be put in, The need is desperate, Volunteer your services TODAY WOMEN -- Every available hand be used. Fill in the coupon and mail TO- DAY! BOYS AND GIRLS-- Thousands are needed, Any High School student willing to work on a farm requested by the Min- ister of Education, to remain: out of school for the month of Sep- tember, our own the last (August OFFICE NEAREST RAILWAY STATION "(Date (Data) NEAREST BUS STOP' ' must bring sheets and blankets, / Accommodation fs In _eamps supervised by the Y.W.C.A. or Y.M.O.A but you DOMINION-PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE = LABOUR - EDUCATION tory attended service in a body'in the goes out to Mr. W. C. Ferguson on the - search meeting, and a discussion was Friday afternoon and evening last. Beautiful quilts, one donated by Mrs.' 3 AE