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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Sep 1945, p. 6

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Hh TS Ape y re , 3p 9 A Do ha ur rt v ; . 2 sah EAE a nr oD RTPLI SEE ENE =~ SLAF EAS FARE & 154 x 4a g g iri N et CRE aa aa SN RLEUER JOS wi LEE ye ab A + . ab --_-- The Plague of 'The outdoor man, whether he be farmer, truck driver, or railway operator, is often subject to backache. This may be the result of exposure to cold and dampness or the result 'of strain from the jolting and bumping of the vehigle he rides, To many people, women as well as men, it anil be great to be free of backache--one of the most common and annoying of ailments. And here is how you may be relieved of back- ache and other symptoms of poisons in the blood. Dr. Chase J GT 115 BACKACHE Outdoor Men The treatment suggested is Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. By reason of their stimulating action on both the liver and kidneys, you have two chances to one of getting relief from your backache by using Dr. Chase's Pills. The torpid liver is aroused to action, the x aro stimulated and consequently these organs help to purify the blood of the poisonous impurities which bring paing and aches and tired feelings. Keep regular and kent well by using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, 35¢cts. a box. Pi WHAT SCIENCE iS DOING Of the innumerable remedies of- fered for ivy poison, most are worthless, says IFW. James, Belle- ville, N.J. Minute quantities of the irritant, water-soluble poison pen- ctrate the sweat pores and attack the tissues too deeply for most external applications. Calamine lotion has but poor penctration; milk of mognesia and thymol have none. [Epsom salts. wll penetrate, but are incapable of destroying the poison. Soap will form an unstable compound, and while washing most of the poison off may cqual- ly well wash some into the pores. Lead acetate an old standard re- medy, has doubtful power to pen- ctrate and seems alsa to be de- composed by salt in perspiration. Here are James' directions: Dis- solve onc level teaspoonful of lead acetate in oi e-third glass of boiling water. Dissolve three level tea- spoonfuls of alum in on-third glass of boiling water. Pour the alum into the lead solution, let the white precipitate settle after stir- ring and pcur off the clear solu- tion into a bottle. Label it "AA for Ivy." Use as a wet dressing for not more than ten minutes After chat daub a little if the itch- ing returns and let it dry. For new cares of ivy, alummem acctate is a one-shot overnight cure; older cases may take several days to clean up. Port Of Bremen To Be Opened Soon The big German port of Bre- man will be opened within a few weeks as a sécond supply base for the American army of occupation, according to Admiral H. Kent Hewitt, commander of United States naval forees in Europe. He said as "much German labor as possible' was being used to _sweep mines and repair ports. He said German labor wag recondi- tioning the liner Iluropa as an American troopship. The Europa will sail early in September, "The derger of mines along the northern part of the European coast will exist for-a long time," he told a press conference. De-Nazify 225,000 Berlin Students Attendance at Berlin's de-nazi- fied schools has climbed to a daily total of approximately 225,000 pu- pils--about one-half of the peace- time average. The Allied guide to German teachers specifies that all traces of naziism and militarism must be reniovéed from the schools, but aside from this, teachers have been "given the widest latitude and there has been no effort to impose ideas or philosophies upon them, TRULY REMARKABLE is the "Radiant Roast" used in the manufacture of Maxwell House Coffee. It captures all the flavor, and - goodness because it roists every coffee bean evenly, all through! You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO ® Every Room with Nath, Show er and Felephone, ® Single, $2.50 @® Good Food, Dining amd Danc Ing Nightly: ; bourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 -- Liver OTTAWA REPORTS That Cobrss Graig Carry-Over In Canada This Year Is Smallest Since 1940 This year, when the world food situation is in a critical condition, the crop * prospects for coarse grains fn Canada are decidedly poorer than they were a year ago; and coupled with lower production is the smallest backlog of grain carry-over since 1940. The situation fa outlined in a report issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. In eastorn Canada the carry-over is insignificant, and in the west- ern provinces it is 30% smaller than a year ago. To alleviate the western shorts ago, shipments of coarse grains to 'the east have been suspended until after mid-September. The groat drop in prairie production-- amounting to 100,000,000 bushels of oats and 30,000,000 bushels of barley--has been caused by drought and cool weather, - In Manitoba and eastern Sask- atchewan crop prospects have been favorable, and in Ontario and Quebec barley promises to yield well, with average prospects for oats. The yield of oats and wheat in British Columbia is expected to be good. During 1944-45, exports, mainly to the United States, have exceed- ed those of a year ago. The Feeds Administration has now placed rigid restrictions on the export of barley and oats from Canada for the present. . Ld Ld This time war memorials are going to serve useful and valuable functions. The civic consciousness | developed by Canadians through their war tfforts will be turned to building practical community pro- "jects such as recreational and cul- tural centres dedicated to those who gave their lives in this war. Substantial federal help in both planning and financing is prom- fsed. Actually it is all part of the plan for reconstruction and full employment, and In order that these plans can be made efliclent, the government lays down one condition--construction must be undertaken only when the federal government gives the go-ahead signal; otherwise a big project might be commenced when the labor situation is tight. If, how- ever, communities wait until the employment graph begins to drop, the work offered by the projects will fill a vital need. NABBED AT LAST One of the last of Hitler's hench- men to be taken by the Allies Is Martin Bormann, above, chief de- puty of the Nazi Party, listed as one of the most-wanted major war criminals. Bormann rose to power as Hitler's right-hand man after the disappearance of Rudolph Hess In 1941. He'll be an early defend- ant at the Nuernberg trials. Britain's Clothing Ration Shrinks Sir Stafford Cripps, president of the Board of Trade, announced a cut in Britain's already skimpy clothes ration, ' For the ecight-months period from Sept. 1 to April 30, 1946 the allowance will be 24 coupons, he said. From Aug. 1, 1944 until the end of this month, a period of 13 months, Britons were allowed 48 coupons, Sir Stafford said, however "this should be the last period of acute privation". He explained the dra- stic rationing at necessitated by a manpower shortage in the cotton industry. On the 24-point ration, a woman can buy one pair of shoes (7 points), one wool dress (11 points) and two pairs of hose (3 points a pair) in eight menths, To get a new suit (26 points) a man must have saved two coupons from the last ration period, and must forego any other new clothing. Voice of the Press WE CAN HOPE The latest promise for the new world, reports a trade journal, is a nylon stocking that will last ten years, Always providing that the new world will last that time, -- Toronto Saturday Night, PROOF OF DEVOTION No woman is wholly convinced that a man really loves her unless and until he buys her something she doesn't need at a price he can't _gfford. -- Kitchener Record. MARKS AGAINST CHINA Of course, we like China, but we could love her more if she had not invented gun-powder, printing and civilization, -- Brandon Sun. INSECTS ALL J It's been a tough summer on Ine sects. Look what DDT did to flies and atomic bombs to Japs. -- Ottawa Citizen, DUMB DORA Then there was the gal who was go dumb she though assets were little donkeys. oo -- Q. A. S. Sun, That Is vista presented In this pleture of bomb center of Hiroshima after descent of atomic destruction from WU, 8. plane. Picture was obtained from Jap Domel News Agency by U. 8. Army. Note : " atholle chureh In: foreground. Conscription Remains In Force In Great Britain "Prime Minister Says Germany Defeated But Unrepentant 1 a straightforward statement to the British people Prime Min- ister Atlee has . explained why conscription must remain in force in England ..to meet the continu- ing needs of the services and in particular to release those who have been serving in the war" Germany is defeated but unre- pentant: "We must continue to find large forces for the occupa- tion of the British zone." A hard and dangerous winter lies ahead on the whole Continent: " We must take our share in establish- ing conditions which will allow of reconstruction without. violence." * . * Then there are Britain's obliga- tions in the East: "The occupation of Japan and the restoration of the territories ot ourselves and our al- lies will need substantial forces for some time to come:"" Veterans who have done the actual fighting overseas, and who now want badly to come home, can be released from the performance of these new duties only to the extent that new men are provided in the neccessary numbers: "The maintenance of adequate forces by seca. in the air and on the ground is vitally neces- sary if we are-to fulfill our obliga- tions to our allies and if we are to see that what has been won inthe war is not lost in the immediate post-war period." - * * - As Mr. Attlee renlinds both his people and our own, "those who remember the disturbed period at the end of the last war will remem- ber that one of the prime difficul- ties of the situation was the ina- bility of the Powers which had won the war to provide the neces- sary forces for the prevention of violent action by sectional inter ests pending the completion of ne- gotiationg for world peace." This time, "We must not fail tle world. We have fought . for democracy. We must insure that 'the condi- tions for its exercise exist. All- here this reacts on our situation today." Big Part Played : By "Little Ships" The Admiralty has disclosed the story of thie big part played by the "little ships" of the British Navy in the European sea war. The tiny craft of the coastal forces, none of which exceeds 120 tons, sank more than 500 enemy vessels in 780 actions for a, loss of 170 of their own, They shot down 32 enemy aircraft and car- ried out nearly twice" as many minclaying 'operations as all other minclayers., The force consisting of only two flotillas at the war's outset, ex- panded until it included 25,000 men on VE-Day. Agents to sell from door to door. We have four articles that will sell to every family. Low prices and big profits, Write ATLAS SUPPLY COMPANY 37 Pearl Street Boston 10, Mass. Canada's newly appointed Governor General, Field Marshal 8ir Harold Alexander, Is well-khown to many Canadian soldiers qyered Sicily and Italy. ren at the family home, "The Vale", in Windsor Forst, Berkshire, England. who served under his general command during the campaigns which con- His wife, Lady Margaret Alexander, Is pictured here with her: three child- Left to right: Shane Willlam Desmond, 9; Lady Alexander; Rose Marle, 12; and Brian James, 6. Paper Salvage Still Necessary Paper salvage will continue dur- ing the post-war years, states the Chatham News. In fact, it may become a permanent institution, Canada's wood pulp resources, from which paper is made, are fast 'being depleted, and until the government undertakes a com- prehensive plan of reforestation to supply future needs, the shortage is apt 'to become even more acute Paper is needed for many pur- poses in peace as well as in war. Salvage collectcrs are able to make a nice profit from the sale of waste paper, to assist in public and pa- triotic enterprises which will al- ways be necessary, and the paper thus contributed is - welcomed at the mills where it is reprocessed with successful -results, Britain Not Giving Away Hong Kong It is apparent the Attlee Go- vernment in Great Britain has no intention of liquidating the Brit- ish Empire, comments the Wind- sor Star. Pronouncements of Prime Minister Attlee and Foreign Secretary Bevin intimate that Brit- ain is going right ahead in as- suming a leading role in world affairs, Some people thought the first thing a Labor Government in Brit- ain would do would be to toss the British Empire to the winds. Even with India, Mr. Attlee has been careful to explain that freed- om will be granted India, as soon as the pcople of India are fit to govern themselves, That policy is along the lines of former Govern- ments in India, | Popular Popcorn Americans must like popcorn, because nearly 300,000 acres of it have been planted this year; the liking is growing because this is an increase of 68 per cent over last year's acreage, Rattlesnakes add from two to three "rattles" annually, and some- times as many as four. HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: S150 up © NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION BABY CHICKS FOR SALR HAIRDRESSING FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS UP TO DATE DRUG STORE LEARN HAIRDRESSING THH yp io &% weeks, Day old chicks equipped with Soda Fountain poverioen Ohhh, Internation ate - J sy a ig nad Fall dellv Service and Souvenir Shop. Good Robertson's Halrdressing cads Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. - iz FREE RANGE PULLETS, TWELVE weeks up to laying. Also day-old chicks hatched to order for Iall delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. YOUR FALL CHICKS SHOULD BR ordered now. Have a few started chicks on hand. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. --y BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES R.C.E. PRESENTATION HOME 2164 Eglinton Avenue, --- Toronto, Ont. BUILT BY VETERAN: :SAPPER P. Del Greco. An exceptionally beau- tiful modern home, gumwood trim, hardwood floors, electrig refrigerator, range, lighting fix- tures tiled sink and bathroom, inlaid linoleum in kitchen, Vene- tian blinds, attached garage. Pro- ceeds of shares are to be used to build a Memorial Hall as a national tribute to all Royal Can- adian Engineers. Shares promptly malled, $1.00 each. business all year round, Reply to Yoitras Pharmacy, 210 Main B8t., Lachute, Que, 46 miles from Montreal, ELECTRIC MOTORS; NEW, USED bought, sold, rebullt; belts, pul. leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin 8t, To- ronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND AND REPAIRED. EX- pert workmanship, Moderate prices, Lloyd M, Bettger, Monk- ton, Ontario. DUN-DACH'S KENNELS, REGIS. tered, for Dachshund puppies. Write 136 Riverside Dr, West- mount, Weston, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE 76 ACRES FOR SALE, GOOD buildings, 2 mlles to Barrie, 8 acres. wheat, 12 acres clover, 26 acres ploughed. Plenty water; well fenced; hydro, available, Possession Oct. 1; $2700 down. Apply Ilarl Barron, Barrle, Ont. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ° ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50.00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Send for shares to St, Catharines Optimist Club, Box 445-H., St. Catharines, Ontarlo. - ~ THROAT for common ordinary sore Sold by all D ts--23 35¢ se): 308 and $14 ydia Bi Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings -- when due to func- tional monthly disturbances, It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose, Pinkham's Compound helps naturel Follow label directions, Try itl olin é 77 bh ] a DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NERDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE SAWYER -- MASSEY CLOVER Huller on rubber, with feeder and blower in good repair. Lorne Kew, R. 1, Thamesford, Ont. NEW BRIGGS & STRATTON,AIR- cooled gasoline engines. Most up- to-date engine made. Low cost, Dealers orders invited. Scope Sales Co, Box 852, Ottawa, Ont, 26 GALLON MILK CHURN, DE Laval. Sharples Cream Separator complete. Antique Shop, 901 Pape Avenue, Toronto, "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre- Dame West, Montreal 3, Que. ron SALR '41 BUICK SEDAN WILL, BE SOLD FOR $1.00] TO holder of lucky ticket at Plckev- ing Rotary Fair, October 17, Send $1.00 for five tickets to Box 200, Pickering, Ont. 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLD 10 HOLD- er of winning ticket, to be drawn in Hespeler, Thanksgiving Day, Tickets 25¢, 5 for $1.00. Proceeds Kinsmen Seérvica Charities, Send for tickets to Kinsmen Club, Box 428-C.Z., Hespeler, Ont, . 26-ROOM HOTEL FOR SALE IN Malattie, In Quebec mining dis- trict, next to bus terminal, Charlie's Hotel, Malartlie, Quebec, ISSUE 37-1048 NORTH BAY DISTRICT -- 160 acres, free and clear deed. Good road to property, Good hunting and fishing, Total price $500. If you want a qulet property in a good place to relax, give me a call. Several more properties In same. district. Geo. Wight, 308 Canada Bldg, Windsor, Ont, T 21 ACRES FRUIT FARM, 16 ACRES - of fruit trees, new modern.b-room = dwelling with space above for 8 additional rooms; large enclosed veranda, double garage, 2 wells, Hydro, modern conveniences, $12, 600 terms to suit, A bargain for the shrewd buyer. S. Vujkov, R.R. 1, School Rd., Niagara-on- the Lake, On{. HUNDRBD ACRE TOBACCO FARM for sale, sixty acres 1'obacco land. three kilns, greenhouse 27 x 100 ft, bank barn with Implements. Apply to Paul Palenkas, R.R. 8, Thamesville, Ont, FARM, ERIN TOWNSHIP, CLUSE Erin Village and 24 Highway. Has bullding, spring creek, water wells, small maple bush. $560 acre, Open for offer. Interested In quick sale. Lot 20, Con. 11, Erin. 160 ACRES OF GOOD LAND FOR sale on county road, % mile to highway and village, with good . buildings. Apply to Evans Ward, Claremount, Ont MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS -- BEVERY SUF- ferer fromm Rheumatic Palns or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 El. gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, by " Branches: 44 & desired. The emy. 137 Avenue Road: Toronto, MUSICAL INSTRUMBNTS' FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, + sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2, OPPORTUNTTIRS KOI WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 8CHOUD Great Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands sutceéssful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys. tem, [Illustrated catalogue: (free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR ,W, TORONTO King St. Hamilton 74 Rideau S8treét Ottawa. <7 PHOTOGIRAIHY ~ TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost, Don't take: chances with your film rolls. You:can't take "snaps" over again. : PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2bc A customer in Cape Breton says, "I have been sendifig films to you for: 4 or b years, Would not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album: With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29¢ (4c extra) is sent with film roll, SPECIAL PRICES FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements ¢ x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 26c. Framed on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 69c each, If enlargement colored. 79% each, OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . and make any, number of prints or enlargements process requires the work ot skilled artists, but the cost 1s reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the cost hefore doing the work. ' STAR SNAPSHOT. SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Nnme and Address Plainly on TIME * TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed. 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25a REPRINTS 8 for 26c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICR You may not get all the films you want thls year, but you can get all the quxlity and service you desire by sending your flima to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS ofien are the cause of tll-health in mana, all ages. No one im- mune Ny not find out if this is your foubley Interesting par- ticulars--Fcee! Write Mulveney's Remedies, eciallsts, Toronto 8. BAUMERKA FOOT BALM DR- stroym offensive odor Instantly, 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Btore, Ottawa. TRY 11" EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neurltls stionid 14 rons lemedy, nro's Tug ore Ottaway Postpats: $2100, | EN Ld A PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Hollcitors, Estdblished 1890; 14 King West, Toronto; Booklet 'of Information on 4 on r - w ANTED WANTED--1,, OR 2 ACRES GAR~ den land with small dwelling and greénhouse and water, Nias gars distrlet preferred; aubstans tial cash, Write 1. C, Fisher, 38 Hertford Ave, Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHABH PUL to Taine, Good fromm 3 JraeKs up: to Hix 88, 7% Rdetnd Wo RE Em En Sa ATR

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