A Ra A REE ATLAS . ah : SAAT OEIC Es i fae Ds Be i naka Ria a PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1948 oats 3 LOCAL ] NEWS Eyes Examined Ly i SATURDAY, SEPT. 22nd -- Farm Stock and Implements, ete, the pro- perty of O. C. Love, Lot 24, Con. 4, off Fenelon Road, 1 mile north of Lindsay. Terms Cash. Sale at one o'clock. See bills. Ted Jackson and J. E. McDonald, X i. Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save with Safety at Yqur Rexall Store) CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. E. G. Bruton, Rector. September 30th-- Harvest Thanksgiving Services 10 a.m.--Children's Service in the Church, Il a.m.--Holy Communion and ser- mon by the Rev. D. B. Langford, | Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY FREE Parking OSHAWA AIR CONDITIONED A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Now is the time to start taking Vitaghins to build resistance to Harvest Thanksgiving. Service will be held on Sunday next, Sept. 23rd in the Church of the Ascension (Angli- can). Services will be held at 11 a.m. when Rev. D. B. Langford, of Port Whithy, will administer Holy Com- munioiand at 7 p.m, when Rev. FG. Braton will be in charge. There will be special music by the choir, Miss Clare Glass, of Oshawa, is at home with her parents, Mr and Mrs C. A. Glass, on three weeks" holidays. Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer have heen visiting their son, Mr. Archie Farmer and his family in Timmins during the pust week. 3 Mrs. McConkey and Mr. G Tinsley, | both of Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tinsley over the week-end. Rev. W. OC. Smith attended the FKm- manuel College Alumni Conference in Toronto the early part of this week. Mrs. Smith and Mr. W. A. Evans ac- companied Rev. Mr. Smith to Toronto. Mrs. Robert Town, of Whitby, is visiting her many friends in Port Perry. Miss BEernice Jemison starts her studies at the University of Toronto on Monday. She is taking up Lang- uages. } Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey were in Toronto on Sunday visiting relatives. Miss Helen Peel left on Monday for Toronto where she has enrolled as a student at the Chiropractic College. Mr. Emerson MacMillan, who is at- tending Normal School in Toronto, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER 21-22, Frankly speaking . . . It's Marvelous. "Roughly Speaking" starring ROSALIND RUSSELL, JACK CARSON with Robert Hutton, Jean Sullivan, Alan Hale. Charm . . Cheer and Chuckles in Smash entertainment. ADDED Paramount's Latest News. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 24-26 Oscar Wilde's } "The Picture of Dorian Gray" with GEORGE SANDERS, HURD HATFIELD, DONNA REED, ANGELA LANSBURY. M G/M's daring drama of vouth's Adventure in living. Starts Thursday, "Belle of the Yukon" OPTOMETRIST JACQUES LABRECQUE The tenor voice heard weekly on "Serenade for Strings", Sundays, at 7 p.m, on Trans-Canada network, is that of Jacques Labrecque, one of Montreal's favorite gifts to radio. He has been singing regularly for CBC audiences since 1936 and has made several appearances among the dis- tinguished company heard in Canada's Victory Star Shows. Auctioneers. SATURDAY, SEPT 29th--- Regis- tered and High Grade Holstein Cattle, the property of Mrs. [.. M. Baker, Lot 15, Con. 14, Reach Twp., 1 mile east of No. 7-12 highway at Saintfield, Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. See bills, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer FARM FOR SALE U-roomed house, freshly painted; main barn 124x34; straw barn 50x30; all on stone foundations; hydro in house and barn; 2 wells at barn; well and cistern at house; 99 acres, creek running through; 2 miles east of Port Perry on Scugog Island; handy to church and school. First plowing done. 6 acres of Fall wheat sown. Apply to Oliver Reader, R.R.3, Port Perry. Phone 101 r 4. sept27 BIRTH SMITH--Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Smith (nee Kathalene Wilson) are happy to announce the birth of a son, George Leslie, at Port Perry Hospital, Saturday, Sept. 16th, 1945. SLENDOR TABLETS -- harmless and effective. 2 wecks' supply $1.00; 12 weeks, $5.00. At Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. _ Rising values means adjustment of INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may St. John's Church, Port Whitby. 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon, "a The Incumbent. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister Sunday, September 23rd-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.-- Baptismal service and ad- dress, p.m. -- Echoes from Toronto ad- dresses delivered by Sir Richard Livingstone. Subject: English Education; and President Coffin, on application of Biblical Prin- ciples to certain outstanding spiritual needs to-day. Sunday, September 30th-- Rally Day Service. = ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A, MacMillan, Minister Sunday-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship During the summer months, services will be held every Sunday morning. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P, Taylor 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Toronto Daily Star PHONE 49 i D0 1 i) winter ills. Vitamin Products. Yow ALPHAMETTES $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 and $15.00 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Liquid $1.15, $2.45 and $4.45 Capsules $1.25, $2.25., $5.00 KEPLER'S MALT and COD LIVER OIL 75¢. and $1.25 NATIONAL MALT AND COD LIVER OIL HALIVER OIL CAPSULES 90¢., $1.55 and $3.25 PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 75¢. and $1.25 Here are a few suggestion 49¢. and 89c. "from our wide range of PURETEST PLENAMINS $1.76 and $5.00 PURETEST MULTIPLE - VITAMINS $1.00 and $1.85 MEAD"S OLEUM PERCOMORPH = 75¢c., $3.00 AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL 67c. and $1.69 SCOTT'S EMULSION } 59¢. and 98c. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT $1.00 A M. LAWRENCE 720 Renall PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SALON -- 2 £ j= | = = I z = B --------e ee with or without appointment. PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up SHAMPOO AND STYLED SETTING, = i 5 PORT PERRY Ww NOTICE All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to household appliances All-makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale. Small Gasoline Engines FOR SALE : ; was home with his parents, Mr. and . | Walnut dresser, large, plain, and be, consult Get your Toronto Daily Star and ONLY 50c. for Sale. : iy Dave MacMillan, over the week- 11 A TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL. fi, good condition. $35.00. Apply to] H. W. EMMERSON Star Weeklies at Frank Smith's Coffee Phone 228, Port Perry Electrie y Qasopne Duise Pump hs 1i ; Ak TPH y Alma Frise, Seagrave. . S] in P P : acks for Sale. ik Miss Irene Mulligan has accepted a i Phone 41 Port Perry | ©'0P, In Port Perry. ARTHUR PRENTICE, Pro : { position with the Canadian Wool DIED ' p MACHINE REPAIR id Board in Toronto. . -- y SHOP ( Mrs, W. Causley and Miss Winni- POWERS --~In Reach Township, on Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1945, Charles Wesley Powers, beloved husband of Matilda Decker, in his 78th year. fred Causley, of Lindsay, visited friends in Port Perry recently. Sgmn Gordon MacMaster, R.C.C.S., of Malton, was home with his mother, Mrs. J. D. MacMaster, over the week- end. Miss Helen Hayes visited friends in Toronto during the past week-end. F/O Harry Spence, RCAF, re- et cently returned from England, and|R. C. FO Beverley J. Smith, R.C.A.F., who Pyke. > . ; oe 13 has just returned from India, were the| Mv. Pyke and family lived in Port week-end guests of Miss M, 5, Spence. | Perry for a number years, he being STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor Port Perry; Ontario. PYKI---At his home 11 Hazelwood Ave, Toronto, on Monday, September 17th, 19145, Romulus C. Pyke, in his 2nd year, beloved husband of Emma Wells, and dear father of Hazel (Mrs. Lamb), Vera, Arley and Jesse Taylor's . | Auto Electric Bill Brinkman, of the Merchant] employed by A. Ross and Sons. L Navy, enjoyed a few days' leave the LUKE -At his home, Vancouver, - latter part of last week at his home| B.C., on I'riday, Sept. Hth, 1945, PORT PERRY here in Port Perry. [| William H. Luke, brother of George ere ry Luke, Prince Albert, Ont., and Mrs. GENERATORS C. M. Cook, La Grange, Ill., U.S.A. ST TERS ANNOUNCEMENT Meet Sve Eidkuarl Hial AN ABANDONED FARM FIELD COILS r. and Mrs. Egbert MacGregor an- nounce the engagement of their| Man has Jeanie of his task ) REPAIRED and daughter, Doris Kathleen, to Mr. And withdrawn: Gordon L. Reneau, son of Mr, and Mrs. | Weeds grow rank and wild things bask EXCHANGED H. W. Ploss, Toronto. will take September. On the lawn; By the orchard, gnarled and gray; House and barns sink to decay; Ht No blithe sounds of work or play \ ! 3 Greet the dawn. i Girls' Auxiliary The meeting to open another season $ of the Senior Girls' Auxiliary of the jr . Church of the Ascension was held at i : the home of Mrs. C. A. Glass on Tues- | i The marriage place the latter part of BILL TAYLOR :: Proprietor BioossT SHOW. VALUE IN OsmAwa Smoking In The Loges THEDICE ARE,gAOED AGAINST YOU ; Canadians are lucky. So far we've prevented inflation and = avoided deflation. " It's not been just good luck. : Your support--everybody's support--of price ceilings, rationing Nature takes what man has spurned To her heart; Like a conqueror returned, Routs man's art; Through his fields deploys her lines, Regiments of shrubs and vines; Takes by storm or undermines Iivery part. Biltmore THEATRE, OSHAWA Continuous Show Daily day evening. Irene Mulligan," Presi- dent, opened the meeting with Prayer; : Minutes were read; the Treasurer's : report showed a pleasing balance on : hand; ideas were brought forth for raising further sums. Election of officers was held with the following results- ~President, June Sonley; Secretary, Helen Hayes; Treasurer, Pauline Jemison; Leader, Dorothy Balfour. The girls spent the remainder of the evening knitting. How she flaunts her victory This 'bright day! Sets where every eye may see Banners gay! Purple joepye, asters blue, Meadow-sweet of creamy hue, Golden-rod and primrose, too, Line my way. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 20-21-22 . 7 j 11] Thunderhead SON OF FLICKA starring PRESTON FOSTER -- Added Feature -- So my soul by Care and Toil Mrs. Glass, as- [7 . 1 sisted by Clare, served a licicun Long oppressed, and other controls alone has made it possible. Falcon in ; ; : lunch and Rev. E. G. Bruton closed the | like this farm's exhausted soil, : Holl wood"' : "we : meeting with prayer. WW BUT NOW COMES THE REAL TESTING TIME. 10ity H Ni 'e, cag ! ; [Ving sallow Jee and isi The danger of inflation and its black shadow, deflation, will with TOM CONWAY. 1 Nom a] A p 0 / y f y (4 CARD OF THANKS Soothed and blessed. last as long as goods are scarce and insufficient to meet demands. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, | On behalf of Mrs. Vickery, I would --Edward Tallmadge Root, SEPTEMBER 24-25-26 With the war over and plenty of money In our pockets it's easy in Independent (Taken from a scrap book dated 1906, There were -abandoned farms then---there still are, after nearly 40 years.) 4 like to thank the people of the Church r of the Ascension, for the lovely basket of flowers; also the ladies of the W.A. for cards received. (signed) Mrs. Nott to overlook the danger. ; I's easy to think that paying just a lite more fo get something we want is unimportant now. I's easy to think that what you do can't hurt-- and fo forget that careless, extravagant buying Is a sure way fo help a general . rise in prices. That's how inflation gets going. oi BUT INFLATION IS ALWAYS FOLLOWED BY DEFLATION. And deflation brings cancelled orders, bankrupt businesses, mortgage foreclosures, unemployment and distress-- distress you "Story of. Dr. Wassell" starring GARY COOPER and LARAINE DAY. ADDED FEATURE "Pardon My Rhythm" with GLORIA JEAN and BING CROSBY. BAZAAR AND TEA On Tuesday afternoon and evening, October 30th, the Parish Workers of the Church of the Ascension will hold their annual Bazaar in the Parish Hall. Gift articles of all kinds will' be offered for sale. Afternoon tea will be served. 3 : can't avoid. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, i ANNOUNCEMENT | - Until industry gets back fo normal, price cellings, rationing and SEPTEMBER 27-28-29 ) Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. Sutcliffe, Utica, WE HAD IT BEFORE = other controls are our safeguard, "This ; ¢ : Ont, Wish to announce the engage- | \ . vn - " ; LA) un ment of their eldest daughter June ' ' ' ' DR Adel J t ' 3 Muriel, to Stewart William Bray, son | oF «°° 1920 $M le So / for Hire" z J My, and Mrs, John By, Raglan, | COA LN nu = Keep on watching your buying. Don't rush to buy scarce goods, . 3 nt. e marriage to take place in ctory hond tarri it the Utica United Church, at 3.30 p.m. _ : ' i Capstone Keep on: saving your money, Put it Inte VI A 'and ; jo Fe LADD and ©. on September 20th. I | WEST COAST STAR unnriovmenr 9, Wey Savings cuifieates, "ADDED FEATURE '. Golden-haired Isabelle MeEiwen is' o ios Io 12 | Koop on supporting wage and price controls, and. rationing. 6" ' It " the soprano star of two popular pro- ap K 'on fighting inflation and its black shad ooo doflati RATION CALENDAR grams. She sings over CBC iio] a 4 ; > y 4 4 ow, on, wing your I] Coupons becoming valid Sept. 20: Canada network in her own half-hour! A Ld [ers wor nave rr aca em -------- y '" : SUGAR iin 46 to 64 program, Tuesday nights at 7 -p.m.,! . ] ¥ Partner 4 BUTTER ..... Srerine 116 to 122 and she joins Harry Pryce's orehestra This advertisement Is one of a series being lsived by the Government of with LILUBELLE and SC i PRESERVES 33 to 57; P1 to P17. on "Leicester Square to Broadway," Canada to emphasize the Importance of preventing a further Increase In the . a 0TTY Gg. MEAT Ly Prin M1 to M3 Saturdays at 10.30 p.m, cost of living now and deflation and unemployment later, ' p. 2 i . 4 w ' '