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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1945, p. 8

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y 3 ARERR RY Le AIS RRAN (ATT Ee -- AERO Rend BM DALY : TE ari te Solas, PORT PERRY, ONT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1946 JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR |, GOOD BAKING Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor General Builders' Supplies Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. ESTIMATES GIVEN Phone 240w LAKE SCUGCOG LUMBER & COAL CO. LIMITED Saturday Special -- Bread is Your Best Food-- EAT MORE OF IT! Whole Wheat Multins SEAGRAVE A number of young people of this community are attending the Leadership Training School at Little Britain. - Rev. D. P. Morris is one of thé instructors. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Watson spent Sunday in Stouflville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Orchard. On Wednesday evening, Mr. Ritchie of the Federation of _Agriculture showed pictures in. the school. Between the reels, the school children sang "Swing- ing on a Star", and Leona Rey- nolds gave a piano solo. Mr. Wallace McMillan spoke on Hog Production Scheme, which is be- ing much discussed by farmers -at present. On Friday evening a commun- ity meeting was held in the school to make plans for a Re-|, ception for the ex-Service Men. Committees were appointed to arrange the details of the even- ing, which will be held as soon -as possible, in the New Year. The Misses Ruby and Marjory McCoy, Helen and Betty Short, also Alexa Stone, all of Toronto, spent Sunday at their respective homes here. We are sorry to report that Mrs. W. Frise and Mrs. J. N. Mark are both confined to their beds at present. We hope they will soon be restored to health. Mr. and" Mrs. C. Sleep held open house on Monday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. R. Nod- well. Friends and neighbours took this opportunity to welcome them to our community and wish them all of the best for the future. The Y.P.U. met at the home of George and Bernice Harding on Wednesday evening, November 28th. The topic was taken by Mr. Glen Wanamaker, the sub- ject being Missions. Miss A. Frise and Miss I. King spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Mark, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Tristram spent the week-end at the lat- ter's home here, { Mrs. S. Reynolds has returned home after spending a few days with her daughters Mrs. G. Hood and Mrs. G. Cherrie, on-Scugog. Mr, D. Milne had a very suc- cessful sale on Wednesday, Nov. |: 28th. The Red Cross group of that community sold lunch and coffee, with gratifying results. Gerrow Bros. Bakery Phone 32 GREENBANK WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Wil- mot Walker, Tuesday afternoon, November 27th, with about 35 in attendance. With Mrs, H. McMillan presid- ing, the meeting opened with the hymn "Come All Ye That Love the Lord". Scripture reading, Psalm 7:1-10 taken by Mrs. LE. Phair, followed with prayer by Mrs. J. lanson. Hymn, "Won- derful Story of Love". The Topic "National Security" taken by Mrs. Cecil Phair. With the unrest.-and confusion in the world today there can be no na- tional security with the Atomic Bomb. The only defence the world can have is no one having the desire to drop an Atomic somb on anyone. We all must learn to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and our neighbour as ourselves. The de- votional period then closed with hymn "Jesus Shall Reign", The president then took charge for business portion of the meet- ing. Roll call, minutes read and adopted, and other items of busi- ness discussed. As Mrs. Wallace McMillan is leaving our community, Mrs. A. Jackson read a presentation ad- dress and Mrs. L. O'Neill ex- hibited a plate which was to be sent to Mrs. McMillan. Rev. T. Wallace took charge of meeting for the election of offi- cers for 1946. He congratulated] the members of the Woman's As- sociation upon the wonderful work done during the year. He then read a list of officers given him by the nominating commit- tee, which was voted on and passed unanimously, Officers clected as follows: President, Mrs. Cecil Phair; Ast Vice President, Mrs. Wilmot Walker; 2nd Vice President, Mrs, -L. O'Neill; Secretary, Mrs. Jas. Tanson; Asst, See., Mrs. J. Cook; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Howard McMillan; Press Sec., Mrs. John MecKitrick; Pianist, Mrs. Ernest J hairs Agst. Pianist, Mrs, Ernest Till. After the introduction of the new president, Mrs, H. McMillan thanked the ladies for the help rendered her during her three years of office. [Following the theme song and lizpah Benediction, Mrs. Ernest hair conducted two Christmas conteste which were greatly en- joyed by all. Lunch was served (by group in charge, i.e. Mrs. C. Phair, Mrs. E. Phair, Mrs. H. Mc- Millan, and a most enjoyable afternoon spent. PP BLACKSTOCK Nestleton Women's Institute branch entertained the Black- stock branch in United Church, North Nestleton, on Friday of last week. Miss Hayes, speaker from the Department, spoke on "Program Planning". There were also interesting discussions on that part of Institute work. The program consisted of duet by Murs. Dorrell and Mrs. Larmer, reading by Murs, Proutt, solo by Mrs. Lorne Thompson, and com- munity singing after which a de- lightful lunch was served. Four- teen Blackstock ladies attended. A Crockinole party was held in the basement of United Church on Thursday evening, sponsored by the W.M.S. A basket social and dance was held in community hall on Fri- day evening by L.O.L. 138. We are glad to report that Mrs. Charlotte Forder who un- derwent an operation at Lock- wood Clinic Hospital, and Mrs. Kate Downey, who has recently had an operation in Toronto Gen- "eral are both doing nicely. Sorry to report the sudden death of Mr. Cadmus, and also the death of 11 Miss Fanny Mahood, Nestleton. The Langfeld family placed baskets of beautiful ,'mums on the altar of St. John's Church in memory of Able Seaman Lester Langfeld and the other members of the Corvette which was sunk Nov. 29th, 1944. Donna Jean, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, "| was baptized in United Church, Nestleton, on Sunday. At the United Church Sunday evening a baptismal service was conducted by Rev. R. B. Harri- son, The babies were: Pearl Lor- raine, daughter of Mr, and Fred Dayes; James Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers; Donald Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain; Joan Marie, daug- hter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brad- burn; Donald Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn; Ar- thur Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp; James Weir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain. There was a good atten- dance to witness this Christian gesture. James Murray' Byers and Donald Ross Swain were in- deed - fortunate -- their great- grandfather James Byers pre- sent, who is a faithful member of the church. On Sunday Burketon Honour Roll was unveiled in the church with 19 names as follows: Ross Aldred, Harold Avery, Norman Avery, Roy Avery, Ewart Breck, Thomas Breck, Wallace Breck, William Breck, George Carter, Robert Carter, Roy Carter, Fran- cis Cook, Jean Davey, Thomas De Mille, Harold Gatchell, Howard Gatchell, Merle Hubbard, Herbert House, Harold Wilson. Rev. Mr. Plant preached a splendid ser- mon and the choir sang two spe- cial selections. = "O Valiant Hearts" was sung in memory of those who gave their lives, BETHESDA Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ward ac- companied by Mr, and. Mrs. C. Croxall attended the Ice Capades in Toronto on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Burnsell Webster and son Douglas, and brother Horace, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wilf. Evans. Congratulations to Mr. Ed- ward Palmer on winning the lucky prize of $15 at the Capital Theatre, Uxbridge on Thursday night, Mr. Wilmott Croxall and Mr. Ted Croxall were in Kingston on Tuesday. Messrs, Lawrence and .Ross Evang attended the Kiwanis ban- quet in Toronto, Tuesday noon. Returning they attended the Kinsmen banquet at Oshawa in the evening, Congratulations: g0 to these boys -on. winning. prizes in the Calf Club. Mrs, Stanley Lickiss and her daughter are spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. MacGregor. Mrs. Walter Palmer and son Robert were in Toronto on Mon- day. "Mr; Wilmott Croxall has pur-, George Fowler, of |" ---Miss Clara Palmer, One thing YOU can do -- make your greeting calls as far abead of Christmas Day as possible! Lo) po Branch Manager chased a new army truck. Please kéep i in mind the Christ- mas concert, Wednesday, Dec. 19th, Mr. and Mrs. E. Parish spent the week-end in Toronto, and at- tended the Ice Capades. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobson and family, in Toronto, on Saturday. |, A number from here attended Commencement Exercises at Ux- bridge on Friday evening. Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Palmer, --_---- eo -- ------ EPSOM The regular meeting of the Epsom Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. H. Hockley, on Thursday, November 29th, with the president, Mrs. J. Wilson, presiding. Mrs. Wilson opened the meeting with the les- son thoughts on "National Se- curity". © The hymn, "Wonder- ful words of Life" was sung, and Rev. B. Eyers led in prayer, fol- lowed by the Lord's prayer. 96th] Psalm was read. Twelve mem- bers and one visitor answered the roll call. After the minutes the treasurer's report was read and business discussed. -Mrs. L. Wagner had charge of the Devotional period and the program, The W. A. theme song, "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me" was sung and the W. A, Code repeated. Rev. B. Eyers gave a very interesting and help- ful talk on "National Security". Mrs. Norman Prentice gave a reading , "I would be true", Mrs. Herman Kerry read a poem, "She loved to laugh" and Mrs. Robert Clark read a poem, "I'd rather have a rose". The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and God Save the King. A social time was then enjoyed by all. eet PO Bee Myrtle Station Mr. S. Saywell's sermon on Sunday morning was based on Jeremiah's prophesy of the com- ing of Christ. of a series of pre-Christmas ser- mons leading up to the birth of our Saviour, Remember that December 16 'will be White Gift Sunday. The service will be in keeping with the day and the Sunday School children will take. parts, both in the singing and the story-telling. Come and bring a gift wrapped in white--no matter how small in value, it will bring Pleasure to some one, On Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12, the Woman's Association will hold the regular business and social meeting, with the annual It-was the first' election of officers, at the home|' of Mrs. Albert Eyers. The holi-|. day coin bags will be brought in at this meeting. * Mrs. Eyers ex- tends a cordial invitation to, the ladies of the community to at- tend this meeting at her home. Sunday School next Sunday at 10 o'clock; church service at 11. Mr. Harry Stacey is walking very carefully these days -- in fact he's minding his steps with great precision. But who would not under the same circumstance if he had had the misfortune to slip on some ice-coated grass and fall, breaking and cracking some ribs ? This happened early last week, " The Dave Duchemins were partying on Thursday night with all the other members of Beeth- oven Lodge, I0.0.F., and their 'wives, in a merry get-together in the township hall, Brooklin. On the same evening the Oscar Downeys, with the remaining members of the Brooklin Hunt Club, and their wives, attended the venison banquet held in the Brooklin House.. The evening 'was taken up with tales of this year's experiences, told by the members, and each alittle better than the one before. 'Twas a jolly evening with euchre later. Mrs. Clarence Harrison was in Toronto on Wednesday of last week to see the Ice Capades in Maple Leaf Gardens. ' Copgratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Downey on the arrival in Oshawa Hospital, on Thursday evening, of a bouncing baby boy. Also we offer congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black (nee Cooper) on the birth of a lovely 'baby girl in Oshawa Hospital, a few hours after Allen's and Florence's boy arrived, so it ne- 'cessitated a second stork! Pte. Mildred Harrison C.W.A. C., of Oakville, was home from Saturday on a- forty-eight hour 'leave, Mildred is looking very may be leaving off the uniform. Mr. Wm ,Eyers spent the week end with his family at their home in Hawkestone. Miss Eileen Brown of Oshawa, was in the village on Monday calling on her aunt, Mrs, David Duchemin. Mrs, Roy Scott of Seagrave, 'who accompanied Mrs. Harrison to Toronto on Wednesday of last week to see the Ice Capades, stopped off on her return and 'stayed until Saturday with her mother, Mrs. R. Long. The community extends sin- cere sympathy to Mr. Elwood Masters in his bereavement at the death of his mother, on Sun- day after a long illness in Osha- wa, on Wednesday afternoon, with interment in McRae' 8 ceme- tary, Pontypool, fit, but has no idea when shel. ---- ---- LOOK! NEW HIGH PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY SPECIAL Till further notice, we will pay 23e. per Ib Live Weight for Fat ucks receive your shipments of Ducks, and Geese. WHITBY, ONT Until further notice, we are paying the following Prices for LIVE POULTRY, delivered to our plant i in WHITBY Top Grade Heavy FOWL, ______.___._. v....28¢. pound Top Grade Light FOWL, 4 tob lbs. .___._.._....21c. Ib. Top Grade Light FOWL, under 4 lbs. ____..___.. 19¢. 1b. Top Grade BROILERS, 2 to31bs..__.__._.. 28¢. pound Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, over 4} lbs., Top Grade Roasting CHICKENS, under 44 Ibs, ., 26¢. 1b. TOP GRADE CAPONS, over 6 lbs., We are also in the market for Dressed Poultry--would like to PICKERING FARMS, LIMITED 28¢. 1b. Dressed Chickens, Turkeys, Telephone-- Whitby 386 ADMISSION: -- DON'T FORGET -- The PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB "EUCHRE & DANCE" on FRIDAY, DEC. 14th IN THE PORT PERRY HIGH Jenoor Peasant Faint Dramatic Sacily PRESENTS A PLAY bi Runt dusie Shoots the Works i SPONSORED BY The Port Perry Young People's Union, TO BE HELD IN THE ~ PortPe rry High School Auditorium "ON THE EVENING OF Friday, December 7th, at 8.15 p.m. Adults 35c. Children 20c. Mr, and. Mrs. Bill McCartney and family moved from our vil- lage the first part of this week, to the A. E. Spencer. farm, one. mile west of Manchester, = Our best wishes for their success go with them. Keep the evening of December 20 free, for that is the night of the Christmas tree. entertain ment and Santa Claus will visit us in person--that is, of course, if nothing happens to prevent his arrival. A dozen and one things might happen such as Dasher or Dancer casting a shoe; too many snow drifts, ete., etc. But we are not expecting any of these things to hold him up. . Mrs. Hugo Bradley was in To- ronto on Monday attending the funeral of her brother-in-law. Mrs, Eyers and Norman ac- companied Albert to Toronto on Monday when he made a busi- ness trip. Mrs. Towers and children, Tommy and Shelah and Mrs. Kukta, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the 'William 'Ash home. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Blight, Donald and Helen, of Ajax, were guests of the Harold Hamiltons on Sunday. We wonder if others noticed the strange cloud formation on Tuesday near noon? It was like a rainbow in shape but white and like the wake of a torpedo as we have seen it in photographs. ASHBURN The annual Christmas tree and entertainment will be held in the basement of the church on Wed- nesday, Dec. 19th, at 8.15. Keep this date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble visited with relatives in Toronto and Hamilton during the week- .lend. Mr. Arthur Richardson attend- ed the Junior Farmers' banquets in Toronto and Oshawa last 'week. Mrs. Wes Honiley and Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hamill, of Manilla. - Mr. John Miller is attending the International Shorthorn Con- gress Show and sale in Chicago this week, The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Russell Lunney, on Tuesday evening, November 27. EMERGENCY WARD Never one to shirk responsibility, comedian Alan Young has has announced his intention of operating for the international audience right on through fhe year. expert roles, that of Dr. Young, calling for sature and sponge, while standing guard over a pretty patient. The Alan Young show is heard over CBC Dominion network Here he is in one of his at

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