Watch your label; it tells whem your - Subscription expires. * + $1.50 per year in advance 5 cents a single copy PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1945 PORT SAMUEL FARMER Editor and Publisher RR RT "Till the war-drum throbbed no longer, And the battle-flags were furled In the Parliament of Man The Federation of the World", «+= - Tennyson (Locksley Hall) Clie Mivacle of Uhristmas Did you ever consider how wonderful it is that the .. .. Christmas Spirit has persisted through all the centuries since the first Christmas Day? In spite of opposition and neglect, it has become the foundation of all that is per- manent in Civilization. The struggle for supremacy in nations; the selfishness of humanity; these have fought against the simple kindliness that Christ showed when He "went about doing good." Bigoted men, proud and intolerant in their self-righteousness, tortured and des- troyed men and women who saw Christ's teaching--and that alone--as the guiding principle of life. grew, But the Christmas Spirit Even in the present confusion of con- flicting interests among the nations, there is a hope and a belief that Christianity can be made to work in world affairs as it has in millions of lives during nearly two thou- sand years, In the life of any Canadian community the Christmas Spirit is the hope and comfort of all who are in distress. Sore row makes us all kin. Suffering proves that we are neighbors, Remember--evil is news, good behaviour is taken for granted. When all is said and done, we shall not be satisfied until we shall have established peace amoung men of good will, It is true that many of us could do more for those who suffer in distant lands. They are far away, and we are rich, victorious, and forgetful. Yet both nationally and in- dividually we ship our wheat, our meat, our butter, our clothing, not in any niggardly "fashion, but In great cargoes. livery Church, every Service Club, every Society, is and has been sharing (perhaps not enough) the good things and the necessities of life. This conduct has become the rule of life for all good citizens, and should be encour- aged among those who now spend their all on themselves and their friends. In our eagerness to help, we may become too pes- simistic as to the world outlook. This is the time to recognize and praise the Christmas Spirit. Most wonderful of all is the outreach which the Christmas Spirit gives to human minds, The vision is growing that man can subdue nature: that disease and suffer- ing can be stayed in a thousand ways. When the radio and the daily press discourage us almost beyond endurance, stop to think of the good that is being done day by day, and hour by hour, And remember --without the practical application of the Christmas Spirit, civilization cannot endure, "We build on solid foundation there. We wis mur readers the happiness Auhich the Christmas Spirit brings -- Editor and Staff of the Fort Ferry Star, Ta nS ae fo Eo we <0 od Ta DR Mo og IC Pall Tr Fa or tes > w EL ia " ak Ch a. - Sn Via: v ik -- 5 wn, aro, A is RETA ns