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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Dec 1945, p. 2

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ae VS wh lo SR a | a Fr SRTEERA VL Ta SRA or AUN ER ARS 2 RNa SAAT Re NW ASS ABA eT SSE -- it) India, General Claude HONOUR FOR BRITISH WAR LEADERS The Viceroy of India, Field Marshal Lord Wavell, and the C-in-C Auckinleck, Fi itt have received the highest American honour that can be awarded to non-Americans--the Legion of Merit, Degree of Chief Commander. The honour was conferred by the President of the United States and was presented in Delhi on his behalf-by U.S. Lieutenant-General R. A. Wheeler. Picture shows the Viceroy of India, Field Marshal Lord Wavel, receiving the decoration from Lieut.-General Wheeler, Canada's War Gratuities Top List When it comes to paying gratuities to war veterans, Canada is right up at the top of the list. Here is the scale. of grants for a private with three years in the forces, two of which have been served overseas: Country: Canada rer eraaaa vere so New Zealand .... Great Britain .....0u0eun.. Australia 0 8 Visio e » weisiwieie South Africa .......... United States ............ ws If If Married Single and One Child NE ' $611 $711 FEF ervenae 586 640 Ceuae Carer s 383 473 serena e 375 303 ve» ruven .s 336 336 ET IIT aie. 300 300 Let the croakers try to play with that one! Bookshelf . . .. The High Barbaree by Charles Nordhoft . and James Norman Hall A Catalina lying Boat lies ditched in the Pacitic after its death struggle with a Jap sub- marine. Its radio has been des- troved, its watér tanks punctured, aud three of its crew killed. But the Cat still floats, and in it the two survivors, Alec Brooke, the young pilot from lowa, and his navigator, Gene Mauriac of Cali- fornia, sweat out the hours as they wait for rescue. Days of overcast--on one of which they sec a plane that dqes rot spot them--are succeeded by an cndless stretch of brassy heat. They know they have drifted far out of range of llenderson Field, and as the hours pile up and the~ water runs tow, Alec begins. to reminisce about his home town in Towa, about his sea-faring uncle, and about his boyhood dream of a tiny Pacific Island, an island marked "Existence Doubtful" on the old maps, an island toward which "they might even now be drifting . . . : The High Barbaree . .. McClel- land & Stewart . . . Price $2.00. Proposed Loan To Great Britain t I ---- "Deal" of Vital Importance i to all United Nations The loan of $4,400,000,000 ar- ranged last week by British repre- sentatives with the United States government has two features--an advance of $3,750,000,000 to Bri- tain," to be used to re-establish dcemestic economy, and $650,000,- 000 by way of a Lend-Lease bal- ence, The essential aspect of the $4,100,000,000 loan is the good it can do the two Countries (and the world) in setting up the basis for new trade agreements which will permit a free flow of world-trade goods. The major trade concessions made by Great Britain will work to the advantage of the United States, by opening up new markets to American industry and agriculture. Jt is not inconceivable that these renewed markets will add more billions to the national income "of 4 the United States in one year "than the amount of the loan. In fighting the war, says the "New "York Sun, Great Britain en- tirely exhausted its working capi- tal. The British still are in a strong pcsition as business men all over the world. They have the shops and an establislied reputation for sound business dealings, but they haven't the goods with which to ptock their shops, - . It is now proposed that we help them by supplying working capital. If we do so we can hope that the channels of world trade once more will be open to ourselves ag well as to Great Britain apd other nations. If world trade cannot be estab- fished in an orderly manner, the alternative for Great Britain will be inability to buy goods from us which would mean that she would have to confine lier trade to the sterling area, ~infection to "'prosper," Dr. Death Lingered Over Nagasaki Atomic Bomb's Rays Killed Japs Weeks After Blasts A scientist describes how fan tastic cffects of rays given off by atomic bombs killed Japanese weeks after the blasts which flat- tened Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Di. Philip. Morrison, who helped assemble those bombs, said the rays strangely affected the blood and made the victims a prey to fatal infection. In a statement prepared for the special United States Senate atom: dic energy committee, he told of the gruesome findings of a party which "inspected the devastated cities after the Japanese sur- rendered. Ie said most persons within a mile of the bombs died quickly-- cither from the great heat of the biast or injuries suffered in demol- ished buildings. Radium-like Rays Many who escaped death by blast or burn, Dr. Morrison said, "died trom the effects of radium-like rays emitted in great number from the bomb at the instant of the ex- plosion." "This radiation affects the blood forming tissues in the bone mare row, and the whole function of the blcod is impaired," said the former physics instructor at the Universi- ty of Illinois. "The blood does not coagulate but oozes in many spots through the unbroken skin and internally seeps into the cavities of the body. The white corpsucles which fight infection disappear." Lack of these corpsucles permits Morri- son said, "and the patient dies, usually two or three weeks after the exposure. "I am not a medical man, but like all nuclear physicists I have studied this disease a little," Dr. Morrison said. "It is a hazard of our profession. With the atomic bomb, it became epidemic. War cart now ge not cities, but nations." Population of U.S. Over 140,000,000 The Census Bureau has an- nounced that the population of the United States passed the 140,000,- 000 mark about Oct. 1. J. C. Capp, Bureau Director, said that on this basis, the population ircreased by about 8,330,725 in the 5V4 years following the 1940 cen- sus. This compares with 'an in- crease of 8,804,220 during the 10 years between 1930 and 1040, Bank Nationalized Nationalization of banks in Eu- ropean Ucountries proceeds apace. Mr. Van Acker, the Socialist prime minister of Belgium, announces that the Bank of Belgium is to be taken out of private control as soon as he can get the necessary legislation passed, France has al- ready nationalized her banks, Helicopters ] Two liners now being built in Britain will carry helicopters to fly off mail and urgent freight as they near port, Our Public Debt 'Must Be Paid "Work and Economize! Seen As One Way of Reducing ' Heavy Taxation These optimists who expected enormous cuts in taxation once the war was over are in much the same ~ category as the happy-go-lucky Micawber who, when he secured a three months' extension on lus promisory notes, cxclaimed: "Thank goodness, that debts paid!" - The war is over and government expenditures should be drastically reduced, much more drastically re- duced, in fact, than the recent bud- get promised, states the Financial Post. But tlie important fact that every taxpayer in Canada must bear in mind is that as a-result of the war we have added enormously to our public debt.and this debt we must pay. We did not begin to pya for this war as we went along. Actually, we only paid 45 percent of our war expeilditures out of cur- rent revenue. In addition to enor mously increased taxation we bor rowed through Victory Loans huge sts of money. By the end of the recent fiscal year we will have add- ed $10,000,000,000 to our national debt since 1938, These various government loans simply represent deferred taxation on which close to $300,000,000 a year in interest alone must be paid. Work and Economiza It ig all very well to argue that this is a debt we owe to ourselves, that we have not gone outside to get this additional money to prose- cute the war But that does not solve our problem. The widow and the morkingman who bought a $100 government bond just as the big insurance company which in- vested hundreds of millions of its pulicy holders' money in such bonds, must 'be paid interest and capital, otherwise we face financial chaos. For a great many years to come we face heavy taxation in Canada, The war did not leave us richer in money and goods, but very much poorer. Any arguments to the contrary are just so much non- sense and only add to our difticul ties. ' - The one way we can pay for the war and eventually reduce our heavy load of taxation is to work and cconomize, We must boost our production of goods and serv- ices and taxation that tends to re- strict that production must be lifted or substantially eased, otherwise we are literally killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Britain Rebuilding Merchant Navy A merchant navy of fast, up-to- date ships is shaping up in Brit- ain's many shipyards and by early next year many new cargo liners will be ready to carry goods abroad in the greatest export drive of this country's history. At Sept. 30 Llyod's register re- ported 387 ships of .1,496,243 tons were under construction in the United Kingdom. Almost 100 of the craft are coastal vessels under 500 tons but 87 are of more than 3,000 tons, suitable for deepsea service, Rebuilding Britain's . merchant fleet to its 20,000,000-ton pre-war level will be a work of years. HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: - $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION 'When your BACK ACHES... Backache is often caused by lazy kidne action. When kidneys get out of order exces acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis. turbed rest or that 'tired out' feel; may soon follow. To help kee Voor py Dodd's Kidney Pills, i, tom bai om s y Pills, in ua red band. Sold everywhere. 135 QUICK RELIEF FOR COUGHS, COLDS BRONCHITIS CRAM LLY SIMPLESORE THROAT Have You Heard? "Daddy, what is leisure?" asked the child. "My boy," replied the sire, "leisure is the two minutes' rest a man gets while his wife thinks up something for him to do." Last Stop! A gentleman slipped on the stair of a subway and started to slide down to the bottom. Half-way down, he collided with a lady, knocking her down, and the two cofitinued- their way together. After they had reached the bot- tom, the lady, still dazed, continued to sit on the gentleman's chest, Looking up. at her he said, po- litely: FI m sorry, madam, but this is as far as I go." Solving the Great Problam "I'm no" sending any Christmas or New Year gifties tac ma rela- tions this Christmas," said the art- ful Andrew. : "But why not?" asked his friend. "Surely they'll be expecting some- thing." Andrew shook his head. "No, I've scen to that," he re- plied. "They'll fi0" be expecting anything I wrote an' told them I was suffering from losg of memory --an' to make sure they'd believe it I forgot tae pit.ony stamps on the letters." sok All dressed up in smart coin dots is the silver-spangled Hamburg hen, above, owned by Harlow H. Mor- gan, of Montclair, N.J. The pick-a- back pair, below, are a 12-ounce Red Pyle game cock and a 14- pound Light Brahma, Fancy fowl were all entries at annual national poultry show opened in New York. Pi Astronomical Figures 11 cot the world? searcher James H. Brady and Am- erican erials and about $230,000,000,000 in property damage, armaments and in China, for which figures were ditures for war material at $317, 600,000,000, 000,000,000 and the United Kiog- of close to $375 will shortly be an- of $325. It is $100 more than the Reveal Cost of War Want to know what World War According to a survey by re University, Washington, it was about $1,154,000,000,000 (tril- lion) for armament and war mat include cost of property damage That doesn't nut: available, The survey placed U.S. expea- Russia spent $102, dom $120,001 €00,000, The war cost the Axis ppwers about $168,939,000,000, with Ger many spending $272,900,000,000, Italy $91,000,000,000 and Japan $36,000,000,000. . One-Way Atlantic Trip by TCA $375 A new transatlantic single fare nounced , by Tans-Canada Air Lines, The Financial Post states. This compares with a present fare fere of* $275 proposed in October by Pan-American, but is the same rate as finally adopted this week by Pan-American following pres- sure from Britain and- other air lines. : f / VOICE OF THE PRESS Long, Long Ago In the Stratford Beacon-Herald of 50 years ago stores were adver tising "three good brooms for 25 cents, and potatoes at 25 cents a bag." And there was probably lots of work to be had--at a dollar a day, apd the "day" was 12 hours! ~--Ottawa Citizen. Do ------------. Better Burned 3 Trials of Nazis oft remind us, As the evidefice is upturned, That the Fuehrer left hehind him, Papers, that he should have burned. --Edmonton Journal, One Advantage The homeless returned War Vet- eran has one advantage over the houseless civilian--he knows how to build a foxhole, --Stratford Beacon-Herald, To Celebrate This yecr is the 50th anniver- sary of the pneumatic tire. How about celebrating with a good blowout? --Peterborough Examiner, Anvil Chorus In one respect cars are like peor ple. They show a tendency to knock as they grow older. --Galt Reporter. BABY CHICKS DYEING AND CLEANINC FARMS FOR SALB PHOTOGRAPHY WANT DAYOLD CHICKS? WE'VE some available, and also some 2- 3 week heavy breed started chicks -- work in fine for the early 1946 broiler markets. Write for list and order soon for 1946. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N, Ham- flton, Ont. KARLY CHICKS BRING THR greatest returns. Canada needs early chicks next year and al- ways, She needs them not only to supply her own requirements but, to sustain her export market at the time it needs eggs most, Any product is better appreciated at home or abroad when It is sup- plied at the time it is most need- ed. Early chicks have two advan- ° tages. 1st. -- they lay early when prices are the highest; 2nd, -- they lay longest spreading the ra- turns over the whole year. Fail- ure to secure sufficient early chicks last spring resulted In a shortage of eggs this Fall, Any surplus that may occur In the Fall of 1946 is protected by the export contract with Great Bri- tain which insures a price of 45c. for a Large Seaboard. Send for our early delivery pricelist, you will not only make extra money with early hatched chicks, but You will save money by taking them early, Free catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate. delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcherfes Limited, Fergus, Ontario, K BABY CHICK BUYERS ORDER YOUR GOVERNMENT AP- proved chicks now and obtain an early order discount. Each breed- er Is Government banded and blood-tested. Write for our 1946 price list and catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontarlo YOU WILL SAVE MONEY IF YOU order your Top Notch chicks early. You will not only save mo- ney but you will make extra mo- ney If vou take early delivery of -your chicks, It is the early chicks that always make the most mo- ney. Send for 'early pricelist and free catalogue. Algo laving pul- lets for Immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARM. THE progeny of Foundation and Re- glstered Birds. = All Breeders blood-tested. Prices from 8c to 25c. © All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. Vd WE HAVE FOR IMMEDIATE shipment laving and ready to lay pullets fn White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hampshires. Also day old chicks for immediate de- livery, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hitenerise] Limited, Fer- gus, Ontarlo. ) SUPERIOR CHICKS Fall chicks, Winter chicks, Spring chicks, alli popular breeds, Hy- brids, day old and started. Im- mediante or later delivery, All breeders bloodtested, 21 day Hv- ability guarantee. Catalogue, prices free. Superior Hatchery, Linwood. Ontario.' IF YOU WANT LAYING AND ready to lay nullets for immediate delivery, we have them -- Rarred Rocks, New Hamnshires, White Leghorns or Hvhrids, Alen for im- mediate delivery day old chicks. Free catalorue. Top Notch Chick- eries, Guelph, Ont, t "HE ONLY PURINA; EMRRYO-FED Barred Rock and Hyhrid approv- ed chicks produedd in Chatham are blond-tested bY the tube me- thod for hoth the rezular and X strains of pullorum, PhHllata $26.00 ° per hundred. Mixed /8156.00 and Cockerela" 87:00. Ofdér now from Frank Price Hatchery, 11 Jahn- ke St. Chatham, Qntarlo. RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'HOW WOIrnD vor LIKE TO OWN a $10.000 Home, bullt to your own aspecifientions,. wherever you wish? Tf vou prefer we will glve you $10.000 in Vietory Ronds. Op. portunity to win $10,000 monthlv draw. All nroceeds for underpr!- vileged children and playgrounds. Draw _ date --- December 81st, 1945. Don't delay. Receipts malled promptly, Send $1.00 for one ticket, 6 for $5.00. right now to Kiwanis Club of Sudbury, Box 53 Sudbury, Ont, ' 'WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE PUR- chasers for properties near 'Windsor. Toronto and Niagara Falls, Write, giving us full par- ticulars, Guaranty Trust Com- pany of Canada, Windsor -- To- ronto -- Niagara Falls, HOME FOR $1.00 $6,500.00 -- 5-ROOM HOUSE, FINI- shed now, to be drawn soon Fund membership $1.00: 6 for $5.00. Rouyn-Noranda Kinsmen Club. Box 088, Noranda Quehec, ISSUE 51-1045 HAVE. YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Jamited; 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. DETECTIVES COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC, LEGAL Investigations; anywhere in Onta- rio. Persons located. _Free con- sultation. Telephone Kingsdale 9225, Active Investigation Bu- reau, 68 I'arnham Avenue, To- ronto, Ont, FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS FOR SALE Year Old Bull, Domino Bred, well . marked. Two younger bulls, also one cow rising three, all blood tested and T. B, Clear, Also other animals owned by Breeders In vicinity. For information write Stroud, Ontarlo. PLASTICS. PLEXIGLAS KIT, EASY .to make fewellery, lamps, home furnishings, ete. =~ for own use, -- Christmas gifts, or resale from this beautiful plastic. Plexiglas, Jewellery findings, cement, in- structions - included. $4.60 plus ostage. C. O. D, Sharon Products o. P. O. Box 2584, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Que. ----R._G, Simpkin, --Robrolea Farm, -- 40 ACRES, NORTHWEST PART OF Lot 35, Concesslon 4, Township of Scott, wood lot. Apply A, Crosler, Sutton West, Ont, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. ---- HELI" WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR a village home to 1 adult; light Job; give description and state wages expected, all letters an- swered. A. Clark, Route 2, Low Banks, Ont. QUALIFIED. PUBLIC HEALTH nurse, generalized program. Du- ties to commence Jan. 2, Apply Dr, J. H, Wesley, M. O. Hy, Roard of Health, Newmarket, Ont. HANDYMAN WANTED. FURNACES, -- cleaning, cars, repalrs, oT , 8NOW, gardening. No famlly. Box 40, Newmarket, Ont. POSITION WANTED RELIABLE YOUNG MARRIED man desires position managing farm. Has spent entire life on a farm. Familiar with all farm ma- chinery including milking ' ma- chine. Yery capable with horses and R. O. P. work. Mr, D. Boyd, 19. Robert St., Mimico. WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, general store, hardware building material, cement, coal, feed, lum- er, on Highway 2, Shposite Smithtield Station, good frult and farming district. 9-room dwelling attached, with modern conven- fence, size 24 x 86, additional bullding suitable for extra dwel- . ling, 3 garages, 3 coal sheds, 2 warehouses on C.N.R, siding near store about $10,000 stock Would sell part or all for $25,000. David J. White, R. R. 2, Brighton, Ont. RED OUTFIT SPECIAL $14.95. Cleaned and freshly - enamelled metal bed, re-finished spring and brand new -felt mattress, $14.95. Re-sllyered springs, all sizes $4.95. Re-conditioned drop-side and pull-out couch with new cretonne covered mattress with valance, $14.95. Buy with confldence from Wholesale Furniture, 10 Market St., Toronto, Ont. STAMP COLLECTORS WRITE FOR freo price list of new and old fesnee, mint and used. Mount Royal Stamp Co., 1478 McGill College Ave. Montreal, Que. ENGL'SH SETTER PUPS, EXCEPT- fonal, parents registered, H, Bal- lantyne, Kleinburg, phone Wood- bridge 6213, : GASOLINE JUINGINES, NEW Briggs and Stratton -aircooled. Most mndern enrine bullt. Low cost. Write for descriptive ~ fold- ers nnd prices, HReope Sales Co., Box 852. Ottawa, Ont. QUILT SAMPLES High grade sultings, make ever- lasting quilts, 80 pleces . about 6 x 18, $1.50 plus 20c. postame. re- mit with order, A Rice, 361 Spa- dina, Toronto, Ontarlo. AT STUN.IRISH SETTER-MAHO. gany Kim of Ardee, sired hy C. H. Elmeroft Red Ace. (Rejg'd.) Don Shaw Phm.B, Cannington, Ontario. FIVE TURE. SIX VOI,T BATTERY model amnliffer," mike, <tand. 1° inch speaker. New. Electronic Appliance, 1166 Portage Ave. Winnipeg. Now fs the time to buy a one-man light weleht nartahla "PRECISION" { POWER CHAIN SAW to fell or cross-cut timber pulp. wood or firewood, Two tvper ma- nufactured. Roth $400 f.o.h Montrenl, Preclafon Parts Ltd. 2028 Aylmer St, Montreal ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, rnold, rehulit: belts pul. -leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- 'pany Ltd. 2826 Dufferin St. Tor- \ onto. MARRIED MAN WANTED FOUR general farm, to start soon, must be energetic, reliable and have good references..Permanent pros- pects to satisfactory party, Apply Box 69. 73 Adelalde W. Toronto. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE. A TRIAL -- EVERY BREENATONE STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- ' MEDICAL stroys offensive odor Instantly. 46c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. A MERRY CHRISTMAS * AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR ARE EXTENDED TO YOU BY THE MANGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES OF THE STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Canada's largest photo finishing studio does the finest work obtain able -- and at the lowest cost. Get best results from your camera by sending your films here for de- veloping and printing. Quality work and prompt service is assured you, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Nox 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronte Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor , Ontarlo, writes: "I suppose it is hard to give * your usual qulck service with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out the fine pictures you send me, I for one, will think they're 'well worth waiting for--If I have to wait." ke Any Size Roll--6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ NTED ENLARGEMENTS. 25e- ou Size 4" x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts : You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Be g Framed Enlargements {' x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian: Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59c; it enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. MUSICAL (NSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells; exchanges musical Instrue ments. 111 Church. Toronto 2. PATENTS FETHERSTUNHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Bolicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest ~ : iF SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otta-" wa, Postpaid $1.90. ' 3! HEALTH SALTS . positiyely does relieve Arthritis and*Rlieumatism, Painful, swol- len joints reduced no matter how long you have suffered. Months supply $1.00 postpaid, Indian Re- medies, Box 118, Vancouver, B. C. often are the cause of {l11-health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out {f this fs your trouble .interesting particu- lara -- Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 8. RADIOS RADIO EXPERIMENTERS! CON- struct your own 2 tube all wave set. Kit of 30 parts, Tubes, Chas- sls. Tdeal Christmas gift,. Order early. Price: $9.95, Earphones: $3, Electronic Appliance, 1166 Port- age, Winnipeg, Canada, TAXIDERMY DEER HEADS MOUNTED, DEER Hides tanned into glove leather, we also buy Deer Hides. Sheep skins tanned for floor rugs, Bear Hides tanned and made Into rugs. Foxes and Furs dressed -and made into scarfs. 26 Elm Street, Toron- to, Oliver Spanner Co. Ltd. on's Neuritls and Rheumatle Pain Remedy? Tt gives good results. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Pleasant dignified profession. good wages, thousands successful Marve! graduates, tem. Write or call BE A HAIRDRESSER Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing America's greatest sys- Illustrated catalogue free. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING : SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton 74 Ridean Street. Ottawa, . NEW HOBBY HANDICRAFT. With Wonderloom you can weave handbags, afghane, luncheon-sets easily. Complete with Instrue- - tions and three. patterns, One Dollar, J. T. Rice Agencies, 480. Johnson St, Kingston, Ontario, | PERSONAL THE WINNER OF THE FUR COAT Draw held by the Elizabeth Fry Chapter, 1.0.D.E, Sudbury, On- tario, was Miss J, Miron, 244 Peter ftreet, Sudhury, Ontario, with ticket No. 8561. "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," Wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N. V. : , COCKERS AND PEKINGESE OF of world-famous hloodlines, Mra. P. A. Maregeson, Cadarerest Ken- nels, Kentville, Nova Scotia, FERRETS: BROWN AND WHITE. Gond hunters an rats and rahhita, £12.00 oafr ¥arl Mannen, RT, 1. Parla, Oninrin : La FARMS FOR SALE 175 ACRES, 70 ACRES STANDING timber fit for saw' logs, (land buildings, nlenty water, Third cons, tp, of Percy, Northumber- land County. Clogs to schon', atore, chureh, cheeme factory, W, N. Treland, Warkworth, Ont, FARM FOR HALE, 200 ACRES, brick house; barn, stables. Anply Xr Robhing, R., R, No, 1, Mono lls, Ont, : PHOTOGRAPHIC - TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your flims properly developed and You ma want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by séncing vour films to printed, 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26¢ REPRINTS 8 tor 26c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE not get all the flilms you IMUERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto WH SPECIALIZE NO FILM REQUIRED IN MAKING sepia enlargements direct any snap or photo, 6x7 50c, 8x10 TEACHERS WANTED KEEWATIN PUBLIC °° SCHOOL "fully qualified Protestant teacher for lower grade, salary $1200.00, permanent position if suitable. uties to commence January or February 1946. Apply stating age, qualifications and experlence to A. G. Holmes, Secretary Treasurer. WANTED WANT BUSINESS, ANY KIND, cash buyers for *Storas, Mills, Garages, Hotels, what have you, Seorke Drummond, Oweén Sound, nt. THEATRE WANTED 300 seats or over, any town In Ontario. Private only. Advertis- aie Torrens Avenue, Toronto , Ont, 3 WANT HOUSE IN TOWN, VIL- lage or Highway, prefer with little land, $700 fo $1800. Several cash buyers. Give description, -net price. George Drummond, Owen Bound, Ont, WANTED TO RENT ACREAGH farm or lot. Conveniences fin house. Room 10, 1 Gould Street, Torontn, Ont, . HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kinds of dressed poultry, Get our prices before you well, Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304 BLOOR 81. W., TORONTO PHONE JU. '0330 BUYER, MR TED ROWILER WANTED: MEN AND WOMEN. TO take orders for chicks. You ean make money in your spare time selling your friends an nelgh- bours chicke for one of Canada's oldest established Government Approved Hatcheries, Send for full detalls, Vox No. 51, 178 Adelalde W., Toronto. -T5¢. Abbey Studio, 18 Rideau Bt. Ottawa, Ontarlo, BETWEEN® NOW AND LATE Spring, White Birch Bolts, 27" long, 7" and up top.s-Must be fresh cut, free 6f doze and large Ilmb - knots. Also Intérested In Tolar "and Basswood Bolts, 6" and up top, 48" long. If you can suply fn carlots, write for our quotations. Keenan Woaodenware Limited, Owen Sound. Ontario. rg oi

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