pa aL ar tp toy RT onl SATS £0 rr 5 op Jas Ware ¥ as 2h = Nn » A ends Te La AX ¥ Pram BERL FAY tb Ah oe ed 2 ah Bud NE Pg fi NACA AN ix v RN i \ Ak 2) 5 Ria PRE REAR She Tay Sh gay 1 SWITZERLAND DID IT, WHY NOT CANADA? Here's how the Swiss built up Euprope's oldest and most successful tourist tarde: 1 -- They had merchandise and market--10,000 sq. miles of mountains, 3,200 sq. miles of forest, 260 medicinal springs, hundreds of miles of lakes and streams, high, clear air, and a crowded continent to buy these at rich men's prices. 2--They spent money--3$1 billion for highways, railways, air fields, hotels in one program alone. 3--They provided facilities -- 7,500 hotels, 200,000 beds, 1,160 winter sports hotels, accommodation for 9600 health resort guests, 3367 miles of railways, 3.100 miles of mountain roads. 4--They trained personnel--120,000 hotel workers qualified in schools that have turned out generations of experts in courtesy and service. 5--They let people know--through offices abroad, elaborate advertising, they keep up a holiday names estab- lished in the 18th century. CANADA--has more more merchan- dise, a bigger market, more money to invest. She needs greater facilities, more and better personnel, advertising. -------- et -- QUARTER MILLION GARDENS CANADA'S 1946 GOAL Many more gardens must be planted throughout the Dominion this summer than in previous years, if Canada is to fulfil her increased food commitments to the hungry of Europe and the Far East. What are these "Share with the hungry" gardens to bt called? In the United States the names "Goodwill" and "Peace" have been sugegsted, but Canadians are already speaking of Victory Gardens -- the-familiar name comes naturally, and is appropriate, for victory over want is the objective. Vegetables grown in Victory Gardens all over Canada will help to make pos- sible the despatch overseas in greater quantities of the other vital foodstuffs for which starving countries are call- A quarter of a million gardens has been suggested as the Dominion's Vic- tory Garden target for the summer of 1946 by A. M. Shaw, chairman of the Dominion Government Food Informa- tion Committee--a quarter of a mil- lion Victory Gardens to provide Cana- dian families with home-grown vege- Jug FRI Rotary Fair 8 OSHAWA t_ THURSDAY | 37-3 SATURDAY | Supplement to The Port Perry Star, Thursday, J une 6th, 1946 DAY and! | 516 STREET PARADE THURSDAY CUEING... BIGGER THAN EVER ! PLAN TO ATTEND 30 « BOOTHS « 30 ALEXANDRA PARK} SIMCOE STREET NORTH » OSHAWA 3 'THIS BIG EVENT meat, egs and cheese for hungry fam- ilies in war-torn countries. Wise householders ~ will plant not just enough for their summer needs but will plan for a surplus of those vege- tables which may be canned, frozen or stored for winter use and which pro- tables, while releasing more wheat, pT ET EAE less perishable staple products being shipped to Europe. A helpful pamphlet on "The Home Garden" may be obtained from from the: Department of Agriculture, at Ottawa. vide an excellent substitute for the Ley 3 TR TET HE TAS GROW MORE VEGETABLES! 7 AA ET SL - (1) BUY AND USE LESS BREAD, FLOUR AND OTHER WHEAT PRODUCTS, T, CHEESE AND EGGS. BS. TITUTE VEGETABLES, FRUIT AND FISH WHERE POSSIBLE. (2) KEEP YOUR HOME STOCKS LOW -- BUY ONLY ENOUGH FOR IMMEDIATE REQUIREMENTS. The Only Remedy for Hunger is The most efficient way in which we can send in- creased bulk shipments of WHEAT, MEAT, CHEESE and EGGS to needy coun- tries is through the Cana- Boards. These increased bulk shipments can only be made providing we ~ reduce our consump- tion. Here are five im- portant ways by which we can make greater quantities of food avail- able for export: (3) AVOID ALL WASTE, (49) GROW A VICTORY GAR- DEN AGAIN THIS YEAR, : PLANT MORE THIS TIME IF' YOU CAN. (8) DONATE ANY MEAT COUPONS YOU CAN SPARE, ENQUIRE AT YOUR LOC RATION BOARD. : UXBRIDGE YOUTH FOR CHRIST A large, happy crowd attended the Youth Rally in the Music Hall, last Saturday evening and what a treat they had! Everyone was thrilled with the fine singing of Jimmy and Tommy Ambrose. They will be back again in the future. Every one brought his best voice along and really sang the choruses heartily. . There will be another sparkling pro- gram this week. The British team which have been in Toronto during the past two weeks will hava fascinating stories to tell about bombing of var- nel Islands. All three are musicians, Jack Ward being an outstanding com- poser pianist and soloist. On the same evening twelve year old Buddy Stone- man with his trumpet will be at Ux- bridge YOUTH FOR CHRIST. This will be the program of a life time, one in your own district which you would go miles to hear. Program starts at 8:30 D.S.T. Come early and get a good seat. dian government food i ious cities in England and the Chan-}. \ They offer a chance for IMMEDIATE i STEADY JOBS too. en Selelel They also offer jobs for experienced farm wlelege workers -- for mechanically trained workers-- e®e% and any others able to help seasonally. S50 Then, there is the challenge to fight off star- 5 vation threatening many nations: : 1) JOIN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER Earnings ane attractive 2 : Apply today for work on the farm fo either-- RUNXN YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE RH or RG PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE OR . RX DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Nu HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MacNAMARA a! Minister of Labour Deputy Minister eo JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT Clothing Collection, June 17th-29th : i | a rvs.