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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jul 1946, p. 7

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\ rr -- hy 4 Fy of af RA .f A Vy » . ETE y ih ry " ! * 3 A | 3 LEG 471 Te SARE y 450" niin . ' ta \ A ' » » 4 Lo! SBE ESTE a [ Lr] i : » i raat : ' . . yi / yw ' 2 oe 3 ' . Fa ¥ - 3 TER a - hr 4 T Anne RPV Tn dourd 4 Add Aside Asda . N by . py - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS BUCCESS WITH CHICKS STARTS with getting birds of known fine breeding. Top Notch chicks have a long record of profitable production for folks who come back to us with '"repeat" orders again and again, That is how we keep fn business. All our breeders ure Goy- ernment Approved and hloodtested, Prices greatly reduced for July, Prompt delivery on day old, two and three week old started chicks. Also cight week to laying pullets, Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont, ORDER CHICKS 'KUM A RELL- able breeder of burred rocks, Blood tested by tube method. Excellent laying strain, Mixed 1Zc.,, Puliets 2z¢., Hatching all througn June. $1.00 buoks order. King's Corner Pouitty Furm, Northwoud, Ont. WIVLL HAVE SUMMER CHICKS availuble, This montn and August, Dayolds. Pullets, non-sexed, cock- ercis. Contact us soon for prices, breeds avatluble, delivery dates, und get your order in, Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontario. WHEN YOU START WITH TWED- dle Approved chicks you are giving yourselt every chance to reap a fine profit, And what better time to start them than now oor to fill in the gaps in your flock with ex- tra 'weddie chicks, The weather is right for ranging so you'll need less commercind teed and the de- nnd tor both poultry and eg s promises to be exceptionally strong for a long time to come. Prompt de- livery on atl the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non- sc ed pullets or cockerels in day oid, two and three week old start- ced also pullets eight weeks old to laying. Send tor reduced pricelist for July. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, I'ergus, Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Breeding. Plant Of 5,000 Breeders Book your order tur June and Juty. AWith th scarcity of meat, there will be wo big demand tor Fouitry and Bggs this Fall and Winter wt attractive prices. It wilt puny you to pul in un extra brood of chicks this yeur Prompt Delivery -- With a cupuclty of Gruul Lakeview chicks week- Iy, we expect we can give prompt detivery, but to be wsule, book your order nt once tor June or July Gende A -- Lauge Uype White Leg- horns, Sussex x» Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn, Leghorn x New Hamp, mined 11%, pullets Zoe, cox Ge. BB Rocks, tock a» Humps, New Humps, Sussex, Sussex x» Hamps, nixed $12.75, pullets $17.00, cox $14.76, Sena deposit os $1.00 per 100. We guarantee 1006 live de- livery. Order from und enclose this ad. Lorge WM hite Leghorns -- Day old and started up to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghurns ure the large type mated with cockerels from I'd. stock -- "Real Egg Muchines." Jend for Weekly Lint -- of special prices on day old chicks, pullets, aud cockerels und started chicks. June, July und Fall Hatched -- Book your order for June, July or Fall Hutched chicks now. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., tixeter, Ontario FOR SALB MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ELECIRIO MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd, 2326 Dufferin St, Toronto, Ont, FILES Complete sets of 6U reconditioned files now available; from 67 -- 14"; Including flat, half round, square, round. etc.; rough and smooth, $8.00 per set 1°O.B. Montreal. RECUPETOOLS & METALS LTD, 1212 Aldred Building; Montreal. ' FOR THIS FALL'S HUNTING, RE- sistered pointer puppies. Perfection Pointer Kennel, 1579 York St, Windsor, Ont, "ron SALE GUERNSEY BULL, with pedigree, ready to serve: also a grade heifer, due August, Charles Behal, R. I. Noo 2, Glanford Station, Ontario. GREAT SHOOTING DOGS, BRIT- tany spaniel pups, Registered. Will hunt this Fall. Chas. Bowen, King- ston, Ont, MODEL 35 CLETRAC TRACTOR, power tuke off ind starter, 45 horse power, 12-inch tread, ex- cellent condition. $1,500. WwW. C. Coles, 25 Ontavio St, St, Catharines, Ontario. ERECTION "MILK - MASTER" Milker will operate on any line pipe installation. Single unit with 50 Ib. cupacity, stainless steel pail, $116.25. Immediate delivery units und vacuum pumps. Box 113, Ter- minal Station "A", Toronto MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RE- palred and refinished, Violins, Uke- lele expertly repaired. Minor re- palrs on Banjos, Mandolins and Guitars, For particulars write A. C. McGarvey, Orrville, Ontario, X FRED A BODDINGTON BUYS sells, oxchanges musical tastru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto %. OPPORTUNITIES HOR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's 'greatest sys- tem. Hlustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 3568 Bloor St. W. Toronto, Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa WOMEN PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMI'ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL HAVE YOU A HOBBY? MAKE IT pay. Send for Free Detafls, larl I. Powell, 2705 West Olympic BRoule- vard, Los Angeles 6, California. PHOTOGRAPHY 20 PUREBRED, FULLY ACCRED- Ited, young vaccinated, tiuernsey cows, 6 fresh, rest freshening from July to December, and a few bred purebred heifers, vearlings and calves also vaccinated. Adam Cald- er, 3 Glnnford, REGISTERED ENGLISH SETTER pups, 3 months, Prices and pedigree on request. W. M. Hamilton, Foster, Que. SILVER PLATING FLUID, EASILY made and sold. Vust market. For- mula and sales plan One Dollar. De- tails free. Krysto Products Co. SANTA CRUZ, Cal. THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER Can be fitted to swath board of any mower Will replace help usually needed to fork hay behind mower in heavy crops. Also save time, as there is no clogging of knife or knife guard. Guaranteed satisfac- tion. $7.50 f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sole Migr and distributor for Canada and U.S. Local Spare Ime Agents Wanted. A. Arble, Bristol, Que. FARMS FOR SALE LARGE DAIRY ARM IN VILLAGE 85 miles from Montreal. 40 head of cattle. Large quantity timber pulp and wood. I'rice $30,000.00. Box 99, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. RANCH-FARM -- 200 ACRES $5,600, 100 weres cleared, 30 in grain, Balance timber, Good buildings, stock, Implements. J. McCauley, Rossenu, Ont. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 (TS, GUA- ranteed one day service. NO WAIT- ING. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properiy developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 6c. REPRINTS 8 tor be, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all tho quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS FROMPY MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Kxposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Kasel Mounts Enlurgements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts; 7x8" in Gold, Silver, Cir- casslan Walnut or Black [hony finish trames, bYc each. If enlarge. ment coloured, 79 each. Reprints Made From Your Negatives 3c. Each DEM Mm STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, "ost Office A, 'I'oronto Print Name nnd Address Plainly. ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Roll developed and 8 prints 25c., reprints 3c. each, 4" x 6" enlarge- ments mounted in attractive fold- ers 2 for 26c. Work and service guaranteed. ACME PPHOTO SERVICE Stn. H, Toronto. PFLARTED CHICKS TWO AND three weeks old in many of the popular pure breeds ,and hybrid prosses in non-sexed,"pullets and pockerels. Immediate «delivery. fend for special pricelist. Tweddle hick Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Bntario. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 10c. Leghorn pullets 2le, All Breedera double blooudtested and backed by high pedigreed foundgtion stock, Many Hurondale custuiners report =~ best chicks | ever hud. Walter Morton, Dryden, -- We were well pleased with the pullets we re- ceived last year. Pullets uid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 17c. Sussex Xx N. Hump, Kuck x» New Hump, Barred Rucks, Pure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 17c. Pure Sussex mixed l3c., Sussex x N. Hamp, Rock x Hump. Rocks and New Humps, mixed lZ¢, Sus- sex Xx Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn and Leghorn x New Hump. mixed 1lec., pullets 20c. Assorted pullets 1bc., ussorted mixed Yc. Cockerel and started prices on request, Order from and enclose this Ad. $100 per 100 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont, IF YOU bothered with day old chicks, we can give you prompt dellvery on two and three week old started chicks in non-sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also day olds and eight week to laying pullets, Send for reduced pricelist. Top Notch Chick- eries, Gualph, Ontario. HEAVY BREED PULLETS + 17c. Sussex, Sussex x» Hamp, Rock x Huamp.,, New Hump, and Barred Rock pullets 17c. Book your order NOW. $1.00 per 100 deposit. Order from this Ad. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, London, Ontarfo. RELIABLE CHICKS JULY PRICES ON BABY CHICKS, Barred Rocks $9.75. Hamp X BR. $10.25, STARTED CHICKS, up to § weeks, Sussex, Barred Rocks, Leghorn pullets, HYBRIDS Leg- horn X BR. Hamp X DBR. Prompt shipment Miller's Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont, . DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information; We are gind to answer your questions, Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 781 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, TT FOR SALF ACROBATS OF THE AIR, ROLLER pigeons that roll, $7.50 pair. B. R., C. Club, 1103 Highland, Windsor, DON'T WANT TO BE' ATTENTION FARMERS For Hale: Regular Tractor Tires, lug treads, suitable for Jeiing on steel wheels, front wheels -- $5.00 ench, rear wheels -- $10.00 each, ¥. O. B. Toronto. When ordering, state height and width of wheel, National Rubber Co. Ltd, 6 Wilt- shire Ave, Toronto, Ont, CARPENTRY - NEW BOOK, Complete data on framing walls, stairs, roofs, trusses, interior and exterior finish, A mine of (nform- ation for those interested in con- atruction. Sent poatpald, Three dol- lara, Masterpt it Company, Toron- to 14, Canada, ISSUE 27-1946 FOR SALE -- IN COUNTY OF DUF=- ferin, 200 acres clay loam, well cul- tivated, excellent for tractor use, well fenced, 15 acres bush. Good buildings, double barn, well stabled, driving shed, house set among ple- turesque lawns, hedges, and or- chard. Water in house and barn, Hydro available. On gravel road 1 mille from county road and school, 5 miles from town, 60 miles north; west of Toronto. Apply T. E. Fer- guson, R. R, No. 2, Laurel, Ontario. A NUMBER OI GOOD 100-ACRE farms with hydro, good bulldings and also bush on these farms; a number of 50-ucre farms $2,000 and up, uw number of 10U-acre farms $3,000 und up, « number of 160 und 2u0acre farms $4,000 and up: these farms have all got good bulldings and also some with bush and hydro. These are all good value that should be picked up at once, J, C. Long, Real-Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Halrdressing Academy, 13% Avenue Road, Toronto. YOU-CAN NOW GIVE YOURSELF a genuine creme cold wave perman- ent at home. Results guaranteed for lovely soft natural waves in 2 to 8 hours, A Chic Deluxe Creme Cold Wave kit contains fdentical ingre- dients used by many beauty salons for costly creme cold gives the results you want, deep long-lasting waves and curls, so lustrous, soft and natural-looking. Ilasy as putting your hair in curl- cra. Complete kit with full instruec- tions, $1.35. [f not obtainable at your local drug or cosmetic counter, send postal note to Canadian Beauty Craft Co., 634 Dundas St. E,, Toronto, and the compldle kit will he mailed to you. oF waves. It- HELP WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED SINGLE dairy barn assistant, Good wages, board & working conditions. Apply Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, Ontario (phone Muple H6W), DIETITIAN Wanted at Muskoka Hospital, Sal- ary $166.50 per month or $140.00 per month with full maintenance, One month's vacation with pay at the end of one year's service. Blue (ros Plan available, Permanency for the right person. Apply to Sup- erintendent, Muskoka Hospital, Gravenhurst, Ont, Dh EXPERIENCED FARMHAND, SIN- gle, for well equipped dairy farm, Harold Bingham, R. R. 4, George- town, Ontario. STAMPS STAMPS COLLECTORS -- FREE -- 25 different stumps, good value to approval applicants only. Send 4c postage. Hurry! Bennett Stump kKx- change, 39 Arlington Ave. Toronto. THACHERS WANTED IMPROVEMENT Beardmore DISTRICT or requires two female teachers, with 'music certificates preferred, salaries $1,100.00 State age, qualifications, experience, and name of present inspector to N. W, Cressman, Secretary, Beardmore, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S.S, No. 1, Dayton. Apply stating salary and qualifications and phone num- ber to l.onard Cameron, Sec'y, Dayton, Ontario, TWO QUALIIIED TEACHIIRS wanted for S. 8. No, 6 wllage of Quadeville and Extension Druce- ton. (founty of Renfrew. Duties to commence Sept. 1, 1946. Salary $1,200, Apply to Mack Kennelly, Qundevitle, Onturlo. GLENVALE, ONT. TEM, CO. RE- quires 1st cluss teacher tor public school, Protestant, duties commence Sept. 1. State quanfications and salary expected to S. P, Peterson, Glenvale, Ont. WANTED WANTED: CRAFTSMAN, WITH facilities to produce solid silver- ware. Quantity. Good Color rigid nickel alloy. No investment. Proved Merit Products, P. O. Box 188, Wis- consin Rapids, Winsconsin. WANTED TO Buy CUSTOM threshing outfit, gasoline or ditsel- rubber tired preferred, Apply Iarl Ruttle, Sutton West, R. R. No. 2, Ontario. WANTED FOR 6 FOOT CLIPPER combine plck-up attachment, tand- em wheel attachment, John Barker, Britton, Ont. BANK-OLD FASHIONED MECH- anieul toy bank. Please state partl- culars and price. Box 100, 73 Adel- alde W., Toronto, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLETS Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White lL.eghorns any age from § weeks up to laying. (Good prices paid Apply to Rox No. 95, 77 Adelaide W., Toronto, CASH FOR YOUR USED CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS Kaustine and other makes urgently required, Highest prices paid, Write 194 Galley Avenue, Toronto. MEDICAL NATURE'S HELI" -- DIXON'S RE- medy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuri- tis. Thousands praising it. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, s IMACH AND THREAD WORMS Sn the cause of {ll health In humans, all nges, No one immune! Why not find out if this fs your trouble, interesting particulars -- Free! Write Mulveéney's Remedies Spceialists, Toronto 3. am icine 1 1473 tive Se diateesd OF gays -- This fino A ous ¢ certain th sllere BOX) feingy functional, move tired, due {i This is pome t Titurban £GETASY ARTHUR'S BCZEMA OINTMENT, Try it. It works, Arthur's Kczema Ointment, one of the most effective ointments known for the relief of eczema: b0c., 90c. and $1.76. For in- formation write Charles Arthur, 82 Spruce Hill Rd, Toronto, Ont. GOON RESOLUTION -- EVERY aufferef of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. . of Insect OPITCH; Neat Rash Quickl Stop itching ot insect bites, heat rash, eceema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete s foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Use EP thing, antiseptic DD, D, rRede gy " 4 . Srepuclens, Jaintem bch ur 10n¢ Ack, our r socks B.D, PRESCRIPTION. © 0 9t Plan Parking Lots On River Thames Inventor of Wartime Floating Airport Presents Plans to London County Council In the near future, motorists wishing to park their autos in cen tral London will drive them down the Thames embankment onto the river--if one london inventor has his way Such a plan to turn parts of the River Uhimnes ino parking lots to help solve London's daily wor senting traffic problem is now down for liscussion by the London County Council, I'he Sponsor of the scheme 1s Meo ROM Hamilton, a nated ania tear yachtsnan and designer of the Royal Navy's unorthodox but successful "Laly™ floating airport. Solves Problem In Sleep It took Mr. Hamilton three years to persuade doubting ex- perts he could produce a practi- cable scadrome, He hopes it will not take more than as many weeks to convince London's planning au- thoritics that the methods used in building the "Lily" airport can give London millions of square feet on which to park autos without inter- fering with rebuilding schemes. It was 1940 that the inventor woke up one morning and real- ized he hat solved a difficult prob- lem in his sleep. He had found a method of building flexible float- ing swuctures that woula bear great weights and could be made in any shape or size lesired. Full-Scale Model Successful Later, the Admiralty took up his ideas, nd in 1945--after severe tests, including the winter's worst storm -- the full-scale model aic- port proved successful. He also proved that by using the "Lily" system it would be possible even to build a floating bridge across the EFuglish Channel if it wanted. The "Lily" takes its name from its resemblance to a carpet of lily leaves on a pond. It is basically were just a collection of six-feet wide hexagonal bouyancy cans hinged together. An intricate mathe- matical system of stresses enables the whole thing to be flexible, Britons Get Clear Outline of Slim Diet This Winter Britons received last week a clear outline of what their meagre diet is likely to be throughout the winter, and it stacked up like this: Meat--Worse than hardest war days. Bacon--Likely to war level. Milk--Must take second place to bread production. Eggs--Recent increases, at least in public supplies, will be lost. "Taken as a whole the position will not be as good as it was in the hardest of the war and so far as cgg production is concerned the least we can expect is that the en- tire increase in output over the last year will be lost," said Agriculture Minister Williams. "The home output of pig meat is also likely to fall at least to the lowest point of the war years." He expressed hope there will be nothing in the nature of a "really heavy fall" in milk production in the coming year but said milk pro- duction will have to take a back scat to bread grain. The World's Largest Weed-Killing Spray Weed - killing corn sprayers which cope daily with more than onchundred .cres of crops are now in use on Jnited Kingdom farms. The new machine, the largest of its type ever built, has a five hun- dred gallon tank fitted with two openings. These allow the opera- tor to pour in chemicals while the tank is being, filled with water. The spray liquid is pumped to spray bars at a pressure of three hundred pounds per square inch and fifty allons per minite can be used. The most spectacular fea ture is the sixty foot wide spray boom with cighty-six nozzles. Tt is this which gives the machine its tremendous output. The acreage sprayed per day varies with the size of the fields, the distance of fields and farms apart, ctc. The record so far for one day's spray- ing is one hundred and thirty-six acres o MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1871 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD J{' 147 Front §t. WW. -- Toronto "WE BUY a& SELL" reach lowest MECCA OINTMENT "championship had This 220-foot fuselage of Howard Hughes' eight-engined Hercules i flying boat dwarfs the truck that pulls it along the highway to Ter- minal Island, Calif, where the wings will be added. & SPOTS 0 Ran Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh hh Sh Sh Sh Sh hh oh oh on a a a J FF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS aftec the speed contest, The morning Conn-Lows recent Billy Coun came out with the statement that he was never going to fight again; and no doubt many of ghe mourners who had present at Yankee Stadium thought that statement might even have heen pre-dated by 24 hours or so with- out straiming the facts too much. But now, having had time enough to think thirgs over, Mr. Conn doesn't appear quite so certain that his reticement is permanent. PPos- sibly, because he didn't say "posi- tively never", it doesn't count. LI. + * And, after all, Conn sottewhiat foolish to take a final exit from scenes where people crowd such lush forkfuls of suc- culent greenery upon you in re- turn for such little pair and effort It is true that Louis hit him three times; but it's doubtful if he even felt the last two of them. Having to lic on hare, uncushjoned can- vas, with no pillow for his head ard dazzling lights sireaming nto his eyes, must have heer annoying; but it only lasted ten seconds. And when we consider that, to salve his woundcd feelings, Billy cot- lected more than he would prob- ably make in thirty years of ordin- ary toil, we think that Mr. Conn should consider twice or even thrice, before making his retire- ment too definite. Conn now claims that he was fighting according to a carefully prearranged scenario, and thought things weren't going too badly. The whole trouble seems to be that Mr. Louis--whe is what we call in theatrical circles a 'slow study' ----forgot the lines of his part, and refused to lev himself get all tuck- ered out by dazzling speed and suprior footwork. So, just in case they should be meeti vo for a third time, we have gone to the trouble of devising an enti.cly new script for Conn--one that might have at least the merit of ovelty, and which certainly couldn't bring any worse results than the last one. . * * * been vould be Our pla. of campaign would be for Billy, when the gong rang, to decline to get off his stool at all, but just sit there in his corner, stretching and yawning as if at were long past bedtime. (A little appropriate soft music from a string orchestra might add to the effect.) Anc after a while Louis, who is a notoricus sleepyhead, would piobably get the idea and lic down long enough to he counted out. You «hink that we are even screwier than usual in suggesting the mere possibility of a third meeting 'hat it's highly ridicu- Tes to «ven hint that there are folks, in this enlightened day and age, who would pay real dough to see anothar Conn-Louis affair? Listen, genteel reader! Inside of a year, or even less, with a real Mike Jacobs 'build-up' those same two could draw a gate of at least a million dollars; the very same people who are so loudly howling 'never again' would be grabbing fcr the top-price pews; and there would be just as many of the 'ex- perts' calling Conn to win on points as there were the last time. IF'or while they claim that an clephant never forgets, there's mighty little elephant-blood cours- ing through thé veins of the sport: ing fraternity. * " ' News hat the Big lcague regu lar hockey schedule is to be length ened to sixty full ames will, we feel sure, be welcomed as a move it "the right direction by many close students of our great winter pastime. With a merc fifty or jo games, plus a paltry fourteen of playoffs, onc could never feel ab solutely that the real- tndisputed heen definitely decided. This stretching-ont of the regular <chedule" should help no little; hu. we are still of the opin ion that, when the playoffs finally start, cach. and every team in the loop should be included in same. This thing of climinating a couple of them, while there are still plenty of customers eager to pay mons tc watch them perform, is even ("A Six Bit Critic") ¢eovvs00000-000000- worse than unsportsmanlike. [t's bad business, no less. © "Even the best of us has a mile of Larceny m his heart" is a favor- ite remark of our friend Oatbin Willie, who follows the profession of Turf Adviser -- miscalled "tip- ster" by many. And the truth of this remark was once again exemp- lifted recently when half the city of Toronto seemed tc be betting on a Western horse that not one wm ten of the bettors had even licard of before. The reason? Well, the" rumor got around that the race was fixed for this steed to win. "See that guy over there?" sad Oathin Willie to us one after- noon. "He's Manager of a Bank, and a big shot in some Church on Sundays. 1f © tell him this horse is the fastest thing in the race. he'll maybe bet a h But if 1 convince hime that the race is a frame-up--L2'll go for a C-note, or maybe more. To lead them to the top-price ticket windows, you gotla appeal to the larceny in their hearts." SIAM'S NEW KING Ci v Boston-born Prince Phumiphon Adulet, above, 18, has ascended the throne of Siam, succeeding his brother, Ananda Mahidol, who died after a shooting accident in the royal palace in Bangkok. The new king was born in Boston while his father was studying at Harvard. Dress Rehearsal Of A-Bomb Test Bikini lagoon in the Pacific and dropped a dummy atomic bomb in a dress rehearsal of next week's test of the effect of the nuclear fission weapon on Navy ships. * + * The rehearsal was te real thing with one oxception: the bomb di- rected toward the orange-painted battleship Nevada, aiming point, was not atonfic. The" bomb was x copy of the atomic one in all respects except that it carrie a miluly explosive pyrotechnic charge to produce a flash visible many miles away while doing minor damage to the target bullseye. It marked the pre- cise moment and place of the burst, + + Participating in the rehearsal, cach performing the task for which he had been rigorously trained for months, were 42,000 officers and men of Joint Army Navy Task I'orce 1. Under their control and care were more than 200 ships, a myriad of small voats, moc than 150 planes of the Army and Navy and 4,400 animals in "bartle stations" aboard the targets. Rationing Needed In United States Instead oi the 161,500 tons of wheat we promised, we shipped 89,000 tons, says the Boston Her- ald. Thirty-two tons of rice went out instead of the 13,900 we pledg- ed. Only 2,410 of 12,000 tons of fat left these shores. Ond that is the ignominious record of "one recent week. Despite all the dark bread, all the grain bonuses, all the ex- hortations to conserve, we are feeding the hungry peoples with more apologies than food. We can no longer put off rationing A Superfortress roared over the Britain Will Rule The Seas Again At War's End u. S. Merchant Marine Was Three Times Size Of Britain's If the figures proved too astro- namical to grasp it was only be- cause the world had seen such a merchant fleet, says News week, When the war ended, the American merchant marine: Numbered 0,000 totalling 56,000,000 deadweight tons. Almost world's pre-war tonnage. Comprised two thuds of the whild s postwar total; prewar, only one-titth of the shipping tlew the American flag. Was three times the size of Britan's, prewar, it had been half never dips cqualled the entire world's Britun's Was five times bigger than pre, Wat Had cost $22.500,000,000, Had lost 748 ships, totalling 9,- 000,000 tons sunk, and 5638 mea dead or missing, Comparative Figures However indispensable such a merchant fleet might have been ia wartime, for peacetime operations it had the earmarks of a white cle- phant. The dechne in overseas shipments after V-] Day made much of its capacity surplus. The mctheiency of slow, cumbersome Liberty ships left the 2,700 warbuilt "Ugly Ducklings" unable to com- pete with other American and foreign types. High cost of ship- building in the United States often made it cheaper for other nations to build their ships than to buy excess American vessels. American relatively high winees, high govern- ment subsidies would be necessary il American shippers were to com- pete with Because seamen get foreign shippers on a world scale. The figures were in- disputable: An American able-bod- ied seaman gets $115 monthly; his British counterpart, $35. An Ameri- can Liberty ship crew gets $7,825 monthly; its British equivalent, $2,- 735. And the CLO. maritime umians have called a strike on June 15 to support their demand for a 20 per cent. wage boost for Ameri- can seamen. First Place to Britain The inescapable result: The cele- bration of National Maritime Day last week found the United States voluntarily returning first place on the seas to Great Britain, The oc- casion was one normally reserved for back-patting, for May 22 was the 127th anniversary of the sailing of the first transoceanic steamship Savannah for Furope. But the United States Maritime Commis- sion had to admit that America's postwar merchant marine would total only 10,500,000 tons, one-fifth its wartime peak and smaller though faster than prewar. This tonnage was expected to carry half of America's* foreign trade. One bright spot:: The United States, American Export, Moore-McCorm- ack, and American President Lines are building nine hners for trans- atlantic, Mediterrancan, South American, and transpacific trade respectively. American President's two 29-knot 920-footers are to be the largest ever built in America. HOLD EVERYTHING QOPR, 1743 OY tin "Oops I" New Definition of "Unemployed" In the old days, an unemployed man was one who couldn't find work, comments The Calgary Her- ald. Any kind of work. Now, an unemployed man is one who can't find the particular kind of work he prefers, in the place he prefers, at the wage he prefers. In NMancouver, for example, there are something like 10,000 unem,, ployed men and women. Yet straw- berry growers in the nearby Fraser Valley can't get enough help to pick their $3,000,000 crop, - The berry growers could use 5,000 men and women ~but the response from Vancouver is small. As a result, 'hundreds of women are being brought in from the prairie provinces to pick the berries with the government paying their fare. Meanwhile, Vancouver's job- less stay right where they are, wait- ing for something to turn up, Something, that is, to their liking.

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