ge iP ¥ 8 + 2 a ¥ 4 1 4 gh 4 bd Rap eit. esd . i. 5 1 ' Y ALE MSR Aaa aa hy Jr HE * i - 1 21 4 ; er EE LINCS WE 2 PA EB es TATU ASPEN, GN +r i aa terri two and fhbee week old started glstered pointer puppies. Perlsetion sells, exchanges musical Instrue And Money Provided By Out of the Water hicks. 3 ave en 1 a oe 0 {enne (or N re T MH - " chic We fife Hem in «ll the Fonte Usniel, . ments, 111 Church, Toronto £. British Commonwealth The British. who § bee crosses in non-sexed, pullets or MUSICAL STHUMENTS Ee a ie fish, who have long bee cockerels. Also day old and eight FOI SALE -- MINER FOR BLOCK, BA Sh and [ANS RUnEN OH New figures on the cost of the plagued by Hehygoland, have de- week and older pullets. Top Notch mortar or concrete, one third cu, lele expertly repaired Minor re- & p sad i y } ic > Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. vd. gasoline driven, on steel wheels, pairs on Ianjos, Mandolins and war to Great Britain have been aded to take drastic measures available immediately, Peterboro uit I atrticul rp rive ; wainst that rock, "pointing like a WE'LL HAVE SUMMER CHICKS area. Box 102,73 Adelaide W. Tor- re oy "DXflisilars Ville A, given out in London, SA Foal : Lo 5 Tt aidilable, This month and August, onto, Ontarlo. : : ! ! : Hitherto, presumably because LY ! 1 i" na id, says e dayolds. Pullets, non-sexed, cock- Lend-Lease and Mutual Aid were New York crald Tobune. They erels. Contact us s for prices, OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN ) Br . ; i breeds bao yg Sly ry vr FOR SALE -- HOUSE so lavishly advertised in public Sindy propase 1 ho it a o and get your order in, Bray Hatch- ONE « STOREY FRAME HOUSE : QQF discussions, it ha been assumed the water--winch 1s sss dithicult ery; 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontarlo. near Strathroy, Ont, size 24 x 18, sore i, A HAIRDRESSER ha I . ( A | of "0 than might appear ince lHeligo- ~ ind 22 x 14. Write Box 2, Glencoe, EATANA HS 13ADING Suhoor- that these formed the major part 3 ppeat, since Hel FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT Ontario, Great Qoportuniy Learn of Britain's war finance. But, ac- bind has only been preserved be Juss Jor bother with day old v Pleasant tied essing sion good tually, it now wrns out that apart iraiist the weoads of the sea by chicks we can give Immediate de- MODEL 35 CLETRAC TRACTOR, a ee a ty Rone A vy u x he he . : Afte livery on two and three week old power take off and starter h Bes Jo Salids Success 3 arve from the United Kmmgdom's tre- rathes 1eToN measures. Attee ' S 'hick ar r : id srac es, er 8 ares : - - . plaricd chicks in ail popular pure 45 horse power, 12-inch tread, ex- fog Iustrated go Pig x fo mendous financial resources, at the bliss ae as expected that only breeds and hybrid crosses, mixed, cpllent condition. $1,800. W. C. oe or ll Rislogve witse i ; A une barre ks will re t A pullets or cockerels. Also day olds (foles. 25 Ontario St, St, Catharines, tite ol cal] JR a was the financial power of the Suing artes ods wiitisdian), 10 : and eight *K to laying pullets, atarlo Co MARVEL HAIRDRESSING British Commonwealth, joined to provide a haunt tog nugratory Reduced prices for July. Tweddle | SCHOOLS y i" . bird Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, 35% Bloor St. W. Toronto, that of the so-called "sterling wds Ontario, PERFECTION "MILK - MASTER? Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton area," which provided the British t $ ' x Milker will operate on any line pipe & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. . - . AE In this atomie, aerial age the 2 . installation. Single unit with 60 (b, " Government with the larger share 5 phic, aw a LAKEVIEW CHICKS capacity, stainless steel pall, np of the money, supplies, and mptual elimination of the North Sea fort. A RT . $116.25. (mmediate delivery units PATENTS af 3 . atl rety of linpesiol. and Nad Gore 2g Specialized Breeding Plant Of and vacuum pumps. Box 118, Ter- m---- aid it required for the most costly silk Ala R24 Peds 5,000 Breeders minal Station "A", Toronto. FIT IKREIURUALGH 4 COMPANY war ever fought, says 'The Strat- many may Joel seem Srope. impor HY Book your order for July. With 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of ford Beacon-Herald. Lo. . . ik Lym ol than for 1s strate. e: Jie searehy of meat, there will SILVER PLATING FLUID, EASILY Information on request, Here are the figures: The total Enrico DeNicola, left, smiles as he talks with frlends in Naples gio cetfect. But the British have i Py HS Sema for Ponliey and hase and sates plan Dna Detar. Do: cost of the war to the United immediately after his election as Provisional President of the New heen badly fooled before this com " E . - » TOG » A : : A . " Hp) . 0d attractive prices. It will pay you tals free. Krysto Products. Co. PHOTOGRAPHY Kingdom was, in dollar equiva- Italian Republic, Former president of the Chamber of Deputies, cerning the military possibilities of to pul i a extra brood of chicks SANTA CRUZ, Cal. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 OTS. GUA- lent, $88,800,000,000. DeNicola was supported by major Italian political parties in a Helgoland, and appareatly they $s year. ranteed one day service. NO WAIT- 7] : - compromise vote. fon' - be fooled i Prompt Delivery -- With a capacity : ; ; I'he net United States Tend- don't propose to be tooled again of £0,000 Lakeview chicks weelés' THE NEW IMPROVED HAY ING, Bay Photo Service, North Bay, Leas loans and purchases of The island was British for nearly ly, we. expect we can give prompt DIVIDER 4E250 i: ! 00-000 * o-oo * : : h ¢ C1 delivery, but to be safe, book . 4 TIME TESTED QUALITY British securities, less the Reverse ul the uineteenth century (before your order at once for July. Cun be ritted to swath board of any 1 1-1 . 1 Mutual Aid trans- that it had been owned by Deas Grade A -- Large Type White Leg- mower Will replace help usually SERVICE and SATISFACTION R111 ,0a50 ANG p Ph Xv + Ducl f Schleswi horns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x needed to fork hay behind mower Your films ry developed actions, totalled $12,300,0000,000. mark, by the Duchy of Schleswig. Ishin Lega x New Hamp, ip Nexyy rept se Have Jims, a A eveloped and But the loans, supplies, pur- | Holstein, by the Hanseatic Leagua mixed c.,, pullets 20c., cox 6c. SETS a res _ , te irate B Rocks, Kod s Hamps., NaS knife guard, Guaranteed satisfac- 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 126c. chases of British securities and By FRANK MANN HARRIS and by assorted pirates) and wad Hamps., Sussex, Sussex x Hamps. tion. $7.60 f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sole rao REPRINTS 8 for 2be, i. other assistance given by the Do- A oo finally turned over to Germany ia mixed $12.75, pullets $17.00. cox Mfgr and distributor for Canada FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. Jicr Assis a ft void ("A Six Bit Critic") 1890 ir. excl ve for the Island of $14.75. Send deposit of $1.00 per and US. Local Spare Ime Agents Jou may not get all the films you minions, India and the colonies } 9 4. exchange tor the lsland o 100. We guarantee 1009 live de- Wanted. A. Arble, Bristol, Que. a yean, buy you can £91 au came to $5,103,000,000, and the As some philosopher once so certain trends and tendencies ob- Zanzibar, Yvon Order from and enclose by ry your i yoy eslre balances of the "sterling areca" truly said, it isn't absolutely servable among the youth of our Ihe Germans Fortified the Ts. ; . TUBES AND RADIO I S p . y ? Gling cover i Large White Leghorns --- Day old HARD TO RD Na 0 ARTS IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICH countries left in London brought necessary to be a screwball in fair land. land, providing cover for tha and started up to 4 weeks old. Electronic supplies of all kinds; Station 1, Toronto. the total up to $17,356,000,000. order to be a real sports fan; but * * * whole Helgoland Bight, on which Lakeview Leghorns are the large list for stamp. Economy Dlstribut- . . ! wp a res ted their principal naval type mated with cockerels from ors, Kingston Ontarlo, ANY SIZE ROLL --- still, it helps: And even when here isn't the shohtest doubt were situated thew principal nava Pd. stock -- "Real Egg Machines." ' ! > bg sports themselves become bore- bout it," he mournfully said; stations. Extending the range of Send for Weekly List -- of speclal 6 or 8 exposures . ; ur ' ) ! he NL. ath mine fields prices on day old chicks, pullets, TWO WALKER FOXHOUNDS DEVELOPED & PRINTED 23e. The Second Spiral some, there is always real pleasure What with one thmg aad an- the tortress' guns with nine tields, 'BEND FOR SPECIAL Nt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS FOR sALB N MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PRICES ON and cockerels and started chicks. FOR THIS FALL'S HUNTING, RE. puaranteed on fox, one $50.00 one $25.00, Two pups three months old FRED A BODDINGTON BUYS 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 2c How Great Britain Paid For The War Large Amounts Of Supplies HEAD OF ITALIAN STATE in observing the mental processes other, the young fellows nowadays Helgoland Rock To Be Destroyed Britain Plans To Blow bland they creued a sheltered area in . July and Fall Hntched -- Book your rh =) " oi Be ; -- v Goce order for July or Fall Hatched $10.00, female $5.00. One trig rabbit Dy Ana Eo ital Fetal Mouite Begins To Unfold of those who play them, those all seem to be getting hard-boiled sil, Quinet ITT the Bef . uhicks Bow. | Fin 2 AY 470 hound $18.44, A feifier sunrainesd mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circns- . I } } who promote them, and those and utterly blind to the finer man Navy could tind haven, a Bs ia env ced wi I> OB. Huntingdon. Alfred Goy- slan Walnut or Black Ebony finish Phe first price-wage spiral in who follow them. things of lite. A few years ago from the operations of surfaca ed chicks. 17t. pullets 22¢., heavy etle, Box 348, Huntingdon, Que. frames, i Mig vin lf enlargement the great automobile industry of * * * voung lads were just crazy to join ships. At Versailles the Germ He mi A pnt SBT pn : wm Reprints Made From Your the nited States already has al Like, for instance, the elevator our team on any terms--they were ocdered to demilitarize the i3« LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE hegalives 3% Each most run its course. Another spi- operator in a big down-town efi- could see what an honor it was, Fondd, Dut that was no greater obs FARM, Wein B LARGE DAIRY FARM IN VILLAGE STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ral aJready 15m prospect, com- fice building who confided to us, not only to themselves but to their stacle to Thilo than the other pro her on los 85 {alles from Mogtianl 30 bead pt lox 120, Post Office A, Toronto. ments the Winnipeg ree Press. the day before the fight, that she families as well, But now-----well, visions of the treaty, . - ent ok fry) Box 99, Print Nume und Address Plalzly. When the workers of the auto- was betting ten dollars on Billy all they seen to think about 1s oo * ft A I 1 oN upAN 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. SUPREME SATISFACTION mobile industry won increases in Conn to heat Joe "Louis. Purely money, money, money! I" he Sin, mh Sac thas : ig / ving, Rv aee | EE -- 5 hd of one long and less than a half. I AE ars ove utara SE NUSTIER GF COUP oath) Cn only be attained by having ams last winter to Sailipenssts out of the goodness of our heart-- . « * on ne Rig id fous | he Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, t P it) , good bulldings your lms processed by highly them for the rising cost ot hving, she wasn't a bad-lookin i And he w. HICere | ot ¢ . 5 Fergus, Ontario. ve rs toes i skilled technlclans using the very it was supposed that they would = ' : I: ' ' dlodsay @le gg Se Wo 2 Slate yi path war with naval and anti-aircraft number of p0-acre farms $2,000 and best materials and modern ma- as ] feos : ig 3 2 ag, at that) Swe told her that cdc about it that, with a little ap- tits aud poweriul foldar equips LAR TY up, a number of 100-acre farms chinery. All is obtainable at lowest ve satisfied at least for some time she was making a very grave propriate slow music, he would } ! or So GE PE LEGHORNS 5p pny up; 3 umber of 150 Juad ig Bh "da phi to come, that industrial peace | error} and that she could get far have brought tears to his listeners' ens. Je. was used as a hase for Leghorn pullets "le All Breedera re mss got Fin phd guaranteed. ' would be restored and that the quicker action and just as speedy eves. In fact some of them were L-h ats, while the tiny nearly is. sted and backed by |. and also some with bush and hydro. TRANS-CANADA FILM largest enterprise in the country retuins by wosdng Ver Honey Gut oF corved with Landikerchiots land of Duene was converted into double bloodtested a y | g [ : y mg y | 1 s to A for ial iceral i pigh Redigrecd Jgungation sock These re, ajl gos Salus that shoud SERVICE could get on with production. Now of a top-storey window. But she their faces, but whether to wipe a landing strip tor highter aircratt. Dor chicks | ever had. Walter Real-Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. Toronto 13, Ont. the United Automobile Workers wasn't convinced. "Maybe you're away the vagrant tear, or to hide Dune tho will be ari 4p sad Morton, Dryden, -- We were well are preparing to ask for another right," she said. "Maybe Conn the fleeting grin, we cannot be will revert to tue condition of an - SHRINE TEACHERS WANTED : yo sad, ) ' i rer. s ' sh Tg Pag TL HAIRDRESSING ¥: kJ wage increase because, they say, hasn't got a chance-~but still, I certain. But probably the latter; msignificant sand bank. ISSIN PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8.8. prices have gone up again. In bclieve in supporting . the . white for, boiled down to essentials and oT e ullets 17c LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE ; ! : 2 % ssent leave, Bred Rock x New Robertson method, Information on Ne, lon ARDlY Saling sainly some automobile plants the UAW man every time. stripped of flowery verbiage, all THE. SPORTING THING Hamp., Barred Rocks, Pure Sussex rogues) Segarairy gw on Ta ber to Leonard Cameron, Sec'y, already has given notice that it « * * the magnates squawk amounts to ) _--_-- --- g ' . . . . pe -- ! 1 A SN He mire pallets dis Avenue Road. Toronto. Darien Oma, must have higher wages 9 cover Just exactly how she figured is this--the kids nowadays cannot [| i ARE N. Hamp... Rock x Hamp, Rocks TWO QUALIFIED TEACHERS the advance in living costs since losing ten dollars on Billy Conn see that the honor and glory of 2nd New fHamps, mivedsiie. fuss HEL WANTED wanted for 8. 8. No. & village of the I=:t increase was granted. 'as goi hol hi wearing a certain colored sweater / sex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn Quadeville and Extenslon Bruce- Lc the was going to help uphold white wearmyg ' ] ] Jo and Leghorn x New Hamp. mixed WANTED: EXPERIENCED SINGLE ton. County of Renfrew. Duties to Here in simplest form is the in- supremacy is more than we can is great enough to be worth them toe Si AT ed, nyliets board RT ta aa, J Spence iY, Saddle Kenny flation spiral at work -- higher fathom, so what's the use of wy- accepung a thousand or so dollars and started prices on request, Don Head Farms, Richmond HII, Quadeville, Ontario. wages which produce higher ing? Still, don't ever start think- less salary than they can get else- Order fron) and enelase this Ad. Otario (phone Mapls 53W), ENVALE, ONT. TEM. CO. RE prices; then higher wages to com- ing it is only the feminine mental- where for similar services. per eposit. GHENVALE, © TEM, CO, RE ole : ! . } ; "= HURONDALE CHICK DIETITIAN quires 1st class tencher tor public pensate he worker or irher iy, Heaven bless it, that can * + + school, Protestant, dutles commence prices; wen, inevitably, come up with that sort of un- Yes, as we said before, a certain Sept. 1. State quanfications and : i : N . k ats Sy As we san re, ectat: : ay ary $166.50 Mio ther 4140°00 an lary expected to 8. P. Peterson, prices agam cancelling = gut tie rv asoning. For while the female amount of wackiness is no real London, Ont. por Month With 'Tul. maptenance, Glenvale. Ont. waye increases. of the species may be, as the poet handicap to a successful partici ' . - . . . " . . . . WE CAN GIVE PROMPT DE. oe Mg Sh THREE * TEACHERS REQUIRED said, deadlier that the fabs, it cer- pation in sports, cither on the side- livery on pullets eight weeks to Cross Plan avallable. Permanenc for Schreiber Continuation Schoo : tainly can't be any dumber, lines, on the managerial beach, oc ig! laying in -Darred Rooks, ° New for the right person. Apply to Sup- to divide English, History, French, HARNESS & COLLARS ek in the arena itseli. Especially the De Hampshires, White Leghorns. Free erintendent Muskoka Hospital Science, Junior Math, Art or Music, KX c It mn the aren: sell. Ins y N / tog catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Gravenhurst, Ont ! P. T. and Cadet Training. Appli- Farmers Attention -- Consu Take, for example, the highly latter. We are thinking now of a "N folk i M bi will d tek Sutarie. : : ih on pi gs gE oy gous - nearest Harness Shop authentic case of the very angry -| voung apprentice jockey who had ow, Shite f Eom a ° . nn and experience, also Inspectors' re- bout Staco Harness Supplies. k as ¢ A oy Lee 3 a white face act - WANTED TYPIST WITH BOOK- forences in first letter, to Chalr- abou 0 hockey f: an incident which, al- been riding in somewhat 'sensa- y HEAVY BREED PULLETS keeping experience. Give full In=- 3 I ee Bol Ont. Woe sell our goods only through wcekey fan--an ancrdent winch, al : ny " em "17¢ formation and wages expected. man 1. Be MeCusig, Sehreilier; On your local Staco [Leather though paralleled many umes mn tional fashion one serson, and REIN c: tira' ork pAvaly Tweddle Shien Hatohsrias Goods dealer. The goods are the past, happened only within the who we had been commissioned Farm W orkers Hamp. New Hamp. and Barred : : ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN right, and so are our prices. past few weeks. This particular to interview for a certain publi- Get Protection i Li Wg er Hae nr GENERAL STAFF NURSES ONTARIO We manufacture in our fac fan was discussing with. a friend cation. In the course of our talk Order from this Ad Jurondale vy (North of Cochrane) tories -- Harness. Horse Col the matter of the Toronto Maple we told the young punk, as a real I 4 Chick Hatchery, London. Ontarlo. Operating Room Nurses A Copzalidated sane oh iid fiage lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. Leafs getting rid of Babe Pratt compliment, that his manner of Announcement by the Hon. T. $100.00 PER MONTH, PLUS FULL ion GT i MR gy iy grades 1 kets, and Leather Travellin and was highly indignant over the sitting on a horse somewhat re- L. Kennedy, Minister of Agricul. ~ RELIABLE CHICKS maintenance, 3 weeks! vacation to 9. Number of puplls 18. Music Goods. [Insist on Staco Bran d as g ¥ re , or minded as of the ureat Earle ture, that farm workers are to he JULY PRICES ON BARY CHICKS, with pay and a 350 bonus ar the 1 ana social seryice. including chil: Trade Marked Goods, and you whole thing, "Ting thy can ig , Gah phiced under the Workmen's Com. Barred Rocks $9.75. Hamp X BR. fompletioniof sash year of service, dren's Sunday School class, helpful. iefacti Mad 1 ' Babe like that is a dirty shame, Sande. pee he ! : arre oc 9.75. mp Pension plan. 1 day sick leave with Hk $1600.00, start "ptember cet satisfaction. Made only by i , pensation Act, 15 of great interest $10.25. STARTED CHICKS, up to pay per month, accumulative. Bus i Apply ig#@riting to Her- he said, "and the fans shouldn't * * * ] : ; I Wo LI service to city street car lines. Ap- os L. i Secretary, 408 SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. stand for it for a minute; in fact The kid didn't hat an eye. "Is to the Dose oo Sxnasey Si +28 he hE: rz " 0S , - Asn : pL ' . Co part trom the farming ati on aa, Howe, x LR, Brompt Lith Sh eapitar for ol University" A ie, Toronte- 2,-Ont, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE I think that all of us supporters of that so?" he casually replied. n The St Sho ates Te ~ te N £ a or _ N , S 5 1 7 as r§- . Siipment Ble Tai Hasna Pliage Jo. shies: A WANTED 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto the Leas should et oo a petipoy (hen, hid vy -- : Groght, nal Ihe exclusfon of farm wore txt : protesting agamst such a raw he w@dded, "I guess Sande was or < heen > & ; ) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MEDICAL ' miLLEft REAL ESTATE, 186 deal" : picky gond wo." ker ba ween a tlaw in our econ. ; - i Oshawa Boulevard, Oshawa, wants 2 me systems Modern farming ree AN 'EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACT= GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERe resort property, unimproved, wood- « * * Ee re hinerv wi "IR FRLIIRS re machinery with the I ion gis provention 15 | 35 of Riswislie yeins ur Noylts | oF ord Linch, sear Bighwar Dradity | the fiw, only wildly inte Pl os Mg available to all bread, milk an should y xon's . - . dled 3 . ¢ cro 0 actors, ofc other delivery salesmen, students, ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLETS -or Money Back ested, at this point said something B it . I R teneks, and electrical or gasoling -vacatlonists and others desiring Postpaid $1.00, Barred 'Rocks, New Hampshires, For quick teh oh about not knowing that the other ritain in nace A, et a La part or full time employment, : White Leghorns any age from 8 or quick relief from itching caus by eczema, ] Leaf F WwW 1d T d riven amplements, ane ar mora Please forward name, address and STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS weeks up to laying. Good prices athlete's foot, scabies, pimplesand otheritchin was such an ardent Maple lea or or rade wccidents ocene than in the days telephone number to 'Box 101, 173 aften are ihe Salis of in Reith i paid. Apply to Box No. 95, 173 gonditions, se pe RVs: tliented, Rami supporter. "Well, I should say | OO whiny sity All power off tie faim St W., Toronto, Ont. umans, all ages. No ore Immune Adelalde W., Toronto. + 12s DO. ed : : : . ; , nn Ler ; Adelaide St aii Bh Whe this ts brie e rye and 3 ek! sala am," retorted the irate one tly; For every five dollars" worth ot wis horse or man. Apart from : Ty " trouble, Interesting particulars -- i Y "Why, I' I haven't misse i dw : > United King- se wee oive wide : DYEING AND CLEANING Free! Write Suivepey's Remedlen CASH FOR YOUR USED todav for D. D.'D. PRESCRIPTION. a det on over five hosted goods, he Poited Ming, that, the ) we Shen Jecients 2h ) 1. aon now exports ( : aoliars 1 me nr {ICK Co re ' HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS Specialists oronto CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS years." worlh The WS driv NA . ao rel 8 cK : vl trample dyelng or cleaning? Write to us for ARTHUR'S ECZEMA OINTMENT. Kaustine and other makes urgently WEAK Ti oe + fol he iol: Tanti e tr alt dis pan by Loses ar callie. , information. We Ate Sind fo i gghid Try It. It works, Arthur's Eczema required. Highest prices pald. . But it isn't only among the fol- vy the high measure of self dis- No doubt a lot of farmers will Porers Ore Works Limited. 191 Qmamsnl, ous Of the most $liecsive Write 104 Galley Avenue, Toronto. /,[/ lowers and onlookers of sport cipline accepted by the British kick agampst this new "impost", . RL Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, eczema: 50c., 90c. and $1.76. For in- 0 A G that you find viewpoints and out- people, suggests that the volume but after "dl they are only being v Ruy Sem ) = formation write ('harles Arthur, 82 . On 'CERTAIN DAYS' Of Month? looks that are, to put it mildly, of woods sent abroad by the end asked to carry a form of insurance HE pon say S0rice JOR. Toronto, Ont S A F E S Thin Sne medicios ia Bary effecting to slightly off-center. IFor it was of the year, will reach the figure which has heen obligatory on Kuh ATTENTION FARMERS IT'S IMPORTANT -- EVERY SUFa Protest your BOOKS sad UASH vous, irritable feelings, of such orp neither fan nor player, but a very which the labor government has Canadian mdustries for many a at, For Sule: Regulur Tractor Tires, iferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurl- 4 han dus to female functional monthly noted and successful sports mag- fixed as imperative for cconomic year. As far as possible, men who ALS for boltl tis should try Dixon's Remedy, from FIRE and THIEVES, We disturbances! " i Ryle iN 'y lug treuds, suitable for bolting on . . urhances nate who was recently reported as recovery, says The Ottawa Citizen. -| are cmployed on farms should ek, steel wheels, front wheels -- $5.00 Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- hnve "a size and type of Safe, or Vi7)/}| INKHAM VEGETABLE - { fi i Bef 1 / Great Britai 'eas : i KL each, rear wheels -- $10.00 each, tawa, Postpaid $1.00. Onbloet, tor any purpose. Vialt EP J Lona deploring, not for the first time, cfore the war Grea ritain have as much protection as they I LI a Foronise Jyhch Srasting, OU SUFFER FROM ARTHRI an, or write for prices. ete. to ) bought more from the rest of the would have in factories, and farm- Rs + § FE - Rif) pate ihe Hg Co. Ltd, 6 Wilts He. JAB Lill dh pain, Dept W world than any other country, It ers cannot hope to attract men to 4 5 shire Ave. Toronto, Ont, write us regarding Colchina the re- she is to maintain her position in the farms, or get them to stay Ht 3 CARPENTRY -- NEW BOOK, $10 a ra 4 gi 0 J.6cJ. TAYLOR LIMITED ou ° the post-war world, she must sell there, unless conditions are more a Complete data on framing walls, International Agency, 22 College SAFE WOR od overseas on a far bigger scale than equalized. 'T'oo long has the hired ARS i Tl Tt a TI li Street, Toronto, Ontario. TORONTO ORKS 5 u omo 1 e eC anics ever before. Consequently, apart man been treated as a sort of rk ation for those Interested in con- IF YOU'RE, BALD READ 145; Front 81. @, Toronto lS rE ; efit ' from essential foodstuffs much of peon, and: this is an expenditure ne piruiedon. Sent, postpaid, Thres dol IS! Matabliished 16883 WwW t , which is exported to Europe, her that the farmer should regard as RY tri ler pr 2 g an e main imports to-day are raw ma- an investment instead of a new A DUCK RAKE ON 8% HEAVY DUTY oii Ig A N terials and equipment for the tax upon his industry. Bh Chev. truck chassis. Motor recon= ... the new, remarkable treatment manufacture of goods to be sold toa, i ) ditioned ready to go. Guy, Steven: for baldness es Tag Brown Suita 8 -HOUR DAY ---- TOP PAY to the rest of the world. A British "First" . Phone . case after case pro n - ) . . ) ' aon, Frosklin, ont trolled and supervised, New halr PLENDID WORKING ONDITIONS Luxuries must wait until she has WC ! or 2 ESEL ENGINE, 50 h, p, FAIR« has definitely appeared in most S C | 1 1 1- : ' DIESEL E " Py 3 i y stepped up her export trade to a Tohn L. Baird | lied . \s a I | 1as died at Bax banks-Morse, type Y, single cylin- cases after treatment with Hexon! / ) . 4 Al 9 viv der. Excellent condition, Installing ein Sealp Breparation, Jiteetive most twice the pre-war level. hill, Sussex, England, at the age of NA y - - J ness, Star a T i ill a . il- 17 a We Bleater ne Distiiel 1 Co-Oper Slee Wane for baldness now, 'WRITE OR PHONE : There is still a shortage of a mil fifty -eight, He was the "father AN y y Remember, it Hexonicin Sealp Pro: wis t | : lion men and women workers in television," having been the inven LR CT M8 NEW, USED aration does not produce results ' indus ou ' Nd oO nA AMIEL NA belts, pulleys, Pter following directions You MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD 4 ! hy Ab ugh he is} nog tor of the televisor, the first prac- RN brushes, Allen Electrie (ompany Gor HAN MONRY BAGR 8v0ry be A ' 4 " emp oy fem Sheeecs 9,009,000. tical television apparatus. Another A 26D in 81, Toronto, Ont, ar so gs Insured w a leadin \ a ' a 'ortunately, in the expor des " Al p! a BE Vid. 2926 Paiferin Ri. Canadian Insurance Company. Don't CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH DEALERS ul Yr : y ! trade of those "slow" Britons who man- Xe EXTRACTOR, Six Nasket, Power postpons, Send A350 {cheque or 1c PE, ota %, oe pre- aged to come through with one of AR Fg in Tank, oney order) today for trial Jar to war years has alreac ween sur- ; y } "fr " N Dl Dd Puppy Hexonieln (Canada) Limited, Dept, . 632 Mt, Pleasant Rd., Toronto HY. 2181 vay y the world's most important firsts, Wit) ennels $6. Fxcellent Value, 8. (11, 216 Ossington Ave, Toronto 8, Sea what Dodd's can do for you. "137 : ¥ pass 2 ; , fail} comments the Brantford Expos 2 Woods, Mono Road, Ont Canada, Strikes are few and negligible. itor, xX