a n-------- hte 1 Sd = ar, Cam Sidi i ta So ne Eras . i nN oh sinning AN, ee TALUS hs SARA A a EY SABLE ¥ \ 3 - . 'da a at TR ae aid TREL TR NONE Sad iid "© PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1946 . ' = . ge $r + pena BETHESDA (Too late for last week.) EE SE A SS PI BO ie: HOLIDAY WEEK In order that our staff' may enjoy i the required holidays, our business will be CLOSED from AUGUST 26 to SEPTEMBER 3 Phone 32 SAINI Soh Foo Considerable damage was done to farm crops on Sunday when three hail hit this community. Fields of corn were stripped and flattened, and fields of grain threshed. Many homes had broken windows and houses were marked by the hail stones, Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobson and families at- tended tht Dobson pienie in Uxbridge on Monday. Master Norman Fairless, Stouffville, spent the holiday week-end with his EE tT tte ae ate te ee te tte ete ete te te tt tet ttt te te eet titers [cousin Miss Gloria Ashenhurst. Le Mrs. Kathleen Shea, Toronto, was a #2 | holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Have your Furnace {.. ...... cleaned by Vacuum Sil : Machine. iH FURNACE CEMENTED -- $15.00 Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ashenhurst. ESTIMATES FREE Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobson and fam- All kinds of house [Savetroughing in stock. : i ily visiting in Hampton on Sunday. : ¥ Place Your Orders Now! The sympathy of this community is THE SRISIITR SSNs storms Po 0 "0 0 Wo se Socteis eo x 0 ste Po 0s" S000, Gerrow Bros. Bakery [SAS ARN ARR AFAAANAARRARARAARAA ARAAR RASS ese extended to Mrs. Clarence Veiteh in the loss of her sister Mrs, F. Flawell. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Shier and Marilyn with her parents Mr. and Mrs. I<. Parish. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith on the birth of a daughter. REDUCED RAIL FARES LABOUR DAY Canadian Railways are offering re- duced rail fares for the Labour Day Holiday period, from Friday noon, August 30th, until midnight Tuesday, September 2nd, it was announced by J. A. Brass, chairman of the Canadian Passenger Association, The special holiday fare will be based on one and one-quarter single fare for a round trip ticket. Tickets will be good for departure from noon of I'riday, August 30th, until 2 p.m. of Monday, September 1st, and will ba honoured for the return trip leaving destination not later than midnight of Tuesday, September 2nd. All times are Standard Time. CARD OI' THANKS FOR "os eae ee ons, WITH United Plumbing & Heating, Per A. W. GILMOUR, 208080800090808000 rete e ase, oe PORT PERRY . o 5 BAAN AP RIAA ASIANS SP . PHONE 215 - - O . ee e000 Caleta tetete tet ARANRARAR AN PASTA S970 9°00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 009 0 6 EEE EE SAPO OE SOC SS ASIANA SRLAAABARNL LSPA AT SINR 2Se3el, Nar, oe» se Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Graham, and: family, wish to express sincere thanks for the beautiful flowers and kindly | sympathy of their friends at the time The economy of coal heating- with the drudgery taken out [a BLACKSTOCK Blackstock W. I. met for the August meeting at the home of Mrs, Hopley. The meeting was held on the lawn and Mrs. Werry, District President, was guest speaker. The subject of her ad- dress was<«Women's Institute Work in the Home and Community. Mrs, R. Langmaid, a past president, was also present and spoke briefly, The roll call was a Durham Industry. Lunch was served by Mrs, S. VanCamp and her group. The Royal Black Preceptory with Blackstock Fife and Drum Band, at- tended service at St. John's Church on Sunday evening. About 130 persons attended at Devitt's hall to welcome Mr, and Mrs. Phayre on their return from their honeymoon and to present htem with a shower of miscellaneous gifts. A number of parents and friends from here visited the Girl Guide's Camp at Bobcaygeon where the Girl Guides and Rangers are having a ten day vacation, John Werry is at home having suc- cessfully completed his first term at 0.A.C., Guelph, We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. David Archer on the passing of her mother, Mrs. C. Whittaker, wife of Rev. Dr. C. Whittaker. A number of local Junior Farmers attended hte annual sports day of the Quinte Junior Farmers Association at Presq'ile Point, on Friday. It was the first such occasion held since 1931 and a great crowd of junior boys and girls gathered from the seven counties re- presented. Agricultural Representa- tive Ii. A. Summers headed a strong contingent from Durham County. The day was given over to inter-county softball and track and field contests. The Durham softball team was chosen from several townships and the girls' team was made up of Orono regulars with a few from other points. No local entries were made in the track and field events. Thirteen .preliminary ball games were played to determine the finalists. Both Durham teams came through the early contests and both captured cham- pionships in the finals. The girls' team had a close contest, edging out North- umberland 7-6. The boys' team beat Peterboro handily 15-10. Coach Summers, who for the past 17 years has had his junior farmers win many provincial and national championships in judging was much elated to find that after 16 years' ab- sence from sports contests, his two Borham County teams captured the dual championship in softball among very keen competition. The day com- cluded with a dinner and dance.. ------ EPP ee LETTER RECEIVED FROM ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE BY TOWN COUNCIL Dear Sirs: You are advised that the Police Act, 1946, Ontario Statutes, 1946, chapter 72, section 2, subsection 2, provides as follows: "(2) Every village and township which, or any part of which, has 'a density of population and real pro- perty assessment sufficient to warrant the maintenance of a police force and which has been so designated by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall, with regard to the municipality or part thereof, as the case may be, be re- sponsible for the policing and main- tenance of law and order and for the appointment and remuneration of an adequate number of constables in ac- cordance with the police needs there- of." You are further advised that it is proposed to designate the villages, townships, parts of townships and im- provement districts set out in an at- tached list, as having a density of population and real property assess- ment suflicient to warrant the main- 'tenance of a police force, 1 Please take notice that if you desire to make representations to the Com- missioner of Police for Ontario re- garding such designation taking place, iyou will have until September 1, 1946 I'so to do. Such representations as you desire to make should be forwarded as soon as possible before that date to W. H. Stringer, Esq., Commissioner of Police for Ontario, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, Ontario. Yours faithfully, Wililam H. Stringer. | Note--This letter is printed for in- formation to our readers. FAIRBANKS-MORSE | Automatic COAL STOKER Next winter look after the furnace when it suits you. No need to get up to chilly rooms and hurry down to the cellar. Set the thermostat the night before and the house is at the temperature you want in the morning. Just fill the hopper once a day. Once or twice a week lift out a solid clinker. That's all the attention a Fairbanks-Morse Automatic Coal Stoker needs. Easy to install, too! No extras to buy. Stop playing nursemaid to your furnace. See the new F-M Stoker NOW! CANADA i THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED 980 St. Antoine St., Montreal, ROBERTSON ELECTRIC (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) Port Perry, Ont. Phone 179w HA, 121 [and Eleanor. JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING ART. JEMISON, Proprietor : Phone 93 w 1} { MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd is Port Perry Fair Day. Exhibitors please make Entries early. RETAILERS make constant use of banking services. In some cases these are simple but essential; the bank takes cash receipts on deposit, makes change, operates cur- rent accounts, and accepts and records used ration coupons, Other retail accounts involve considerable handling of drafts, and}a very important service--the m g of loans to enable retailers take advantage of trade discoun All this entails Banking in Action. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has among its customers many retail houses, from the small corner store to the large chain and depart- ment store. Strict attention to their particular needs is given to all the Bank's customers. Use our services for your banking requirements, whatever they may be. Consult our local Manager. Port Perry Branch--J, R. HELM, Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DOBSON PICNIC Owing to war conditions, and for patriotic reasons, the Dobson family relatives had temporaritly given up their re-unions since 1941. Now that the wars are over, and V-E and V-J days have come and gone, the commit- tee in charge arranged their first post- war get-together, and staged it in El- gin Park, Uxbridge, on August 6th-- Civic Holiday. ' Favoured with beautiful weather, a most enjoyable afternoon was spent, Although for various reasons, such as great distance, absence on vacation at camp or cottage, or at Summer School, many of the relatives could not be pre- sent, yet more than one hundred per- sons participated in the happy occa- sion, Attending the re-union were guests from -- Regina, Sask. -- Mrs, Mary Kitchener -- Dr. and Mrs| Carman Brown; Hamilton--Mrs. Alice White; Toronto--Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Dobson; Oshawa -- Mr. W. A. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scott and daughter, Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stovin; Mr. W. C. Stovin and son Alan and two friends; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stovin, daughter Lillian and sons Donald and Eric; Kathleen Keenan, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Suddard, son Frank and daughter Lorraine, Mr. Harold Suddard and children Barbara and Raymond; Mr. and Mrs, William Suddard and children Kenneth, Nancy and John David; from Port Perry--Misses Lillian and Ger- trude Stovin; Uxbridgt -- Mr, A. BE. Dobson; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Crosby and Kay; Mrs. William Merrick and son Thomas; Mrs, John Campbell and daughters Alice, Wilma and Margaret Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Merrick; Mrs, Alex. Ewen and sons Stanley, Nelson, Gordon and Robert; Mrs. John Ball and children Bruce and Norma; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ewen and baby Laurine; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Beare and daughters Eleanor and Merilyn; Bethesda--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobson and children Barbara, Mary Jean and Hugh, also niece Mariel Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson and children Earl and Jeanette; Cannington--Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Lambert and son Lloyd; Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Lambert; Little Britain--Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hodgson and sons Elmer and Newton; Sonya-- Mrs, R. Nugent and daughter Gert- rude; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nugent and | children Irene, Betty, Marle, Marjorie and Murray; Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Nu- gent and son Bruce; Mr. and Mrs, Ells- worth Wright and son Stanley; Holt-- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ewen and fam- iily Joan, Margaret Rose Audrey, The afternoon was spent in baseball "| for the boys and men; swings, scram- bles, and races for the children, a con- test for the ladies, and pleasant greet- ings for all, After the picnic supper, arranged by the table committee, and, of courss, heartily. enjoyed by all, the President called the crowd to order and made a few remarks regarding the family as a whole, during the past five years. One great reason for gratitude, he said, is that as far as he was aware, all the boys of the Dobson relatives, in service for their country had now re- turned safely home and were re-in- stated in peacetime occupations. He remarked, too, that of the large family connections only "four have passed on since the last re-union; at least four- teen marriages have taken place; one couple celebrated their Golden Wed- ding; more than a score of new little faces are now gracing the family cir- cle. Honour prizes were awarded to the following guests: The Golden Wedding Bride--Mrs., William Merrick; the guests from the greatest distance-- Mrs. Mary Charbonneau and daughter Jean (Regina); youngest girl present --Florence Lauraine Ewen (b months); youngest boy present -- Murray Ross Nugent (6 weeks). Other prizes were given for the various games and: con- tests, A vota of appreciation was extended to the Secretary for her part in the in- terests o fthe picnic. The thanks and appreciation of the family are hereby extended to the Uxbridge Town Coun- cil for the use of Elgin Park, By the voice of the crowd, the next re-union ig to take place on Civie Holi- day, 1947, at Oshawa, if circumstances permit, God Save the King Gilbert Crosby, 4 Gertrude Stovin, Uxbridge, Port Perry, President. Secretary. FOR SALE "A quantity of dry hardwood in foot lengths. Apply to John Ballard, Phone 280J Port Perry. Charbonneau and daughter Jean; from: NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estatae of William Steele Taylor, " All persons having claims a t the Estate of the above William Stetle their claims. tember bth, 1946, the asse ceased Wi he dane smog $he rties entitle ereto, hav agar Pars to claims of which the under- signed solicitor shall then have notice. ated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 3rd day of Avnet, A.D. 1946. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C.,, Blong Block, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for the above Estata, aug22 STOVE WOOD FOR SALE Mixed birch, hemlock, elm and pop- lar, cut 12 inch length. Price delivered $16.00 per cord. C. McCulloch, 461 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Phohne 1962W, FOR SALE Three-quarter Walnut Bed and Walnut Dresser. Apply evenings to Mrs. Fear, Prince Albert, Phone 246 r 1-4, Auction Sales August 16--Ed. K. Jones, Lot 17, Con. 8, Pickering, Mount Zion--Farm Stock and Implements. See bills. Friday, August 30th--Dr. J. J. Ham- ilton, Bethany--Furniture, etc. See bills, Saturday, August 24th--Furniture, Live Stock, Wood, to be sold at Lot 13, Con. 8, Darlington, at Hayden. Fur- niture the property of E. Bradley Est., See bills. and Grade Shorthorns, Horses, Swine, Fowl, Implements, Hay and Grain, the property of Elmer Wallace, Lot 19, Con. 13, Reach. See bills for complete list, ete. Sale at 1 p.m. 'Ted Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE Two Roller Awnings, 9% feet size Enquire P.O. Box 270 or Phone 204. FOR SALE Solid Brick dwelling with frame ad- dition, Queen Street, Port Perry, 8 lots. Modern. conveniences. New furnace. Running Water. Garage. Good Condition. Immediate possession. Apply to A. W. S. Greer, Box 181, Port Perry, Ont.; Telephone 26 Port Perry. Custom Combining Will ** Combine' Craln and Seeds. UX-SPRING FARMS, Phone 103 r 2, Uxbridge RAGNAR STEEN Piano Tuner Will be in Port Perry Thursday, August 16th. Leave orders at Port Perry Star or Ken Spears, Port Perry, : FOR SALE Ellams Duplicator, roller, type, for use with stencil, Apply to J. L. Sweet Jen} R.R.3,, Port Perry, Phone 112 r Aug. 16. 0. S. HOBBS, F.C.l. Accounting & Secretarial Service Income Tax and Government Forms a Specialty 3% Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 84783 G. St. J. Terrett, Associate E---------- EY. se LU e--_e. CARPENTER WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE. Estimates 2 cheerfully given, EDGAR STORRY :: Phone 277J Port Perry Herdsman to take charge of a Jersey herd, good with feeding, management, R.O.P, work and calves. This is a fine chance for a married man with a new house, good conditions. State wages, experience, references, family, and full particulars, Personal applications pre- ferred by telephone arrangement. F, M. Chapman, Pickering, Ont., Phone Pickering 28 r 22. ; TUESDAY, SEPT. 6th--Registered , Built in . HERDSMAN WANTED ge Live Stock, property of E. A. Werry. RA] in I _,.._..y