pi En --- ~ x a ha SRR { ol a Sa EN es SESE ia 1 1 * [oe 2 lid dd ot PE UE TA NTA SRE HVA A Ho EAA Se RA Si Ass bi PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER bth, 1946 rn ee eee eee eet ett, a -------------- U8 S05 E00 RS BR EAS EAS EA es eta a ate ta a oer" eat tira tga Pag re tog? "BUY BAKER'S BREAD" Make sure there'sa plate of good, wholesome bread on your table at every meal. Made fresh, sold fresh PEEPS SBOPIBOBIBOSOEOBOSSELIROBOUOES Have your Farnace cleaned by Vacuum Machine. | FURNACE CEMENTED -- $15.00 ESTIMATES FREE All kinds of house Eavetreughing in stock. Place Your Orders Now! WITH THE United Plumbing & Heating, Per A. W. GILMOUR,} PHONE 215 ~~ - - [SOS ANS RA RAAT A TA JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 Ww ART. JEMISON, Proprietor Sees SRE NSE TREE ah ie MRE he sie die Sei] Town Hall - Port Perry WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 8.30 P.M. Adults 40c., Ch ildren 25¢. tax included pe a _ . . es __S BE pC edie NSE lel nis SN Regia saving of even a small ortion of your income soon Pas a habit that will stand you in good stead when you have the opportunity to make a sound invest. ment, or need funds in an emer. gency. Open an account with us now, and make a practice of depositing amounts regularly. 701 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE J. R. HELM, Manager, Local Branch = A i RA AS ------ iN ------Y we ----------ay -- ---- ¥ ee W. H. Landon SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE , Optometrist, 1666 Danforth Ave., TORONTO, will be at I. R. Bentley's Jewellery Store, SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Please Make Appointments Beforehand. : ! Pressure Pumps, df . 82 gal. Galvanized Tanks ii Electro Pails | : | Fixtures, Tri-Lamps, Table Lamps | | Sunbeam Electric Razors SINGLE HOT PLATES TOASTERS Wiring Sale Se ade athe Calie SSEC SOR Sie elles dle CRE) +l NOW IN STOCK | Repairs [PRP pe-------- Large Capacity IRONS Service Phone 179 w, ROBERTSON ELECTRIC fe aie Sie ge Sie SFL SERS _SEEC Port Perry patience in a difficult fuel Phone 240w THANK YOU The undersigned, on behalf of the Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co., wishes to express sincere thanks to the many customers for their loyalty and The Coal and Ice part of our business has been sold to Hugh D. Santer, of Niagara; and we ask for the same goodwill we have enjoyed. Sam N, Griffen LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER & COAL CO. situation. LIMITED COAL HUGH D. SANTER BETHESDA School re-opened on Tuesday, with Mrs. Taylor, of Uxbridge, as teacher. 'We note that Palmer Bros. have sold their farm but will be with us until Spring. Miss Jeanette Dobson, is holidaying with Miss Jean Thompson, of Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Blight have gold. their farm, and have moved to Brooklin. We. welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell and daughter Suzanna, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Watler Palmer. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wheatley, of Timmins, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ward. Mrs. Mildred Playter, of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Croxall. Mr. Harold Martin, Scugog, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Palmer, Miss Joyce Hood, of Oshawa, visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crapper. Miss Eileen Brown has accepted a position with the McLaughlin Coal Co, in Oshawa, and spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. L, G. Brown. " My; Morley Parish and Miss Helen Baird were holidaying in the Halibur- ton district this week-end, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. Elmer Gorrell, Miss Myrtle Gorrell, Miss Jean Flem- ming and friend spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, L. G. Brown. Best of luck to the students from this community entering Uxbridge High School this week----Joyce Mac- Gregor, Barbara Dobson, and Roger Ashenhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ashenhurst and daughter Gloria spent Sunday in Markham with 'Mr. and Mrs, W. Gould, Port Perry Coal & Ice (Formerly Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co., Ltd.) EVERYTHING IN FUEL COKE ICE DELIVERED AS ORDERED We shall give the Best Service the market affords. WOOD - PROPRIETOR Mr. and Mrs. Viall, of Rochester, N.Y, are holidaying with her mother, Mrs. W. Evans. Congratulations to Miss Jeanette and Earl Dobson, on winning first and secood place on their pet pigeons shown at Port Perry Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Croxall visit- ving" at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Norman Lindsay, in Toronto. A large number from this com- munity attended Port Perry Fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, F. Holman and family, Cleo, Mich,, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gould and family, Markham, were Sat- urday guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. Ash- enhurst. . JEEP Demonstration Another Jeep demonstration You've often heard about them. Come and see this one at the Grant Christie Farm, Manchester, on-- Friday, September 6th Sponsored by Houck"s Garage Uxbridge, Ontario Gray hair. handicaps you. Use Ange- lique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life, $1.00 at A. M, Lawrence's Drug Store, ADVANCE NOTICE Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS WHEREAS pursuant to the Public Inquiries Act, Chapter 19 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1937, Major General Howard Kennedy was appointed a Commissioner to investigate, inquire into and report upon the forest resources of Ontario and their conservation, manage- ment and beneficial utilization for all purposes, including their relation to other basic industries, particularly farming, and their relation to recreation, soil conservation, and waterways and water powers-- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, after having completed field investigations with his staff, the Commissioner proposes to hold public hearings in accordance with the following Sault Ste. Margie ...coovvvvvviiviiinnnns Port AvthWr oon on TL em-- Kenora .. Fort Frances ........ccovviine v vivvr vine nns Geraldton .....ccoeeviiiiviievivee vvevninen London CORNLANG srmmtmimminnis gemma ssi North Bay + Ar ngyiie Pembroke ........co.vvviiviiiiniiviniinnee OIAWD vimanas insrvmions vasa POLONLO ....coniisiciiies sv siensisrmsiinssinssds NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT all persons, associations, or groups desiring to make representations or present evidence ta the Commission will have an opportunity of doing so at any one of the While the presentation or oral evidence under oath is permissible, it is strongly urged that submissions take the form of written briefs, as to the form of which the Commission's Counsel will give any assistance that may be required. above hearings. All briefs or oral evidence presented be given proper consideration by the Commission in the preparation of its report and recommendations, In order to facilitate the work of the Commission, it is requested that briefs be forwarded to The Secretary, Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry, Administration Building, Long Branch Small Arms Plant, Toronto 14, to reach the office of the Commission at least one month before the hearing at which their consideration is desired. Tr ---- 1- 2 Nov. i 12-13 Nov. tentative schedule: -- verre 28-29 Oct. at the public hearings will W. H. HEWSON, Secretary. NOTICE PRINCE ALBERT GREENHOUSE Having taken over the Greenhouse and Florist business of Wm. Ettey. we wish to announce to the public that we are prepared to serve you as Mr. Ettey has done in the past. All orders will receive prompt at- tention. Please note phone numbers: Myra Grainger, 174 r 11 septh T, J. Sager 174 r 2 September 10th is the day set for the next collection of paper, rags, and grease in Port Perry. Don't waste these, but tie them up, and put grease in containers. Collectors will call, Ini case of rain the collection will be made the following day. AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th-- Household Effects, the property of E. May Walker, at her premises, on Cochrane St., Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer "WANTED Old and crippled horses and cattfe for slaughtering purposes. Also pick up dead horses and cattle promptly. Phone Port Perry 76J, or H. E. ELSON, UXBRIDGE, 95 r 21. Phone collect. We pay the highest prices nov28 CLIP THIS oN EmE Before you go fo a Distributing Centre; FILL IN THE GREEN APPLICATION CARD (Marked RB-191) AT THI BACK OF YOUR RATION BOOK 8, GIVING: 1. Name and address. (print In block letters) 2. Serial number as shown on front cover of Ration Book 5. 3. Age--if applicant Is under 16 years. 4. Regular signature of ration book owner, DO NOT TEAR THE GREEN APPLI- CATION CARD OUT OF RATION BOOK 5. THIS MUST BE DONE BY AN OFFICIAL AT THE DISTRI. BUTING CENTRE. ADVERTISEMENT FOR FUIURE REFERINCE RATION BOOK 6 Issued between September 9t: and 16th Distributing Centres will not be open on all days during this period. So=MAKE SURE that you know exactly. what days and hours the Distributing Centre you intend to go to will be open. See list of Distributing Centres below. RATION BOOKS WILL NOT BE MAILED OR DELIVERED-THEY MUST BE CALLED FOR 2 | aL LVN ADULTS MUST APPLY FOR CHILDREN Children under 16 may not opply fer thelr Ration Books or those of others. NIE EE EE EEE ESE EEE EEE ESE EEE EEE EEREEED Addresses APPLYING FOR OTHERS Rates Theat Take Your Ration Book 5 with the Application Card RB-191 SHll Attached, Properly Completed and Signed, to a Distributing Centre and Ration Book 6 Will Be Given You. Any responsible person over 16 may Members of fhe apply for Ration Books for other mem- continwe fo I en vi bers of their family or melghbours, from thelr own walls, providing above requirerents ere com= pled with, WHEN AND WHERE YoU GET IT LOCAL DISTRIBUTING, CENTRES ARMED PORCES AEEEEEE Hours > PRINCE ALBERT--Harper's Store, Sept. 13-14, 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GREENBANK--Thos. Sharp's Res., Sept. 13-14, 10 a.m, to 5 p.m. MARSH HILL--R. Swanick, school, Sept. 13-14, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. VICTORIA CORNERS--Mrs. Thompson's Store, : HELL Sept. 13-14, 10 am. to 5 p.m. UTICA--MTrs. Crosier, school .........Sept. 12-13, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. CHALK LAKE--W. C. Lynde, Res., Sept. 9-10-11, 5 p..m to 10 p.m. MANCHESTER--F. Christie, hall, Sept. 12-13,"9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SHIRLEY--Mr. Hocken, res., Sept. 13-14, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m, SEAGRAVE--Mrs. Sleep; Boe's Store, Sept. 13-14, Friday 10 a.m. to 12 noon; 2 to 6 p.m.;Saturday 10 a.m, to 10 p.m. SCUGOG--Centre School, Sept. 14 .............10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PORT PERRY --G. L. Davis, Post Office, Sept. 12-13-14 on 3: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ' i a DMINISTRATION RATION A Paper Salvage 4)