"it mill continue to serve the commun- AE A LANE AAA EAR BEA ANS . : i SYS BN ' OPTRA roi4l 21 NS FW 2 vf # a (gat tou to hth i taht eset rar Se ee Se RES Ee Ba a aah © MIA BY RR VEL FREE DO ERP 50 25 LY far 3s 5% { Sh : set d PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1948 -- te Rates w-- " S-- ' = g EP 1S re Saturday Special Bread on the Table--the meal Sandwich Bread made to order ady. -- "Jelly Rolls" oo ge oe eS 0 ts Se sn ge Enjoy the Co Qeoe0e0e0ece oe ee a ep ee ee ee ee AS ae es 0 0 0p 0 00 0%, eOPOPOPORT Fete teste tes' Per A. W. PHONE 215 - - * 90 9 0° 0 9000000 000 SPAS IAIS PPS PAPAP PAP LEAT A TA TR RR i Gerrow Bros. Bakery a TR RRR ARIAL RTE FARSI FARIS nas ea ao PATA SIPS RARN 0] B : Modern Plumbing Come in and inquire about our - Easy Payment Plan CAT -- United Plumbing & Heating, Phone 32 AAR ARFAFR EA FRR APTIIIRS TT -- --y 8 el peti -- -- 2 | work. Pb schools entirely, she has b1 or more # | schools in 8 | Manvers and Clarke in her care, and # [hopes that soon there will be more # | Public Health nurses available and the, i work can then be performed much, £ | more satisfactorily than now,under the i [short-handed staff. Miss Morlock # | stressed the point that a public health 8 |nurse does not take the place of a o doctor but supplements his work by 8 | going into the homes, getting informa; was guest speaker, and outlined her Although her work is not with Cartwright, Darlington, tion on the case, giving first aid when needed, and possibly persuading the 3 | patient to go to or call a doctor. Her dimension. : : Granulated Wool. Phone 240 w. 3 | work is definitely educative in health nvenience of GILMOUR, PORT PERRY DRI ARTN IRL FoF, 3, Fors JEMISON'S BAKERY I8 DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING Phone 93 w ART. JEMISON, Proprietor Sunbeam El TOASTERS Wiring SINGLE HOT PLATES Repairs SH SERe. Mee Shes SER Se ES Riel ie Swine 4 OW IN STOCK} Pressure Pumps, Large Capacity | 82 gal. Galvanized Tanks Electro Pails Fixtures, Tri-Lamps, Table Lamps ectric Razors IRONS Service ROBERTSON ELECTRIC Phone 179 w, fie, wales SNS Jeet OSE Cl BLACKSTOCK Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beacock (nee Adams) on the birth of their son at Port Perry Hos- pital, September 21st. A canvass for Port Perry Communty Hospital has been arranged for and canvassers attended a final meeting "at the home of Mrs. McKibbon on Fri- day evening and will call at your home shortly. This hospital is sponsored by Port Perry Village, Scugog, Reach and Cartwright Townships. It is now a public hospital, rates moderate, excel- lent nursing, special attention paid to diet, under government control, and money is needed for equipment and maintenance. Mrs. McKibbon, Reeve Green and Henry Thompson are on the board representing Cartwright, We have been glad to use Port Perry hospital in the past and are glad to help it now, that we have a share in it, and know that under Mra. Whitmore ities in the same satisfactory way that it has in the past. A shower was held in Community hall for Mr, and Mrs. Merle Henry, Port Perry -_ Ue Gance in the Orange Hall. tinuation School graduates, is now at- poses studying law. Grant! joy. There were 27 ladies present and the collection amounting to $4.00, was allocated to the Salvation Army Home Front Appeal Fund. The keynote of the meetihg was "Health" and the roll call, a 2 minute speech on "Health", varied and inter- esting points on the subject were brought out, Mrs. Hooey reported on her Girls' Garden Club work and achievement day held at Blackstock, August 23rd. Seventeen members in Cartwright and Darlington, ten finished and received awards for successful completion of all phases of the Garden.Club work Five of these were members of the Blackstock class--Eat for Health Club, with Beryl Larmer, Doris Hamilton and Jean McLean heading the list. with dancing and lunch following a Miss Morlock, Public Health nurse, Grant Ferguson, another of our Con- #8 |and preventive rather than curative. Alma Graham reported on the two day training class held in Mr. Sum- 5% mer's office, which she and Ruby Toms 3 |attended in preparation to help Mrs. # |S. Moore instruct the Home-making class on sleeping garments unit. It was decided that Mrs. P. Van- i Camp and Mrs. Dorrell attend the area 2 | convention, Nov. 11, 12 and 13 at the ¢8 | Royal York Hotel, Toronto. 5 gram was community singing with 2 | Alma Graham as pianist. The pro- Blackstock United Church anniver- £ gary services were well attended with £|Dr. R. P. Bowles preaching in the 2 | morning and special music by the choir ¢¢ land Vivian Saddler, soloist; and in tha 4 evening, Rev, J. E. Griffith, Bowman- $| ville, in charge and Osborne Quartette. $11t was the occasion of re-opening of $|the church after re-decoration, § | Sunday, Thanksgiving will be observed $| and every family is asked to contribute $|to Thanksgiving decorations, Next Sorry that Rev. Mr. McKibbon was : unable to take his charge in St. John's 88 | Anglican church, owing to illness. We 8 | hope he will feel better very soon. ------ TOO TO ATTEND ASSEMBLY Tannis Murray, of CBC's talks and public affairs department, who is to be present at the International Assembly of Women, in South Kortright, N.Y, October 12 to 22, The assembly is to be sponsored by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Before leaving for New York Mrs, Murray will launch the 4th annual series of "Citizen's Forum" broadcasts, of which she is director. The opening forum was on the air over CBC Trans-Canada network, Tuesday, j | October 8th at 8.30 p.m. LER VF I CHML FARM BUREAU The Farm Bureau visits every com- munity within the broadcast coverage of CHML's 5000 watts with staff en- gineers and the latest radio and port- able recording equipment. Township meetings, rural activities of all kinds come within the scope of the ever-ex- panding Farm Bureau of CHML., Art Robertson, the director, returns from these events with radio transcriptions of the important affairs, of talks by prominent authorities, and other items. Every morning, Wally Ford, on the splendid program. A shower wag held | "Farm Family Hour" from 7 to 7.46 in Purple Hill School for Mr, and Mrs, |entertaing his listéners in various ways Henry Wotton (nee McLean) wich a|--weather, crops reports, talks by farmers, ete. CHML Hamilton claims that today it gives the Ontario farmer more in- tending Toronto University and pur-|formation and more public service Best of luck, |than any other Ontario radio station. The Farm Bureau of CHML leads the Blackstock W.I. held Its October |Way to a greater service by the broad- meeting at the home of Mrs, N. Mount. | casting industry for Canada's rural radio audience, Investigate the new Canada Savings Bond. It is an investment you will be glad to purchase, fC ------ FIGURE SKATING The Ohsawa Skating Club opens for the season about October 20th, Will take more members both senior and junior, Skaters from Port Perry will be eligible for the out-of-town mem- bership which is half, or senior $7.50, junior $6.00. Bus service is good from Port Perry and a real opportunity is afforded in one of Canada's best clubs, For particulars write D. E. Steckley, 146 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa or phone 224, Oshawa, THREE CARLOADS of SPRUCE just arrived--Siding, Flooring, 2" Also Carload o GLIDDEN PAINTS --Interior Color Schemes worked out by Glidden artists. Just give Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited Attention, Home Owners! COMFORT is working in your distriet. If your home is cold in Winter, and hot in Summer, let us INSULATE IT WITH ROCK WOOL which is Fire Proof, and Moisture Proof We have ample supply; blown method; experienced LIMITED. Buy a share in Scouting and BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th fine Canadian Apple, with our thanks!! workmen. e Guarantee Our Work. ® gs We are working in Port Perry and District. "Let SEALTITE do it Right with Rock Wool®' For Free Estimates, Phone Whitby, 2160, or write Orval H. King. Box 329, Whitby, Ontario. Receive a Guard Against Causes of Fire! GENERAL @Q What are Canada Savings Bonds? A Canada Savings Bonds are the suc- cessor to Victory Bonds and War Sav- ings Certificates. They are your coun- try's Jromiss to return your money to you at any time and to pay you interest at an attractive rate. Q. Why. are Canada Savings Bonds ng offered? A Because during the war, millions of Canadians learned the savings habit by buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. A recent survey shows that 82% of them want to keep on saving by a similar plan. Is the Government gelling Canada avings Bonds just to raise money? A No. Borrowing needs of the Govern- ment can be met by other types of loans, The main purpose of the Canada Sav- ings Bond is to provide Canadians with a convenient way to continue this kind of saving and investment in peacetime. Q Is there any limit to the amount of 'anada Savings Bonds that one person may hold?? If so, why? A Yes. There is a limit of $2,000 for each individual, but each member of a family may hold bonds up to the limit. Q What is the price of Canada Savings onds? 100%. That is, a $100 bond costs 100, If payment is not completed on or ore November 16th, 1946, interest will be added to the purchase price. a In what denominations are Canada avings Bonds available? A $650, $100, $600 and $1,000. 8 out of 10 will buy again.... 5 Crd BAER uestions all nSWers CASHING OF BONDS Q Can Canada Savings Bonds regis- tered in the name of a ohild be cashed? A Yes. Banks are familiar with the . necessary regulations, : *Q Can Canada Savings Bonds be dis- posed of whon registered in the name of a deceased person? A Yes, any bank will supply the neces- sary information, Q Can I replace my Canada Savings Bonds, if they are lost, stolen 89 dosti y es, It is wise, however, to kee . Canada Savings Bonds in a safe ow 4 as you would any other valuable docu- ments, In case of 10ss you should imme- diately notify the Bank of Canada, Q Can I cash my bond at any time before November 1, 1956? A Yes, any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will cash your bond im- mediately at full face value, plus inter- est at 234%, upon your identification as the registered holder, Q Can Canada Savings Bonds be assigned or transferred? A They can be cashed, but not assigned or transferred. This is necessary to pre- vent any individual from acquiring more than the authorized limit. INTEREST COUPONS Q What interest is paid on Canada Ottawa, of the circumstances, Savings Bonds? 234 %--payable yearly on November HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO BUY 1st from 1947 to 1956, by coupon cash-' ; able without charge at any branch in Q i Lere can I~buy Canada Savings og pb registered? A At any hranith pf a bank or from ° df an authorized inv A No. They are payable to bearer. broker, trust or es) otk . through the payroll sa REGISTRATION PROTECTION _ is in operation at your place st smo Q Why is it necessary to register Can- j ) ment. ada Savings Bonds? Q How do I pay for Canada Savings A Registration gives protection in case onds? your bond is lost, stolen or destroyed, A In any of the following 8 ways: t is also the simplest way to ensure that 1. By payment in full at time of HH not hold more than the purchase, , imit. : 2. By monthly ins Q In whose name can Canada Savings through a bank, fast slmenis Bonds be registered? company, A They can be registered only in the 8. By regular deductions from name of one individual, adult or minor pera up to the amount of the authorized limit. by ' Payroll Blom cher a Canada Savings Bonds