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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Nov 1946, p. 3

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FE Pe Fala SEI l ¥ 8 EY per @ > ¥ . *a ii A h2 eet SVE Cam EAP i \ od > ¥ £ % ; HS . : da oat .. As SS Caro L101 SEY oe alte '% fey REL ae FAL ABA 55S ~ J Foi £2 78, : Fal Fas] PY a 5 3 ¥ FRE iat TH HAE SENS Carre, lath CR EAE wily i 3 'i, . bd 3 ' i . 4 $04 old : . =2223 4 5 S oS » SP ' say . . ~ ty § ia sah L ahh HS he dA pH Vr 2 AN i Nes 3 oh piel swat ctl Nie rbd deny * 5 v A EE ee a TIE I ARES SESS EE RSE ES ES SSS Sh ARES SSS SRR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED GENTS WANTED TO SELL OIL. urners, Idlectrical parts, Radios, ote. Economy Distributors, Kings- ton, Ont, BABY CHICKS THE BABY CHICK SEASON x8 Just around the corner, To be sure of the chicks you desire when you want them, we suggest that you place your order immediately, Prices guaranteed against a raise or ecline. Free catalogue. Top Notch *hickeries, Guelph, Ontario, Free Range Pullets 8000 FREE RANGE PULLETS, 4 & 6 months old. For delivery at once, or book for later, Raised under fdeal conditions, on clean, free range. All pullets treated for worms und shelters disinfected several times to prevent lice and mites Al- 60 1500, ready-to-lay pullets. Bend for Price Lists and Catalogue. Lake- view Poultry Farm, Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that is what all Ralnbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum, Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns, 100. Pullets | $24.00, ck Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Wits Rock per 100, ullets 5.00, eghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $25 0. Leghorn-Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. ted-Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00, YS - clal prices on cockerels Guarantee 00 percent live delivery to your station. $1.00 down, balance C.0.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- arfo. IT IS NOT TOO SOON TO PLACE Your order for your 1947 chicks, Don't be disappointed if you order now you will be sure of recelvin the breed of chicks you desire an at the time most suitable to you. Tweddle Chick prices are guaran- teed against a ralse or decline, Send tor catalogue and pricelist, Twed- dle Chick Hatcherles Limited, Fer- gus, Ontarlo, 13¢ SUSSEX X HAMPSHIRES 13%¢ BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices, Mixed Chicks 13c, Puls lets 23c, Cox Te. Leghorn X Hamp- shires Mixed 13c, Pullets 28c. All breeders pulloram tested under Gov- ernment approval, Order now to (n- sure delivery when required. Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 256, Il- mira, Ont, FOR SALW PHOTOGRAPHY ig Leib beg Bi gl Ll Ww XMAS CARDS FROM bod SILaALY JL000, hatching sa: SNAPS eI OR 25: Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Saied San tiRklves minke the Joost Fergus, Ontario. DIESEL ENGINE FOR SALE, 560 h.p., good condition; priced for quick sale. Harvey Langohr, R.R. 1, Delhi, Ont, FERRETS, BROWN MALES $2.00, Females $3.00, Send Money Order. Nii Express. W, J. Barr, Mitchell, nt GENUINE BROAD BREASTED Bronge Turkeys, Toms $20, Hens $12. Picked from flock of two thou- sand from pulloram free breeders, May hatched. John Jeffery, Appln, nt JAMESWAY 38.000 EGG INCUBATOR for sale. Front Road, Stop 61, R.R 8, Amherstburg. Philip Gimpel. 150 NEARLY NEW STANDARD, 10 framed single story colonies of bees with metal top; fed for winter. Stanley R. King, Barrle, Ont. NEW PARTS for UNIVERSAL BREN GUN CARRIERS Bogle wheels, sprockets, track and many others, LEVY AUTO PARTS 735 Queem West, Toronto, . 5 112 POWER SPRAY MOTOR 150 gallon tank capacity with tank fil- ler and 4-nozzle broom, Used only two months, Apply S. Matwey, 672 Bathurst Street, Toronto. Cards you oan get -- cards that friends treasure--and the cost fs small. Select your favorite nega- tives and send them to us, We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards with your pictures Printed on-- and envelopes for malling--all for, 9c. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars 25c.) DEPT, M, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Post Office A, Toronte (Print Name and Address Plainly) COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quick Mail Service, work guaran- teed, 26c per roll. Reprints 3c each, 5 x 7 coloured in folder mount, 75c, Box 6, Postal Station D. Toronto. ow) y STAMPS \ STAMP COLLECTORS, A FREE Get Acquainted package and detalls of Interesting Bonus System to ap- proval applicants, sending postage to cover cost of malling, Alexander Supply Co., P.O. Box 82 Sudbury, Ontario. SEND FOR A WORLDWIDE SE. lection of attractive approvals from penny up. Fraser, 940 Southgate, Victoria, B.C, TAXIDERMY ATPENTION DEER HUNTERS -- Have your trophy mounted by Can- ada's Leading Taxidermist., Finest workmanship at reasonable prices. We tan Deer Hides into Leather suitable for Gloves, Windbreakers, ete, Oliver Spanner & Co, Ltd, 26 A Elm St, Toronto. REGISTERED YORKSHIRES, [4] months and under, choice bacon type. Perry WinchJr, Keswlck, Ont. 18-33 ROCK SLAND. TRACTOR for sale. Box b7, Killaloe, Ont. TRAPPING MINK -« FOX - WOLF TRAPPERS, trap for bounty year round with best gland scent system money can buy. Particulars free, A E, Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta, TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guar. anteed to be In excellent shape), 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.0.D, B8peclal equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and York Sts, HAMILTON, Ontarlo. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN: EQUIPPED TIRE SHOI' PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 12 weeks to laylng. Prompt delivery. Fall hatched chicks booked to or- der. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Joll- ette, Que, says about our chicks: April 30, 1946=--"The 208 chlcks re- celved in splendid condition, not one dead and only one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks ever received and I have been andling chicks for over 40 years. Order now and get the best. Here are our prices, Barred Rock Mixed, 12.00; Tullets, $21.00; White Leg- orn, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24.0 5 White Rock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, 25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 14.00; Pullets, $25.00; Hybrids ock-Red Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, $21.00: Hybrid Leghorn-Rock Mix- od, $12.00; Pullets, $25.00. You also get free chicks, Goddard Chick Hat- chery, Britannia Heights, Ont, WE'VE A LIMITED NUMBER OF chicks for immediate shipment. Ask for pricelist. And order your January chicks--now. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. 2,000 CHOICE NEW HAMPSHIRE laying and ready to lay pullets for Jbisodints delivery, Also other reeds 12 weeks up to laying. Fill up your pens, Egg prices are good. Fall hatched chicks for November and December delivery, Free cata- logue. Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo, 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our choice), Barred Rock Pullets 21,95, White Rock® Pullets $25.96, Vhite Leghorn Pullets 24.95, Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; Red- Rock Hybrids, $21.95, Leghorn- Rock Hybrids, §15.05 All chicks sold are from _bloodtested stock, back by high pedigreed stock. $1.00 books you rorder, Balance C.0.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario , \ FOR TWO WAY PROFITS Get chicks bred for both ee and meat, Special discount on chick or- ders placed now, Write for free calendar and pricelist. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR Liet of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free, The Ramsay €% Registered Patent Attorneys, 27 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NERDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to an- swer your questions, Department '4 Parker's Dye Works Limited, 1 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontarlo. --- FOR SALE BLACK AND TAN, FOXHOUND 'pups; seven months, Parents out- standing. Males 25.00, Females Ld od Aiiaeon Luedke, Eden Grove, .. 2, nt, +BROODER STOVES NOW "IS THE TIME TO ORDER our "Superflame" OIl Burnin Broodor Stove, Our shipments o hese stoves will arrive on or about January 1st, 1047, Model" 662 has a 52" heavy galyan- {zed hover thermomstatic heat con- trol, automatic draft regulator and down draft cap. Maximum capaaity 1000 chieks--~Price $29.90. Kindly #ond. $5.00, deposit with: your order, 'Balance (C.0.D., Express Collect, your nearest station, BEAVER VALLEY CREAMERY Clarksburg, Ontarlo, Y PUBLIC AUCTION, SATURDAY, ovember 23rd, togather with Farm Btock and Implements: Farm Trae- tors--One 15-30 McCormack Deer- ing Tractor on: new rubber, A-l ondition, One Model. D> John Deer ractor on.steel, Grain Threshern; One 22,38 McCormack Deering son steeel, roller bearing, Iate model, .One«30-50- Woods, Brothers: on steel 'voller bearing, One 28-46 McCor- mack ) Deering on steel, thresher, Above machines In A-1 condition, Hasley Bros, Schomberg, Ont, 'FRED A, FURS FOXES AND FURS DRESSED AND made into neckpleces, collars and capes. ' Take advantage of this offer before rising prices take effect Jan. 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co. Ltd., 26A Elm Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THR Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Halrdressing Academy, 187 "Avenue Road, Toronto, HELP WANTED WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED farm hand, single, industrious, will- ing, no intolerable habits, Wages start at $60 per month, yearly con- tract, clean home, start November, oF 118, 78 Adelalde W., Toronto, nt. TWO GIRLS 25-35, ONE FOR GEN- eral housework and plain cooking, the other as housemaid, wages $76 per month, each, Mrs, E, T. Ste- phens, Richmond Hill, Ont. PERSONAL DOCTOR OF BIO-PSYCHOLOGY, Grapho-Analyst and Personal Coun- sellor wll ladvise you In your per- sonal, domestic, business and rell- lous problems Write your prob- om and enclose stamp for reply. Dr. L. B, Henn, Assinibola, Saskat- chewan, Canada, --_-- MEDICAL READ THIS--EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains of Neurltls should try: Dixon's Remedy, Mun- ro's Drug Store, 3835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpald $1.00, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin" troubles, Post's Eczema Salve wlll not disap. oint you. {tching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot. will respond readily to thls stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem, PRICE $1.00 PER JAR send Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St, E. Corner of Logan oronto, DIXON'S REMEDY--FOR NEURI- tis and Rheumatic Pains. Thou- sands satisfied, Munro's brug Store 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpal STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other . skin f{rrita- tions with Elik's. Ointment No, 6. Itch relieved promptly, skin healed qulekly or money refunded 1.00, Order today. from Elik's .Medlcine Co., Dept, 67, Saskatoon, Sask, "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BODDINGTON BUYS, sélls, exchanges musical (nstru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2, OPPORTUNITINS FOR ~ WOMRBN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING! BCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Haligressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands. succesaful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem, Tllustrated catalogue free. "Write or gall. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING HOOLS 868 'Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 King' 8t., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Btreet, Ottawa, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patont SoMaitors. "Established 1800; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of 'Information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS 'QUALITY AT' ITS BEST OUR YEAR! ROUND FAST SERV. ico and 'fine : quality work will please you, For satisfaction try Im. perial, 6 or 8 o osure filma, de- veigpet and poles om -Btatlon. 1, Toronto, ouen ducks and drakes also Mam- OULh White Dakin. Fred Fi. Gui- Ri QUALITY DEEP KRRLED ot, R. 2, Welland, Ont, Bay AT a A ag Suan yg Photo 5 1 walting, fervice, Nort « would 'result, WANTED TURN YOUR FEED, MASH, AND grain bags (whole or torn) Into cash, We pay freight rates and highest prices. Write today to the London Bag Company, London, On- tarlo. SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT 848 Scarborough Road, Toronto, Iighest prices, Write for quota- ons, WANTED TO BUY--SIAMESE CAT or kitten. Also Chthanhan pypPy or young dog. Apply Box 120, 73 Ade- lalde W Toronto. HATCHING EGGS WANTED FOR 1947 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge un- der Government supervision Guar- anteed premium plus hatchablility premium paid. For full details write Bos No. 95, 73 Adelaide WW. To- ronto. FLOOR SANDER EDGER, Must bo in good condition. State make, cycle and price. Also Iloce tric Floor Wax Pollsher. Write Nell Crits, 141 Rebecca St, Strat- ford, Ont. 'hone 1592, $40,000 Paid For Bull Calf AND Group of Ontario Farmers + Outbid U.S. Millionaires In an auction ring at Oakville, the other day, a five-months-old Holstein bull calf with the engag- ing name of Glenafton Killarney brought $40,000, a new record price for Canada, says The Ottawa Journal. Some may wonder how such. a small animal, unproven as a sire at that, could possibly be worth so much money. But the fact remains that amount was paid by a. group of Ontario farmers, who outbid several American mil- lionaires. . . In a way, this group of Water- loo district farmers, who had held several meetings before their de- cision was made, were showing their faith and gambling on the future of the purebred cattle busi- ness in Canada. They knew that many countries -are looking to Canada to supply high grade stock, and were gambling on the hope that this interest will continue. From the number of countries who have sent buying missions here this year, the numerous en- quiries being received and the number of sales: actually made in recent months, it would appear this faith in the future was Justified. * " As to why this Killarney bull had such value inthe minds of a group of breeders is a long story which had its start in the dream of a Canadian - businesstnan «who believed that by the most careful selectioniof breeding stock a super ior strain of milk-producing cows, which would be high in butterfat, The late T. B. Ma- cauley was president of the Sun Life at the time, but It is now certain that history will know him best as a breeder of cattle, « *« " His Mount Victoria Farm at Hudson Heights was sold and his herd dispersed at his death, but today the progeny of those animals are in, demand practically every- where, Mr. J. J. E. McCague, of Alliston, bought several, and the $40,000 bull is the son of two of the best. Fifteen offspring of Mr. McCague's Montvic Marksman sire have sold recently for a total of $119,050 and a British syndicate has purchased six for an average of $5,750. No strain of cattle in the world today Is more in de- mand than that originated at Mount Victoria. ISSUE 46-1046 'GOING--GOING--' Thousands of spectators at the Ford Airport, Dearborn, Mich., were thrilled recently when they watched the 225-foot dirigible mooring mast crash down, preliminary to dismantlement for scrap. The massive steel tower was severed from its base and pulled over by cables, wqund on winches of six 16-wheel tractor-trailer trucks. The mast, built in 1924 at a cost of $250,000, is pictured above, midway in its fall, SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS There was quite a commotion among the fans at Maple I.caf Gardens the other evening when a heartless referee awarded the Bos- ton Bruins a goal without the puck having entered the nets, on the grounds that Goal-tender Turk Broda had heaved his stick in the general driection of the elusive disc. Whether Mr, Broda did the heaving with intent, or whether his war-club just happened to slip, Is a matter between himself and his own conscience, or whatever it is that net-minders use for that com- modity; but it is probably just as well that the score had no real effect on the outcome of the game, or the mournful wail that Our Boys had been foully robbed would have been sounding through- out Toronto all the way from Hogg's Hollow to the waterfront. * * * Many of the bullring experts, some with a hockey experience covering all of five ycars, loudly maintained that there was no such rule in the book; while others claimed that, even if there was one, it was a highly nonsensical regu- lation, one that had no reason for existence, However, they were wrong on both counts, as experts, Loth amateurs and professional, oc- casionally are; for there is such a rule, and there was a mighty good reason for its adoption. * . * For there was a period in hockey history, as some of our more ma- ture readers will doubtless recall, when certain goal-tenders' accur- acy at heaving the hickory was one of their most potent weapons of defense. Some of them got to be ("A Six Bit Critic") oo - ° an outrage, many averred--far, far too drastic--and would cruelly penalize a lot of hard-working and oppressesd goalies for something they couldn't possibly help. And so on, far into the night! * * * However, the rule--in all its un- fairness -- was adopted. And, strangely enough, somchow or other the net-minders seemed able to grasp those war-clubs of theirs much more firmly and securely, Almost overnight stick-throwing on the part of goalies became a thing of the past--so much so that, the other night at Maple Leaf Gardens, probably not one-half of cne percent of the nineteen thou- sand present--players and speccta. tors included--even knew that such a regulation was in existence. * * * Big-time basketball appears to be oft to a good start in Toronto, al- though there are those who think that the scale of prices adopted, while possibly all right for such places as New York or Chicago, might be just a teeny miite on the steep side for a city where thers is so much hockey opposition. For while, on paper, an attendance of ten thousand, at a dollar a throw. might appear to be just as good Lusiness as twenty thousand at a half, shrewd sports promoters know that it doesn't work out that way in the long run. * + * However, the surprisingly big crowd at the first game got full value for its money--to say noth- ing of a real eye-opener both In the speed of the players, and the lightning swiftness with which the Grout Britain Almost Strikeless Only One Major Strike in U.K, Since Before World War 2 In view of the fact that the Trades Union Congress meeting in Brighton this week has passed a resolution that every worker should be required to join a union, it is interesting to note that Britain has had fewer strikes since the end of the war than any other country where men are free and not under the domination of the government as in Russia, comments The St. Thomas Times-Journal "Wildcat" Enterprises There has only been one major strike in the United Kingdom since before the last war, and that was a "wildcat" enterprise last year by thousands of longshoremen which only lasted about ten days. The year after the First World War, British industry lost 34,99¢,000 man-hours by strikes. From June 1015, a few weeks after the war against Germany ended, until the end of June this year, the loss was 2,981,000 hours. From January un- til the end of July this year the losses in the United States were 88,000,000 hours. ven allowing for the fact that the industrial population of Great Britain is only one-third that of the United States, the margin is heavily against the latter country. There was also undoubtedly far more loss actually as well as propor- tionately this year in Canada, with one-fourth the population of the United Kingdom, there having been 178 strikes in the first seven months of this year involving a loss of over 32,000,000 man-hours, which is the highest on record, Refusal To Strike An American observer seeking to find a cause for this, attributes it to a more reasonable spirit on the part of the trade union leaders ° and the men themselves. There is a sequence of cleven different steps for negotiation before a strike is officially declared. It 1s also largely a matter of temperament between British and American workmen, the former actually put- ting the welfare of the country and the convenience of the pub- lic before their own interests. A few weeks ago a strike of bakers was called in the city of Bristol, vet the men actually refused to strike because they felt it would be injurious to the community. A John L. Lewis or a Caesar Petrillo simply could not arise in the Brit- ish Isles. Reasonable Co-operation The union leaders definitely en- deavor to co-operate in a reason- able manner with their employers. All large firms have joint boards of management and labor within the factory which meet periodically to discuss mutual problems. The fact that 100 per cent membership is aimed at is not a sinister move- ment under such co-operation con- ditions. In fact, employers wel- come all-union employees because there can be no union and non- union differences. Benefit to Industry This situation is of immense benefit to British industry, because managements have a reasonable as- surance that there will be no strikes, therefore, they can make contracts without fear that they will have to raise prices before the contracts are carried out. A 40-hour week is the ultimate objective of the unions, according to a decision at Brighton. That objective was considered some time ago when it was agreed that for the present a 45-hour week should be the standard, working toward 40 hours by easy stages. No Repeater The strike of 50,000 Western farmers, which lasted for thirty days, has caused a lot of heart- searching. They are now trying to add up the cost. Apparently they are finding that it is plenty, foe they struck against the sale of theie own products. It is not likely that a strike of similar kind will take place for a long time again. -- . THEY'LL ALL HURRY HOME if you serve Maxe well House. This extra. delicious coffee is bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world, OUCH! MY HEAD | Vou con quickly relieve the pains of nevralgla, bad days, la grippe, elec, with MATHIEU'S TA HEADACHE «msi io TABLETS 50 TABLETS 50: BRINGS | ST REUEF, a mane ? m 1s 127307 258 orudsiones Good Way to Treat Sore, Itching Piles If you suffer agonizing torture from sore, painful, itching piles, here is a chance to try a simple, home treatment with the of a reliable firm to refund the cost if you are not satisfied with the results. Simply gt a bottle of Hem-Rold from any dru gist. This is an internal treatment whose medication is directed to the removal of the cause of piles. Hem-Roid is a small tablet, casy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quickly shown. Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued the swelling and inflammation are reduced and the sore, painful pile tumors heal over, leaving the rectal membranes cleam and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem- oid toda and 860 for yourself what an eas ploasans way this is to rid yourself of pile mer A NOTE: The sponsor of this notice sare lable firm, doing business in Canada for over 20 years. If you are troubled with sore, ltelse ing, painful piles, Hem-Rold must hel yon quickly or the amall purchase price will be gladly refunded. real artists at it, and could pick a ball passed from hand to hand and -- puck off an opposition shooter's the score mounted. Some of those stick--or intercept {t in the mid-, big fellows are amazingly speedy dle of a pass--with all the deadly afoot--in fact we overheard one accuracy of a champion darts- chap near us remark that the claim shooter in an English Pub. Ani of hockey to be "the world's fast- the annoyance "of the shooter, est sport" took in a lot too much when the rubber had been removed territory. from his possession in such a man- * * * rer, was always beautiful to see, To those brought up on a diet of and often led to a highly enjoyable hockey and lacrosse, to say noth- brawl between him and the net- ing of prize-fighting, the almost minder. complete lack of physical contact u * : in basketball is most noticcable-- Of course the latter always indeed, to some of us lower-hrows, stoutly maintained, with a manly Las the appearance of a whole lot candor and innocence that was of valuable raw material going to hard to doubt, that it had been the waste. "A couple of million dol- sheerest of accidents--that the lars wort' of heavyweight fighters stick had merely slipped from his cut dere, and not a single punch sweaty grasp, and nothing but a trowed" was the way one ring- freak of chance had guided it in sider put it to us at the half-time the direction of the puck. And interval, However, even without when it was first proposed to body-checking, boarding, or any frame a rule whereby, in case of "punches t'rowed," the sport of such a happening, a goal would basketball, as played in the upper be automatically awarded against brackets, is a thriller well worth the sharp-shooting goal-tender, an evening of any fan's time--and loud and slong were the protests may be here to stay in a really big which arose on every side. It was manner, MUTT AND JEFF-- Who Pulled That 01d Wheeze About The Power of Mind Over Matter? By BUD FISHER THEY 6AY WERE GOING ed TO HAVE AN EARLY IM CRA FROST THIS YEAR/ ABOUT I GUESS THE COLD WEATHER 1CE SKATING! IT'S NOT HARD WILL BE ON US BEFORE WE KNow (T! i Sp Ee 4 en rsp <a a, Pr a Le Sy, Tan: ol ard CEN

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