CLASSIFIED ADVER TISING AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE PERSONAL WANTED, RELIABLE AGENT TO sell baby chicks for honest and re- liable hatchery. Royal Farm and Hatchery, 8t Jacobs, Ont. BABY CHICKS PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 14 weeks up to laying at reasonable rices. Fill up your pens and cash non the good egg prices. Fall hatched chicks for iminediate de- livery. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Quntario. WANT JANUARY CHICKS? THEN we advise you order them without delay One of the big months for de- liveries ,advance orders are heavy, Some plilexy for immediate delly- f ray atchery, 1 Hamilton, Ont, 30" John "N. BUCCESSFUL POULTRY RAISERS depend on Top Notch chicks year fter year, Proved dependability has uilt and sustained our sid Mansy Ve at Top Notch Chickeries know that our future prosperity depends n the records of our chicks in the ands of Top Notch customers, We supply only approved chicks of opular breeds and cross-breds, all rom preselected pullorum tested receding stock of highest quality, Ve cull all weaklings and ship only uniformly live, healthy chicks to all' Top Notch customers, Get an early start for a profitable year by order- Ing your 1947 Top Notch chicks now for delivery when you say, Send to-day for free copy of the Top Notch catalogue. Also pullets all ages for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that Is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this aid and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets $24.00. Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00, White Rock Mixed $15.00 per 100. Pullets 25.00. Brown Leghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $26.00, Leghorn-Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets £25.00. Red-Rock Hybrld $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to your station. $1.00 down, balance C.0.D. Raiahow Hatchery, Chatham, On- ario. 1600 NEW HAMPSHIRE LAYING and ready to lay choice pullets for immediate delivery. Also other breeds 14 weeks up to laying. Fill up your pens, egg prices are good and will remain good for several years, I'ree catalogue. Also Fall hatched chicks for immediate dellv- ery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario, 13c¢c SUSSEX X HAMUISHIRES 13c BOOK YJUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices. Mixed Chicks 13¢, Pul- lets 23c. Cox Te. Leghorn X Hamp- shires Mixed 13c, Pullets 28c. All breeders pulloram tested under Gov- ernment approval. Order now to in- sure delivery when required. Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 256, El- mira, Oot IT WILL PAY YOU TO ORDER your 1947 Tweddle chicks now, Get the kind of birds you want on the date you want them. If prices advance you will receive your chicks at the old price. If prices drop you benefit from the drop. You have everything to gain by orderin now. And you get full benefit o Tweddle's 23 years of experience when you get Tweddle chicks. They come from Pullorum tested breeders of proved livability and high pro- duction records. Choose from all popular breeds or some excellent cross-breds, sexed or straight run, 100 percent live delivery guaran- teed. Send for 1947 early booking pricelist and catalogue, Also laying and ready to lay pullets for imme= diate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo, BABY CHICK BUYERS BY ORDERING YOUR 1047 BABY Chicks now, you guarantee yourself delivery date and also obtain an early order discount. We offer you chicks from breeders government banded and pullorum tested. Write for 1947 price list and catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontario. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Joli. ette, Que., says about our chicka: April 30, 1946--"The 208 chicks re- ceived in splendld condition, not one dead nnd only one dled since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and 1 have been handling chicks for over 40 years, Order now and get the best. Here are our prices Barred Rock Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $21.00; Wilite Lege horn, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24.00; White Rock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, $25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 14.00; Pullets, $25.00; Hybrids ock-Red Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $21.00; Hybrid Leghorn-Rock Mix- od, $12.00; Pullets, $25.00. You also get free chicks, Goddard Chick Hat- chery. Britannia Heights, Ont. HOLLYWOOD LEGHORNS wWwonLp RECORD LONG LIVED layers of big eggs. Save time with these big husky, better bred Leg- horns. sexed or as hatched, Write for price list and free calendar. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our cholce). Barred Rock Pullets 21.95 White Rock Pullets $25.96. Vhite Leghorn + [ullets 24.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; Red- Rock Hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn- Rock Hybrids, $25.95. All chicks sold are from bloodtested stock back by high pedigreed stock. $1.00 books you rorder Balance C.0.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario OFFER TO INVENTORS BROODER STOVES NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER your "Supertlame" Oil Burnl Brooder EBlove. Our shipments o these stoves will arrive on or about January lst, 1947 Model 652 has a 62" heavy galvan- lzed hover thermomstatic heat con- trol, automatic draft regulator and down draft cap. Maximum capacity 1000 chicks--Price $29.90. indly send $5.00 fencsit with your order, Balance C.O0.D. Express Collect, your nearest station, BEAVER VALLEY CREAMERY Clarksburg, Ontario. CHOICE QUALITY DEEP KEELED Rouen ducks and drakes also Mam- mouth White Pekin. Fred H Gul. let, R 2, Welland, Ont. ' CHRISTMAS HOLLY LARGE BOX, $1.10; DOUBLE BOX 306 Postpaid, Kuyper's, Hatzle, DOCTOR OF BIOLPSYCHOLOQGY, Grapho-Analyst and Personal Coun« sellor wil ladvise you In your per- sonal, domestic, business and rell- fous problems Write your prob- em and enclose stamp for reply. Dr. fl. B Henn, Assinibola, S8askat- thewan, Canada. GELIJAN COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free, Me- giddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y, FREE OPPORTUNITIES BY MAIL We put your name on malling lists of anadian and American firms with new Ideas, Under no ablighs tion, just send name, address, FBI, Box 97, Station G, Montreal, MACHINERY MACHINES WANTED, SLOTTHD Joint Sash Machines, Elbow Disk Sander, Sash Rellsher, Chain Mor- tiser. Box 111, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIES BY the famous Imported sire "Rhydian Roger." Price from $76 up. Wired orders receive preference. . B. a ariton, 37 Port 8t, Brantford, nt, CABINET AND GENERAL WOOD. working Plan 25 x 85 for sale coms plete with stock, individual electric motors, machinery and orders. Very low overhead, good locality, By in- ventory or in block $17,000.00, Also 8 room house partly remodelled with 2 bathrooms, $5300.00 in the residential part of town. Call or write owner M. B. Le Pellee, 35 On- farje St. or 123 Spring St, Trenton, n FLOWER BULBS FOR INDOOR growing. Gladiolus, 6 for $1.10; Dutch Hyacinths, 4 for $1.10; Ro- man Hyacinths, 8 for $1.10; Paper White Narcisses, 10 for $1.10; Snow- drops, 24 for $1.10; Crocus, 24 for $1.10. Growing instructions enclos- ed. Large bulbs, postpaid, Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzle, B.C, FOR SASKATCHEWAN HOTELS, I'arms, Ranches, Stores and busl- nesses of all kinds, write C. R. Gingrich Kjellander, Real Estate, Regina, Sask. MEDICAL A TRIAL--EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Dros Sere 3356 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpal BEESLEY'S nBITTERS, HERBAL Tonle, removes the cause of varl- cose, ulcers, neuritis and nervous- ness, Mrs, T. Van Camp, manufac- turer, 398 Eglinton Avenue E., To- ronto 12, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap. point you. 'tching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR jend Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan Toronto. FOR SALE--140 LEGHORN X ROCK Pullets and 150 R.ILR. X Sussex, started laying, reasonable. Milton Poultry Farm, Box 421, Milton Ont, HOSPITAL Maternity and Medical 30 bed Gov- ernment Licensed fully equipped, near No. 3 and 24 Highways. Could be operated by two nurses, good turnover. Owner leaving Canada, 7 miles to nearest hospital. For full information apply Box 828, Delhi, nt HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Paln Remedy? It gives good results, Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid $1.00. STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other skin irrita- tions with Elik's Ointment No. Bb. [tch relieved promptly, skin healed quickly or money refunded, $1.00. Order today from LElik's Medicine Co., Dept. 57, Saskatoon, Sask, IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS--DABY Budgies (talking strain) cabalts, greens, lime-greens, torquois, sky blues, also alpinos, Famous Melody canaries (selected singers), forelgn finches, Gold and tropical fish, heat- ers and thermostats, air pumps, white mice and rats, guinea plgs, angora rabbits, Mall orders glven prompt attention. Melody Bird & Pet Co.,, 809 Dundas St. London, nt NOW IN CANADA, POPULARLY advertised LEKTROLITE - cigarette lighters. Flameless, wickless, wind- proof, flintless, Works like car lighter, Guaranteed unconditional- ly. $1.95 F.B.I. PO Box 97, Stn. G, Montreal, . NEPTUNE OUTBOARD MOTORS and authorized Parts Service; ship anywhere. Neptune Outboard Mo- tors overhauled; workmanship guaranteed. Scope Sales Co, Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2, OPPORTUNITIES Foil WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn * Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. [Illustrated catalogue free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS REGISTEIPED YORKSHIRES, [] months and under, choice bacon type. Perry Winch, Jr, Keswick, Ont. STAINLESS WATCH DRACELET, $25.00 value for $1.00. Men's adjust- able stainless steel lightwelght bracelets, Ideal for Xmas gifts, Price $100 postpald. Refund guar- anteed. Life Long Bracelet IK. 834 Windermere, Toronto. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guar. anteed to be In excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.0.D, B8pecial equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and York Sts, HAMILTON, Ontario, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP WIGGLE FISH & MAGNETIC PUPS, ideal Xmas Gifts, "Wiggle Fish swims madly about lashing his brilliant colored. body Illke the fightingest Bass ever, self winding, no springs to break. Everyone from baby to grandpa loves him. price 50c, Hotsy & Totsy the Merry Magnetic Pups, Dogggone fun for Old and Young. You can make em dance, jump, whirl and wriggle. People go wild about them. Price 50c Also Jitterbug 60c. Roy Sales Co., Box 1081 WW. Winnipeg, Man. FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Bollcitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAR ROUND FAST SERV- Ice and fine quality work will please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial, 6 or 8 exposure films, de- veloped and printed, 80c IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto. TURN YOUR "SNAPS" INTO MON- ey. b0c to $10.00 paid, Particulars, Prudential Press, Toronto 1. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll--0 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 23¢ 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 20¢ Blze 4 x 6" In Easel mounts. Hand Colored and Framed Enlargemente at special prices, Prints from your negatives 3c each. DEPT, M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, ost Office A, Toronto. Print Name and Addresa Plainly. FARMS FOR SALE 1635 ACRES, ALL WORKABLE, Highway 33, 14 miles west of Kingston, Frame house, barn 100 ft. long, henhouse, ete. Close to vil- lage, school. Condensary factory, bread trucks, telephone, bus serv- ice. Roads open all year, 2 wells, water stock in Bay of Quinte, plow- ing done, Price $6,000. F. Metcalfe, Collins Bay, Ont, FU FOXES AND FURS DRESSED AND made Into neckpleces, collars and capes. Take advantage of this offer before rising.prices take effect Jan. 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd. 26A Elm Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Infotinatlion on request regarding classes. Robert. son's Halrdressing Acadqgmy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, AN OFFER TO EVERY INV CNTOR List of inventions and full infor. mation sent free. The Ramsay 533 Registered Patent Attorneys, Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad. to an. swer - your questions. Department H. Parker's yo Works Limited 701 Yonxe Street. Toronto. Ontario. FOR SALE UE FURNITURE & CURIOS, ANTS ailver, musical clocks, oll paintings & manugeripts, price rea- sonable for entire collection, Box 271, Thorold, Ont. ALL, COTTON Quint PATCHES, striking designs in washable cot ton prints, Bright rainbow colors, Refund guaranteed, The Home Mail Order House Reg'd, 5629 Bt, Urbain St, Montreal. 10X RED DBERRIED CHRIST. piu Daly $1.25 delivered. Xmas Gift House Bulb assortments from $1.50, Three good bulbs introduc- tory offer, 10c, Golden West Seeds, Box 267, New Westminster, B.C, HELP WANTED CHILDREN'S NURSE FOR TWO small children Preferably experi- enced, but willing to train Intelli- gent girl, live in, Best wages, Mrs, Ctean, 161 Forest HII Road, To- ronto. WANTED -- BHICKLAYERS FOR large battery of Wilputt Ovens. No lost time, work Inside heated building, long job. Hxperlence in fire. brick work not necessary. Phone 61112 Hamilton or write to Box. 210, Hamilton, Coke Oven ' Company of Canada Limited, ¢/o of , Steel Co. of Can. Ltd, Hamilton Works, Hamllton, Ont, NURSE MAID REQUIRED TO LOOK after eight months old child, experi- ence not necessary but character references essential, Telephone or write, Mra, George Cralg, 5 Powell Avs. Rosedals, Toronto, Telephone Mldway 0712, WANTED «= MAID FOR HOUSE- worl, or cooking, Modern home, good wages, small family, State age, experience and references. brs. mR. Hilbern, Preston, Ont. one 630, HOUSEKEEPER, MIDDLE « AGED, working man's home, country town; 1 child; full charge. Richard Haahr, COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quick Mail Bervice, work guaran. teed, 26c per roll. Reprints 3c each. 6 » 7 coloured In folder mount, 7bc. Box 6, Postal Station D. Toronto, TAXIDERMY ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS ~-- Have your trophy mounted by Can- ada's Leading Taxidermlist. Finest workmanship at reasonable prices. We tan Deer Hides Into Leather suitable for Gloves, Windbreakers, ete, Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd. 26 A Elm 8t., Toronto. TRAPPING MINK - FOX - WOLF TRAPPERS, trap for bounty year round with best gland scent system money can buy. Particulars free, A E. Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta WANTED WANTED TO BUY OLID BARNS and barn frames, large sizes pre- ferred. Write or phone Bogdon & Gross Furniture Co. Ltd, Walker- ton, Ont, FARM TRACTOR WANTED, ALSO 6 foot Tiller, Box 381, Oshawa, Ont, ATTENTION: HIGHEST PRICES pald for feathers, feather ticks, al- 80 sewing machines, any condition. Write King Feather Company, 661 Crawford 8t, Toronto, Ont, TURN YOUR FEED, MASH, AND grain bags (whole or torn) Into cash, We pay freight rates and highest prices, Write today to the roldon ag Company, London, On- arlo. SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT 248 Scarborough Road, Toronto, Highest prices, Write for quota- ons, LOGS: BASSWOOD, ELM, BIRCH ahd Maple, also Basswood, Poplar, Pine and White Birch Bolts, ood further articulars write to The Oakville Basket Co. Limited, Oakville, Ontario. ISSUE 49-1946 A TWA Hostess Mary McCorkle, of Kansas City, Kans., whistles-- but loud--as E. W. Williams, local packing house owner, tells her that the glass-protected steak he's handing her is worth $3437.50. It was cut from Grand Champion Steer T. O. Pride, which recently sold at auction for $43,026. Steak sells for $ 1250 a pound and this one weighs 234 pounds. It was flown to Pittsburgh to be given as a prize on a radio show. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six After watching him in action many times, and especially follow- ing his recent performances against Montreal Alouettes and Toronto Balmy Beaches, we are now pre- pared to go out on a limb and state --with a regretful bow to some of our gridiron heroes of the past-- that Joe Krol of the Argonauts is the greatest all-round footballist we have ever had the pain and pleasure of watching. (The "pain" part of it is because we happened to fancy Beaches.) * * * We are not arguing that there mightn't have been specialists who could do one single thing better than Mr. Krol. We could name kickers who could out-punt him both for distance and for accuracy --broken-field runners who were harder to bring down--and so on. But when it comes to doing cvery- thing a football player can con- ceivably be called on to do, and doing them in first-class style, he rates as tops in our book. " » » We might say that, as this Is being written, the Dominion final between Argonauts and Winnipeg has yet to be played; and it is just possible that those westerners will be able to put the smothér on Mr. Krol to such an extent that we shall feel like cating the above words. But somekow or other we don't think so; and win, lose, or draw Krol rates as a standout with us, having the faculty--which is one which only really great ath- letes possess -- of rising to his greatest heights when the going is toughest and the pinches are tightest. « * Speaking of the Winnipeg Blue " Bombgrs, their coach--an Ameri- can--makes the suggestion that there is still another feature of football as played south of the border which our Canadian game might very well adopt. This is the "fair catch" rule, for the protection of backs while catching punts. * . . We heartily agree with this suggestion, while at the same time pointing out to the worthy Winni- peg coach that, by adopting such a regulation, we would not be borrowing something from the United States version, but merely bringing back to life something which we had in our code years ago. Ior there was a time when our backs, by making a mark in the ground with a heel, and, at the same time yelling "Yards" to on- coming linemen got similar pro- tection, * * * Under the United States rule a punt-receiver signals, with uprais- ed hand, for a "Fair Catch." When he does so, he cannot be tackled after catching the pigskin; but,' on Bit Critic") the other hand, he cannot run with or otherwise advance the ball. If he wants to take a chance and run with it, he simply doesn't signal. . . . Such a rule would, we think, cut down enormously the number of injuries which are such a regret- table feature of our football each autumn. A player who has just caught .a twisty spiral or end-over- end hoist is usually wide-open and in no position to protect himself; and we have all seen, far too often, such a player hit by two or three tacklers simultaneously--and then carried off the field, more or less ceriously hurt, . * * So by all means let us borrow, or revive, such a rule. What is more, let us encourage our players to take fullest advantage of it. If we are not more than usually mis- taken, it fell into disuse here in Canada largely because some of the backs got the mistaken notion that there was something a trifle cowardly in signalling for yards, or a fair catch. If we could drum it into their heads that it's simply smart, heads-up football, hospital bills would quickly become a far less painful item on the expense- sheets of our football clubs each season. IN * * * If you are one of the many who suffer agony at the sight of the Toronto Maple Leafs losing a game--especially a game they were fully expected to win--we have a suggestion that may bring salve for. your wounds, balm for your in- jured feelings. They say that misery loves company; so, next time such a thing happens, Instead of at once heading for the bright lights take a stroll around the "bullring", sometimes called Gamblers Alley, and watch the professional and seml!-profes- sional odds-layers paying off. * * * In case your education has been so neglected that you do not know these gentry, you can spot them at once by the expression of unutter- able wisdom they habitually wear. Nobody in the world could possi- bly be so wise--so deep In the secret things that are hidden from us ordinary mortals--than they try to give the impression of being. And when they are hooked--when they have given odds on the ILcafs, and the Leafs have failed to come through--then, as we said before, just looking at them settling their wagers is Balm of Gilead indeed. 1f 'Television ever becomes popu- lar, a close-up of some of the scenes in the bullring would be a positive knockout, Between 1910 and 1940, indus- trial production in the United States almost doubled. SSSR | Air Accidents Reckoned Per Passenger Mile Toll of Accidents Not Great Compared With Other Modes of Travel When you see a man calmly reading a mewspaper in an airline waiting room and you see the headline of his paper shouting "11 Die In Air Crash", it makes you stop and think, comments The Financial Post. The violence of atr-crash death makes big news, and it comes to the headlines from all over the world, from California and New- foundland and the Azores. Big names travel by air and big names ave killed and add weight to head- lines. But people still read calmly of such accidents as they wait for their own flight confirmations. Arline traffic in Canada hit an all- time high in June of this year, the last month for which statistics are complete. Passenger-miles flown across the country that month clin bed to 17,858,100, LJ * » Perhaps that term "passenger miles" is the clue. Air crashes make bigger news because they kill + dozen or two at a time; but the single and double deaths by auto- mobile, bus, motorcycle, bicycle, boats large and small, trains and just plain walking add up too. Per passenger-mile, the airlines might not reckon so badly beside other travel ways. People taking to the skyway on responsible airlines know they are about as safe crossing a continent by air as crossing a busy street on foot. They know that manufac- turers of aircraft, government agencies charged with licensing commercial planes, and operators do their superlative best to keep 'em flying--safely. " w ® Recently Tord Knollys, chair- man of British Overseas Airways Corp. outlined the training, main- tenance and experience required of BOAC personnel to show "how a properly organized airline can re- duce to a minimum those causes of accidents which lie within its sphere". On Tord Knollys" testi- mony, virtually everything except what the insurance companies write off as "acts of GoGd"" is an- ticipated and warded off. No Challengers For Queens of Sea The head of the Cunard White Star Line, disclosing plans for the construction of five new trans-At- lantic liners, makes it clear that none of them will approach the Quecens--the Mary and Elizabeth --in mammoth size. Indeed, he points out that those two vessels, with the auxiliary assistance from the smaller craft, will be able to handle the postwar volume of traf- fic over the ocean for some time to come. Neither the Mary nor the Elizabeth will have any chal- lengers until many a year of ser- vice has passed. Canada Produces Best Quality Wheat Most of the world's wheat pro- duction is consumed near where & is grown, so that only about ome- tenth or 650 million bushels moves, overseas into what is called inter national trade. The greates' wheat producing country Is China which grows about one billion one hum dred million bushels a year. Rus- sia comes rfecond, with an aver. age of one billion bushels a year, The United States is third, with an average around 900 milliom bushels a year, and Canada fs usually fourth, with more than 400 million on the average. While Canada is but the fourth largest wheat producer in the world, she holds a distiguished place. She is 'he largest exporter of wheat and produces the highest quality wheat. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL, 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO., LTD. 147 Front St. W. - Toronto 'WE BUY & SELL' AE ST RC RC SR I You Will Finley Staying At The St. Regis Hotel rononto @ Every Itoom With ath Shower und 'l'elephone @ Single, $150 up-- Double, £3.50 up ® Good I'ood Dining and Danc- Ing Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel MA. 4135 ROOMS BDEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS orp. -- C.N.IR. STATION spl NEW LOW PRICES 12 tablets. .......18¢ 24 tablets. ...... .29¢ 100 tablets, ....79%¢ GENUINE ASPIRIN 5%) MARKED THIS WAY By -- cL." nd =U ht ht te rh re MAKES MUTT AND JEFF-- COME TO THINK OF IT THAT'S ALL ANYBODY CAN DO [N10] THATS RADIO! | OH! SURE! [ R-A-T-1-O. HERE "TiS! I I SAID RATIO! ( Just A {'T 'AEANS PROPORTION! R-A-T*1=0 | SECOND, 6) DO YoU KNOW ) mutT! TLL ofl H ' BE RIGHT 7 k 0 7 nce A (yt B77 Now, WHAT [ T ASKED You, ) WERE YoU "WHAT 1S RATI07] ENE a \ / 0 [J Nf . (57 7 ' A 4 =I wa Na 2: A PIT pete) a 1 Pw oo hn